Re: [Talk-br] Mesorregiões e Microrregiões do Brasil

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Lucas Marques
Parabéns Blademir, ótimo trabalho!

-Mensagem Original-
De: Blademir Andrade de Lima
Enviada em: ‎20/‎05/‎2015 18:58
Assunto: [Talk-br] Mesorregiões e Microrregiões do Brasil

Boa noite amigos!

Conclui a adição de todas as Meso e Microrregiões do Brasil (admin_level:5 e 7).

A Região sudeste ja existia em grande parte, sendo só necessário alguns locais.

O Distrito Federal é o único a não possuir nenhum deles.

Durante o projeto corrigi algumas regiões litorâneas para que as ilhas fossem 
corretamente marcadas.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Suspicion of site using OSM data without proper credits?

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman

On 5/23/2015 1:25 PM, Anders Anker-Rasch wrote:


Who do I contact regarding investigations about a site potentially 
using OSM data without proper credits?

Best regards,


If you don't want to contact them yourself, you can forward the 
information to

Please include an example area which consists of non-imported data.

If possible, it would be good to know

- If it is CC BY-SA or ODbL data
- If they are using a commercial provider for their maps
- Any contact information
- Anything else you found out

legal-talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Strade con name=alt_name

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Forsi
Vi segnalo che ci sono alcune way (poche in realtà) che hanno il name
esattamente identico all'alt_name, magari il mappatore voleva
veramente inserire due nomi diversi ma si è sbagliato oppure ha
pensato che il name fosse sbagliato e non si è accorto dell'alt_name,
però sono troppi da contattare per me solo, se volete controllare se
c'è ne è qualcuna nella vostra zona qui trovate l'elenco:

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Squelettisation

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Frédéric Rodrigo
Ça a été testé et écarté pour la voirie. Mais pas testé pour les cours 
d'eau. Je suis cependant septique.

À noter que Carthage est disponible :

Le 23/05/2015 20:02, Jérôme Amagat a écrit :

Une idée comme çà (qui a peut être été déjà réfléchi et écarté) :
(sachant que je suis incapable de faire quoi que se soit si c'est
possible et une bonne idée)

Il était possible a un moment d’intégrer les rivières obtenu grâce au
cadastre, ce n'est plus possible car c’était mal fait par les
contributeur. C'était l'ajout de polygone représentant les riverbank
des rivières et autres rus. Si l'on pouvait transformé ces polygones en
ligne représentant la rivière comme fait là : (je sais pas si
c'est possible dans notre cas et si les résultat seront rapide à obtenir
et de bonne qualité)
l'integration serait plus utile et moins problématique (il resterait
quand même du travail pour la personne qui l’intègre à osm à cause de la
continuité au niveau des ponts par exemple).

la même chose pourrait être fait pour les routes : avec le travail fait
pour sortir les adresses du cadastre, on doit pouvoir obtenir un
polygone pour le réseau routier de la commune. Avec si l'on peut le
squelettiser, on obtient presque toutes les routes et chemins d'une
commune reste plus qu'a intégrer ça.

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] (senza oggetto)

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden
scusate ma i dati wikipedia come si inseriscono

così tipo   chiave  wikipedia  valore   it:Chiesa di Sant'Anastasia 

o così tipochiave wikipediavalore   
http://it.wikipedia.or=g/wiki/Arche_scaligere  con tutto collegamento internet

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Max Berger
Am Samstag, den 23.05.2015, 13:04 +0200 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann:
 On 23.05.2015 12:27, Michael Maier wrote:
  und das Tiles@Home Projekt eingeschlafen war.
 Das war nicht eingeschlafen, das hat bis zuletzt bestens funktioniert, und
 ich hab nie einen Aufruf gesehen, dass mehr Leute gebraucht werden sich zu

Es gab auf diversen Listen die Ankündigung [1], dass die ETH Zürich
keine Lust mehr hat, Server und Datenverkehr zu betreiben. Da hätte sich
jemand melden können, der einen Nachfolger betreiben und betreuen

Wirklich gut funktioniert hat es zum Schluss allerdings nicht mehr. Das
Problem war nicht die Anzahl, sondern die Leistung der Renderer. Unsere
Innenstädte lagen ziemlich lange in der Warteschlange, bis sich ein
kräftiger Client fand, der sie rendern konnte. Entweder wurden sie
aufgrund zu grosser Komplexität gar nicht erst angenommen oder der
Client lief in Speicher- und Zeitlimits und gab den Job zurück.

Grüße, Max


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] problemi su mappatura

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
Perché non gli scrivi in inglese?
E un esempio sarebbe utile.
Al limite dammi il tuo testo e ti faccio da tramite


2015-05-23 21:22 GMT+02:00

  Ciao a tutti; in settimana ho fatto un giro diverso dal solito e sulla
 mappa ho trovato parecchie tracce di sentieri che nascono dal nulla e nel
 nulla finiscono.
 Mi sembra siano stati tracciati pezzi di sentiero che spuntano dal bosco
 sulle ortofoto.
 Keepright me li segnala come errore e in effetti non mi sembrano utili e
 nello stesso tempo sul navigatore da bici fanno parecchia confusione.
 Ho mandato una mail al mappatore per chiedere spiegazioni,purtroppo è
 tedesco e non capisce l'italiano per cui chiedo aiuto a Voi,se va bene
 mappare così
 mi adeguo,altrimenti se qualcuno potesse parlarci gli sarei grato,perchè
 non mi piace toccare il lavoro di altri senza avvertire.
 La zona mappata è sopra Bagni di Lucca,intorno al monte Battifolle. Grazie.

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] (senza oggetto)

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Stefano
Il giorno 23 maggio 2015 20:19,
ha scritto:

 scusate ma i dati wikipedia come si inseriscono

 così tipo   chiave  wikipedia  valore   it:Chiesa di
 Sant'Anastasia (Verona)

 o così tipochiave wikipediavalore   
 con tutto collegamento internet

Tra le due meglio la prima versione.
Addirittura nel caso di oggetti 'famosi' sarebbe utile metterlo come
wikipedia:it=Arche_scaligere così dai la possibilità anche agli stranieri
di inserire il proprio tag.
Oppure (meglio da certi punti di vista) puoi inserire il corrispettivo
Wikidata, così non si pensa più all'internazionalizzazione



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Suspicion of site using OSM data without proper credits?

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Anders Anker-Rasch


Who do I contact regarding investigations about a site potentially
using OSM data without proper credits?

