[OSM-talk-fr] Eurosha en République Centrafricaine, une premiere evaluation par les tuteurs souhaitee / Eurosha in CAR, hope for a first evaluation by the tutors

2012-11-04 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
(In English Below)


Pour ceux qui veulent être tuteurs des volontaires
Euroshahttp://hot.openstreetmap.org/projects/eurosha_0, l'équipe
à Bangui en République Centrafricaine, maintenant installée, et dotée d'une
bonne connexion internet, mais souffrant malheureusement encore de
coupures d’électricité (voir leur dernière note de
a commencé à mapper via l'imagerie Bing autour de leur maison
à l'aide de ce job http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/72 du HOT Tasking Manager
et cela avance bien, comme le montre
ces deux exports Mapnik à quatre jours d'écart :


Le groupe va commencer le mapping terrain ce lundi.

Pour corriger d'emblée les erreurs sur les dalles réalisées jusqu'ici, une
évaluation et des conseils par les tuteurs OSM serait bienvenue et
particulièrement utile. Pour ceux qui veulent rejoindre le tutorat, c'est à
cette adresse : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/talk-eurosha-osm

Juste un point méthodologique : pour le mapping humanitaire, pour faciliter
l'utilisation de la donnée OSM pour des analyses SIG, nous avons choisi des
règles strictes en matière de topologie :
- les bâtiments sont des closedways, évidemment, mais leur attributs ne
décrivent que leur structure physique
- les activités qu'ils contiennent sont portées par des nodes. Les clés
shop ou amenity par exemple sont toujours des nodes, dans le but de
faciliter l’échange de données humanitaires en n'ayant qu'un seul type de
- dans le cas d'un objet complexe comme une école avec plusieurs bâtiments
et une enceinte, l'enceinte est un objet landuse (avec un type de clôture
s'il existe), les bâtiments sont donc décrits physiquement, et les
activités (il peut y avoir des bâtiments techniques, administratifs et bien
sûr ceux qui regroupent des salles de classe) sont des nodes. Un node
principal contenant l'information générale sur l'école (nom, opérateur,
cycles d'éducation, capacité, statut opérationnel...) sera placé au centre
du landuse

Le preset utilisé est accessible depuis le job pour ceux intéressés, dans
l'onglet workflow.

Encore une fois, merci beaucoup pour le support à ce projet qui bénéficiera
aux pays hôtes !

Severin, coordinateur du programme Eurosha pour HOT


For those that agreed to be OSM tutors of the
Euroshahttp://hot.openstreetmap.org/projects/eurosha_0 volunteers,
the team deployed in Bangui, Central African Republic, is now installed and
has a strong connection to the Internet, but still endures some power
shortages (see their last blog
has started mapping through the Bing imagery in the outskirts of their
house (located 
with the support of this Tasking manager jobhttp://tasks.hotosm.org/job/72.
They are moving forward quite well, as shown on
these two Mapnik exports taken between a four days interval:


The team will start the field mapping this Monday.

An evaluation and advices to the volunteers by the OSM tutors of the TM
grid cells done so far would be really useful and supportive in order to
correct quickly the mistakes made. For those who would like to become
tutors, please join https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/talk-eurosha-osm

Just some methodological elements: for the purposes of the humanitarian
mapping, in order to get easy the GIS analysis based on this baseline data,
we defined these topological rules:
- buildings are obviously closedways, with attributes only describing their
physical features
- the activities they hold are described by nodes. The shop or amenity
keys, for example, are always put only on nodes, in order to make the
exchange of humanitarian data easier, by having only one type of topology
by tags  and category of information
- in the event of a complex object as a school with several buildings and a
enclosure, this latter is a landuse object (with a tag describing the kind
of surrounding walls if there is some), the buildings described for their
structure and the activities (eg plant room, warehouse, offices and of
course buildings hosting classrooms) are nodes. A main node containing the
general invigoration for the school (name, operator, series, capacity,
operational status,..) will be located in the middle of the enclosure.

The preset that is used can be accessed from the TM 

[Talk-br] Tutorial OSM em 5 minutos

2012-09-13 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Ola Wille,

Eu recomendaria de não sugerir modificar o traçado das vias
a alguém começando a mapear, considerando os offsets que podem existir no
posicionamento das imagens aéreas : isso é uma da maior poluição no OSM,
com pessoas apenas começando e deslocando um monte de vias antes de
aprender que as imagens, mesmo se de ótima resolução, podem não estar
bem georeferenciadas.
Ou pelo menos aumentar algo relativo a isso no seu documento ?



 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 18:33:53 -0300
 From: Wille wi...@wille.blog.br
 To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [Talk-br] Tutorial OSM em 5 minutos
 Message-ID: 504fae41.3040...@wille.blog.br
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Sempre senti falta de um tutorial que mostrasse de forma rápida e
 simples como começar a colaborar com o OSM. Então, diagramei um

 Alguém sugere alguma modificação? Vamos divulgar?!

 Coloquei o SVG num repositório GIT, caso alguém queira fazer alguma
 modificação ou traduzir para outros idiomas:



 Message: 2
 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 18:44:11 -0300
 From: Arlindo Pereira openstreet...@arlindopereira.com
 To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Tutorial OSM em 5 minutos
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Vendo rapidinho, meus 2 centavos:

 - Acho que a captura de tela do passo 5 ficou ruim por causa dessa linha em
 forma de V que tem em cima, ficou um pouco confuso. Acho que valia a pena
 pegar um exemplo de ruas em grid, apagar uma das linhas e refazê-la (sem
 salvar, claro).

 - Acho que vale a pena explicar de alguma forma rapidamente sobre a licença
 e a motivação do OSM.

