[OSM-talk-be] PICC, CRAB & Data updates questions

2018-04-05 Thread Divoy John

Before using openStreetMap data, I have a few questions about data updates and 
the PICC and CRAB data that are in use 

Can someone specify me the frequency of the updates of the CRAB & PICC data as 
well as the updates of the maps for Belgium (Brussels, Flandres & Wallonia) ?
How are these updates made and what are the accuracy checks done ?
Additionally, can someone tell me when PICC & CRAB data was updated for the 
last time ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

Best regards,


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] PICC, CRAB & Data updates questions

2018-04-06 Thread Glenn Plas
On 05-04-18 16:22, Divoy John wrote:
> Everyone,
> Before using openStreetMap data, I have a few questions about data
> updates and the PICC and CRAB data that are in use
> (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/Using_AGIV_Crab_data).
> Can someone specify me the frequency of the updates of the CRAB & PICC
> data as well as the updates of the maps for Belgium (Brussels,
> Flandres & Wallonia) ?
> How are these updates made and what are the accuracy checks done ?
> Additionally, can someone tell me when PICC & CRAB data was updated
> for the last time ?
> Thanks a lot for your help !
> Best regards,
> John

Hi John,

I can answer the CRAB section for you.

It's not clear to me if you are asking about the integration of this
data within OSM,  or if you are just asking about the source data
updates individually?

CRAB is continuously updated.  ( see
https://download.agiv.be/Producten/Detail?id=447&title=CRAB_Adressenlijst )
OSM is also continuously updated, every edit made is immediately applied
after upload and from there on trickles down in depending services like
the map (ex: tile generation) and geocoding (ex: nominatim)

We have a set of tools that allow us to validate OSM addresses against
crab counterparts which can be used to update OSM or sometimes to mark
errors in CRAB as OSM.   The Map for Belgium is just part of the world
map , however there is a Belgian tile server that uses a modified style
with multilanguage support.   For commercial use you need to consult
with those service providers if you want to use them.

The frequency of updates from CRAB to OSM totally depends on the total
effort of all mappers involved and what they are working on.   You can
also do this yourself as a contributor in your areas of interest.



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