Best regards, 

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] sourceタグの運用について (Was: fixme)

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Muarkami Oki
いいだ さん

英語ML その他肌感覚も含め いいださんの認識も詳しくありがとうございます。






- Original Message -
From: Satoshi IIDA
To: Muarkami Oki; OpenStreetMap Japanese talk 
Date: 2015/5/22, Fri 22:53
Subject: [OSM-ja] sourceタグの運用について (Was: fixme)


改めて sourceタグの wikiページを読み直しました。
「使用方法 (How to use)」の項目です。


* そもそも sourceタグは、CC-BYなどの出典明示要請に対する完全な対応方法とはなり得ない 
* sourceタグはあくまで、「他マッパーに対する、オブジェクトの情報正確性の度合いの伝達手段」である

* sourceとして利用した情報元のデータは、変更セットへのsourceタグ付与で行う方法も可能である。

(飯田私見: ここに大きく異論はあると思います。ただ、今後、バージョンが20や30になったオブジェクトのことを考えると、合理的であるとも感じています)

* CC-BYなどのデータをインポートする場合に要求される「出典明示」は基本的に、「変更セットへのsourceタグ付与」で行う
  (飯田推測: これは主に、OSMデータベース全体としての容量の圧縮のため)

* ただし、データインポートの出典明示を行う場合においてすら、変更セットへの表記を間違ってしまうこともある。
* そのため、インポートにあたっては専用アカウントを作成し、さらにOSM 

* iDエディタは初心者ユーザによる利用が圧倒的多数である。
* そのため、オブジェクトあるいは変更セットへの正確な記入は、漏れが多くなる、という判断がある。
* その対応として、 imagery_used タグを変更セットに自動付与することにより、追跡不可となる可能性を低減している。

* (飯田認識)
  なお上記は、OSMF本家などでの会議の末の 決定事項 ではない。

なお、インポートにおいて、オブジェクトへの sourceタグが許諾され、行われている例もあると認識しています。



国土地理院 (地理院地図、基盤地図情報) や、国交省 (国土数値情報・位置参照情報) の利用については、出典明示が要請されています。
また、出典明示における現在の運用がどのようになっているか (オブジェクトあるいは変更セットへのタグ付与) 



Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Code Fantoir sur deux communes

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden didier2020
je ne sais pas si ce rendu est utilisé ou pas,
je fais une mise a jour apres mes corrections

Le vendredi 22 mai 2015 à 11:16 +0200, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit : 
 Le 22/05/2015 09:04, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :
  Merci pour cette carte, déjà fort pratique !
  Puis-je me permettre de proposer quelques améliorations futures ?
  * pouvoir marquer qu'un point a été corrigé ;
  * proposer les modifications à apporter (en se basant sur les noms et
  codes FANTOIR des voies censées être là) et regrouper tout ça dans un
  bouton fix-josm ;
pour fix-josm :
je ne pense pas que cela soit possible car les corrections sont trop
- way qui a été decoupé , le name est erroné sur ce morceau, pas de name
a mettre
- way qui a été decoupé , le name est erroné sur ce morceau, au moins un
autre name a mettre (decoupage du way)
- le name est ok mais l'emprise est beaucoup trop longue
- valeur maxspeed présente fausse car way trop long et traverse des
- ref non présent (route500)
- way associé a relation adresse 
- name reellement faux (mauvaise localisation), apres vérification sur
cadastre image
- tracé anguleux, ajout de node, decoupage way pour les ponts
- je sais pas si c'est bon ou pas 

  Ces 2 points reprenant en fait le fonctionnement que l'on peut déjà
  rencontrer avec Osmose.
 Ça ressemble tellement à Osmose que ça pourrait bien aller dans Osmose ;)
 Avec Didier on a travaillé sur les way nommé sur plusieurs communes, 
 c'est la même chose à faire. Donc le travail pour intégration dans 
 Omsose déjà en cours. Toute aide est la bine venu, y comprit un push 
 request de code ;). Voir talk-dev-fr
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann
In der Transport Map sind die Wiener Straßenbahnen nicht mit Nummern
bezeichnet. (Die Autobuslinien komischerweise schon.) Ich weiß nicht, ob das
ein Tagging- oder ein Renderingfehler ist, aber irgendwas gehört da gemacht
(im letzteren Fall zumindest ein Bugreport), denn ohne die Liniennummern ist
mit der Karte nichts anzufangen.

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-GB] Cities: Skylines - Openstreetmap data

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Bob Kerr
Has anyone played with this, It seems to be getting good press

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann
On 23.05.2015 12:27, Michael Maier wrote:
 Dann gäbe es auf der Hauptseite überhaupt keine Karte, denn der
 Standard-Stil ist genauso proprietär.
 Nein, das stimmt nicht (mehr). Der Stil steht inzwischen unter CC-0 und
 ist öffentlich verfügbar¹.
 Hab ihn selbst schon mehrmals für diverse Projekte verwendet/verändert.

Höchstens eine Kopie davon, denn in Carto hat nur einer das Sagen, nämlich
der selbe Andy Allen wie von der Transport Map.

 Die Hauptgründe waren, dass es inzwischen technisch leicht möglich war
 die ganze Welt mit einem Tileserver zu rendern

Warum hat man es dann nicht gemacht? Was ist das für ein Vorwand? Man kann
bei einem Umzug doch nicht das alte Haus abreißen, solang noch kein neues
bezugsfertig ist.

 und das Tiles@Home Projekt eingeschlafen war.

Das war nicht eingeschlafen, das hat bis zuletzt bestens funktioniert, und
ich hab nie einen Aufruf gesehen, dass mehr Leute gebraucht werden sich zu

 Abgesehen davon bekam man als kartografisch versierter Betrachter von
 dem Stil Augenkrebs ;-)

Geschmackssache. Die Karte hatte viele Vorteile gegenüber dem Mapnik-Layer,
u.a. mehr Details, lesbarere Schrift...

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Woolley

On 23/05/15 13:41, David Earl wrote:

I'm not sure about the UK company registration number as an ID

I was suggesting the formal legal name.  I just added the RC number for 
completeness.   Of course this also means that references to University 
of Cambridge as operator, would need to be replaced by The Chancellor, 
Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden SK53
I've just been looking at operator tags on amenity=university.

The first point is that 600+ are not tagged with operator.

Secondly, *university hospitals*, such as Addenbrookes cause problems. In
practice most buildings in university hospitals are NHS owned  operated (I
got round this at QMC Nottingham because the medical school is in a
discrete part of the building) with only some parts being university proper
(mainly some teaching  research facilities). I doubt for instance if the East
Anglian Blood Transfusion Centr
is a university particularly as the operator is given as National Blood
Service. Addenbrookes only does clinical teaching so is different from
QMC. However there are plenty of 'University Hospitals' which are pure NHS
establishments but which do some teaching. IMO Addenbrookes should be
tagged operator=Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. As
an addendum the Addenbrookes campus raises another issue: there are at
least 3 hospitals on site (Addenbrookes itself, the Rosie  the new
Papworth). The campus as a whole and the individual hospitals can all be
tagged as amenity=hospital, which I would regard as valid tagging, because
the campus and its constituent elements are different things so not
violating one tag one element. This is a broader problem related to one
element is part of a bigger whole. Either way I would avoid the multiple
hospital icons as Addenbrookes is currently shown.