 No mais, achei duca! Pilho até de imprimir algumas cópias em A2 (quatro
 folhas A4) e sair colando por aí. ;)


 2012/9/11 Wille wi...@wille.blog.br

  Sempre senti falta de um tutorial que mostrasse de forma rápida e simples
  como começar a colaborar com o OSM. Então, diagramei um tutorial:
  Alguém sugere alguma modificação? Vamos divulgar?!
  Coloquei o SVG num repositório GIT, caso alguém queira fazer alguma
  modificação ou traduzir para outros idiomas: https://gitorious.org/**
  osmtutorial https://gitorious.org/osmtutorial

Talk-br mailing list

[OSM-talk] Field Coordinator position for the EUROSHA project - reopening for another 15 days

2012-09-12 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
*One month ago, HOT published a Field Coordinator position for the EUROSHA

As a reminder, EUROSHA is a European Union pilot project that wants to
build up a European Open-Source Humanitarian Aid corps of volunteers to
address humanitarian issues and specifically ensure inclusive humanitarian
information-sharing in crisis preparedness. 26 volunteers from Europe and
Africa will be deployed 6 months in 4 African countries (Chad,  Central
African Republic, Burundi and Kenya) for 6 months, starting mid October.
During these missions, HOT will support the volunteers in accomplishing the
training, mapping and outreach activities planned for each country during
the months of preparation, involving the EUROSHA local partner organization
as well as local and international humanitarian organizations, local
government institutions, and local tech or social communities.

We’d like to thank the persons who applied for the position of Field
Coordinator with HOT in the EUROSHA project: there is no doubt that you
will be able to contribute greatly to HOT projects in the future and we
will be contacting you if any further project arise.

Unfortunately the proficiency in French was a criteria insufficiently met
by the applicants. Since this project involves three French speaking
countries, we decided to reopen this position for another 15 days (until

Work includes one 3 weeks trip in November and potentially a second one
over January and February after evaluation of the first deployment.

The position requires familiarity with HOT work, experience in the OSM
project, strong expertise in JOSM, GPS, QGIS and other open source GIS
tools and a commitment to continue supporting the mapping project that
would have been set up throughout the mission.

Given the the tight deadlines on this project, we will be conducting
interviews as application come. **We would also like to encourage people
interested in working with HOT on-the-ground to take advantage of this call
to apply and get known by us.*
The complete description of the position:

More information on the Eurosha project:
* Severin MENARD
Senior Project Lead
France tel (+33) 9 7046 7595
Brasil tel1 (+55) 71 3355 4471
Brasil tel2 (+55) 71 8222 1145
Skype ID severin.menard
* *
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] HOT EUROSHA poste de coordinateur de terrain

2012-09-12 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
*Il y a un mois de cela, HOT a publié une offre pour un poste de
coordinateur de terrain pour le projet EUROSHA.*

Pour rappel, EUROSHA est un projet pilote de l'Union Européenne qui vise à
mettre en place un corps de volontaires humanitaires européens axé sur
l'open-source, dans le but d'améliorer la réponse humanitaire, notamment
sur le champs du partage d'information en préparation de crise. 26
volontaires européens et africains seront ainsi déployés dans 4 pays
africains (Tchad, République Centrafricaine, Burundi et Kenya) pendant six
mois à partir de la mi-octobre. OSM France est partenaire de ce projet
européen et a délégué à HOT l'implémentation du support à fournir, qu'il
s'agisse de la formation spécifique à l'utilisation d'OSM en contexte
humanitaire ou le déploiement terrain. De fait, HOT va soutenir les
volontaires EUROSHA à travers des activités de formation, de support
technique et de sensibilisation planifiées dans chaque pays durant les mois
de préparation, impliquant à chaque fois l'organisation locale partenaire
d'EUROSHA ainsi que les organisations humanitaires locales et
internationales, les institutions gouvernementales locales et les
communautés techniques et sociales.

Nous remercions les personnes ayant répondu à l'offre de poste. Il ne fait
pas de doute qu'elles pourront grandement contribuer à des projets HOT dans
le futur, mais malheureusement le critère de la bonne maîtrise du français
n'a pas été suffisamment rempli par ces candidatures. Dans la mesure où le
projet implique trois pays francophones, nous avons décidé de publier à
nouveau cette offre pour 2 semaines (jusqu'au 27 septembre).

*Le poste de coordinateur terrain Eurosha implique une mission dans un pays
africain en Novembre et potentiellement une deuxième en Janvier-Février
après évaluation du premier déploiement.*
*Il requiert une familiarité avec le travail de HOT, une expérience dans le
projet OSM, une expertise forte dans JOSM, QGIS, le GNSS en général et
d'autres outils SIG opensource, de même qu'un engagement à continuer de
supporter le projet de mapping **et la communauté **OSM locale qui
émergeront au cours de la mission.  *
***Compte tenu des délais limités, nous mènerons des interviews au fur et à
mesure que les candidatures nous parviendront. Nous *encourageons* également
les personnes intéressées à travailler avec HOT sur le terrain à nous
La **description **complète du poste :
Plus d'information sur le **projet **Eurosha :
*Poser sa **candidature **pour un *premier* déploiement terrain :** *

Bien cordialement,

* Severin MENARD
Senior Project Lead
France tel (+33) 9 70 46 75 95
Brazil tel1 (+55) 71 82 22 11 45
Brazil tel2 (+55) 71 33 44 55 71
Skype ID severin.menard
* *
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-ht] manual import of LSIB data to repair redaction damage to borders

2012-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Hi Ian,

I do not know well his USAID data but for sure the OCHA COD border is
official and ODbL compatible
On Sep 8, 2012 11:01 PM, Ian Villeda vill...@mapbox.com wrote:


 I've noticed that international borders all over Central America and the
 Caribbean were damaged by the redaction[1].  I'm proposing a limited,
 manual import of USAID's LSIB data[2] to repair the border between Haiti
 and the DR. Data is owned and maintained by the US Federral Gov't so it is
 public domain (and many of existing borders look like they were originally
 imported from US Census Bureau or CIA data). Data look as highly resolved
 as the existing borders (or better), and not too node-y, although I will be
 sure to simplify any offending segments.

