Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rencontre autour d'OpenStreetMap à Ramonville

2016-07-25 Thread Ludovic Hirlimann
Y a une liste plus toulousaine aussi tu leur a envoyé le message ?

2016-07-25 19:08 GMT+02:00 Hélène PETIT :

> L'association Le-Pic de Ramonville organise sa première réunion d'échange
> orientée "Contribuer à OpenStreetMap".
> Vous n'avez jamais contribué, et vous voulez savoir à quoi ça ressemble ?
> Vous contribuez déjà ? dans le Lauragais ? à Toulouse ?
> à propos de la circulation à vélo ? et vous voulez rencontrer les autres
> pour échanger des infos ?
> Vous souhaitez vous former pour mieux participer à la cartopartie orientée
> handicap que la Mairie de Ramonville organise le 17 septembre dans le cadre
> du projet Accessimap ?
> Vous souhaitez mettre un projet particulier à l'ordre du jour ( lieux
> remarquables, petit patrimoine historique, bars à bière ...) et disposer
> d'une carte personnalisée pour en rendre compte ?
> C'est gratuit mais l'inscription est obligatoire. Merci de préciser lors
> de votre inscription si vous apportez un ordinateur ou si vous préférez que
> nous vous en prêtions un (accès réseau ou wifi et navigateur, c'est tout ce
> dont nous avons besoin).
> Lieu : Maison des Associations 14, Chemin Pouciquot
> Date : mardi 2 août 2016 à partir de 18h - repas partagé.
> Inscriptions : Par courriel à
> A bientôt,
> Pour le CA,
> Hélène
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Errors in rendering names of administrative boundaries

2016-07-25 Thread

On 25/07/2016 08:14, cleary wrote:

I have noticed errors in rendering names of administrative boundaries on
the OSM website map.  It is not just Australian boundaries. For example Canada
and United States on the reverse sides of their shared boundary.

I suspect that what's happening is that it's not displaying the text on 
a particular side of the boundary, but instead just to one side or the 
other?  The setting is I guess the "text-dy" below here:

If you go up a bit from your "wrong side" example to 
you can see a place where three relation memberships are all displayed 
on the same side of the line.

It might be fixable in the style (have a look through the issues at ) or it might 
need something in mapnik itself ( ).

Whilst looking at something completely different (how to use the road 
casing to indicate there's a sidewalk) I did come across a hack to 
display the road asymetrically over the casing - see 
- so something like that might be doable here.  Above my Mapnik pay 
grade though :)



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Academias de clases particulares

2016-07-25 Thread Rodrigo Rega
Yo he usado amenity=training [1], actualmente está en propuesta.


El 26/07/2016 00:32, "Rafael Avila Coya"  escribió:

> Hola a todos/as:
> Alguien sabe cómo se deberían etiquetar academias de clases particulares?
> Saludos,
> Rafael Ávila Coya.
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-25 Thread Matthijs Melissen
On 26 July 2016 at 01:51, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> I can't speak to the qualities of Go Map! but I think your review should
> also mention the fact that this is proprietary software - it doesn't
> cost anything but you can't look at the source. In that, it is different
> from almost every other OSM editor widely used.

Good point, thank you for the addition.

There doesn't seem to be a (future) business model behind it. I wonder
if this keeping the source closed was a deliberate choice of the

-- Matthijs

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-25 Thread Nicolás Alvarez
2016-07-25 20:32 GMT-03:00 Matthijs Melissen :
> Hi all,
> I always used to be quite sceptical about mobile mapping applications.
> Due to the small screen size and lack of a mouse pointer, mobile
> mapping seemed clumsy and error-prone. For me, collecting data in the
> field and then adding it on a personal computer with JOSM was the way
> to go.
> However, my mind has changed completely since I discovered Go Map!, an
> application for iOS written by Bryce Cogswell. Nowadays, I'm doing
> almost all my mapping in the field straight in Go Map!, and only
> rarely do I still resort to JOSM.
> Go Map! is designed with a light-weight UI, making mapping easy and
> intuitive. In particular, a lot of attention was paid to minimize the
> chance of user errors. Some examples:
> - Objects are moved by dragging a handle next to the object, rather
> than the object itself. This way, you're not obscuring the placement
> of the object.
> - When drawing a new line, a subtle animation is shown whenever you're
> about to connect a node to another node or line.
> - The application does not permit the manipulation (such as
> straightening) of objects (partially) outside of the view.
> I found that entering the results of my surveys straight in Go Map!
> saves me a lot of time, and additionally improves the quality of my
> data (since one data manipulation step is cut out, and I can verify
> results immediately).
> Of course, even with Go Map!, accidental data errors might be
> possible. And repetitive actions, or manipulation of large areas with
> many notes, is perhaps still easier on a desktop computer. But
> overall, I find Go Map! a large improvement.
> And an additional bonus: whenever passers-by ask you when this map
> you're creating can be viewed online, you now can tell them: "in about
> two minutes".
> I'd recommend every iOS user to give the application at least a try.
> The application can be downloaded here:

I have been (infrequently) using this for years and I agree about its

In particular, I like how I can position objects by matching aerial
imagery to what I'm seeing in the real world at the same time.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 07/26/2016 01:32 AM, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> I'd recommend every iOS user to give the application at least a try.

I can't speak to the qualities of Go Map! but I think your review should
also mention the fact that this is proprietary software - it doesn't
cost anything but you can't look at the source. In that, it is different
from almost every other OSM editor widely used.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-25 Thread Matthijs Melissen
Hi all,

I always used to be quite sceptical about mobile mapping applications.
Due to the small screen size and lack of a mouse pointer, mobile
mapping seemed clumsy and error-prone. For me, collecting data in the
field and then adding it on a personal computer with JOSM was the way
to go.

However, my mind has changed completely since I discovered Go Map!, an
application for iOS written by Bryce Cogswell. Nowadays, I'm doing
almost all my mapping in the field straight in Go Map!, and only
rarely do I still resort to JOSM.

Go Map! is designed with a light-weight UI, making mapping easy and
intuitive. In particular, a lot of attention was paid to minimize the
chance of user errors. Some examples:
- Objects are moved by dragging a handle next to the object, rather
than the object itself. This way, you're not obscuring the placement
of the object.
- When drawing a new line, a subtle animation is shown whenever you're
about to connect a node to another node or line.
- The application does not permit the manipulation (such as
straightening) of objects (partially) outside of the view.

I found that entering the results of my surveys straight in Go Map!
saves me a lot of time, and additionally improves the quality of my
data (since one data manipulation step is cut out, and I can verify
results immediately).

Of course, even with Go Map!, accidental data errors might be
possible. And repetitive actions, or manipulation of large areas with
many notes, is perhaps still easier on a desktop computer. But
overall, I find Go Map! a large improvement.

And an additional bonus: whenever passers-by ask you when this map
you're creating can be viewed online, you now can tell them: "in about
two minutes".

I'd recommend every iOS user to give the application at least a try.

The application can be downloaded here:!!/id592990211?mt=8

-- Matthijs

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Gestor de tareas OSM-es (era: Fuentes de Madrid)

2016-07-25 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Gracias, Alejandro!

En cuanto a los scripts, aún estoy esperando respuesta...


On 25/07/16 11:10, Alejandro S. wrote:

Ahora solo falta que vuelva a funcionar :(

Disculpad las molestias pero parece que estamos teniendo algún problema
con la máquina en cuestión.

  Alejandro Suárez

2016-07-25 10:52 GMT+02:00 Luis García Castro >:

El 25 de julio de 2016, 0:11, Alejandro S. > escribió:

Aquí tenéis a vuestra disposición el Gestor de Tareas de OSM que
hemos montado:

¡Genial!! ¡Muchas gracias!!


Luis García

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Errors in rendering names of administrative boundaries

2016-07-25 Thread Jason Ward
Hi cleary,

OpenStreetMap carto would be the best place for checking whether this is a
known issue and loving it if it isn't.

On Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 5:15 PM cleary  wrote:

> I have noticed errors in rendering names of administrative boundaries on
> the OSM website map.  It is not just Australian boundaries. For example
> Canada
> and United States on the reverse sides of their shared boundary.
> I had presumed it was a short-term problem and that someone, with more
> knowledge than me,  would fix it but these errors have been there for a
> couple of weeks.
> Does anyone know if the problem is being addressed or who can be
> contacted about it?
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Daniele Cortesi
Dopo un bel po' di tentativi dovrei essere riuscito a ripristinare la
Ho lasciato i tag mtb, anche se penso vadano rimossi, che ne dite?

al momento:


Il giorno 25 luglio 2016 17:48, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> 2016-07-25 17:44 GMT+02:00 Volker Schmidt :
>> Non si mappa per il renderer, va bene, ma non dimentichiamo l'utente
>> finale dei dati. Non tutti utilizzano routing, c'è anche gente che utilizza
>> mappe su schermo o carta.
> si, sicuramente non ci deve più stare un highway=* a questo oggetto
> (nemmeno con un ruins=yes o simile). Poi per il ponte rotto io metterei un
> man_made=bridge (dipende quanto è rimasto dal ponte).
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-co] Taller de GeoPython - IPGH

2016-07-25 Thread
Estimada comunidad:

Nos escriben en el grupo de Telegram sobre este interesante taller:

Luis Cano
Buenas a todos, comparto con ustedes este Taller sobre GeoPython que se va
a dictar este dia jueves completamente gratis y que puede ser de interés
para varios
Webinar: GeoPython con OpenSource - Sección Nacional del Ecuador del

Webinar: GeoPython con OpenSource

¿Estás interesado en conocer un poco más sobre el lenguaje de programación
Python aplicado al mundo Geo OpenSourc...
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Asociación OSM España

2016-07-25 Thread Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
Vuelvo a escribir sobre el tema retomando el mensaje de Santiago Higuera en
el otro hilo de la lista [1] en el que proponía:

1. entregar los papeles a una gestoría especializada en ONGs --> A mi me
parece genial que haya alguien que nos pueda echar una mano y entre todos
podríamos asumir un pequeño coste. Santiago, ¿sigues dispuesto a llevar los
papeles allí? Tendría que devolvértelos Pedro-Juan, ¿no?

2. quedar vía hangout --> alguien se atreve a hacerlo esta misma semana, ¿o
ya para septiembre? (doy por descontado que en agosto estamos muchos lejos
del ordenador)

Quizá podemos ir pronunciándonos por esta vía o por Telegram e ir atacando
las ideas que se nos vayan ocurriendo ya con los estatutos de la asociación
sobre la mesa.

Un saludo



*Miguel Sevilla-Callejo*

*Doctor in Geography*
a. Associate Lecturer at Dpto. of Geography & Territorial Planning at
University of Zaragoza
b. Fellow at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - Spanish National Research
c. Freelance consultant & researcher - Member #698, Spanish Professional
Association of Geographers

*Doctor en Geografía*
a. Profesor asociado en el Dpto. de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio
de la Univ. de Zaragoza
b. Colaborador del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología - Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas
c. Consultor e investigador freelance - Colegiado 698 del Colegio Oficial
de Geógrafos

2016-07-25 18:19 GMT+02:00 Miguel Sevilla-Callejo :

> Hola,
> Han pasado ya casi cuatro meses desde que nos dimos un ultimátum para ver
> si nos poníamos manos a la obra para reactivar la asociación OpenStreetMap
> España que os recuerdo surgió de la última reunión con el IGN y que
> prosiguió en el siguiente hilo de esta lista:
> Como se comentó en el mismo hilo, estábamos dispuestos a arrimar el hombro
> un buen puñado de personas (cerca de una veintena tengo ahora
> contabilizados) y alguna más que me lo han confirmado por otras vías.
> El primer escollo que encontramos era tener a mano todo el papeleo que se
> movió para la asociación, y para empezar, tener presentes los estatutos
> para que nos los pudiéramos leer todos. Y como nunca es tarde si la dicha
> es buena ya podemos decir que hemos traspasado este umbral gracias a que
> los papeles terminaron llegando a manos de Santiago Higuera y más tarde de
> Pedro-Juan Ferrer quien los escaneó y, mejor aún, para los estatutos los ha
> publicado en la wiki de OSM:
> El resto de los documentos en PDF los hemos compartido, por el momento,
> Pedro-Juan Ferrer, Alejandro Suárez y yo en una carpeta de dropbox y cuyos
> archivos os listo más abajo pero que por contener alguna información
> personal "sensible" no hemos considerado aún hacerla pública.
> Por lo que entiendo del papeleo de la asociación, con un libro de actas y
> otro de socios en blanco (Pedro-Juan corrígeme si me equivoco) la cosa,
> desde el punto de vista legal está como cuando se creó la asociación.
> O sea, en términos de cargos, del siguiente modo:
> Presidente: Iván Sánchez
> Vicepresidente y tesorero: Juan García
> Secretario: Pablo Gómez
> Y como socios, los fundacionales, que además de los anteriores serían:
> Martín Rodríguez, Celso González, Sergio Sevillano, Jaime Crespo, Asier
> Urio y Jonás Adradas
> Y todo ello para haber iniciado la asociación con un "Patrimonio
> Fundacional" (no se especifica en Art.30) de 180€ (imagino que saldrían a
> 20€ por cabeza).
> ¿Cómo proceder ahora? ¿Hacemos un hangout para coordinarnos? ¿Lo tratamos
> por el grupo de Telegram u otra vía de coordinación rápida?
> Se me ocurre que para este menester habría que habilitar un canal
> específico (ya sea otra lista de coordinación, grupo Telegram o lo que sea)
> para no solapar con cuestiones más propias del normal funcionamiento de la
> comunidad.
> También creo que sería bueno incluir más información y la coordinación en
> la wiki.
> En otro correo os escribo con más ideas y cuestiones que creo que hay que
> ir resolviendo, entre ellas el que creemos un grupo de personas que vaya a
> mover el asunto... ese 1% (del 90+9+1) de la comunidad implicada!!! Creo
> que hay masa crítica suficiente para echar adelante la asociación si nos
> repartimos el trabajo.
> Y si no sale adelante, pues no pasa nada, que no hemos venido aquí para
> darnos mal. Al fin y al cabo esto lo hacemos por que nos gusta y nos
> interesa.
> Espero vuestros correos y reflexiones al respecto.
> Un saludo
> Miguel
> --
> Listado de archivos escaneados:
> ./osm_es
> ├── facturas
> │   ├── osm_es013_factura_de_confiteria_murcia_tarta_libre.pdf
> │   └── osm_es014_factura_de_confiteria_valencia_tarta_libre.pdf
> ├── la_caixa
> │   ├── osm_es006_contrato_cuenta_corriente_la_caixa.pdf
> │   ├── 

Re: [Talk-cz] mokřad u Židlochovic

2016-07-25 Thread Marián Kyral

Dne 25.7.2016 v 15:52 Karel Volný napsal(a):
> zdar,
> na něco jsem koukal, a všiml jsem si, že se nám objevil mokřad u 
> Židlochovic[1] ačkoliv tedy ortofoto podklad v iD se ještě neaktualizoval
> (a mimochodem žádný dobrovolník neuzavřel příslušnou poznámku[2])
> tak jsem koukl do changesetu[3], a zaujal mě obsah imagery_used ... jestli to 
> tahá z ČÚZK, tak ale podle aktuální verze ortofoto obkreslovat nesmíme, ne?
> (v katastrální mapě to ještě nevidím)

No tak taky tam má "local GPX". Třeba si to párkrát oběhl.

> může mi to někdo potvrdit nebo vyvrátit než budu případně autora kontaktovat?
> a mimochodem, jestli je to mokřad, tak by to ale nemělo být water=pond nýbrž 
> natural=wetland a wetland=marsh[4,5] ... jest tak? (foto na wiki není moc 
> reprezentativní, vypadá to jinak než foto na webu Židlochovic)

Tak je otázka, kde přesně je ta hranice mezi vodní plochou a trvale
podmáčenou půdou. Tipnul bych si, že zakreslil akorát vodní plochu a ten
mokřad bude někde okolo. Ale třeba se pletu a je to jinak. Záleží jak to
tam vypadá v různých ročních obdobích a hlavně za sucha.


> K.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Complicated opening hours

2016-07-25 Thread Jack Page
You may be right that using week numbers is a better way of encoding this

This is an inherent issue with using the SH qualifier in opening hours: the
school holidays can differ even in the same LA sometimes with private
schools and academies which means unless I hardcode in the week numbers as
you suggest it will be practically impossible to expect a parser to deal
with this.