A third problem are *associated research institutes*. For instance on the
Nottingham main campus is the MRC Institute of Hearing Research. This is in
a dedicated building built in the early 1980s, presumably with MRC funds,
but on UoN land. Similarly I'm not sure of the status of the LMB on the
Addenbrookes site: in the past this was wholly owned  operated by the MRC
(I could ask, I knew the current director when I was an undergrad, and met
him again last year): certainly most staff had fairly limited university
connections, although more senior ones often got college fellowships, and
junior ones did a bit of teaching. (As an aside, Wolfson House, where the
OSM servers are located used to more complicated: UCL ran out of money
building it so get the MRC to chip in and the MRC in turn had a lease on
the top two floors, as well as another unit on the 1st floor. The latter
unit was embedded in the university Genetics department, the other units
were not). (There is a little used tags amenity=research_institution or
research_institution=yes for these; as someone who spent a significant part
of my career in such places I dislike them being neglected).

Obviously federated institutions cause particular problems with a single
operator tag. These obviously include such places as Oxford, Cambridge,
London (and perhaps less relevant now University of Wales, and in the more
distant past Durham (Newcastle) and St Andrews (Dundee), but also National
University of Ireland. David's use of Institution (Federation) is about
the best one can do for now, but it may well be worth thinking about how to
address this with a more formal tag. I'm sure many other non-university
examples will come to mind.

So what can we do:

   1. Add operator tags to existing amenity=university elements
   2. Develop some consensus ideas about mapping of university hospitals 
   multi-hospital campuses
   3. Think about some tags to manage federated bodies (perhaps just
   federated_operator would do.



On 22 May 2015 at 14:49, Andy Allan wrote:

 On 22 May 2015 at 14:27, David Earl wrote:
  Andy, the operator tags are all the same, not the building names.

 No, they really aren't. - Churchill College
 (University of Cambridge) - University of Cambridge - Clare College (University
 of Cambridge)

  But also the assertion within a few dozen miles is wrong, as for
  Nottingham in China.

 Read what I said, please:

  If there were two objects tagged as universities with
  identical names within a few dozen miles, I could make a guess they
  are the same university and write some rendering rules to suit.

 I make no assertion that all parts of the same university are within a
 dozen miles.

 I hope you realise that your tagging (using tags that imply 1200
 different universities) is causing problems, and think what could I
 do to help other people rather than I don't want to change


 Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] leisure=pitch

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Paul Sladen
On Sat, 23 May 2015, Dave F. wrote:
 leisure=pitch to indicate just the pitches

That's how it's used--IIRC there was a presentation at SOTM in
Birmingham showing a rendering automatically drawing in all the line
detail based on the size of the outline and the sport=...

 situations with two 'pitches' on top of each other.

Happens all the time; cricket overlapped with baseball or soccer,
tennis with five-a-side.


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-in] [Press] Crowdsourcing to map road network in Kerala

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Naveen Francis
Crowdsourcing to map road network in Kerala T. Nandakumar
To monitor movement of school buses, LPG tankers, taxis, and

Aid agencies and volunteers deployed in Nepal after the devastating
earthquake on April 25 depended on a community-driven mapping initiative
for crisis response and relief work. Thousands of OpenStreetMap (OSM)
volunteers from across India and other parts of the world helped provide
detailed and accurate maps of roads, villages, and buildings in the
affected areas to help relief organisations locate people at risk and
deliver goods and services to the needy.

This crowdsourced mapping project will soon be used to track vehicles on
the roads in Kerala. The International Centre for Free and Open Source
Software (ICFOSS) and the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
(CDAC) are embarking on a project commissioned by the Transport Department
to map the road network in Kerala using OSM.

“In the first phase, the OSM maps will be used to track 16,000 private
buses plying the road network,” says Transport Commissioner R. Sreelekha.
The system will enable officials manning a master control room in
Thiruvananthapuram to detect speeding and time and route violations. The
vehicles will be fitted with a GPS locator-cum-communication device. “We
have plans to monitor the movement of school buses, LPG tankers, taxis, and
autorickshaws in a phased manner,” Ms. Sreelekha said.

OSM involves crowdsourcing to create data for mapping. The field data
generated by volunteers including students will be supplemented with
satellite imagery to create detailed maps. The OSM allows free downloading
of all data and permits free use under a FOSS licence.

The pilot project will be implemented in Kozhikode where the district
administration has already taken up a crowdsourced initiative to map
waterbodies and garbage disposal sites. While most of the PWD roads in
Kerala have been mapped, secondary roads are not yet charted.

“We need basic mapping information for the whole State for a variety of
applications. Commercial service providers charge heavily for the data
while the OSM approach is cost effective,” explains P.M. Sasi, Associate
Director, CDAC.

“The OSM initiative has the potential to provide accurate, updated
information, once the network of volunteers is in place,” says Satish Babu,
Director, ICFOSS. “The data created under the project will be available
under a Free Data licence, making it the foundation for numerous
development initiatives and disaster response plans. In that sense, it will
be a sustainable investment for the future,” he said.
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Robert Kaiser

nebulon42 schrieb:

Ein weiteres Beispiel: Andy war immer gegen neue Icons und doch habe ich
es geschafft einige neue einzubringen, sogar Icons für Geschäfte.

Hmm, heißt das, es besteht wieder Hoffnung für Dinge wie dieses:


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden nebulon42

Am 2015-05-23 um 14:10 schrieb Robert Kaiser:

Hmm, heißt das, es besteht wieder Hoffnung für Dinge wie dieses:

Es kommt natürlich auf die konkrete Sache an, aber grundsätzlich glaube 
ich es besteht Hoffnung für alles. Siehe auch was imagico im deutschen 
Forum geschrieben hat:

Selbst das leidige Thema mit Tags, die sich nicht in der 
Rendering-Datenbank befinden, sollte sich innerhalb des nächsten halben 
Jahres lösen (hoffentlich bin ich nicht zu optimistisch). Trotzdem wird 
es immer noch genug Dinge geben, wo man sich dazu entschließen muss 
genau das nicht zu rendern.

