Re: [OSM-talk-be] Zones 30 in Belgium

2012-11-20 Thread Benoit Coumont
Thanks, I haven't really tried to open this file by an alternative way. 
But I see now that it isn't enough to be include in OSM. It's just a 
collection of POIs and we need exact localisation on street or partial 
street. It's a departure to go further but it doesn't replace a real 
view on the street.

I'm surprised that our administrations seems to not collect theses data. 
Because it's not just to improve a GPS software and say to the driver to 
go slower. It's essential in the development of ISA program (Intelligent 
Speed Adaptation, a system to limit technically the speed of vehicles ; ).

Le 20/11/12 00:37, A.Pirard.Papou a écrit :

On 2012-11-19 10:52, Benoit Coumont wrote :

Hello everybody,

I found this file with the localisations of zones 30 in Belgium 
(streets where the speed is limited to 30 km/h). It's collected by 
some people on this forum of gps users with the objective to see them 
on their gps software:

I writed to Jean Herman (, the manager of 
this collect. He's ok to give this work to the OSM community. He told 
me the difficulty to organize the management and confess the slow 
death of this project. He didn't know OpenStreetMap, so I presented 
to him the advantages of OSM could give for this work. But I'm not 
sure he's ready or able to use OSM on his gps.

Anyway, there are data we could use. But it's saved on a strange file 
(ov2) non recognized by the famous gspbabel. He use a free (free as a 
free beer and not as freedom of speech) software for windows called 
POIedit. I only use Linux on my computers so I couldn't do the 
conversion. Could somebody do that and post the result on the wiki?
What do you mean, "only Linux"?  With "only Ubuntu", I ran the 
following command

perl -pe 's/^^(.*), +(.*),.*\] 
zone30_BE.utf8> POIs.txt

that transformed the file to this format 
<> to be used to 
produce this POI map 
Other POIs demos via *+* button.  I have a version with Google and 
Bing as backgrounds, but as they're earning money with that and give 
me nothing of it, I don't show these maps ;-)

The "only other" system does most probably not run that command and it 
doesn't know UTF-8 either. I've had to convert the asc file to UTF-8. 
All the files are here <>.

After installing Wine, you will probably be able to run POIedit.
If someone put this on the OSM database for his neighborhood, for his 
district and for his city, we could get quickly a map of speed 
limitations... Itoworld published a map to see that :

Unfortunately, one shouldn't write a file and use it to map on OSM.
One should update OSM and produce the files with it.
To update OSM, one must know the coordinates for the start and end of 
the limit.
I'm particularly convinced convinced that speed moderation is the 
best way to rediscover conviviality in our residential streets. Also, 
I added the 6 zones 30, corresponding to the seven school sites, in 
my neighborhood (St-Léonard, Liège) to demonstrate to politicals and 
residents that a wide zone 30 extended area would be more readable 
and consistent. An European petition is just launched to invite EU to 
take position. Informations and signs are on this website :
I first  thought of advising you to write a "howto update OSM for 
speed limits", but that's too dangerous to be done by anyone as it 
involves splitting roads.
Rather, I would explain the people how to record the beginning and end 
GPS decimal coordinates of the limits while waiting for the children 
and to use OpenStreetBugs 
<>: go to here 
, high-zoom to the street, click on it and enter modification requests 
"limite 30 km/h LL.L l.l".

Or possibly "street number, nnn m north, sss m south".

I volunteer to make updates if I'm not the only one and if there is 
some way to send me warning e-mail without publishing my e-mail 
address, such as a mailing list.



Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Zones 30 in Belgium

2012-11-19 Thread Benoit Coumont

Hello everybody,

I found this file with the localisations of zones 30 in Belgium (streets 
where the speed is limited to 30 km/h). It's collected by some people on 
this forum of gps users with the objective to see them on their gps 

I writed to Jean Herman (, the manager of this 
collect. He's ok to give this work to the OSM community. He told me the 
difficulty to organize the management and confess the slow death of this 
project. He didn't know OpenStreetMap, so I presented to him the 
advantages of OSM could give for this work. But I'm not sure he's ready 
or able to use OSM on his gps.

Anyway, there are data we could use. But it's saved on a strange file 
(ov2) non recognized by the famous gspbabel. He use a free (free as a 
free beer and not as freedom of speech) software for windows called 
POIedit. I only use Linux on my computers so I couldn't do the 
conversion. Could somebody do that and post the result on the wiki?

If someone put this on the OSM database for his neighborhood, for his 
district and for his city, we could get quickly a map of speed 
limitations... Itoworld published a map to see that :

I'm particularly convinced convinced that speed moderation is the best 
way to rediscover conviviality in our residential streets. Also, I added 
the 6 zones 30, corresponding to the seven school sites, in my 
neighborhood (St-Léonard, Liège) to demonstrate to politicals and 
residents that a wide zone 30 extended area would be more readable and 
consistent. An European petition is just launched to invite EU to take 
position. Informations and signs are on this website :


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Association/Veriniging OpenStreetMap Belgium ? (very soon ?)

2012-10-12 Thread Benoit Coumont


I would be in favor for two associations, one in Wallonia and Brussels 
and one in Flanders and Brussels. In Wallonia, we need to give priority 
to this open door with the Region. It will be possible later to create a 
network linking belgian and europeans associations to work together in 
some domains. There is a strong regionalization of associations in 
Belgium, it's a reality and they are more efficient like that mainly for 
local activites, campaigns and lobbying as we imagine to do. Regions are 
not our only door, I know it's also possible to make good things with 
cities and districts. Sure, there are battles to win with IGN/NGI, but I 
think there are a lot of other things to do before that. I'm working in 
an ancient national environnemental association who has splitted in the 
80's in three regional association. Most of belgian associations have 
made the same observations and did the same. After several years of 
association living, we could think about that again. But for me, it 
would be a real mistake to assume this problem from the beginning. 
Personnaly, I don't speak dutch and I'm not sure to have the courage and 
the desire to participate in a meeting in english for a volonteer 
activity after a working day.

So I vote for regional entities with strong links established to keep 
contact and share our works. I see I'm alone to think like that for the 
moment. The democracy should win and I'll assume the choice of the 
community. But, personnaly, I wouldn't participate with the same energy 
in a too complex structure.

How we could manage this vote ? With a survey yes or no ?


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