 The ogr2osm translation function[3] includes only admin_level= and
 boundary=administrative tags - there's no other relevant attributes in the
 source data. Once in josm, I plan on manually copying the way segments from
 the import layer into an active editing layer and manually connect imported
 segments to exising ways + include them in the relevant relations. I've
 included a sample osm file here[4] that you can review. Let me know what
 you think about the border repair plan and what I'm missing. thanks,

 -ian villeda

 [1]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=13.14lon=-79.5zoom=6layers=M
 [2]: https://hiu.state.gov/data/data.aspx
 [3]: https://gist.github.com/4611ee28da10ac6b99c7
 [4]: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4390122/LSIB-DR-haiti.osm
 Talk-ht mailing list
 Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com)
 pour traduire les messages.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Visitando Buenos Aires

2012-09-06 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

Parece que mi email esta bloqueado. Me inscribí y debería pasar mejor.


* Severin MENARD
Senior project Lead
France tel (+33) 9 7046 7595
Brasil tel1 (+55) 71 3355 4471
Brasil tel2 (+55) 71 8222 1145
Skype ID severin.menard
* *
2012/9/5 Séverin MENARD severin.men...@hotosm.org


 Me llamo Severin y formo parte del Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (
 http://hot.openstreetmap.org). Voy a pasar una semana en Buenois Aires
 con mi novia a partir de mañana y me gustaría de conocer personas del OSM
 Argentina. Hay personas dispuestas para tomar un café alguno día?


Talk-ar mailing list

[Talk-ht] Data from IOM Haiti

2012-08-27 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Hi Fred,

Great if this data can be hosted on OSM.
Basically, the rules are the ones desbribed in
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines, especially:
- have a written doc from IOM stating that this data is compatible with the
ODbL license.
- discussing the import with the OSM imports mailing list
- document the import

Regarding where to host the camps, tell me if I am wrong but there is no
WFS layer provided by IOM for this data, so who should do and host this
layer if it is not hosted in OSM?
Other point on which you may have a better overview: how long IOM is still
expected to stay in Haiti? It might occur OSM leaves the country while
there are still numerous IDP camps. So this data (called Data Tracking
Matrix) would need to be hosted somewhere for being updated by the
remaining hum actors or the Gov of Haiti.
Third point, having this data out of a fee platform is not the easiest way
for people that might like to add supplementary information (eg JP/HRO
whose staff have been trained over the past years) and likely end up to
them using an offline system (shapefiles in a GIS desktop system) so that
their data is not easily with the community.

So there are reasons why it would be interesting to host the DTM data from
now, and others for doing it anyway later. Discussing it from now now does
not harm. For anyone who would like to read the DTM methodology and see the
dataset and, 
where you can download it.

Staring the discussion, I would say everything in the DTM might not be ODbL
compatible or OSM compatible. IMHO I think we should not include any name
or contact phone, moreover because these people are not all IOM staff.




 Message: 1
 Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 05:49:34 +0200
 From: Fred Moine frmo...@gmail.com
 To: h...@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [HOT] Data from IOM
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

 Dear all,

 As you know IOM is editing on the JOSM platform since 2010, especially for
 a risk reduction project in Cite Soleil where we used JOSM  and then Arcgis
 de make some analysis and map.

 We are helping/organizing also Mapping party/training so far, or like today
 helping to make GCP with GPS differential over Haiti, to improve the
 georeferencing of a spot, image Mosaic for the country and available for

 Today I have two question:

 I ? Building import on OSM

 IOM staff and Cite Soleil local community group are digitalizing Buildings
 (polygon) and collect basic information on the field (Building type, use
 of, Nbre floor, Nbr of family, etc?)  for a project we have with the
 national office of statistic (IHSI) Pre-Census on the 13 most affected
 communes around 3000 Section d ?enumeration ( 200 building each SDE).

 Today, we would like to put all the building (polygon) we made in Cite
 Soleil (risk Reduction Project) on OSM server (18 000), + Attribute with
 the correct Tag.

 Question:  How I can work directly with a OSM group to import massive data.

 For the moment is only 18 000, but at the end IOM is working on more than
 200 000 till December 2012, so we can discuss again for the rest, not sure

  I just need to show at least once example in Cite Soleil, and then use
 this data from OSM to make some map, visualization on the web etc.

 To convince people that it is important to share data and put it on OSM .
 Especially when local community use also OSM for their own product, and
 also available for Local government, NGO etc... But that you know already.


 IOM is in charge of updating CAMP situation with his Data tracking Matrix
 DTM (Close, Open, Total Population,?).

 Every 40-60 days we are updating camp information.

 Today we would like to see if we can remove the old camp and put IOM Camp
 on OSM .

 But how to update it on OSM every 40-60 days ( around 1200 camps, on 13
 communes) in our data model we include a time series information to track
 the change.

 For me it is a layer you put on top of OSM on a web application with a
 direct link with the database.

 But we are ready to share as long we are clear with the workflow to update

 So I have now answer for that, just some questions.

 For any other information please contact me fmoine at iom.int
 All the best Moine Frederic IOM gis officer
 -- next part --
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 HOT mailing list

 End of HOT Digest, Vol 30, Issue 20

[OSM-talk-fr] Projet EVHAC Volontaires européens d’aide humanitaire open-source - candidatures

2012-06-29 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

L'union Européenne cherche à développer un Corps Européen de Volontaires
d’Aide Humanitaire et a lancé un programme Volontaires européens d’aide
humanitaire open-source qui s'adresse à de jeunes Européens de moins de 26
ans au 15 septembre 2012, parlant anglais et français, pour un déploiement
de 6 mois dans quatre pays africains.
HOT (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) est l'un des nombreux partenaires de
ce projet, pour la partie mapping. Toute la partie recrutement des
volontaires est effectuée par France Volontaires. Nous avons appris que les
candidatures sont encore ouvertes à tous. La date de clôture est cependant
très proche : lundi 2 juillet à 23h59, mais le dossier de cette phase de
présélection est assez léger et ne nécessite aucune pièce administrative
particulière (à part sans doute d'avoir déjà un passeport).

Toutes les informations sont accessibles à cette adresse :

Dans un prochain message, nous en dirons plus sur le rôle de HOT et le
développement d'OSM dans ces pays dans le cadre de ce projet.