Warum nichts weiterging lag bisher daran, dass alles an einer Person 
(Andy) hing, das hat sich aber seit dem Jahreswechsel geändert. 
Mittlerweile ist die Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit sogar relative hoch, 
würde ich sagen. Trotzdem braucht es immer Leute die Pull Requests 


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Earl
Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge is most definitely operated by NHS.
However, there is a medical school which is part of the University which is
on the same site, among several other University departments and labs, and
increasingly private companies, Astra Zeneca is building a large new
facility here currently [1]. This is collectively called the Cambridge
Biomedical Campus[3]. There are also places within the main hospital where
the university has a presence, but does not operate or occupy the building.
For University search purposes, I have put nodes on the map where these
occur (I've used the same technique where the University has a room or
office within a larger building that is not theirs).

There is a problem having 'operator=Magdalene College' and similar rather
than operator='Magdalene College (University of Cambridge)', putting aside
the way we currently use these for the University of Cambridge, in that
there is more than one Magdalene College (Oxford has one, and others named
like Cambridge's, and there may well be others, and I'm sure that happens
elsewhere as well. While this may not be avoidable for operators worldwide
in general, it helps differentiate in this case at least.


[1] here:,0.137372,16,52.173326,0.132480
[2] e.g.,0.141980,18

On Sat, 23 May 2015 at 11:29 SK53 wrote:

 I've just been looking at operator tags on amenity=university.

 The first point is that 600+ are not tagged with operator.

 Secondly, *university hospitals*, such as Addenbrookes cause problems. In
 practice most buildings in university hospitals are NHS owned  operated (I
 got round this at QMC Nottingham because the medical school is in a
 discrete part of the building) with only some parts being university proper
 (mainly some teaching  research facilities). I doubt for instance if the East
 Anglian Blood Transfusion Centr is a university particularly
 as the operator is given as National Blood Service. Addenbrookes only
 does clinical teaching so is different from QMC. However there are plenty
 of 'University Hospitals' which are pure NHS establishments but which do
 some teaching. IMO Addenbrookes should be tagged operator=Cambridge
 University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. As an addendum the Addenbrookes
 campus raises another issue: there are at least 3 hospitals on site
 (Addenbrookes itself, the Rosie  the new Papworth). The campus as a whole
 and the individual hospitals can all be tagged as amenity=hospital, which I
 would regard as valid tagging, because the campus and its constituent
 elements are different things so not violating one tag one element. This is
 a broader problem related to one element is part of a bigger whole. Either
 way I would avoid the multiple hospital icons as Addenbrookes is currently

 A third problem are *associated research institutes*. For instance on the
 Nottingham main campus is the MRC Institute of Hearing Research. This is in
 a dedicated building built in the early 1980s, presumably with MRC funds,
 but on UoN land. Similarly I'm not sure of the status of the LMB on the
 Addenbrookes site: in the past this was wholly owned  operated by the MRC
 (I could ask, I knew the current director when I was an undergrad, and met
 him again last year): certainly most staff had fairly limited university
 connections, although more senior ones often got college fellowships, and
 junior ones did a bit of teaching. (As an aside, Wolfson House, where the
 OSM servers are located used to more complicated: UCL ran out of money
 building it so get the MRC to chip in and the MRC in turn had a lease on
 the top two floors, as well as another unit on the 1st floor. The latter
 unit was embedded in the university Genetics department, the other units
 were not). (There is a little used tags amenity=research_institution or
 research_institution=yes for these; as someone who spent a significant part
 of my career in such places I dislike them being neglected).

 Obviously federated institutions cause particular problems with a single
 operator tag. These obviously include such places as Oxford, Cambridge,
 London (and perhaps less relevant now University of Wales, and in the more
 distant past Durham (Newcastle) and St Andrews (Dundee), but also National
 University of Ireland. David's use of Institution (Federation) is about
 the best one can do for now, but it may well be worth thinking about how to
 address this with a more formal tag. I'm sure many other non-university
 examples will come to mind.

 So what can we do:

1. Add operator tags to existing amenity=university elements
2. Develop some consensus ideas about mapping of university hospitals
 multi-hospital campuses
3. Think about some tags to manage federated bodies 

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Andy Mabbett
On 22 May 2015 at 14:58, David Earl wrote:

 Yes, the operator tags are the same when it is the same institution - the
 colleges are independent institutions, part of the larger federation.

Is it necessary to show the college = university relationship in
OSM? If we tag one (set of) structures as King's College, and
another as Peterhouse, won't that suffice?

Another approach would be to label each college with the equivalent
Wikidata identifier:

   King's College = Q924289
   (resolves to )

   Peterhouse = Q650068
   (resolves to )

Wikidata then shows each as an instance of a college of the
University of Cambridge (Q1055028)

(Whatever approach we take; there is benefit in including Wikidata IDs.)

Andy Mabbett

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Earl
Indeed, they would need unique IDs of some kind for this to work globally.
I nearly said that in that mail. I would probably prefer that in a
different tag that wasn't actually usually presented to a human reader, and
I'm not sure about the UK company registration number as an ID, because not
all operators are companies and it'#s UK specific. A URL as an ID might be
OK though, as those must belong to the organisation in question. Though
they are always subject to change.

On Sat, 23 May 2015 at 13:36 David Woolley

 On 23/05/15 12:02, David Earl wrote:
  There is a problem having 'operator=Magdalene College' and similar
  rather than operator='Magdalene College (University of Cambridge)'

 Although I think, where operator is  used at all, it is largely used
 with a loose choice of name, in this case, if you want an unambiguous
 name for use in the UK, simply use the formal name of the royal charter
 company, i.e. Magdalene College Cambridge and Magdalene College
 Oxford (company numbers RC000333 and RC000334 respectively), rather
 than a name based on their trading name.

 Legally these are the legal names of the entities that own and operate
 the land in question.

 Companies house actually use monocase, so the capitalisation is arbitrary.

 If you want globally unique names, I think you need an additional tag to
 indicate the namespace (England or Wales registered company, in this case).

 Note that the name attribute is generally the trading as name, which is
 also consistent with the what is on the ground principle.  If you
 actually used the company name for most MacDonalds people would find it
 very confusing, as a lot of them are franchises run by companies with
 MacDonalds nowhere in their name.  For operator, I would expect to see
 the legal entity.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Dave F.

On 23/05/2015 12:49, David Earl wrote:

I'm sure there are many ways of doing this, but that is what I did.

This thread seems determined to undermine the University of Cambridge 
map by wanting to change everything it relies on.

Those who add/amend data to OSM do so to make it the most accurate 
database possible.

You appear to be against change because it would affect the University 
of Cambridge map. This is tagging for the renderer  is to be discouraged.

I did spend a long time thinking about how to do it at the beginning 
of the project, and did publish the details then. Reorganising it 
dramatically four years on for the sake of it would probably mean U of 
C abandoning OSM as being too costly to maintain.

