Re: [talk-au] Bus, tram and train stop data license change

2010-03-04 Thread Andy Botting
> Very disappointing... I was browsing the
> website yesterday and noticed that Metlink and the Department of
> Transport  had released two datasets: the TransNET database of routes,
> stops and timetables, and a file of bus, tram and train stops. The
> TransNET file was under the DoT's restrictive license: only to be used
> for the 'App My State' competition, no commercial use, etc., however I
> was delighted to see that the stop information including very accurate
> lat/long coordinates was released under a CC - Attribution 2.5
> Australia license! I spent much of the day preparing to import it and
> producing a wiki page to document the process and data...
> However, I returned to the site
> ( today
> to find the license has been changed to the restrictive TransNET
> license!

I've been looking at importing tram stop information for some time,
and I've been in contact with Yarra Trams, Metlink and more recently,
the Dept. of Transport.

I had a call two weeks ago from a woman at the Dept. of Transport
basically explaining to me the license restrictions they have on their
data, and if I could agree to their restrictions, I could use the
data. She also said that the Dept. of Transport were looking at
releasing data under a CC license, but it was going to be a long
process, and we might see results by the end of the year!

A friend of mine pointed out this data set, telling me it was CC. I
didn't believe him at first, until I had a look. I immediately emailed
the Dept. of Transport with an email basically saying WTF? and I had
another call a few days later saying it was a MASSIVE stuff-up on the
Vic Govt part.. and they pulled that license off.

So I thought this story might be of some interest to this list :)

Also, I can call back the Dept. of Transport if anyone has any
questions about this data. I had a feeling that the CC license was
irrevocable, but hadn't checked myself. Do you think it's worth
pressing them about it?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tram stops and routes for Melbourne

2010-02-18 Thread Andy Botting
Hi all,

Just thought I'd update on this.

>>  1. What sort of agreement do I need from Yarra Trams before this
>> information can be uploaded into OSM? What have others done in the
>> past? What can you do if they agree one day, then change their mind?
> Generally you should get some form, either by a published copyright
> that is compatible with the OSM license, or a specific statement
> allowing OSM to import the data under it's license, if the general
> copyright is not compatible.

I had a chat to a guy at Yarra Trams, who was REALLY helpful. He was
quite interested in what I was trying to do, and OSM in general.

I explained to him the benefits of having this open data and he
started to see the benefits of it once I told him that he'd probably
come across OSM maps in things like iPhone apps, etc where you can't
use Google's maps.

It seemed that Metlink actually own this data, and I finally got a
response from them today:


  "As DOT is yet to consider Creative Commons licensing pending the
Government's response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Improving
Access to Public Sector Information and Data, the Director of Public
Transport does not approve of the release of the tram stop data
requested under a Creative Commons licence for use in the
OpenStreetMap product.

The Director would however approve the release of the data provided
the usual terms of our licence agreement were in place. "


Then, this was in the document they sent me:


Dear Andy,


I refer to your recent request to use data. This data, and any
intellectual property in it, is wholly and exclusively owned by the
Director of Public Transport on behalf of the Crown in right of the
State of Victoria (“the Director”).

The Director grants you a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence
(“Licence”) to use this data for the purpose of adding the information
to .

The Licence to use the data is granted solely to OpenStreetMap and is
subject to the following conditions and obligations:

  1. The data must not be used for any purpose other than that specified above.

  2. The data must not be retained by OpenStreetMap after the
requirement for it (as specified above) has been satisfied.

  3. The data must not be altered or amended in any way whatsoever.

  4. The data must not be sub-licensed, traded, sold, or otherwise
made available to any other person or entity by OpenStreetMap.

  5. The data must not be used in any manner that may, in the sole
opinion of Metlink, be misleading, or which may denigrate, disparage
or bring into disrepute Metlink, a public transport operator or the
Victorian Government or public transport in Victoria.