Bien cordialement,
* Severin MENARD
Senior Project Lead
France tel (+33) 9 70 46 75 95
Brazil tel1 (+55) 71 82 22 11 45
Brazil tel2 (+55) 71 33 44 55 71
Skype ID severin.menard
* *
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapeamento de campos de refugiados no Kenya e na Etiopia

2012-06-23 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

O mapeamento desses campos nos quais vivem cerca de 600 000
pessoas já avançou bem, e o prazo inicial para mapear de 48 horas foi
prolongado, então é possivel acabar. Quem esta interessado em ajudar só tem
que clicar nesse link :



Severin, HOT
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro

2012-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

Finalmente, quando as mapping parties vão acontecer ? Eu queria fazer a
reservo dos voos desde Salvador.



Hi all,

Finally, when the mapping parties in Rio happen ? I would like to book my
flights from Salvador.




 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 15:23:23 -0400
 From: Alex Barth a...@mapbox.com
 To: Séverin MENARD severin.men...@gmail.com
 Cc: talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro
 Message-ID: cc7c2ac4-9eb3-482a-9572-091e6ce95...@mapbox.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Hey Severin - thanks for getting in touch. We're at the demo alley as
 well. Just saw this post on the thackday list:


 You're only in town on the 19th?

 On Jun 7, 2012, at 4:51 PM, Séverin MENARD wrote:

  Hi Alex,
  Kate Chapman (Humanitarian OSM Team Exec Officer) was just telling me
 you would like to organize a mapping party in Rio. I will be there on 19
 for speed geeking presentations in the Demo Alley at the US Center, but
 likely be there the day before as required by the organizer for a quick
 meting I think. SO I can join you if you want.
  Rio+20 will occur at Barra da Tijuca. Is it not too far from Copacabana
 (but yes, the urban structure is totally different) ?
  Message: 5
  Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 15:27:04 -0300
  From: Pedro Geaquinto pedrodi...@gmail.com
  To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
  Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
  I'd like to help you too.
  What do you think about micromapping Copacabana? It's a really...
  intense neighborhood.
  2012/6/7, Arlindo Pereira openstreet...@arlindopereira.com:
   Hi Alex! I live in Rio, and I'm willing to do it. Where are you going
   stay here? We could come up with some micromapping for the area. I
   trace the roads before, if necessary.
   By the way, June 17 is sunday :P
   Arlindo Nighto Pereira
   On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Alex Barth a...@mapbox.com wrote:
   Hello friends -
   I'll be in Rio from June 17 to Jun 21 (partly for Rio+20 UN
 conference) -
   anybody up for doing walking papers maybe June 17, Saturday afternoon?
   to suggestions as to where specifically, but there seems to be plenty
   work around :)
   Alex Barth
   tel (+1) 202 250 3633
   Talk-br mailing list

 Alex Barth
 tel (+1) 202 250 3633


 Message: 2
 Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 19:05:08 -0400
 From: Alex Barth a...@mapbox.com
 To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro
 Message-ID: 54a3c5b4-1f99-4298-8af6-376073aa8...@mapbox.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Seen the post by Onibus Hacker on thackday? What do you guys think about
 mapping in Complexo de Alemão?


 On Jun 7, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Arlindo Pereira wrote:

  I think that Barra da Tijuca is not as well mapped as Copacabana, so it
 could be a good thing to do the mapping party there. They're 20km apart,
 but they're very different in essence - Copacabana is dense, has subway, is
 foot-centric etc., while Barra is more car-centric, with many condos,
 shopping malls etc. I've never been to US, but I'd say that Copacabana is
 more like NY or San Francisco while Barra is more like Florida suburbs.
  If you want to do the mapping party in Copacabana, it'd also be great. I
 can give you instructions to come from Barra to Copacabana by public bus.
  Arlindo Nighto Pereira
  On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:51 PM, Séverin MENARD severin.men...@gmail.com
  Hi Alex,
  Kate Chapman (Humanitarian OSM Team Exec Officer) was just telling me
 you would like to organize a mapping party in Rio. I will be there on 19
 for speed geeking presentations in the Demo Alley at the US Center, but
 likely be there the day before as required by the organizer for a quick
 meting I think. SO I can join you if you want.
  Rio+20 will occur at Barra da Tijuca. Is it not too far from Copacabana
 (but yes, the urban structure is totally different) ?
  Message: 5
  Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 15:27:04 -0300
  From: Pedro Geaquinto pedrodi...@gmail.com
  To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
  Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro

[Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro

2012-06-07 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Hi Alex,

Kate Chapman (Humanitarian OSM Team Exec Officer) was just telling me you
would like to organize a mapping party in Rio. I will be there on 19 for
speed geeking presentations in the Demo Alley at the US Center, but
likely be there the day before as required by the organizer for a quick
meting I think. SO I can join you if you want.
Rio+20 will occur at Barra da Tijuca. Is it not too far from Copacabana
(but yes, the urban structure is totally different) ?




 Message: 5
 Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 15:27:04 -0300
 From: Pedro Geaquinto pedrodi...@gmail.com
 To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Mapping in Rio de Janeiro
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 I'd like to help you too.
 What do you think about micromapping Copacabana? It's a really...
 intense neighborhood.

 2012/6/7, Arlindo Pereira openstreet...@arlindopereira.com:
  Hi Alex! I live in Rio, and I'm willing to do it. Where are you going to
  stay here? We could come up with some micromapping for the area. I could
  trace the roads before, if necessary.
  By the way, June 17 is sunday :P
  Arlindo Nighto Pereira
  On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Alex Barth a...@mapbox.com wrote:
  Hello friends -
  I'll be in Rio from June 17 to Jun 21 (partly for Rio+20 UN conference)
  anybody up for doing walking papers maybe June 17, Saturday afternoon?
  to suggestions as to where specifically, but there seems to be plenty of
  work around :)
  Alex Barth
  tel (+1) 202 250 3633
  Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Contribuições ao OSM em Manaus (transporte público) e perguntas

2012-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Ola ANderson,
Eu confirmo que o http://3liz.fr/public/osmtransport/ funciona bem (não
digo isso porque é frances ! :) ) e  os donos são reativos se aparece um
problema no rendimento dos dados de transportes, como tivemos com aqueles
no Haiti com o mapeamento das linhas dos taptap (taptap é o transporte
publico de la, a maioria da frota não é de onibus mas de pick-up
modificados e bastante

 Message: 4
 Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 14:34:05 -0400
 From: Anderson Lizardo anderson.liza...@gmail.com
 To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Contribuições ao OSM em Manaus (transporte
público) e perguntas
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 Olá novamente,

 2012/5/22 Anderson Lizardo anderson.liza...@gmail.com:
  Desde que comecei a acompanhar o projeto, imaginei como o OSM poderia
  ajudar bastante, e procurei por ferramentas baseadas no OSM para rotas
  de transporte público. Encontrei o openbusmap [3].