A days work?

I'm in the process of updating PROWS from the way I initially tagged 
them to the newer, agreed method as it improves the quality of the 
database. Extra work for me, but worth it for the good of OSM.

David Fox

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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Uniformiamo i beach resort ?

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio Carrai
Ok, sto inviando i messaggi. Perdonate una domanda: uno dei tag è stato
aggiunto dall' utente mcheckimport: è un utente o un'utenza particolare ?


2015-05-22 9:37 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer

  Am 22.05.2015 um 09:27 schrieb Aury88
  ti sembrano applicati agli tessi elementi
  mappati come leisure=beach_resort o hanno delle particolarità?

 visto che sono solo 9 casi cercherei di contattare gli autori uno per uno

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Michael Maier
On 23/05/15 10:53, Friedrich Volkmann wrote:
 In der Transport Map sind die Wiener Straßenbahnen nicht mit Nummern

Wenn du den Transport-Layer auf meinst - ja das ist so.

Sie werden nicht nur nicht benummert, sonder garnicht gerendert -
besonders schlimm ist das in Graz, da das die Realität des ÖPNV-Netzes
komplett verzerrt, viel besser macht das zB die deutsche ÖPNV-Karte¹

[1] http://www.ö

(Die Autobuslinien komischerweise schon.) Ich weiß nicht, ob das
 ein Tagging- oder ein Renderingfehler ist, aber irgendwas gehört da gemacht
 (im letzteren Fall zumindest ein Bugreport), 

Das ist ein persönlicher Stil von Andy Allen - wiedermal Closed Source
:-/. Bugreports wohl wiedermal nur an ihn persönlich.

 denn ohne die Liniennummern ist
 mit der Karte nichts anzufangen.

Ich find auch, dass eine ÖPNV-Karte ohne Bims eher nicht zu gebrauchen ist.

lg, Michi

Michael Maier, Student of Telematics @ Graz University of Technology
OpenStreetMap Graz

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Dave F.


Going minorly off on a tangent - One item I would change is 
leisure=pitch which current represents whole areas of sports grounds to 
leisure=recreation_ground,  have leisure=pitch to indicate just the 
pitches (ie the white lines of a football pitch). Currently there are 
situations with two 'pitches' on top of each other.

David Fox

On 22/05/2015 14:58, David Earl wrote:
Yes, the operator tags are the same when it is the same institution - 
the colleges are independent institutions, part of the larger 
federation. This is part of the complexity of this.

I'm not arguing I don't want to change anything, just that there's too 
much gratuitous change which breaks real, existing products because of 
hypothetical futures.The wiki analogy is wrong here I think - that's 
the content. It's much more an API, as I think you were essentially 
agreeing, and people go to great lengths to try to maintain backward 
compatibility, only deprecating things when they absolutely have to.

And it's not so much me not wanting to change things, of course change 
happens, it's random, arbitrary, incompatible change that is such a 
problem to deal with. Dan's not arguing for that, and I've already 
said I'll look at it and see what's involved. But not today!

On Fri, 22 May 2015 at 14:49 Andy Allan wrote:

On 22 May 2015 at 14:27, David Earl wrote:
 Andy, the operator tags are all the same, not the building names.

No, they really aren't. - Churchill College
(University of Cambridge) - University of Cambridge - Clare College (University
of Cambridge)

 But also the assertion within a few dozen miles is wrong, as for
 Nottingham in China.

Read what I said, please:

 If there were two objects tagged as universities with
 identical names within a few dozen miles, I could make a guess they
 are the same university and write some rendering rules to suit.

I make no assertion that all parts of the same university are within a
dozen miles.

I hope you realise that your tagging (using tags that imply 1200
different universities) is causing problems, and think what could I
do to help other people rather than I don't want to change


Talk-GB mailing list

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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] leisure=pitch

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Dave F.

Hi Paul

I think you've missed my point...

On 23/05/2015 12:21, Paul Sladen wrote:

On Sat, 23 May 2015, Dave F. wrote:

leisure=pitch to indicate just the pitches

That's how it's used--IIRC there was a presentation at SOTM in
Birmingham showing a rendering automatically drawing in all the line
detail based on the size of the outline and the sport=...
I'm talking about leisure=pitch being misused to represent 

situations with two 'pitches' on top of each other.

Happens all the time; cricket overlapped with baseball or soccer,
tennis with five-a-side.

Yes, I know; as indicated with the linked example I provided.

Dave F.

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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden nebulon42

Höchstens eine Kopie davon, denn in Carto hat nur einer das Sagen, nämlich
der selbe Andy Allen wie von der Transport Map.

Nein, das ist mittlerweile obsolet. Andy bringt sich kaum noch bei 
osm-carto ein, wohl aus Zeitmangel. Nur bei größeren Änderungen wird er 
meist konsultiert. Pull Requests werden mittlerweile von den drei 
weiteren Maintainern Matthijs Melissen, Paul Norman und Mateusz 
Konieczny bearbeitet, die trauen sich noch nicht alles aber immer mehr.

Ein weiteres Beispiel: Andy war immer gegen neue Icons und doch habe ich 
es geschafft einige neue einzubringen, sogar Icons für Geschäfte. Man 
sollte ihn also nicht als bösen Buben hinstellen. Welche Stile auf der 
Hauptseite eingebunden werden, liegt auch daran wieviel Last die 
Rendering-Server für diese Stile vertragen können und Andys Server 
schaffen das offenbar. Außerdem gibt es leider keine Alternativen, denn 
die ÖPNV-Karte ist auch nicht frei verfügbar.

Trotzdem hätte ich gerne auf der Hauptseite nur freie Stile, aber da 
müsste sich zuerst jemand finden, der sowas entwickelt und diese frei 
zur Verfügung stellt. Einen Stil zu entwicklen ist ein Haufen Arbeit und 
offenbar wollen alle, die hier was draufhaben die guten Stile nicht 
freigeben. Der Lyrk-Stil wird demnächst wohl frei werden, mal sehen.


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden nebulon42
Nach Vergleich mit ö würde ich auf Renderingfehler tippen. 
Soweit ich weiß steht die Verkehrskarte mit schienengebundenen Linien 
sowieso auf Kriegsfuß (siehe auch U-Bahnen).

Bugreport kannst du an Andy Allen schicken, da der Verkehrslayer leider 
proprietär ist. Ich bin ja eigentlich der Meinung, dass proprietäre 
Stile auf der Hauptseite gar nicht angeboten werden sollten, aber wohl 
besser so als gar nicht.


