I've been keen to organise a workshop in Sydney around OpenStreetMap and
looking to make it happen later this month.

1. To help get more people involved with OSM, as both:
a) contributors and,
b) consumers

2. Provide an opportunity for people to share what they are up to with OSM
a) mapping related and,
b) things being built with OSM

3. Provide a place for the local OSM community (both mappers and consumers)
to network and socialise

Perth has http://geogeeks.org/
Melbourne has https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Maptime-Melbourne/
Brisbane has had some mapathon/mapping parties recently

I'm thinking of something similar in Sydney mixed between talks,
socialising and hands on workshops.

To this end "Maptime" is one brand to run it under, and at least initially
I've been talking with someone else who want's to run a Maptime event in
Sydney to run one around OSM.

Is anyone else interested in seeing this happen? I'm interested to hear
from anyone who's also keen on this.

At this stage it will be a weekday evening in the CDB (we have two venue
options for around 15-20 people in a workshop setting) sometime the week of
the 20th. I was planning on doing an intro to OSM, but is anyone interested
in giving a short talk, demo or workshop as part of this?
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