I was not sure if it was OK to write We,Sa,Su,PH or whether these needed to
be separated into two separate statements We,Sa,Su and PH.


On 25 July 2016 at 20:22, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)  wrote:

> What about “Apr 01-Oct 31 We,Sa,Su,PH 14:00-17:00; Jul 01-Sep 30 SH
> 14:00-17:00”?
> Source:
> (sorry, cryptic link).
> If the local authority determines summer holidays by weeks, then use:
> “Apr 01-Oct 31 We,Sa,Su,PH 14:00-17:00; week xx-yy 14:00-17:00”
> — Amaroussi (it’s too darn hot in London).
> On 25 Jul 2016, at 20:10, Jack Page  wrote:
> That seems reasonable to me.
> It is a shame there is no official implementation for this but I guess
> holidays aren't parsed that often anyway and this is quite a niche case to
> warrant changing the scheme.
> I will implement this for now and yes I will probably extend summer to
> June and September (I don't think there are any half term holidays in those
> months so it should only capture the summer holiday).
> Regards
> Jack
> On 25 July 2016 at 20:05, Marc Gemis  wrote:
>> My thoughts:
>> > Is there a way to specify only bank holidays between April and October
>> > (rather than every bank holiday at once)?
>> Apr-Oct PH 14:00-17:00
>> > Is there a way to specify only Summer school holidays (rather than all
>> > school holidays at once)?
>> Jul-Aug SH 14:00-17:00
>> (Perhaps you have to extend the period here for summer, e.g.  include
>> June and/or Sep)
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ca] Statistics Canada

2016-07-25 Thread Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)
John and colleagues,
Many thanks for offering your help. We will definitely need it! We are trying 
to develop an efficient way to import municipal open data (building footprint) 
for the municipality of Ottawa and Gatineau. We are in discussion with both 
municipalities and based on OSM previous experience we are try to find an 
effective way for doing this (the previous message of David MacNeil was very 
useful at this regard).
We will definitely ask for your help for this undertaking.

Bjenk and Alessandro

Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l'exploration et 
l'intégration de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Complicated opening hours

2016-07-25 Thread Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)
What about “Apr 01-Oct 31 We,Sa,Su,PH 14:00-17:00; Jul 01-Sep 30 SH 

 (sorry, cryptic link).

If the local authority determines summer holidays by weeks, then use:

“Apr 01-Oct 31 We,Sa,Su,PH 14:00-17:00; week xx-yy 14:00-17:00”

— Amaroussi (it’s too darn hot in London).

> On 25 Jul 2016, at 20:10, Jack Page  wrote:
> That seems reasonable to me. 
> It is a shame there is no official implementation for this but I guess 
> holidays aren't parsed that often anyway and this is quite a niche case to 
> warrant changing the scheme.
> I will implement this for now and yes I will probably extend summer to June 
> and September (I don't think there are any half term holidays in those months 
> so it should only capture the summer holiday).
> Regards
> Jack
> On 25 July 2016 at 20:05, Marc Gemis  > wrote:
> My thoughts:
> > Is there a way to specify only bank holidays between April and October
> > (rather than every bank holiday at once)?
> Apr-Oct PH 14:00-17:00
> > Is there a way to specify only Summer school holidays (rather than all
> > school holidays at once)?
> Jul-Aug SH 14:00-17:00
> (Perhaps you have to extend the period here for summer, e.g.  include
> June and/or Sep)
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Complicated opening hours

2016-07-25 Thread Jack Page
That seems reasonable to me.

It is a shame there is no official implementation for this but I guess
holidays aren't parsed that often anyway and this is quite a niche case to
warrant changing the scheme.

I will implement this for now and yes I will probably extend summer to June
and September (I don't think there are any half term holidays in those
months so it should only capture the summer holiday).


On 25 July 2016 at 20:05, Marc Gemis  wrote:

> My thoughts:
> > Is there a way to specify only bank holidays between April and October
> > (rather than every bank holiday at once)?
> Apr-Oct PH 14:00-17:00
> > Is there a way to specify only Summer school holidays (rather than all
> > school holidays at once)?
> Jul-Aug SH 14:00-17:00
> (Perhaps you have to extend the period here for summer, e.g.  include
> June and/or Sep)
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Complicated opening hours

2016-07-25 Thread Marc Gemis
My thoughts:

> Is there a way to specify only bank holidays between April and October
> (rather than every bank holiday at once)?

Apr-Oct PH 14:00-17:00

> Is there a way to specify only Summer school holidays (rather than all
> school holidays at once)?

Jul-Aug SH 14:00-17:00

(Perhaps you have to extend the period here for summer, e.g.  include
June and/or Sep)

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Complicated opening hours

2016-07-25 Thread Jack Page
Hi all,

I am trying to tag the opening hours for the museum in Burnham on Crouch,
Essex, however it is proving quite complicated.

This is the quote explaining the opening hours from their website:

 2.00pm until 5.00pm Wednesdays Saturdays Sundays and Bank Holidays from
> April to the end of October  and every day during the Summer school holidays

So saying open from 2pm to 5pm on Wed, Sat Sun between April and October is

The issues I'm running into are though:

   1. Is there a way to specify only bank holidays between April and
   October (rather than every bank holiday at once)?
   2. Is there a way to specify only Summer school holidays (rather than
   all school holidays at once)?

I have a feeling that tagging this with the current scheme may not be

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] New project with OSM at Statistics Canada

2016-07-25 Thread Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)
Hi James,

We are working in partnerships with both municipalities of Ottawa and Gatineau. 
So far, Ottawa has given us two files. One is a large buildings file available 
through their open data portal. It contains about 16 000 building footprints.  
The other is a larger file with over 300 000 buildings in it. That one contains 
footprints that are not on OSM after a quick look through.

John mentioned that the best way to make it available is through the TB open 
data portal so I am going to look into that.

We are talking with Gatineau and they will join the project. I will give 
updates on how this is going.

Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD

Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l’exploration et 
l’intégration de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004

From: James []
Sent: July-18-16 4:58 PM
To: Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN) 
Cc: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] New project with OSM at Statistics Canada

Should be pretty easy on the Gatineau sode as all the address points are there, 
as for Ottawa, not so much until they decide to change their license

On Jul 18, 2016 11:28 AM, "Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)" 
> wrote:
Dear members of the Board of Directors,

My name is Bjenk Ellefsen. I am working for the Data Exploration and 
Integration Lab at Statistics Canada.

I am writing to inform you that earlier this month, Statistics Canada initiated 
a two-year pilot project aimed at understanding the potential of data 
crowdsourcing for statistical purposes.

We are planning to use OpenStreetMap as a platform for inviting contributors to 
crowdsource information on non-residential buildings (footprints, addresses and 
simple building attributes). The pilot project will focus on the 
Ottawa-Gatineau region.

We have assembled a multi-disciplinary project team, which includes people from 
five divisions of Statistics Canada and also from the municipalities of Ottawa 
and Gatineau.

In November of last year, my chief, Alessandro Alasia, spoke with Paul Norman. 
At that time, we were exploring the idea of crowdsourcing. We have done quite a 
lot of background research and planning since then (although much learning 
remains to be done). The preliminary idea has evolved in a proof of concept 
proposal and, from there, into the current project.

Earlier this month we held a first meeting/conference call with the local 
(Canada/Ottawa) OSM community. We hope to strengthen these ties further in the 
coming months by engaging the OSM community through Talk-ca.

This pilot project is a major innovative undertaking for our Agency. There are 
a multitude of aspects that we need to assess and learn about (including the IT 
dimension, communications,  legal aspects, etc.).

For this reason, there is also a lot of excitement about the project and much 
curiosity from senior management. We know that crowdsourcing is a reality but, 
as far as I know, there has been no other attempt to assess its potential from 
the perspective of a national statistical office.

One of our Assistant Chief Statisticians, in particular, who is championing the 
innovation projects at Statistics Canada, has a keen interest in this project. 
At some point, we would like to have an “institutional” meeting between 
Statistics Canada and OSM (although I am not quite sure in which shape and form 
this can take place). I am open to your suggestions.

I am copying my colleague Bjenk Ellefsen, who is part of our team and who will 
follow-up on most of the communication with the OSM community on Talk-Ca.

I look forward to hearing from you and to engaging the OSM community on this 

I will soon write more about the project!


Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD

Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l’exploration et 
l’intégration de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004

Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping turn restrictions in Canada

2016-07-25 Thread Andrew MacKinnon
On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Manohar Erikipati  wrote:
> Hey there,
> Today we mapped 76 turn restrictions in Canada. You can follow the project
> tracker here( and get involved.
> We have across signage with text we are not so sure about, it would great if
> canadian mappers clarify us on these.
> 1(,
> 2(

At the first intersection, the text in French means "Wait for arrow to
turn left" which you can probably ignore. There is also a no U turn

At the second intersection, there is no left turn at certain times. I
think it says Monday to Friday 8am-10am and 3pm-7pm (Lun-Ven 8h-10h,
15h-19h in French) but it is hard to read. There is also no U turn
except authorized vehicles.

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] New project at Statistics Canada / Nouveau projet à Statistique Canada

2016-07-25 Thread Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN)

Hello everyone,

Thanks for the many feedback. We really look forward to working with the OSM 
As mentioned by some, working with an online community is a new undertaking for 
our agency. There is a lot of learning involved (for us) but we are confident 
we can make a valuable contribution.
There are many aspects that we need to learn about and many new dimensions 
(including legal aspects of data sharing). Some mentioned postal codes, but 
there are many legal aspects that an agency like StatCan needs to take into 
accounts. It is a new territory and, to some extent, we are learning by doing.
You have already identified some of our main challenges: tags, imports of 
municipal open data, data quality, etc.
We are trying to tackle each of them, one at a time. And we want to work with 
you to help follow and develop practices and contribute to OSM data in Canada.
Our pilot will be for Ottawa/Gatineau (for logistic and operational reasons, we 
need to limit our focus). But we would be more than happy to coordinate our 
work with other mappers working on other municipalities.
We will follow up on each item, and with regular updates on the project.
Bjenk and Alessandro
Nous étions impatients de travailler avec la communauté d'OSM et merci de vos 
Quelques-uns d'entre vous l'ont mentionné, travailler avec une communauté en 
ligne est nouveau pour notre agence. Il y a beaucoup à apprendre pour nous mais 
nous sommes confiants de pouvoir contribuer de façon significative.
Il y a plusieurs aspects sur lesquels nous devons apprendre et plusieurs 
nouvelles choses comme les aspects légaux de l'échange de données. Certaines 
ont mentionné les codes postaux mais il y a plusieurs aspects légaux qu'une 
agence telle que StatCan doit prendre en considération. C'est un nouveau 
territoire et, d'une certaine façon, nous apprenons en le faisant.
Vous avez déjà identifié certains de nos défis principaux : les attributs, 
l'importation de données municipales (données ouvertes), la qualité des 
données, etc.
Nous essayons de rencontrer chacun de ces défis un à un. Nous souhaitons 
travailler avec vous afin de suivre et développer les pratiques et contribuer 
aux données d'OSM au Canada.
Notre projet pilote sera pour Ottawa et Gatineau (nous devons limiter la portée 
pour l'instant pour des raisons de logistiques et opérationnelles). Par contre, 
nous serions intéressés à aider et coordonner les efforts de contributeurs qui 
souhaitent inclure d'autres municipalités.
Nous ferons un suivi et des mises à jour constantes sur le projet.
Bjenk et Alessandro
Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l'exploration et 
l'intégration de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Mapping turn restrictions in Canada

2016-07-25 Thread Manohar Erikipati
Hey there,
Today we mapped 76 turn restrictions in Canada. You can follow the project
tracker here( and get
involved. We have across signage with text we are not so sure about, it
would great if canadian mappers clarify us on these. 1(,
Thank you,
Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-co] Datos SITP

2016-07-25 Thread Andres Gomez Casanova

|  |


| Saludos a todos,    Después de nuestra conversación del viernes sobre los 
datos libres y no libres que se han subido a OSM, les comparto lo que he visto 
para identificar datos del SITP que parece que procedieran de fuentes no 
libres.    Consulta Overpass-turbo:    [out:json][timeout:25]; (   
node["name"~"Br. "]({{bbox}}); ); out body; >; out skel qt;       Usuarios:    osukaru88 sytabaresa 
JeanPaulPG ungeo01 Lauraepp       Links de los nodos:    Como se puede ver los 
nodos están en la mitad de la vía lo cual no es normal, tienen un ID muy 
consecutivo que indica una carga masiva. 

[OSM-talk-fr] Rencontre autour d'OpenStreetMap à Ramonville

2016-07-25 Thread Hélène PETIT
L'association Le-Pic de Ramonville organise sa première réunion 
d'échange orientée "Contribuer à OpenStreetMap".

Vous n'avez jamais contribué, et vous voulez savoir à quoi ça ressemble ?

Vous contribuez déjà ? dans le Lauragais ? à Toulouse ?
à propos de la circulation à vélo ? et vous voulez rencontrer les autres 
pour échanger des infos ?

Vous souhaitez vous former pour mieux participer à la cartopartie 
orientée handicap que la Mairie de Ramonville organise le 17 septembre 
dans le cadre du projet Accessimap ?

Vous souhaitez mettre un projet particulier à l'ordre du jour ( lieux 
remarquables, petit patrimoine historique, bars à bière ...) et disposer 
d'une carte personnalisée pour en rendre compte ?

C'est gratuit mais l'inscription est obligatoire. Merci de préciser lors 
de votre inscription si vous apportez un ordinateur ou si vous préférez 
que nous vous en prêtions un (accès réseau ou wifi et navigateur, c'est 
tout ce dont nous avons besoin).

Lieu : Maison des Associations 14, Chemin Pouciquot
Date : mardi 2 août 2016 à partir de 18h - repas partagé.
Inscriptions : Par courriel à

A bientôt,

Pour le CA,

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] pokestops

2016-07-25 Thread Tom Pfeifer

Rory McCann wrote on 2016/07/25 15:52:

On 25/07/16 15:45, wrote:

With an "We've all been there" follow up question. When you say
delete them, do you mean just go in and select the nodes and delete
or is there a better way to handle it?

You can just delete the nodes, yes. In theory you could do a revert of
the changeset, but TBH it's a small changeset, so it'd be quicker to
just manually delete it. It'll appear the same in the database.

Well, this case contained 7 new and one modified object, in which a
real memorial was renamed. Thus simply deleting them would have
destroyed this one.

Reverted meanwhile.


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Volker Schmidt
Da considerare anche il guado (ford=yes)

2016-07-25 17:42 GMT+02:00 Daniele Cortesi :

> Ops... Capisco il senso dell'errore e ho capito che "non si mappa per il
> rendering" :D
> Per evitare di farne un altro: per rimettere il ponte esiste un "revert" o
> lo ricreo con le stesse caratteristiche? Non è meglio aspettare di
> individuare il tag corretto per evitare di lasciare una situazione "sporca"?
> Questo è il path in questione:
> Questa la situazione attuale del "ponte" Non
> sembra crollato recentemente. Volendo il torrente è piccolo e
> attraversabile bagnandosi i piedi e con un po' di rischio ma io, con una
> bambina piccola, ho preferito tornare indietro. Ve lo dico solo per
> aiutarvi a capire meglio come taggare la linea.
> Ciao,
> dan
> Il giorno 25 luglio 2016 16:17, Andrea Lattmann 
> ha scritto:
>> >Ho provveduto a rimuovere il ponte dalla >mappa ma mi pare poco evidente
>> che il >sentiero è interrotto.
>> Hai sbagliato a togliere il ponte. Credo che un ruin=yes sarebbe stato
>> meglio, o comunque un tag che ne descriveva lo stato.
>> >C'è possibilità di renderlo più evidente?
>> Non si mappa per il rendering.
>> Ma credo che usando i tag opportuni, mapnik evidenzi meglio la situazione.
>> Nel frattempo reinserisci il ponte, poi troviamo i tag appropriati. :-)
>> Andrea Lattmann
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-25 17:44 GMT+02:00 Volker Schmidt :

> Non si mappa per il renderer, va bene, ma non dimentichiamo l'utente
> finale dei dati. Non tutti utilizzano routing, c'è anche gente che utilizza
> mappe su schermo o carta.

si, sicuramente non ci deve più stare un highway=* a questo oggetto
(nemmeno con un ruins=yes o simile). Poi per il ponte rotto io metterei un
man_made=bridge (dipende quanto è rimasto dal ponte).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-25 17:42 GMT+02:00 Daniele Cortesi :

> per rimettere il ponte esiste un "revert" o lo ricreo con le stesse
> caratteristiche?

meglio utilizzare l'oggetto vecchio. Lo puoi trovare nel tuo changeset con
il quale hai cancellato, prendi l'id del way, poi con "undelete object" (o
simile) in JOSM puoi scaricare la vecchia versione per poi ricaricarla con
le tue modifiche.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Volker Schmidt
Non si mappa per il renderer, va bene, ma non dimentichiamo l'utente finale
dei dati. Non tutti utilizzano routing, c'è anche gente che utilizza mappe
su schermo o carta.