Am 2015-05-23 um 10:53 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann:

In der Transport Map sind die Wiener Straßenbahnen nicht mit Nummern
bezeichnet. (Die Autobuslinien komischerweise schon.) Ich weiß nicht, ob das
ein Tagging- oder ein Renderingfehler ist, aber irgendwas gehört da gemacht
(im letzteren Fall zumindest ein Bugreport), denn ohne die Liniennummern ist
mit der Karte nichts anzufangen.

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Earl
Can you put that on a different thread.

On Sat, 23 May 2015 at 12:15 Dave F. wrote:


 Going minorly off on a tangent - One item I would change is leisure=pitch
 which current represents whole areas of sports grounds to
 leisure=recreation_ground,  have leisure=pitch to indicate just the
 pitches (ie the white lines of a football pitch). Currently there are
 situations with two 'pitches' on top of each other.

 David Fox

 On 22/05/2015 14:58, David Earl wrote:

 Yes, the operator tags are the same when it is the same institution - the
 colleges are independent institutions, part of the larger federation. This
 is part of the complexity of this.

  I'm not arguing I don't want to change anything, just that there's too
 much gratuitous change which breaks real, existing products because of
 hypothetical futures.The wiki analogy is wrong here I think - that's the
 content. It's much more an API, as I think you were essentially agreeing,
 and people go to great lengths to try to maintain backward compatibility,
 only deprecating things when they absolutely have to.

  And it's not so much me not wanting to change things, of course change
 happens, it's random, arbitrary, incompatible change that is such a problem
 to deal with. Dan's not arguing for that, and I've already said I'll look
 at it and see what's involved. But not today!

 On Fri, 22 May 2015 at 14:49 Andy Allan wrote:

 On 22 May 2015 at 14:27, David Earl wrote:
  Andy, the operator tags are all the same, not the building names.

 No, they really aren't. - Churchill College
 (University of Cambridge) - University of Cambridge - Clare College (University
 of Cambridge)

  But also the assertion within a few dozen miles is wrong, as for
  Nottingham in China.

 Read what I said, please:

  If there were two objects tagged as universities with
  identical names within a few dozen miles, I could make a guess they
  are the same university and write some rendering rules to suit.

 I make no assertion that all parts of the same university are within a
 dozen miles.

 I hope you realise that your tagging (using tags that imply 1200
 different universities) is causing problems, and think what could I
 do to help other people rather than I don't want to change


 Talk-GB mailing 

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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Richard Fairhurst
David Earl wrote:
 Can you put that on a different thread.

David - could you trim messages before replying? 1 line of message for 100
line of quote isn't good. Thanks.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Great Britain mailing list archive at

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Earl
I'm sure there are many ways of doing this, but that is what I did.

This thread seems determined to undermine the University of Cambridge map
by wanting to change everything it relies on. I did spend a long time
thinking about how to do it at the beginning of the project, and did
publish the details then. Reorganising it dramatically four years on for
the sake of it would probably mean U of C abandoning OSM as being too
costly to maintain.

On Sat, 23 May 2015 at 12:43 Andy Mabbett wrote:

 On 22 May 2015 at 14:58, David Earl wrote:

  Yes, the operator tags are the same when it is the same institution - the
  colleges are independent institutions, part of the larger federation.

 Is it necessary to show the college = university relationship in
 OSM? If we tag one (set of) structures as King's College, and
 another as Peterhouse, won't that suffice?

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Straßenbahnen

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden nebulon42
Nur der Vollständigkeit halber: Ich hab mich verschrieben, er heißt 
natürlich Andy Allan.

Am 2015-05-23 um 11:44 schrieb nebulon42:

Nach Vergleich mit ö würde ich auf Renderingfehler tippen.
Soweit ich weiß steht die Verkehrskarte mit schienengebundenen Linien
sowieso auf Kriegsfuß (siehe auch U-Bahnen).

Bugreport kannst du an Andy Allen schicken, da der Verkehrslayer leider
proprietär ist. Ich bin ja eigentlich der Meinung, dass proprietäre
Stile auf der Hauptseite gar nicht angeboten werden sollten, aber wohl
besser so als gar nicht.


Am 2015-05-23 um 10:53 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann:

In der Transport Map sind die Wiener Straßenbahnen nicht mit Nummern
bezeichnet. (Die Autobuslinien komischerweise schon.) Ich weiß nicht,
ob das
ein Tagging- oder ein Renderingfehler ist, aber irgendwas gehört da
(im letzteren Fall zumindest ein Bugreport), denn ohne die
Liniennummern ist
mit der Karte nichts anzufangen.

Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Dan S
2015-05-23 12:49 GMT+01:00 David Earl
 On Sat, 23 May 2015 at 12:43 Andy Mabbett wrote:

 On 22 May 2015 at 14:58, David Earl wrote:

  Yes, the operator tags are the same when it is the same institution -
  colleges are independent institutions, part of the larger federation.

 Is it necessary to show the college = university relationship in
 OSM? If we tag one (set of) structures as King's College, and
 another as Peterhouse, won't that suffice?

 I'm sure there are many ways of doing this, but that is what I did.

In my opinion: no it wouldn't suffice, because it doesn't identify the
operator among all the other King's Colleges in the country. IMHO it's
not encoding a relationship into the tag, it's just an unambiguous
name. Anyway it's harmless!

 This thread seems determined to undermine the University of Cambridge map by
 wanting to change everything it relies on.

Well no, clearly no-one's doing this with an intent to destroy the
university map! I assume everyone here just wants to make sure OSM is

 I did spend a long time thinking
 about how to do it at the beginning of the project, and did publish the
 details then. Reorganising it dramatically four years on for the sake of it
 would probably mean U of C abandoning OSM as being too costly to maintain.

Sorry, I guess this happens. But this kind of discussion is necessary
for us as a local community - otherwise we'll never really share
information about how we tag universities, hospitals etc. As long as
we keep it from getting sidetracked, and assume good faith, we'll be
OK. I know you would have liked all the discussion to be done and
dusted during your planning stages, I'm sorry I wasn't around for it.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Woolley

On 23/05/15 12:02, David Earl wrote:

There is a problem having 'operator=Magdalene College' and similar
rather than operator='Magdalene College (University of Cambridge)'

Although I think, where operator is  used at all, it is largely used 
with a loose choice of name, in this case, if you want an unambiguous 
name for use in the UK, simply use the formal name of the royal charter 
company, i.e. Magdalene College Cambridge and Magdalene College 
Oxford (company numbers RC000333 and RC000334 respectively), rather 
than a name based on their trading name.

Legally these are the legal names of the entities that own and operate 
the land in question.

Companies house actually use monocase, so the capitalisation is arbitrary.

If you want globally unique names, I think you need an additional tag to 
indicate the namespace (England or Wales registered company, in this case).

