[OSM-talk-be] Jungle Maps, a humanitarian mapping project in our backyard

2016-03-31 Thread Jorieke Vyncke
Hello, dag, bonjour Belgian mappers,

It would be great to get your support for a nice little
humanitarain-mapping project in our backyard.

The next two weeks four HOT-OSM volunteers (myself included) will start
with "Jungle Maps" in the refugee camp in Duinkerke in the north of France.
In collaboration with the refugees, we'll try to map out the whole camp.
We'll give them training in fieldmapping and openstreetmap-mapping so that
after two weeks we will have printed maps for the whole camp community that
can be updated by the trained residents themselves.

And yes for this we need some more help! We set up a crowdfunding campain
to raise some money to be able to really go forward with the project. So it
would be lovely if you could miss a few euro's so we can achieve our goal.

You can donate here: https://chuffed.org/project/a-map-for-dunkirk

What we will use the money for is mainly lodging and transport for the
volunteer-trainers, equipement and internet connection and also for the
production of printed maps.

If you don't want to donate money we also are very happy to get offline
donations. I mean, if people have equipement (of course only functional!)
we could use and leave in the camp after the training we would be very
happy with your gifts!

What we are looking for: two or three laptops, a wifi router, two or three
computer mouses, a printer (however I tought Jo was already eager to donate
one!?), a gps, a smartphone and an arabic keyboard (somebodey? We want to
make a multilangual map of the camp...). During the training phase we will
be able to use the materials of Libraries without borders, but we are not
yet sure they will stay on site after the training.

Also it would be very very much appreciated if you could share our
crowdfunding campaign in your networks! And if you are interested to do
even more, please get in touch with us. This is a pilot phase, so maybe
there is an opportunity to extend the project and than we are probably
looking for volunteers... So don't hesitate to get in touch!

Vele groetjes,

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[OSM-talk-be] tagging challenge: octopusstraat

2016-03-31 Thread joost schouppe
So there's a school which is now officially allowed to close the street
when school starts and finishes:

"Zo zal de Janseniusstraat tweemaal per schooldag ter hoogte van de Remi
Vandervaerenlaan afgezet worden voor inkomend gemotoriseerd verkeer
(uitgezonderd hulpdiensten). Bij het begin van de schooldag kan u van 7u45
tot 8u30 enkel te voet of met de fiets dit deel van de Janseniusstraat in.
Op het einde van de schooldag is de straat afgesloten van 15u15 tot 16u00
en op woensdag van 11u30 tot 12u15. Het uitrijden van de straat blijft voor
buurtbewoners op ieder moment mogelijk."

So it looks like the barrier is somewhere here:

The only thing unclear to me, is if there's only one barrier, and if so,
which part of the Janseniusstraat is actually blocked.


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