Am 22.07.2012 01:51, schrieb Brett Russell:

A few things.

1. I used Polatch 2 to add a house and give it an address. I chose the last house in Oldaker Street Devonport with the number 237. How do I link the house to the street?

Add addr:street to the house (either building outline or the node).

2. I then used OSRM to find the route from Oldaker Street, Devonport to George Street Launceston. It gives me the option to select Oldaker in Burnie or Devonport but not George Street in Launceston. Thinks Canada is a nice place to be.

OSRM uses nominatim to do address lookups, nominatim is currently (due to the redaction process) not being updated. As soon as we have a new ODBL licenced planet the nominatim database will be reloaded and we will have very fast updates again (and there should be substantially less issues with place nodes).

3. So I type in George Street, Launceston and it decides I must be heading to George Street in Longford.

Basically what I am trying to do is test the routing to find and fix broken routes. The questions are rather newbie but OSM help and search brings up countless opinions like you should be using JOSM wi8th X or Y plugin (ok I have more than one computer and installing JOSM on everyone including friends makes no sense). All I am after at this stage is a simple means to test a route and fix it up.

Right now I would simply test routes between stuff that survived the redaction.

I assume that I need to split roads and give each section a different speed limit when it changes.

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