Note that the name attribute is generally the trading as name, which is 
also consistent with the what is on the ground principle.  If you 
actually used the company name for most MacDonalds people would find it 
very confusing, as a lot of them are franchises run by companies with 
MacDonalds nowhere in their name.  For operator, I would expect to see 
the legal entity.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] [Press] Crowdsourcing to map road network in Kerala

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden yogesh
This is great news! Hope the other states will follow soon. Kerala sets an 
example for OSM adoption as it does most of the times with FOSS.:-) 

 Original message 
From: Naveen Francis 
Date: 05/23/2015  17:27  (GMT+05:30) 
To: OpenStreetMap in India 
Subject: [Talk-in] [Press] Crowdsourcing to map road network in Kerala 
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden David Earl
As I said, I think the upward compatible change for this is to use a tag
with the unique ID of whatever operator (and I think URL would be a good
one, not as a link, but an ID, since two people can't have the same one,
and all orgs we'd be interested in would have one). That way operator
remains the human-friendly item it already is.

On Sat, 23 May 2015 at 15:24 Lester Caine wrote:

 On 23/05/15 13:26, Dan S wrote:
  This thread seems determined to undermine the University of Cambridge
 map by
   wanting to change everything it relies on.
  Well no, clearly no-one's doing this with an intent to destroy the
  university map! I assume everyone here just wants to make sure OSM is

 On the particular point of what goes IN the operator tag ... which is
 all that is actually being discussed here ... Therre needs to be good
 reason to change data that is already in common use and is actually
 cleanly documented. If there is some overriding reason why the content
 of this tag needs changing I have yet to see it. In the absence of any
 other may of including the objects hierarchy, this seems to be the
 sensible way of handing things, and I can see the need for
 'Collage-UofX-X' especially where even the collage's campus way be
 across several places. Does the University of Oxford have any satellites
 in Cambridge? The current documented sytle works and should perhaps be
 documented as the general standard?

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Codepoint Open overlay update

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Chris Hill
I've just published the latest Codepoint Open release as an overlay for 
editors. More details here at

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] too many universities in Cambridge

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 23/05/15 13:26, Dan S wrote:
 This thread seems determined to undermine the University of Cambridge map by
  wanting to change everything it relies on.
 Well no, clearly no-one's doing this with an intent to destroy the
 university map! I assume everyone here just wants to make sure OSM is

On the particular point of what goes IN the operator tag ... which is
all that is actually being discussed here ... Therre needs to be good
reason to change data that is already in common use and is actually
cleanly documented. If there is some overriding reason why the content
of this tag needs changing I have yet to see it. In the absence of any
other may of including the objects hierarchy, this seems to be the
sensible way of handing things, and I can see the need for
'Collage-UofX-X' especially where even the collage's campus way be
across several places. Does the University of Oxford have any satellites
in Cambridge? The current documented sytle works and should perhaps be
documented as the general standard?

( And PLEASE trim everything if you must top post ... even on  a mobile
phone these posts have been painful! )

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Lot Talk-ht, Vol 58, Parution 4

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Evens Michel
Ce serait plus qu'une réussite de vouloir agrandir COSMHA ainsi nos jeunes
en Haïti pourrait mieux connaître OSM et tous ce qui font partie du pouvoir
lire et créer une carte

   Cordialement Michel Evens
Le 22 mai 2015 07:15, a écrit :

 Envoyez vos messages pour la liste Talk-ht à

 Pour vous (dés)abonner par le web, consultez

 ou, par email, envoyez un message avec 'help' dans le corps ou dans le
 sujet à

 Vous pouvez contacter l'administrateur de la liste à l'adresse

 Si vous répondez, n'oubliez pas de changer l'objet du message afin
 qu'il soit plus spécifique que Re: Contenu du digest de Talk-ht...

 Thèmes du jour :

1. Projet COSMHA à Hinche (Aurélien Jacoutot)
2. Re: Projet COSMHA à Hinche (Wendy Delva)


 Message: 1
 Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 15:57:17 -0400
 From: Aurélien Jacoutot
 Subject: [Talk-ht] Projet COSMHA à Hinche
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 Bonjour tout moun,

 J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer à Hinche (Papaye) les étudiants de la 1ère
 promotion de l'Université Publique du Centre - Faculté des Sciences de
 l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation (UPC-FSAA) et de les sensibiliser sur la
 cartographie et ses outils.

 J'ai bien évidemment parlé d'OpenStreetMap et certains étudiants (en copie
 de ce mail) seraient intéressés pour en connaître plus, se former et
 contribuer au projet OSM, et pourquoi pas créer une nouvelle communauté
 active à Hinche et dans l'ensemble du département du Centre.

 L’avantage, c'est que ces étudiants sont originaires de tout le pays, dont
 PaP, St-Marc et Cap Haïtien, ce qui peut faciliter les premières rencontres
 avec les différentes communautés OSM (COSMHA).

 Je leur ai donné les contacts des différents coordonnateurs, mais autant
 communiquer dès maintenant ce message à l'ensemble de la communauté OSM via
 la liste talk-ht.

 J'espère que l'équipe des contributeurs puisse ainsi s'agrandir et se
 renforcer en Haïti !

 Mesi anpil,


 PS : est le mail générique de toute la promotion,
 en copie j'ai mis les étudiants référents :
 SmithDerosier :
 Richelot Thébeau : / 32272743
 Elie Gracia :
 Pierre Lunel / 33540168


 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 16:43:38 -0400
 From: Wendy Delva
 To: Aurel Jack
 Subject: Re: [Talk-ht] Projet COSMHA à Hinche
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 Bonsoir Aurélien,

 Je trouve que c'est une excéllente idée que COSMHA s'implique dans la
 formation de cette nouvelle communauté OSM dans le département du centre.
 COSMHANNE serait honoré de donner sa contribution dans la formation de ces
 jeunes universitaires. D'autres part cette initiative sera le présage du
 nouveau concept OSM HAITI, projet conçu par les COSMHA visant à former des
 communautés OSM dans tous les départements du pays afin de faciliter les
 réponses humanitaires en cas de catastrophes et mieux orienter les actions
 de l'Etat et des ONG.
 Il nous faut maintenant une bonne planification pour pouvoir mobiliser les
 ressources nécéssaires à la réalisation de ladite formation.

 Bien cordialement


 Wendy DELVA
 Mapper  OSM Contributor
 General Coordinator of COSMHANNE
 Phone: +509 3757 3601
 Skype: Didygroove
 LinkedIn: Wendy Delva
 GIS Mentor, GNPD, American Red Cross
 Bonjour tout moun,

 J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer à Hinche (Papaye) les étudiants de la 1ère
 promotion de l'Université Publique du Centre - Faculté des Sciences de
 l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation (UPC-FSAA) et de les sensibiliser sur la
 cartographie et ses outils.