 Após uma busca rápida, encontrei estes serviços que oferecem uma
 camada de transporte público (as URL são para exemplos aleatórios):



 Este último (osmtransport) foi um dos que achei mais fácil de usar.
 Alguém conhece outros?

 Anderson Lizardo


 Talk-br mailing list

 Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 44, assunto 25

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Cartographie Gonaives

2012-04-23 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Salut Presler,

Je ne vois pas de fichier en attachement.
Tu parles d'une page wiki, c'est celle-ci ?
Je ne vois pas d'information sur une mapping party dedans.


2012/4/22 Jean Presler preslerj...@gmail.com

 Salut a tous,

  1- L’événement du mapping party qui était annonce sur la page Wiki des
 Gonaives  a ete réalise nous allons prochainement mettre a jour cette page.
  En attendant vous trouverez les détails et l’évaluation de cette activité
 en attachement.
 2- On a constate que le d'epartement de l 'artibonite merite d être
 separer pour des zone d'etervention en Nord-Artibonite  et  Sud-Artibonite
 Dessaline comme l'imite du nord et Sud. Tres tôt, je vous proposerai la
 délimitation géographique  en Long et Lat_ Min/Max.

 3 On doit faire la Cartographie du nord Artibonite une cartographie
 beaucoup plus participative, en incluant et supportant les mouvements
 communautaires des Zones, des quartiers
 pour que que la cartographie soit comprise et grandisse  au sein de notre
 chère  communauté.



 Talk-ht mailing list
 Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com)
 pour traduire les messages.

Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 43, assunto 8

2012-04-16 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
A professora Arlette me contatou também. Talvez vou estar no Brasil nessas
datas, não sei com certeza ainda.
* Severin MENARD
France tel (+33) 9 70 46 75 95
Brasil tel (+55) 71 33 44 55 71
Skype ID severin.menard
* *


 Message: 1
 Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 10:30:21 -0300
 From: vitor vitor.geo...@gmail.com
 To: OSM talk-br talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [Talk-br] OSM no Mundo Geo#connect
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Professora Arlete,

 O Eduardo entrou em contato comigo, mas não vou estar no Brasil na data.

 Alguém topa ajudar a organizar uma oficina de mapas livres neste evento?

 Vai ser do dia 29 a 31 de maio, em São Paulo.


 Vitor George

 2012/4/14 Arlete Meneguette arletemenegue...@gmail.com

  Outra oportunidade para conhecermos melhor a INDE é participarmos do
  Por sinal, o Eduardo Freitas (do Portal MundoGEO) gostaria de realizar
  uma sessão sobre Mapeamento Colaborativo e/ou uma Mapping Party.
  Passei para eles alguns contatos de membros da nossa lista do OSM e
  espero que dê certo !
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] health facilities

2012-04-11 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
This is why I wanted to say : check if the health facility exist or not
when surveying, with local people if possible. But when it appears, as
Brian told, that the HF is obviously not there and is unknown by anyone, it
may be better not to make it rendered. It relates to very small HF, that
might have existed in the past or mistakes from the beginning as well

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton j...@arkemie.comwrote:

 Le 10/04/2012 15:09, Jaakko Helleranta.com a écrit :

 When trying to improve things by my self I've tried to move nodes closer
 to what I'm guessing may be the place where the health facility is -- if I
 have any clue.
 The thing is that there may very well be _some_ heath facility in the
 area as I have found out by asking about the existence / locations of a
 number of facilities from health sector people I know.
 I've adjusted a number of health facility locations with locals / people
 with local knowledge and this has usually been very ad hoc let's look at
 the map since you know the area and you can tell me if these facilities
 exist somewhere in the area so we can adjust the locations and
 information. If the amenity=hospital tag is removed this kind of fixing
 can not happen.

 Exactly. This is also what I did an evening in Saint Marc, with Hugo
 Eustache, who was telling me about the hospital in Pignon (where he worked
 as responsible for logistics) and the linked health centers in the area,
 and about hospitals in the middle of nowhere near Cap Haitian, that we
 moved closer to their real location, based on his local knowledge.


 Talk-ht mailing list

Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-br] Apresentando-me

2012-04-06 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Me chamo Severin e eu vivo em Salvador. Ja contribui um pouco ao mapa OSM
de la através as imagens, meu GPS Garmin e Walking Papers também. Queria
saber se tem gente interessadas para se reunir/se coordenar para mapear a
cidade e o estado ?

Além disso sou membro do HOT (Time Humanitario
através o qual eu trabalhei e normalmente vou conitnuar a trabalhar no
Haitihttp://hot.openstreetmap.org/para desevolver capacidades e
criar dados fondamentais para a ação
humanitaria e a reconstrução.

A propósito, vou falar disso a próxima semana na Universidade Federal
do Recôncavo Bahiano em Cachoeira. Obrigado ao Wille pelo

Não estava presente durante as enchentes no Alagoas e no Rio que
aconteceram nos anos passados. Li as páginas OSM Wiki sobre elas, mas eu
queria saber das pessoas que foram envolvidas como foi a coordenação entre
os voluntários, como ajudaram os WMS disponibilizados pelo Jean-Guilhem
Cailton (com a qual eu trabalhei o mês passado no Haiti) , se teve contatos
com as organizações presentes no terreno para o uso dos dados
(essencialmente as estradas bloqueadas ?), etc.

Enfim, queria saber se teve uma versão pt-BR do LearnOSM, além da versão
pt-PT coordenada, eu acho, pelo Victor Ferreira.


Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-ht] Taguer les espaces agricoles comme jardins familiaux / Tagging farmlands as allotments

2012-03-29 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai noté une présence très importante du tag landuse =allotments (qui
donne un rendu de surface marron) sur les espaces agricoles autour de
Saint-Marc, qui ne correspondent sans doute pas à la réalité. Peut-être un
problème de compréhension lié au fait que la page des map features n'avait
pas de version française pour landuse=allotment. Par conséquent, je l'ai
créée :


Il s'agit donc d'un type d'occupation agricole spécifique qui peut-être
n'existe pas en Haiti.

La plupart des terrains agricoles cultivés correspondent en fait à ce tag :
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:landuse%3Dfarm sauf s'il s'agit
de pâturages 
ou de vergers 

Il faudrait donc vérifier les zones tagués avec landuse=allotment (exemple
autour de 
et corriger les tags si nécessaire.


Tradiksyon Google an Kreyol

Bonjou tout moun,

Mwen remake prezans yon trè siyifikatif nan landuse = Alokasyon pou Kou pou
etikèt (kibay yon rann sifas mawon) sou zòn agrikòl alantou St Mak, ki
prezimableman koresponn ak reyalite. Petèt yon pwoblèm nan konprann ki gen
rapò ak lefèt ke kat karakteristik paj la pa t 'gen vèsyon franse pou
Allotment landuse =. Se poutèt sa, mwen te kreye:


Se poutèt sa yon kalite espesifik okipasyon agrikòl petèt pa egziste an

Pifò agrikòl peyi kiltive an reyalite koresponn ak sa a tag:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:landuse%3Dfarm  eksepte nan ka a
oswa jaden rezen (landuse=orchard).

Se poutèt sa li ta dwe tcheke zòn ki atenn ak pòsyon landuse=allotment
(egzanp alantou
ak kòrèk si Tags sa nesesè.


Google translation in English

Hi all,

I noticed a very significant presence of landuse = tag allotments (which
gives a brownsurface rendering) on agricultural areas around St. Marc, which
 presumably not correspond to reality. Maybe a problem of understanding related
to the fact that the map featurespage had no French version for landuse =
allotment. Therefore, I created:


It is therefore a type of agricultural occupation specific perhaps does not
exist in Haiti.

Most agricultural land cultivated in fact correspond to this tag:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:landuse%3Dfarm except in the case
) or orchards (landuse=orchard http://landuse%3Dorchard/ ).

Ttherefore the areas tagged with landuse=allotment (eg around
 ) should be checked and corrected if necessary.

Talk-ht mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Document de référence pour dessiner et couper les routes

2012-03-14 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

Je voudrais savoir s'il existe un document de référence expliquant comment
une route doit être dessinée et où elle doit être coupée.


Severin MENARD
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-ht] Tagging the corridors / Balisage koridò yo

2012-03-03 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
*Google tradiksyon an kreyòl anba a*
*Please everybody add a Google translation in haitian creole in every post


Translating the document describing the preset that Brian prepared for
St-Marc, it appears he advises to use the highway=path this way:

   - Path

A way that is not for automobile travel.
Corridors between building inside of a city block. If these are not for
cars, and only practical for pedestrian and perhaps moto, mark as path.
A path not practicable for motorized vehicles.

I know Jaakko uses the pair highway=service + service=alley for the
corridors, so what is the best definitive choice ?


Bonjou tout moun,

Tradui dokiman an ki dekri Prereglaj a ki Brian pare pou St Marc-, li parèt
li konseye yo itilize gran wout la = chemen nan fason sa a:

*path* (chemen)

Yon fason ki pa pou vwayaj otomobil.
Koridò ant bati andedan nan yon blòk nan vil la. Si sa yo, se pa poumachin
yo, ak sèlman pratik pou pyeton ak petèt moto, Mak kòmchemen.
Yon chemen pa posib pou motè machin.

Mwen konnen Jaakko itilize highway=service + service=alley (gran wout la pè
= sèvis + sèvis = ale) pou koridò yo, Se konsa, sa se ​​chwa ki pi bon

Talk-ht mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Pages wiki en créole haitien

2012-02-29 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
 Message: 3
 Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 20:35:27 +0100
 From: Guillaume Allegre allegre.guilla...@free.fr
 To: talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pages wiki en créole haitien
 Message-ID: 20120228193527.gx30...@griffon.silecs.info
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Le mar. 28 f?vr. 2012 à 07:57 +0100, Po G a ecrit :
  2012/2/28 Séverin MENARD severin.men...@gmail.com
   J'avais commencé à créer un template KR-HT pour Babel, mais je me
   si en fin de compte cela ne devrait pas plutôt être CR-HT (KR étant en
   les deux premières lettres de Kreyol et non Creole).
  Je ne suis pas expert mais ht ne suffit-il pas ? Visiblement c'est le
  code prévu pour le créole haitien dans la norme iso 639 normalisant les
  codes pour la représentation des noms de langues (si on en croit
  http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_codes_ISO_639-1 )

 Non seulement, ht suffit  mais en plus kr et cr n'ont rien à voir
 kr : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanouri
 cr : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cri_%28langue%29

 Note : et en minuscules : les langues sont codifiées en minuscules
 et les pays en majuscules dans les normes ISO.

Merci pour ces réponses. Pour les Maj/Min les pages francisées sont sous
cette forme :  http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Main_Page ou
Donc une page en créole dans le wiki aura donc pour URL
chose ?

par contre, pour parvenir à insérer le créole haïtien dans le chapeau de
langues, quel template Languages doit être configuré (et comment) ?


