
I wanted to let you know that I have adjusted my plans based on feedback from 
this list and from the “imports” list. Here is a summary of the changes:

1.       I will tag all dams as water=reservoir instead of water=pond. Most 
existing dams in SA are tagged this way anyway. A dam seems to fit the 
definition of an OSM reservoir well.

2.       I have run the “SimplifyArea” JOSM plugin on all features. This 
reduces the total node count by 23%.

3.       I will not include any of the source tags. (I had been planning to 
keep FEATURECOD and OBJECTID from the source data).

I have made available an updated version of the .osm file that I plan to 
upload. There is a link to it on the wiki page ( 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/South_Australian_Waterbodies ).

Any further feedback or comments would of course be welcome.




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