 J'ai bien évidemment parlé d'OpenStreetMap et certains étudiants (en copie
 de ce mail) seraient intéressés pour en connaître plus, se former et
 contribuer au projet OSM, et pourquoi pas créer une nouvelle communauté
 active à Hinche et dans l'ensemble du département du Centre.

 L’avantage, c'est que ces étudiants sont originaires de tout le pays, dont
 PaP, St-Marc et Cap Haïtien, ce qui peut faciliter les 

[OSM-talk-fr] Squelettisation

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Jérôme Amagat
Une idée comme çà (qui a peut être été déjà réfléchi et écarté) :
(sachant que je suis incapable de faire quoi que se soit si c'est possible
et une bonne idée)

Il était possible a un moment d’intégrer les rivières obtenu grâce au
cadastre, ce n'est plus possible car c’était mal fait par les contributeur.
C'était l'ajout de polygone représentant les riverbank des rivières et
autres rus. Si l'on pouvait transformé ces polygones en ligne représentant
la rivière comme fait là : (je sais pas si
c'est possible dans notre cas et si les résultat seront rapide à obtenir et
de bonne qualité)
l'integration serait plus utile et moins problématique (il resterait quand
même du travail pour la personne qui l’intègre à osm à cause de la
continuité au niveau des ponts par exemple).

la même chose pourrait être fait pour les routes : avec le travail fait
pour sortir les adresses du cadastre, on doit pouvoir obtenir un polygone
pour le réseau routier de la commune. Avec si l'on peut le squelettiser, on
obtient presque toutes les routes et chemins d'une commune reste plus qu'a
intégrer ça.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade con name=alt_name

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 23/05/2015 19:44, Daniele Forsi ha scritto:
 Vi segnalo che ci sono alcune way (poche in realtà) che hanno il
 name esattamente identico all'alt_name, magari il mappatore voleva 
 veramente inserire due nomi diversi ma si è sbagliato oppure ha 
 pensato che il name fosse sbagliato e non si è accorto
 dell'alt_name, però sono troppi da contattare per me solo, se
 volete controllare se c'è ne è qualcuna nella vostra zona qui
 trovate l'elenco:

Comune di Bolzano ho provveduto a mandare i due messaggi.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade con name=alt_name

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Forsi
Il 23 maggio 2015 21:02, girarsi_liste ha scritto:

 Comune di Bolzano ho provveduto a mandare i due messaggi.

io ho scritto ora a quello di Pisa, ho commentato il changeset anche
se è di 7 mesi fa, almeno rimane una traccia visibile e si evita di
scrivergli 2 volte; per quello di Genova ho incaricato un itermediario

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] problemi su mappatura

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden
Ciao a tutti; in settimana ho fatto un giro diverso dal solito e sulla mappa ho 
trovato parecchie tracce di sentieri che nascono dal nulla e nel nulla 
Mi sembra siano stati tracciati pezzi di sentiero che spuntano dal bosco sulle 
Keepright me li segnala come errore e in effetti non mi sembrano utili e nello 
stesso tempo sul navigatore da bici fanno parecchia confusione.
Ho mandato una mail al mappatore per chiedere spiegazioni,purtroppo è tedesco e 
non capisce l'italiano per cui chiedo aiuto a Voi,se va bene mappare così 
mi adeguo,altrimenti se qualcuno potesse parlarci gli sarei grato,perchè non mi 
piace toccare il lavoro di altri senza avvertire.
La zona mappata è sopra Bagni di Lucca,intorno al monte Battifolle. Grazie.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Uniformiamo i beach resort ?

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Gianmario Mengozzi
É dell'utente mcheck: ha creato l'account che dici per le attività di
import (come prevede la relativa guida sul wiki)

-- sent by  Nexus 5

Il 23/mag/2015 15:44, Fabrizio Carrai ha

 Ok, sto inviando i messaggi. Perdonate una domanda: uno dei tag è stato
 aggiunto dall' utente mcheckimport: è un utente o un'utenza particolare ?


 2015-05-22 9:37 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer

  Am 22.05.2015 um 09:27 schrieb Aury88
  ti sembrano applicati agli tessi elementi
  mappati come leisure=beach_resort o hanno delle particolarità?

 visto che sono solo 9 casi cercherei di contattare gli autori uno per uno

 Talk-it mailing list


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Uniformiamo i beach resort ?

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Catonano
Il giorno 23 maggio 2015 15:43, Fabrizio Carrai
ha scritto:

 Ok, sto inviando i messaggi. Perdonate una domanda: uno dei tag è stato
 aggiunto dall' utente mcheckimport: è un utente o un'utenza particolare ?

A quanto pare uno dei destinatari ero io ;-)

Ho risposto
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-de] neuster josm + tracer - ipv4/ipv6 problem

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Florian Lohoff

wer mit dem aktuellem Josm und dem Tracer rumbaut der wird evtl merken
das das nicht mehr geht. Im Josm scheint sich gerade alles mögliche
kaputtzumachen durch die ipv4/ipv6 workarounds ... Dadurch versucht
der aktuelle JOSM bei ipv6 connectivity auch den TRacer über ipv6
anzusprechen - der lauscht aber auf einem reinen ipv4 socket ...

Workaround - Die tcp connections von v6 auf v4 proxien:

git clone git://

bauen ...


./tcpproxy -U -l ::1 -p 49243 -r -o 49243

Und es geht wieder ... Was bitte ist in Java so schwer mit
ipv4/ipv6 sockets ... g

Florian Lohoff
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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] (senza oggetto)

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 23/05/2015 20:19, ha scritto:
 scusate ma i dati wikipedia come si inseriscono
 così tipo   chiave  wikipedia  valore   it:Chiesa di
 Sant'Anastasia (Verona)
 o così tipochiave wikipediavalore
 http://it.wikipedia.or=g/wiki/Arche_scaligere  con tutto
 collegamento internet

Una ricerchina nella wiki di openstreetmap no?

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade con name=alt_name

2015-05-23 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 23/05/2015 21:18, Daniele Forsi ha scritto:
 Il 23 maggio 2015 21:02, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
 Comune di Bolzano ho provveduto a mandare i due messaggi.
 grazie, io ho scritto ora a quello di Pisa, ho commentato il
 changeset anche se è di 7 mesi fa, almeno rimane una traccia
 visibile e si evita di scrivergli 2 volte; per quello di Genova ho
 incaricato un itermediario :-)

Non mi ringraziare, ci tengo che sia tutto in ordine in questo nostro
database, invece, grazie a te per i tools e il tempo che ci dedichi.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


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