Parlando da utente, ed essendo più volte cascato in casi simili, dove
un'apparente strada/sentiero/... era in realtà interrotta per pochi metri
con l'impossibilità di passaggio, preferisco che la mappa sia un po' meno
esatta geometricamente, ma chiara per l'utente umano. Per questo motivo
suggerisco di esagerare la lunghezza del ponte mancante per rendere il
fatto visibile.

Per quanto riguarda il tagging, ho trovato con taginfo 29
"bridge=collapsed" e un "collapsed:bridge=yes" (in combinazione con
Quest'ultimo sono riuscito a localizzare in Trentino ( e le renderizzazioni standard,
OCM e Humanitarian fanno vedere il buco, ma non ho approfondito se dipende
dal tag collapsed:footwy o dal tag collapsed:bridge.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Daniele Cortesi
Ops... Capisco il senso dell'errore e ho capito che "non si mappa per il
rendering" :D

Per evitare di farne un altro: per rimettere il ponte esiste un "revert" o
lo ricreo con le stesse caratteristiche? Non è meglio aspettare di
individuare il tag corretto per evitare di lasciare una situazione "sporca"?

Questo è il path in questione:
Questa la situazione attuale del "ponte" Non
sembra crollato recentemente. Volendo il torrente è piccolo e
attraversabile bagnandosi i piedi e con un po' di rischio ma io, con una
bambina piccola, ho preferito tornare indietro. Ve lo dico solo per
aiutarvi a capire meglio come taggare la linea.


Il giorno 25 luglio 2016 16:17, Andrea Lattmann 
ha scritto:

> >Ho provveduto a rimuovere il ponte dalla >mappa ma mi pare poco evidente
> che il >sentiero è interrotto.
> Hai sbagliato a togliere il ponte. Credo che un ruin=yes sarebbe stato
> meglio, o comunque un tag che ne descriveva lo stato.
> >C'è possibilità di renderlo più evidente?
> Non si mappa per il rendering.
> Ma credo che usando i tag opportuni, mapnik evidenzi meglio la situazione.
> Nel frattempo reinserisci il ponte, poi troviamo i tag appropriati. :-)
> Andrea Lattmann
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Sentiers de Grande Randonnee

2016-07-25 Thread joost schouppe
Well that is good news. But not for mapping, as their conditions of use
clearly state:

"Toute copie du matériel présent sur le site Web, sur lequel nous détenons
les droits de propriété intellectuelle, est  autorisée uniquement aux fins
d’information dans la sphère privée et personnelle. Toute autre copie ou
ré-utilisation de ce matériel est strictement interdite sans notre
consentement préalable." [1]

Do feel free to try and get them to give us a permission to use it, like
their Flemish friends did [2]. Or help out with the huge task of mapping
that data to OSM! [3]


Op 25 juli 2016 17:00 schreef Bart Vanherck :

> Today I saw an article of on facebook:
> "We wachten er al jaren op! We kregen er al talloze vragen over. Maar
> eindelijk is het zover! Je kan de gpx tracks van de Waalse GR-paden nu ook
> vrij downloaden op de website van
>  Kies onder de rubriek Randonnées - Topo-guides - Sentiers GR een route,
> bv. GR 5, en je vindt naast de tabs En savoir plus, Infos techniques en
> Mises à jour, nu ook een tab GPX. Klik er op en de gpx-track wordt naar je
> pc gedownload."
> It seems that also the gpx traces of the southern part of our country are
> public now :)
> bart
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 歩道のマッピング

2016-07-25 Thread Satoshi IIDA





2016年7月25日 23:47 Shu Higashi :

> 東です。
> >>本家wikiページの日本語版を(誰かが)作って
> >>そこからリンクする形かな。
> > できたらリンクではなく、wikiページに日本版として直接記載していただけたらと思います。
> > 東様の個人ページではやはり勝手に書き換えることが憚られますので。
> はい。個人エリアからはいずれ移します。
> >>縁石
> > すみません。
> > 提案ではbarrier=kerbを付けるということになっていますね。見落としていました。
> > このプロジェクトとの関係はわかりませんが、オーストリアでのマッピング事例です。
> >
> 情報ありがとうございます。
> この辺りを編集しているspeciesさんは
> 直接のプロジェクトメンバーではないようですが
> この提案のtalkページでもよく発言していて、
> このマッピング用のJOSMプリセットを作って
> くれている方だと思います。
> barrier=kerb
> kerb=*
> で良さそうですね。
> > muramoto
> >
> > 2016年7月25日 13:19 Shu Higashi :
> >
> >> 東です。
> >>
> >> > 最終的には、本家wikiページに掲載いただければと希望します。
> >>
> >> はい。そうします。本家wikiページの日本語版を(誰かが)作って
> >> そこからリンクする形かな。
> >>
> >> > *縁石
> >> > 提案では、歩道と横断歩道の接続部にあるノードに対してbarrier=kerbとkerb=*を付けるとあります。
> >> > wikiを見ると、barrier=kerbはウェイにつけることが想定され、
> >> > 歩道と横断歩道の接続部にあるノードに対しては、barrier=kerbを付けずに、kerb=*だけを付けるのではないかと思います。
> >> > (taginfoの数値を見ると、barrier=kerbはウェイに、kerb=*はノードに主に付けられていることが確認できます)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> のあたりの下記説明文とその下の表を見る限り
> >> ---引用ここから
> >> Kerbs should be points that serve as an interface between pedestrian
> >> paths and crossings (with kerb properties indicated by existing kerb
> >> tags kerb=* )
> >> 引用ここまで
> >> 従来ノードやウェイで混在して描かれていたbarrier=kerbをノードで描くようにしましょう
> >> (barrier=kerbとkerb=*の両方をつける)
> >> という話だと思うのですが、違いますかね。
> >> このプロジェクトでのマッピング実例を探したのですが見つけられませんでした。
> >> 見つかったら改めて報告します。
> >>
> >> > *横断歩道
> >> > length=*を付けるとベターであると記載がありますが、これはデータ処理ソフトに任せたほうが良いのではないでしょうか。
> >> >
> >>
> 横断歩道がウェイとしてマッピングされていれば、座標データから横断歩道の長さを計算すればよいかと。ノードとしてマッピングされている場合はlength=*を付けたほうがよいとは思いますが。
> >>
> >> ご意見ありがとうございます。
> >> ここはまだ議論できていないところなので要否含めてご意見歓迎です。
> >> アプリケーションに計算を任せるのもひとつの考え方ですね。
> >> マッピングされた精度をどうとらえるかということもありますが
> >> 測れるものは測った値を入れても良いのかなと考えました。
> >> まぁ、レーザー距離計でも持っていないと普通の人には測りづらいですけどね。。
> >>
> >> > muramoto
> >> >
> >> ___
> >> Talk-ja mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Sentiers de Grande Randonnee

2016-07-25 Thread Bart Vanherck

Today I saw an article of on facebook:

"We wachten er al jaren op! We kregen er al talloze vragen over. Maar 
eindelijk is het zover! Je kan de gpx tracks van de Waalse GR-paden nu 
ook vrij downloaden op de website 
onder de rubriek Randonnées - Topo-guides - Sentiers GR een route, bv. 
GR 5, en je vindt naast de tabs En savoir plus, Infos techniques en 
Mises à jour, nu ook een tab GPX. Klik er op en de gpx-track wordt naar 
je pc gedownload."

