Re: [talk-au] Tracing items.

2008-06-06 Thread Andrew Loughhead
 And if someone enjoys tracing roads or some other feature exclusively
 are we to tell them to go away because it's not our idea of the best
 way to spend their time on OSM?

 Missed the point of my suggestion totally didn't you.  I am not saying
 don't do it just that if you want to improve the whole map in osm then
 here are some things that will help to do that.
Good grief.  Can we please all calm down?  Really there is no need for 
such aggressive emails here.

OSM is somewhat like a wiki. In a wiki people will contribute in 
different ways, basically scratching their own itch.

I did most of the inner north Canberra suburbs with GPS.  When the yahoo 
imagery became available I was able to compare the two.  Yahoo was fine 
enough for positional accuracy, certainly within the error margin of an 
average consumer GPS in stream mode. 

We had a baby. At that point my ability to find time to ride or drive 
around getting GPS traces vanished. But I felt I could still contribute, 
using Yahoo imagery.

I traced quite a bit of inner Canberra from Yahoo.  I am confident that 
the georeference of the imagery around here is fine, and I am familiar 
enough with the areas traced that I doubt I made any more errors than 
gps mapping would make.  I am also confident that my tracing has 
produced better *shape* in the roads than most mapping in OSM, some of 
which looks a bit like join-the-dots.

And thats the thing.  I liked tracing, and I liked getting the circles 
and curves of older Canberra to be just right. Yahoo was a great way to 
do it, and I think arguably much better than GPS, for shape.  Yahoo 
imagery is a little out of date sometimes, where roads have been 
realigned, but I live here, and drive through these areas, and I doubt I 
have traced any errors.  Overall, I got to scratch my itch.

Then I found some of my local co-mappers writing negative emails and 
diary entries, somewhat like the opening of this thread, containing 
similar statements about Yahoo, and others frankly I don't understand, 
to the effect that it all has to be re-done anyway.  I *think* that 
was because those areas needed to be visited again to get names and 
other features.  The time consuming phase of doing really nice shape 
didn't need to be done again, but that wasn't *their* itch, so they I 
guess they didn't value that.  Their itch was having many names and many 

So while I think I understand and value the contributions of my local 
fellow mappers, who have done a fantastic job of collecting other parts 
of Canberra, and of filling in many more feature types and names than I 
would ever have been bothered to do, I don't feel like my own 
contribution was valued.  My enthusiasm dried up and I don't invest time 
in OSM now. 

I think Darrin made a perfectly fair point: Let those who want to 
contribute in their own way do it.  Unless people do things that are 
substantively damaging to OSM, then whatever they want to contribute 
should be valued.  Otherwise contributors are just driven away by those 
who think they understand everything and that their view is the only 
valid one. 

I think that not understanding that someone elses motivation or itch, is 
different from your own, is missing the point.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tracing items.

2008-06-06 Thread Jim Croft
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Andrew Loughhead
 Good grief.  Can we please all calm down?  Really there is no need for
 such aggressive emails here.

Aggressive?  You have obviously never witnessed the mortal combat of a
real flame war.  This is nothing - just a bunch of pussies tugging at
a ball of string...  I have been on lists where there have been
threats of legal action and people have been excommunicated and banned
for life!   :)

 And thats the thing.  I liked tracing, and I liked getting the circles
 and curves of older Canberra to be just right. Yahoo was a great way to
 do it, and I think arguably much better than GPS, for shape.  Yahoo
 imagery is a little out of date sometimes, where roads have been
 realigned, but I live here, and drive through these areas, and I doubt I
 have traced any errors.  Overall, I got to scratch my itch.

At the foundation of this is the core of what OSM is - it is an Open
Street *Map*.   And maps are not reality; they are a functional
representation.  If we think we are building a community GIS then we
totally are using the wrong tool set.  For a street map it does not
really matter that that every wrinkle is accurate and precise down to
the finest resolution (the mere fact we fatten streets to accommodate
their names ensures perpetual inaccuracy); only that the
representation is meaningful.  The extreme of this is the London
Underground map - totally inaccurate spatially, but absolutely
meaningful (I never get bored on the Underground because I spend the
whole time reflecting on the transcendent zen-like reality, yet
unreality, of this map).

I lurk (also in inner north Canberra) on OSM not just because I like
the visualization of spatial relationships, but because I find the
sociology of a community building something fascinating (in the same
way I am mesmerized by Wikipedia, not by its content and its coverage,
but by the fact it exists at all and seems to work).

If I want a pretty, well rendered, well registered and authoritative
local map I use things like ACT Locate and ACTMAPi which are built on
a grunty GIS; but I I want to feel good, I delve onto OSM.  And the
feeling good has nothing to do with the quality, coverage and
presentation of the map, but with the fact that it exists at all and
seems to work.

An interesting about community information management projects, and I
am involved in and contribute to a number, is that they never go
exactly in the direction you want them to, but with a bit of effort
you can sometimes influence the direction in which they are pointed.
This is pretty confronting for control freaks, but fascinating to part
of and witness in action...  :)


Jim Croft

I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in
order to enjoy ourselves.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (1889-1951)

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