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Pages wiki en créole haitien

2012-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

Dans le cadre de nos activités de cartographie communautaire et de
renforcement de capacité en Haiti, nous souhaitons que les mappers Haitiens
puissent contribuer dans leur langue sur le wiki. J'avais commencé à créer
un template KR-HT pour Babel, mais je me demande si en fin de compte cela
ne devrait pas plutôt être CR-HT (KR étant en fait les deux premières
lettres de Kreyol et non Creole). Si une bonne âme pouvait également me
distiller quelques conseils ou aide directe pour le paramétrage des
templates languages. Le créole haitien ne faisant pas partie des 50 langues
les plus courantes, il doit passer par le
quelque chose du genre.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] OSMstats by country/ pa peyi

2012-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Found this on the talk-fr list today

M'te jwen paj sa-a jodi-a nan list talk-fr nan

Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Tagging the corridors / Balisage koridò yo

2012-02-23 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Google tradiksyon an kreyòl anba a

Please everybody add a Google translation in haitian creole in every post


Translating the document describing the preset that Brian prepared for
St-Marc, it appears he advises to use the highway=path this way:


A way that is not for automobile travel.
Corridors between building inside of a city block. If these are not for
cars, and only practical for pedestrian and perhaps moto, mark as path.
A path not practicable for motorized vehicles.

I know Jaakko uses the pair highway=service + service=alley for the
corridors, so what is the best definitive choice ?


Bonjou tout moun,

Tradui dokiman an ki dekri Prereglaj a ki Brian pare pou St Marc-, li
parèt li konseye yo itilize gran wout la = chemen nan fason sa a:

path (chemen)

Yon fason ki pa pou vwayaj otomobil.
Koridò ant bati andedan nan yon blòk nan vil la. Si sa yo, se pa poumachin
yo, ak sèlman pratik pou pyeton ak petèt moto, Mak kòmchemen.
Yon chemen pa posib pou motè machin.

Mwen konnen Jaakko itilize highway=service + service=alley (gran wout
la pè = sèvis + sèvis = ale) pou koridò yo, Se konsa, sa se chwa ki pi
bon definitif?


Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Tweets #osmhaiti

2012-02-23 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Bonjou tout moun,

Nou ap kòmanse Tweet aktivite chak jou nou yo nan Saint Marc-men
tanpri rantre nan nou montre aktivite sa a OSM an Ayiti. #osmhaiti se
yon tag pou tout Ayiti! Jis ajoute li nan nenpòt nan tweet ou ki gen
rapò ak aktivite OSM an Ayiti pou ke tout enfòmasyon yo ranmase a isit





Hi everybody,

We are starting to tweet our daily activities in Saint-Marc but please
join us to show the OSM activity in Haiti. #osmhaiti is a tag for all
Haiti! Just add it to any of your tweets related to OSM activities in
Haiti so that all the information is collected here:




Talk-ht mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Taguer les terrains vagues

2012-02-14 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD

Jee n'ai pas trouvé dans les map features un tag pour les terrains vagues
en milieu urbain. Un endroit très chouette, aurait pourtant dit le Petit


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Nettoyage donnée Batiments

2012-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Quelle solution retenez-vous pour l'import, puis la modification
éventuelles des clés voire de certaines valeurs, finalement ? Quelle est la
taille de la donnée ?

What process will you finally follow in order to import this data and
possibly modify keys or even some values ? What is the size of the data ?

2012/1/31 Fred Moine frmo...@gmail.com

 Merci pour la reponse,
 En effet, les points en question non plus de sens apres deux ans. Et
 l'equipe utilisant OSM ici a gagnée en expertise. Donc nous allons je
 l'espere continuer a fournir la meilleure donnée sur Cite Soleil.

 Nous allons voir aussi la possibilite de rajouter une version plus
 complete des camps sur OSM.

 Cordialement, Moine Frederic.

 Thank you for the answer,
 Indeed, some batiments points are no longer useful after two years. And
 team who are using OSM has gained expertise. So I hoped we will continue
 to provide the best data on Cite Soleil and other area.

 We will also see the possibility of adding a more complete version of IDP

 Regards, Frederic Moine.

 Le 31 janvier 2012 04:07, Jean-Guilhem Cailton j...@arkemie.com a écrit :

 Le 31/01/2012 06:04, Fred Moine a écrit :
  Donc pour les données batiments qui ne sont plus utile comme les
  batiments collapse sous forme de point qui on ete ajoutés juste
  apres 2010.
  Ou les batiments polygones mal placés sur cite soleil.
  Nous devons les deplacés pour y ajouter une couche batiments 13 450
  digitaliser sur l'image de reference du 21 janvier 2010.
  Ensuite nous comptions aussi rajouter les polygones et points de
  camps. Pour avoir rapidement une carte a jour sur cite soleil.
  Quelqu'un a t il une idée ou suggestion pour resoudre ce probleme
  Une solution pourrait etre d'enlever les informations obsoletes par
  des plus recentes.
  a+ fred
 (version in English below)

 Salut Fred,

 Il me semble que c'est la philosophie de base d'OSM, d'améliorer les
 données quand on en a la possibilité (surtout celles qui ont été entrées
 dans l'urgence, quand un positionnement précis n'était pas forcément la
 priorité, ni même possible). Sans compter que la réalité évolue aussi.

 Il n'est certainement pas nécessaire de contacter individuellement
 chacun des contributeurs précédents, sinon toutes les modifications dans
 OSM seraient très lourdes. Ton souci de respecter leur travail est tout
 à fait louable, mais il me semble qu'un avertissement sur la liste
 pertinente géographiquement est déjà largement suffisant pour que ceux
 qui seraient concernés et intéressés puissent faire part de leurs
 éventuelles objections.

 Merci de tout ton travail.

 Bien amicalement,



 Hi Fred,

 It seems to me that it is the base philosophy of OSM to improve data
 when one can (especially when it was entered in an emergency, when a
 precise positioning was not necessarily the highest priority, nor even
 possible). And the reality also changes.

 It is certainly not necessary to contact individually each one of the
 previous contributors, otherwise all changes in OSM would be very
 complicated. Your care for their work is quite laudable, but I think
 that a warning on the geographically pertinent list is already quite
 sufficient for those who would be concerned and interested to voice
 their possible objections.

 Thank you for all your work.