It seems that also the gpx traces of the southern part of our country 
are public now :)


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 歩道のマッピング

2016-07-25 Thread Shu Higashi

> できたらリンクではなく、wikiページに日本版として直接記載していただけたらと思います。
> 東様の個人ページではやはり勝手に書き換えることが憚られますので。


> すみません。
> 提案ではbarrier=kerbを付けるということになっていますね。見落としていました。
> このプロジェクトとの関係はわかりませんが、オーストリアでのマッピング事例です。



> muramoto
> 2016年7月25日 13:19 Shu Higashi :
>> 東です。
>> > 最終的には、本家wikiページに掲載いただければと希望します。
>> はい。そうします。本家wikiページの日本語版を(誰かが)作って
>> そこからリンクする形かな。
>> > *縁石
>> > 提案では、歩道と横断歩道の接続部にあるノードに対してbarrier=kerbとkerb=*を付けるとあります。
>> > wikiを見ると、barrier=kerbはウェイにつけることが想定され、
>> > 歩道と横断歩道の接続部にあるノードに対しては、barrier=kerbを付けずに、kerb=*だけを付けるのではないかと思います。
>> > (taginfoの数値を見ると、barrier=kerbはウェイに、kerb=*はノードに主に付けられていることが確認できます)
>> のあたりの下記説明文とその下の表を見る限り
>> ---引用ここから
>> Kerbs should be points that serve as an interface between pedestrian
>> paths and crossings (with kerb properties indicated by existing kerb
>> tags kerb=* )
>> 引用ここまで
>> 従来ノードやウェイで混在して描かれていたbarrier=kerbをノードで描くようにしましょう
>> (barrier=kerbとkerb=*の両方をつける)
>> という話だと思うのですが、違いますかね。
>> このプロジェクトでのマッピング実例を探したのですが見つけられませんでした。
>> 見つかったら改めて報告します。
>> > *横断歩道
>> > length=*を付けるとベターであると記載がありますが、これはデータ処理ソフトに任せたほうが良いのではないでしょうか。
>> >
>> 横断歩道がウェイとしてマッピングされていれば、座標データから横断歩道の長さを計算すればよいかと。ノードとしてマッピングされている場合はlength=*を付けたほうがよいとは思いますが。
>> ご意見ありがとうございます。
>> ここはまだ議論できていないところなので要否含めてご意見歓迎です。
>> アプリケーションに計算を任せるのもひとつの考え方ですね。
>> マッピングされた精度をどうとらえるかということもありますが
>> 測れるものは測った値を入れても良いのかなと考えました。
>> まぁ、レーザー距離計でも持っていないと普通の人には測りづらいですけどね。。
>> > muramoto
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-ja mailing list
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM

2016-07-25 Thread Stefan Jäger
Thanks you Simon for your views.

Unfortunately disclosing any of the data is not an option, because it's clearly 
not allowed, be it a centroid or the polygon.
Actually I was using  this discussion list because I want to openly discuss 
such problems.

However, I have the impression it is rather difficult to really build a 
business case based on OSM data.
Being in a gray area doesn't feel comfortable. When in doubt, leave it out.
I am in doubt and I will leave it out.

In my case, the OSM data would be a nice add on for which I would also be 
willing to contribute something, but the contribution of data is not an option
The data would however not be a very big improvement, and the product can very 
well exist without it.
But it is , as I said, no option at all to disclose any other of the data to 
the public.


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Simon Poole []
> Gesendet: Montag, 25. Juli 2016 16:22
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM
> IMHO it is rather unclear
> a) who is contracting the work you are supposed to do
> b) who is going to receive the product(s ?) in the end
> and yes you may not be able to disclose details in public, which is why I'm
> always very sceptical about having such discussions on this list.
> In the end it depends on what kind of operations you want to do with the
> result, for example you could generate your building type data as described,
> however not apply it to the building outline, but to the building centroid. 
> The
> resulting dataset would clearly be a Derivative Database and subject to share
> alike, however it might be that making that available would not be so
> problematic for the original data owners.
> Simon
> Am 25.07.2016 um 12:46 schrieb Stefan Jäger:
> > OK,
> > I am afraid that this renders impossible using OSM data for my use case.
> >
> > I appreciate the comments from everybody.
> >
> > Stefan
> >
> >> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> >> Von: Christoph Hormann []
> >> Gesendet: Montag, 25. Juli 2016 09:43
> >> An: Licensing and other legal discussions.
> >> 
> >> Betreff: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM
> >>
> >> On Monday 25 July 2016, Stefan Jäger wrote:
> >>> "Viral aspects" like Martin puts it, sound a bit like a disease :-)
> >> The connotation of the term 'viral' has changed quite a bit.  Viral
> >> marketing for example has - at least for those initiating it - a quite 
> >> positive
> appeal.
> >>
> >>> However, If  I  understand Ilya correctly, the Odbl only applies to
> >>> data that is made publicly available. That, in turn, means, any data
> >>> put together using also OSM data, that is not publicly accessible,
> >>> but only  in internal networks, can be produced?
> >> The ODbL applies to all OSM data everywhere - however the share-alike
> >> requirements of the ODbL only apply if the data is publicly 'conveyed'.
> >> Keep in mind though that this includes any produced works (like map
> >> renderings or other illustrations created using the data) - if a
> >> derivative database is used in producing such illustrations this
> >> database is subject to the share-alike requirements.
> >>
> >> And note if you (as indicated in your initial inquiry) intend to
> >> license this derivative database or a produced work to a third party
> >> that is already a public process under the ODbL.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Christoph Hormann
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> legal-talk mailing list
> >>
> >>
> > ___
> > legal-talk mailing list
> >
> >

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Andrea Lattmann
>Ho provveduto a rimuovere il ponte dalla >mappa ma mi pare poco evidente che 
>il >sentiero è interrotto.
Hai sbagliato a togliere il ponte. Credo che un ruin=yes sarebbe stato meglio, 
o comunque un tag che ne descriveva lo stato.

>C'è possibilità di renderlo più evidente?

Non si mappa per il rendering. 

Ma credo che usando i tag opportuni, mapnik evidenzi meglio la situazione.

Nel frattempo reinserisci il ponte, poi troviamo i tag appropriati. :-)

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] mokřad u Židlochovic

2016-07-25 Thread Karel Volný

na něco jsem koukal, a všiml jsem si, že se nám objevil mokřad u 
Židlochovic[1] ačkoliv tedy ortofoto podklad v iD se ještě neaktualizoval
(a mimochodem žádný dobrovolník neuzavřel příslušnou poznámku[2])

tak jsem koukl do changesetu[3], a zaujal mě obsah imagery_used ... jestli to 
tahá z ČÚZK, tak ale podle aktuální verze ortofoto obkreslovat nesmíme, ne?
(v katastrální mapě to ještě nevidím)

může mi to někdo potvrdit nebo vyvrátit než budu případně autora kontaktovat?

a mimochodem, jestli je to mokřad, tak by to ale nemělo být water=pond nýbrž 
natural=wetland a wetland=marsh[4,5] ... jest tak? (foto na wiki není moc 
reprezentativní, vypadá to jinak než foto na webu Židlochovic)



Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
In genere non si mappa per il rendering, per cui al limite allontanerei di
una ventina di mt gli ultimi nodi dei due sentieri, in modo che chi
eventualmente stampa le tile OSM a zoom 15 riesca a notare l'interruzione.

Per i routers ovviamente il problema visuale non sussiste.

Affrontando piu seriamente il problema rendering, é necessario scovarne uno
che possa rappresentare un prefisso peraltro usato solo in calamità

bridge=collapsed mi pare.

Il 25/lug/2016 14:45 "Daniele Cortesi"  ha scritto:

> Ciao a tutti,
>  breve intro: mi chiamo Daniele sono della provincia di Como e da
> pochissimo iscritto a questa lista, spero di non fare gaffe colossali con
> la mia domanda. Uso openstreetmap da un po' e quando posso mappo qualche
> pezzo.
> Domanda:
> ho percorso un sentiero di montagna, segnalato su openstreetmap, che ha un
> ponte crollato e in sostanza non è più percorribile. Si tratta di questo:
> Ho provveduto a rimuovere il ponte dalla mappa ma mi pare poco evidente
> che il sentiero è interrotto. C'è possibilità di renderlo più evidente?
> Tenete presente che io arrivavo da nord, non ho quindi idea di come sia/se
> ci sia ancora il percorso a sud del fiume.
> Ciao,
> dan
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] pokestops

2016-07-25 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

On 25/07/16 15:45, wrote:
> That was quick.

:) I had my email open

> With an "We've all been there" follow up question. When you say
> delete them, do you mean just go in and select the nodes and delete
> or is there a better way to handle it?