  6. Metlink has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the data is
accurate and current.  However, no warranty is given by Metlink or the
Director that the data is free from errors or is complete or

  7. OpenStreetMap assumes the sole risk of interpreting and applying
the data, and indemnifies Metlink and the Director against all
demands, claims, liability, loss, damage or injury of any kind
whatsoever (including consequential loss and damage and any legal
costs) that may be suffered by any person in connection with the use
of the data or the existence of errors in [the data] including as a
result of the way in which OpenStreetMap has interpreted, applied or
used the data.

  8. The Licence is revocable upon the termination or expiry of the
Metlink Services Agreement between Metlink and the Director.


Clearly this isn't going to work, but thought it might be of interest
to you guys.



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tram stops and routes for Melbourne

2010-01-30 Thread Andy Botting
Hi David,

> Im worried about a technique like that.  You plan to remove all existing
> stops (whether survey'd or nearmapped or whatever) to be replaced by a
> mass data set.  Just ask around how well that worked for the BP import
> and how many nodes ended up doubled up, or in the wrong location?

Before uploading them to OSM, I'd probably test them out on Google
Maps first as a sanity check.

If that seems ok, I'd probably start doing routes one by one, starting
with the ones with little or no stop nodes.

> If youve been on-the-ground and surveyed the data for the tram stops and
> simply wished to bulk upload verified data, that would be one thing, but
> if you plan on removing possibly surveyed data, just for the sake of
> importing a government supplied GIS list, I think the consequences
> should be understood that you could be removing accurate data to replace
> it with less-accurate data, unless you plan on reviewing/surveying every
> node yourself?

I would be reviewing all the myself. With these stops, it's not that
hard. They're generally at intersections of the road, so they're easy
to identify.



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tram stops and routes for Melbourne

2010-01-28 Thread Andy Botting
Hi John,

> The vic police stations were released under a cc-by license so we
> didn't need to contact anyone to import them. There has been a couple
> of data sets imported from

I was more referring to the technical problem (OSM xml format,
importing data) rather than the political one or getting a license for
the data.

I think it's a fantastic initiative by the government to release it
data. Kinda gives me the impression that they're starting to 'get it',
and this information should be free.



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tram stops and routes for Melbourne

2010-01-28 Thread Andy Botting
Hey Franc :)

> Generally you should get some form, either by a published copyright
> that is compatible with the OSM license, or a specific statement
> allowing OSM to import the data under it's license, if the general
> copyright is not compatible.

I think the hard part might be just getting them to acknowledge my emails ;)

If I hear back, I'll probably seek advice from the list about such form.

> For the couple imports I have done I have user perl (I would assume
> python equivalent exist) modules to convert from shp/gpx/whatever to
> the '.osm' xml format and then pushed it in with josm or an osm batch
> upload script.

My python script works with objects, so I basically write any format I like.

> The long bits tend to be getting copyright agreement (which may be a
> 'not happening' scenario) and then working out what attributes to put
> on the data - which i have done iteratively on the list.

When writing this email, I had the import of the Vic Police stations
in mind. I think this might be similar to what was done in that case.


Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Tram stops and routes for Melbourne

2010-01-28 Thread Andy Botting
Hi there freedom lovers,

I've dabbled with a few little tram projects over the last couple of
years, so I'm interested in the state of the tram information for

I've noticed that the stops in OSM are a little inconsistent and
incomplete, so I'd like to get them fixed.

Anyone on this list from Melbourne and catching trams, have probably
heard of 'Tram Tracker'. It's a web-services based system for
predicting the arrival of a tram at a particular stop. I've managed
write some little python scripts to compile a little database of all
the stops, with info like lat, lng, stop number, routes stopping at
each stop, and a few other little bits.

So, my questions here are:

  1. What sort of agreement do I need from Yarra Trams before this
information can be uploaded into OSM? What have others done in the
past? What can you do if they agree one day, then change their mind?

  2. Is there a particular format/method for uploading this
information? I guess I would need to manually remove the existing
stops first before pushing the new data in.



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