 Friendly yours,


 gpg 0x5939EAE2

 Talk-ht mailing list

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[Talk-br] sugestão de ferramenta

2012-01-28 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Ola Stanislaw,

O QGIS é un SIG muito completo e o que você quer fazer se trata do mesmo
jeito que no ArcGIS, por exemplo. No seu exemplo :
- clique sobre a coluna que deseja modificar
- clique sobre a ultima icone na direita que você tem na parte baixa da
janela (Field calculator, esto come uma versão em inglès)
- no field calculator, clique o segundo checkbox para excolher uma
atualização de uma coluna
- selecione a coluna desejada
- no seu caso aparentemente não tem calculo nem informação a recuperar de
uma outra coluna, então na ultima zona vazia embaixo (Field calculator
expression), tecle o valor ou o texto (nesse ultimo caso entre ' ') que
você quer
- clique OK

Se quiser atualizar uma parte só dos objetos, faça uma query antes que
abrir a sessão de modificação

2012/1/21 talk-br-requ...@openstreetmap.org

 Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para

 Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
 ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
 corpo da mensagem para

 Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo

 Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
 mais específica que Re: Contents of Talk-br digest...

 Tópicos de Hoje:

   1. sugestão de ferramenta (Stanislaw Pusep)


 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 12:25:19 -0200
 From: Stanislaw Pusep creakt...@gmail.com
 To: talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [Talk-br] sugestão de ferramenta
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Boa tarde, prezados!
 Estou com a seguinte tarefa incumbida: utilizando como referência a malha
 dos setores censitários do IBGE, taguear os mesmos manualmente. Nesta
 Tentei usar o Quantum GIS para isso: seleciono os setores desejados, abro a
 tabela de atributos, e preencho a coluna com o mesmo valor para todos os
 selecionados. Pois bem, isso não é nada prático, até por que QGIS é mais um
 visualizador do que editor...
 Alguém conhece um software que permita essa operação com relativa
 simplicidade: selecionar features e atribuir um valor para a mesma coluna
 de todos eles.
 Desde já agradeço!
 -- Próxima Parte --
 Um anexo em HTML foi limpo...


 Talk-br mailing list

 Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 40, assunto 20

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] 2pm Fri: Kids Map Tap-tap Bike Networks for Grassroots United!

2011-10-06 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
Adan pale trè byen franse ak kreyòl Nick amelyore chak jou, vinanpil!


Kreyol Google translation

Nan atann nou wè - yo fanatiques nan cartographie Nick Doiron m 'menm pral
anime yon atelye rapid sou ki jan nou kapab toutansanm cartographier yo wout
 pou tap-tap pi vit, egzanp, pati:


Nou pral kòmanse avèk kèk egzanp travay, kat dessinées nan men l 'sou papye,
 egzanp anpil pèsonèl yo tirés nan lekòl kominotè zòn riral yo Kwa-nan-
Bouquets kote Nick ak mwen gen antre OneLaptop Per Child!

COSMHA (Kominote OpenStreetMap Ayiti) manm yo ak toutenvite yo! Nou espere wè
nou tout ale 14 èdtan vandredi (7 oct.)nan kote sa a vre:


Nou pral pale tou yon trè enteresan Mapping Party 10 èdtan nan 17èdtan samdi
 15 oktòb nan http://esih.edu | sant http://j.mp/osm-esih, p'ap manke t =)


Adam parle très bien français et le creole de Nick s'améliore chaque jour,
venez nombreux !



En espérant vous y voir - les fanatiques de la cartographie Nick Doiron 
moi meme allons animer un atelier rapide sur comment nous pouvons tous
ensemble cartographier les itinéraires des  tap-tap  beaucoup plus
rapidement, par exemple, à partir de:


Nous allons commencer avec des exemples de travail, des cartes dessinées à
la main sur papier, des exemples très personnels tirés de l'école
communautaire rurale à Croix-des-Bouquets où Nick et moi y introduire One
Laptop per Child!

COSMHA (Communauté OpenStreetMap Ayiti) membres et tous invités ! Nous
espérons vous voir tous à partir 14 heures vendredi (7 oct.) à cet endroit


Nous allons également parler d'une très excitante Mapping Party 10 heures à
17 heures samedi 15 octobre au http://esih.edu | centre http://j.mp/osm-esih,
ne manquez pas =)

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:18 PM, Holt h...@laptop.org wrote:

 Hope to see you there -- mapping fanatics Nick Doiron  I will lead a quick
 workshop asking how we can all together map tap-tap routes far more vividly,
 eg starting from:


 We will start with working examples, of hand-drawn paper maps, each very
 personal examples taken from the rural community school in
 Croix-des-Bouquets where Nick  I are helping introduce One Laptop per

 COSMHA (Kominote OpenStreetMap Ayiti) members  All Invited!  Hope to see
 you all 2PM onwards Friday (Oct 7) at this exact location:


 We'll also explain a very exciting all day Mapping Party upcoming
 10am-to-5pm Saturday Oct 15 at http://esih.edu | 
 http://j.mp/osm-esihdowntown, don't miss out =)

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[Talk-ht] Séance de formation à (training sessions at) GrassRoots United

2011-07-08 Diskussionsfäden Séverin MENARD
(Automatic English translation below)

Chers tous,

Dans le cadre des formations données chaque vendredi après-midi 15-18h par
Jaakko et Brian au Resources Centre de Grassroots United
http://grassrootsunited.org/resource-center, j'interviendrai dans le cadre
de petits ateliers. Après l'initiation à la création de presets, je
proposerai cette fois différents compléments :

   - gérer le journal de traces de façon à ce que seuls de vrais objets
   linéaires soient enregistrés lors d'une session GPS et pas les pas perdus
   - Chargement de cartes pour garmin a partir des donnés sur geofabrik.de
   - Création de cartes à partir de données OSM en utilisant mkgmap et
   chargement des cartes sur garmin
   - Upload de traces (tracks) sur OSM (osm web ou via josm)
   - Fichier de représentation cartographique personnalisée sur JOSM

A vendredi.




Dear all,

As part of the training given each Friday afternoon at 15-18h Resources
Center Grassroots United, I will speak in small workshops. After an
introduction to the creation of presets, this time I will propose various

   -  manage the log traces so that only real linear objects are
   registered in a session and not the GPS not lost
   -  Loading maps from Garmin has given on geofabrik.de
   -  Creating maps from OSM data using mkgmap and loading maps on
   -  Upload tracks on OSM (OSM web or via josm)
   -  File mapping personalized JOSM

See you on Friday.


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