You can just delete the nodes, yes. In theory you could do a revert of
the changeset, but TBH it's a small changeset, so it'd be quicker to
just manually delete it. It'll appear the same in the database.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-us] OSM Mapping Party in the News

2016-07-25 Thread Clifford Snow
My hat off to you on getting your mapping party published.

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] pokestops

2016-07-25 Thread osmie
25. Jul 2016 13:38 by

> Delete them. Pokestops do not belong in OSM. They are bad edits. I've
> left a changeset comment. It looks like a new mapper who probably
> don't know any better. We've all been there.

That was quick.    With an "We've all been there" follow up question.  When you 
say delete them, do you mean just go in and select the nodes and delete or is 
there a better way to handle it? 

Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] pokestops

2016-07-25 Thread osmie
What is the protocol for edits like this?

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Guado

2016-07-25 Thread emmexx
On 07/25/2016 02:32 PM, Andrea Albani wrote:
> Io metterei ford=yes in ogni caso, sia per un nodo che per una way da
> spezzare in corrispondenza della riva.
> Il dettaglio di come è fatto fisicamente lo si può aggiungere con surface=*.
> Se vuoi usare una way spezzata non mi farei troppi problemi se non c'è
> riverbank perchè, oltre a non essere obbligatorio averlo, la voce wiki
> di ford=* non prescrive di non usare il tag in sua assenza.

Ok. Anche se mi stona un po' e potrebbe risultare fuorviante ad esempio
per un escursionista vedere l'attraversamento come track quando in
realta' si tratta de letto di un canale. Ci passa tranquillamente un
trattore ma non puoi certo attraversare con scarpe o scarponi perche'
l'acqua ti arriva ai polpacci o piu'.

L'attraversamento potrebbe essere in un punto in cui il canale e' simile
a quel che si vede da qui:,8.7225596,3a,75y,311.42h,75.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sx7gfqN5YEoK_pAg-HqYf7A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Non si tratta di un punto in cui l'attraversamento e' opera costruita
dall'uomo, come nelle foto presenti sul sito.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Segnalare sentiero interrotto

2016-07-25 Thread Daniele Cortesi
Ciao a tutti,
 breve intro: mi chiamo Daniele sono della provincia di Como e da
pochissimo iscritto a questa lista, spero di non fare gaffe colossali con
la mia domanda. Uso openstreetmap da un po' e quando posso mappo qualche

ho percorso un sentiero di montagna, segnalato su openstreetmap, che ha un
ponte crollato e in sostanza non è più percorribile. Si tratta di questo:
Ho provveduto a rimuovere il ponte dalla mappa ma mi pare poco evidente che
il sentiero è interrotto. C'è possibilità di renderlo più evidente? Tenete
presente che io arrivavo da nord, non ho quindi idea di come sia/se ci sia
ancora il percorso a sud del fiume.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Guado

2016-07-25 Thread Andrea Albani
Io metterei ford=yes in ogni caso, sia per un nodo che per una way da
spezzare in corrispondenza della riva.

Il dettaglio di come è fatto fisicamente lo si può aggiungere con surface=*.

Se vuoi usare una way spezzata non mi farei troppi problemi se non c'è
riverbank perchè, oltre a non essere obbligatorio averlo, la voce wiki di
ford=* non prescrive di non usare il tag in sua assenza.
Ovviamente un nodo della way marcata con ford=yes deve essere in comune con
la waterway che attraversa.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 歩道のマッピング

2016-07-25 Thread tomoya muramoto



2016年7月25日 13:19 Shu Higashi :

> 東です。
> > 最終的には、本家wikiページに掲載いただければと希望します。
> はい。そうします。本家wikiページの日本語版を(誰かが)作って
> そこからリンクする形かな。
> > *縁石
> > 提案では、歩道と横断歩道の接続部にあるノードに対してbarrier=kerbとkerb=*を付けるとあります。
> > wikiを見ると、barrier=kerbはウェイにつけることが想定され、
> > 歩道と横断歩道の接続部にあるノードに対しては、barrier=kerbを付けずに、kerb=*だけを付けるのではないかと思います。
> > (taginfoの数値を見ると、barrier=kerbはウェイに、kerb=*はノードに主に付けられていることが確認できます)
> のあたりの下記説明文とその下の表を見る限り
> ---引用ここから
> Kerbs should be points that serve as an interface between pedestrian
> paths and crossings (with kerb properties indicated by existing kerb
> tags kerb=* )
> 引用ここまで
> 従来ノードやウェイで混在して描かれていたbarrier=kerbをノードで描くようにしましょう
> (barrier=kerbとkerb=*の両方をつける)
> という話だと思うのですが、違いますかね。
> このプロジェクトでのマッピング実例を探したのですが見つけられませんでした。
> 見つかったら改めて報告します。
> > *横断歩道
> > length=*を付けるとベターであると記載がありますが、これはデータ処理ソフトに任せたほうが良いのではないでしょうか。
> >
> 横断歩道がウェイとしてマッピングされていれば、座標データから横断歩道の長さを計算すればよいかと。ノードとしてマッピングされている場合はlength=*を付けたほうがよいとは思いますが。
> ご意見ありがとうございます。
> ここはまだ議論できていないところなので要否含めてご意見歓迎です。
> アプリケーションに計算を任せるのもひとつの考え方ですね。
> マッピングされた精度をどうとらえるかということもありますが
> 測れるものは測った値を入れても良いのかなと考えました。
> まぁ、レーザー距離計でも持っていないと普通の人には測りづらいですけどね。。
> > muramoto
> >
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list
Talk-ja mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Rencontre parisienne 28 juillet 2016

2016-07-25 Thread Donat ROBAUX
Bonjour à tous,

Nous nous retrouvons pour ceux qui sont là ce jeudi 28 juillet à 19h30 à la
La suite et les discussions sur le forum IdF.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Uithoorn

2016-07-25 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
On 07/25/2016 01:32 PM, Ante Wessels wrote:
> Ik reed laatst het dorpje binnen waar ik geboren ben, Uithoorn, en merkte dat 
> de rondweg waar tientallen jaren over gepraat is warempel aangelegd is 
> (N201+).
> Hij staat als ontwerp in OSM. Nu heb ik al tien jaar geen OSM editor meer 
> gebruikt, dus als iemand anders de status wil veranderen, dank. 

De N201+ is al sinds 2014 klaar en in gebruik, zo ook in OSM.

Waar zie je nog stukken N201+ in de oude staat?



 GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] PID na

2016-07-25 Thread Jethro
Ad trasy linek:
pokud to generuje ty trasy z shapes.txt, tak je to dost tristní a na
mnohých místech ujeté (a neví to o novém trojském mostě ;-) ). Rovněž
polohy zastávek jsou od skutečných míst občas dost vzdálené, takže to
na sebe s OSM nebude úplně přesně pasovat. Ale lepší než drátem do

2016-07-16 9:47 GMT+02:00 Petr Holub :
>> objevil jsem, že někdo nahrál data jízdních řádů PIDu na
>> To znamená, že je možné je používat ve routovací službě Mapzen Turn-by-turn.
>> Viz demo -
>> To uživatelské rozhraní je dost tristní, ale je to pokrok co se týká 
>> otevírání dat jízdních
>> řádů.
> Mozna lepsi demo je tady:
> Petr
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Uithoorn

2016-07-25 Thread Ante Wessels

Ik reed laatst het dorpje binnen waar ik geboren ben, Uithoorn, en merkte dat 
de rondweg waar tientallen jaren over gepraat is warempel aangelegd is (N201+).

Hij staat als ontwerp in OSM. Nu heb ik al tien jaar geen OSM editor meer 
gebruikt, dus als iemand anders de status wil veranderen, dank. 


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM

2016-07-25 Thread Stefan Jäger
I am afraid that this renders impossible using OSM data for my use case.

I appreciate the comments from everybody.


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Christoph Hormann []
> Gesendet: Montag, 25. Juli 2016 09:43
> An: Licensing and other legal discussions. 
> Betreff: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM
> On Monday 25 July 2016, Stefan Jäger wrote:
> >
> > "Viral aspects" like Martin puts it, sound a bit like a disease :-)
> The connotation of the term 'viral' has changed quite a bit.  Viral marketing
> for example has - at least for those initiating it - a quite positive appeal.
> > However, If  I  understand Ilya correctly, the Odbl only applies to
> > data that is made publicly available. That, in turn, means, any data
> > put together using also OSM data, that is not publicly accessible, but
> > only  in internal networks, can be produced?
> The ODbL applies to all OSM data everywhere - however the share-alike
> requirements of the ODbL only apply if the data is publicly 'conveyed'.
> Keep in mind though that this includes any produced works (like map
> renderings or other illustrations created using the data) - if a derivative
> database is used in producing such illustrations this database is subject to 
> the
> share-alike requirements.
> And note if you (as indicated in your initial inquiry) intend to license this
> derivative database or a produced work to a third party that is already a
> public process under the ODbL.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Grootschalige luchtfoto's

2016-07-25 Thread Sander Deryckere
Ik zie in ieder geval nergens een addertje. Het is vrijgegeven onder de
open licentie die we al gebruiken voor onze andere luchtfoto's.

Het enige probleem is idd dat de foto's waarschijnlijk snel verouderd
zullen raken (als ze niet ieder jaar vernieuwd worden). Dus gaan we geen
"beste" foto's meer hebben. Tot nu toe kon ik eenvoudig de Agiv
middenschaal foto's als "beste" aanduiden in iD, aangezien die zowel de
scherpste, meest recente, en best gealigneerde foto's waren.

Ik denk dat het beter is om de middenschaal opnames in iD nog altijd als
"beste" te markeren, om nieuwe mappers niet te laten mappen op basis van
verouderde beelden. Maar de grootschalige foto's zouden best ook
beschikbaar gemaakt worden in iD.

Voor zover ik zie is er wel enkel een WMS link voor de grootschalige
foto's, terwijl iD TMS nodig heeft (wat ook werkt via WMTS). Maar in hun
lijst met WMTS zie ik nergens grootschalige foto's. Misschien iets voor
later ...?


Op 24 juli 2016 23:48 schreef Ruben Maes :

> On zondag 24 juli 2016 23:39 Jakka wrote:
> > Op 24/07/2016 om 14:59 schreef Ruben Maes:
> > > Dag iedereen
> > >
> > > Iedereen weet ondertussen wel dat Agiv recente orthofotomozaïeken
> heeft die we mogen gebruiken om te mappen, en die een veel betere resolutie
> en alignering hebben dan Bing.
> > >
> > > Hebben jullie ook al de grootschalige mozaïeken gezien? [1] Tussen
> 2013 en 2015 werden er gemaakt in het kader van het Digitaal Hoogtemodel
> Vlaanderen II, en deze werden gereleaset op 23 maart 2016 [2]. Voor zover
> ik kan zien, dekken ze heel Vlaanderen. Ze zijn wat minder up-to-date, maar
> de resolutie is fenomenaal (10cm resolutie, maximale afwijking 60cm,
> meestal minder dan 30cm). De licentie is de Vlaamse Open Data licentie v1.2
> [2] dus we mogen die beelden gebruiken om van te mappen. Natuurlijk moet je
> wel opletten dat wat je op de beelden ziet nog steeds zo is. Schuilt er
> hier een addertje onder het gras? Het lijkt bijna te mooi om waar te zijn.
> > >
> > > Groeten
> > > Ruben
> > >
> > > [1]
> > > [2]
> >
> > Kunnen deze ook als extra layer in josm ingeladen worden zoja hoe en
> > waar welke url ?
> Dat kan inderdaad. Op de site van Agiv kan je de WMS-URL vinden. Die kan
> je vervolgens copy-pasten in de JOSM-instellingen (Imagery → Imagery
> preferences → rechtsonder het plusteken met "WMS" bij geschreven).
> Ik heb met opzet de URL hier nog niet gepost, zodat mensen niet zonder
> nadenken zouden beginnen mappen. Als er nog antwoorden op mijn bericht
> worden gepost (bv. als iemand een addertje onder het gras vindt), is de
> kans nu groter dat die gelezen zullen worden. (Als je begrijpt wat ik
> bedoel.)
> --
> Dit bericht is ondertekend met OpenPGP.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Semi OT - bus, pokemon e gtfs

2016-07-25 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-25 0:13 GMT+02:00 totera :

> Da qualche giorno la regione Marche ha rilasciato i dati GTFS. [1]
> Che uso è possibile farne, vista la licenza scelta (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IT)?
> Non
> è possibile importare le fermate in OSM, giusto?

non ci puoi fare niente con una licenza del genere (non-commercial, no
derivative works). Io chiederei perché non hanno associato una licenza
open. cc-by-nc-nd non è open. Non possono mettere una cosa del genere in
una cartelle "opendata", la dovrebbero chiamare "closeddata", only look,
don't touch ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Confini amministrativi invertiti nel rendering di OSM

2016-07-25 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-25 10:04 GMT+02:00 Paolo Monegato :

> Boh... francamente non mi so spiegare la cosa.

c'è un bug che lo crea (forse risolto). Non ho trovato il bug adesso, ma
sono sicuro che se n'è parlato non troppo tempo fa.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Semi OT - bus, pokemon e gtfs

2016-07-25 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
> wheelchair=yes non wheelmap :)

Grazie... Ma é tutta colpa di JOSM che mi corregge sempre e per pigrizia
ora non mi ricordo neanche il tag per l'acqua potabile.
Drink? Drinkable? Drunk? :-)

Uh! Aspetta! Ma sarà nica quel subnolo correttore dello smartphone che mi
ha tradito?!
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Semi OT - bus, pokemon e gtfs

2016-07-25 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Il 25/lug/2016 00:15 "totera"
> Da qualche giorno la regione Marche ha rilasciato i dati GTFS. [1]
> Che uso è possibile farne, vista la licenza scelta (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IT)?
> è possibile importare le fermate in OSM, giusto?

Credo di no, ma vi sono esperti di licenze in ML.

Mi chiedo cos'é che ci si può fare con questi dati. Guardarli in pubblico?

Immagino che siano stati a loro volta rilasciati da singole aziende di
trasporto; é da vedere quindi se queste sono partecipate pubbliche, che
credo cambi le cose, a dispetto dei vincoli imposti dalla regione Marche.


> Ciao,
> Gianluca
> [1]
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Confini amministrativi invertiti nel rendering di OSM

2016-07-25 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 23/07/2016 06:52, mircozorzo ha scritto:

Nel rendering standard di, in quello umanitario  è

Ho dato un'occhiata e mi pare ci sia lo stesso errore anche in altri 
punti... Credevo che qualcuno avesse inavvertitamente invertito il senso 
del confine, ma mi pare che la way non venga modificata da anni...

Boh... francamente non mi so spiegare la cosa.

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM

2016-07-25 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 25 July 2016, Stefan Jäger wrote:
> "Viral aspects" like Martin puts it, sound a bit like a disease :-)

The connotation of the term 'viral' has changed quite a bit.  Viral 
marketing for example has - at least for those initiating it - a quite 
positive appeal.

> However, If  I  understand Ilya correctly, the Odbl only applies to
> data that is made publicly available. That, in turn, means, any data
> put together using also OSM data, that is not publicly accessible,
> but only  in internal networks, can be produced?

The ODbL applies to all OSM data everywhere - however the share-alike 
requirements of the ODbL only apply if the data is publicly 'conveyed'.  
Keep in mind though that this includes any produced works (like map 
renderings or other illustrations created using the data) - if a 
derivative database is used in producing such illustrations this 
database is subject to the share-alike requirements.

And note if you (as indicated in your initial inquiry) intend to license 
this derivative database or a produced work to a third party that is 
already a public process under the ODbL.

Christoph Hormann

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] attributive data enrichment using OSM

2016-07-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 07/25/2016 09:05 AM, Stefan Jäger wrote:
> That, in turn, means, any data put together using also OSM data, that is not 
> publicly accessible, but only  in internal networks, can be produced?

In the terms of ODbL, "publicly" means (quote)

"to Persons other than You or under Your control by
either more than 50% ownership or by the power to direct their
activities (such as contracting with an independent consultant)."


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

legal-talk mailing list

[talk-au] Errors in rendering names of administrative boundaries

2016-07-25 Thread cleary

I have noticed errors in rendering names of administrative boundaries on
the OSM website map.  It is not just Australian boundaries. For example Canada
and United States on the reverse sides of their shared boundary.

I had presumed it was a short-term problem and that someone, with more
knowledge than me,  would fix it but these errors have been there for a
couple of weeks.  

Does anyone know if the problem is being addressed or who can be 
contacted about it?

Talk-au mailing list