[Talk-ca] Mapnik/osmarender don't render highway=path

2008-07-09 Thread Corey Burger
Just as a heads up to all of you, Mapnik and osmarender refuse to
render highway=path yet, so if you were planning to use it to replace
cycleway/footway, don't do it quite yet. The result of my little
experiment can be seen by the disappearance, aside from names, of most
of the Galloping Goose and Lochside Regional Trails in Greater


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Tagging unamed cycle routes following normal roads.

2008-07-09 Thread Corey Burger
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Simon Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In my wanderings around Calgary I am noting the location of Cycle route sign 
> with geo-located photos, such as:
> http://flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2654781444
> Since I can't reference the offical cycle route map (for copyright reasons), 
> how to I enter these into OSM without knowing what relation to put them 
> under. Is it valid to create a single 'marked cycle routes' relation and put 
> all the ones I find in that so that at least they are stored somewhere?

Ugh, your city sucks for not labelling their cycling routes. I suggest
you complain, as not everybody biking around has a biking map on them.

And yes, I would do exactly what you are suggesting. If you can find a
text description of the route, that doesn't violate copyright, AFAIK.


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Tagging unamed cycle routes following normal roads.

2008-07-09 Thread Simon Wood
Hi all,
In my wanderings around Calgary I am noting the location of Cycle route sign 
with geo-located photos, such as:
http://flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2654781444

Since I can't reference the offical cycle route map (for copyright reasons), 
how to I enter these into OSM without knowing what relation to put them under. 
Is it valid to create a single 'marked cycle routes' relation and put all the 
ones I find in that so that at least they are stored somewhere?


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [Talk-us] Fwd: shape files of US states and great lakes

2008-07-09 Thread Ted Mielczarek
For US state borders, we imported them from the TIGER shapefiles available here:

"Census 2000 State and Equivalent"

Should be easy enough to grab those shapefiles and render them. I used
the county borders with Mapserver with almost no setup.


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 5:52 PM, SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my goal is to make this
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=38.8&lon=-95.9&zoom=4
> look something like this
> http://maps.yahoo.com/#mvt=m&lat=39.463135&lon=-93.818625&zoom=5
> On 8 Jul 2008, at 14:43, Adam Schreiber wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 5:38 PM, SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 8 Jul 2008, at 14:37, Adam Schreiber wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 5:30 PM, SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've had a chat with jon who runs the tile server and an interim
>> solution to getting the great lakes and US/CA state borders on the
>> map is if there are Free shapefile(s) somewhere with said stuff on
>> it.
>> Can anyone help?

 The US state borders are all in already.  I don't know a source for
 the CA province borders though.
>>> the problem as I understand it is that extracting them and rendering
>>> them will take a while, and this is a stop gap
>> I'm not sure it's clear what your goal in this respect is.  The
>> borders are already rendered by [EMAIL PROTECTED] if not by mapnik.
> Best
> Steve
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/talk-us

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Re: [Talk-ca] SOTM 2008: The State of The (Canada) Map

2008-07-09 Thread James Ewen
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 8:57 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can understand your frustration, from what I have seen you have
> contributed a hell of a lot of data and it's obvious from your comments
> that you wish other to help out.

I'm not frustrated, just trying to get people to realize that step one
is getting people interested and participating. I added a bunch of
information for my local County, you're adding a whack of information
for your local area, Xellos is slowly mapping out southwestern
Edmonton. Now, if there were 60 more people doing this, the work would
progress 20 times faster.

> However I am still optimistic for OSM. This data will never disappear, it
> can only get more complete we will 'win' in the end.

I agree... just with more people, the end will be here sooner.

> My local MD (Crowsnest Pass) have some funding to do some signage on local
> footpaths/hikes. I am trying to get them interested in the mapping/GPS
> maps side of thing as well. If this happens we get a few more people
> involved.

Agreed, bring more people onboard.

> Also the local ATV/Snowmobile crowd have produced maps in the past. If I
> can get a couple of these people interested we will get a whole load of
> trails.

Trails, and possibly more people tracking roads in their area and beyond.

> My target for next summer is to be able to drop a local trails map at the
> staging posts for ATV/Snowmobiles, with a map on one side and OSM blub on
> the other. Many people travel quite some distance to go off roading, it's
> quite possible that they'll get hooked on the idea and go off and map
> their own town possibly even Fort McMurray.

Again, bringing more people onboard.

> Just remember, real achievements take time

I realize that, and with only a handful of people doing the work, it
takes a long time. Promotion is the key in my mind.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] SOTM 2008: The State of The (Canada) Map

2008-07-09 Thread SteveC

On 9 Jul 2008, at 06:58, James Ewen wrote:
> Steve, if you have the magic touch that can make people jump out of
> the woodwork, and get OSM activity going where there's nothing, have
> at Alberta. There are a few people in Edmonton, a few more in Calgary,
> a guy down in the Crowsnest Pass, and that's about it.

It's really not super complex. I'm doing one in Denver, CO right now.  
Just cold emailing the geography department, linux user group, cycle  
group, department of geography at Denver U.

That's all it takes.



Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Crowsnest Pass Mapping Party [was: SOTM 2008: The State of The (Canada) Map]

2008-07-09 Thread Jason Reid
> PS. On the topic of Mapping parties.
> Saturday August 23rd - Crowsnest Pass and Area.
> Looking to complete the mapping of Blairmore and hopefully fill in some of
> Coleman/surrounding areas.
> Met at Stone's Throw Cafe from 9.00am
> (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=49.607806&mlon=-114.437315&zoom=16)
> If people want to make a weekend of it, I can provide accomodation in
> Blairmore and perhaps we can head down to Waterton (or somewhere) on the
> Sunday.
Another area we can probably also try to hit (probably can be done by 
one or two people) is Fort Macleod, which looks to be pretty empty 

-Jason Reid

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] SOTM 2008: The State of The (Canada) Map

2008-07-09 Thread simon
Hi James and All,
I can understand your frustration, from what I have seen you have
contributed a hell of a lot of data and it's obvious from your comments
that you wish other to help out.

I'm in pretty much the same situation, I'm the only person mapping South
of Calgary/West of Highway 2. This is a lot of area (containing some
beautiful mountains) and at this rate will probably never be complete.

However I am still optimistic for OSM. This data will never disappear, it
can only get more complete we will 'win' in the end.

As to getting more involved, have you considered 'press ganging'? ;-)

My local MD (Crowsnest Pass) have some funding to do some signage on local
footpaths/hikes. I am trying to get them interested in the mapping/GPS
maps side of thing as well. If this happens we get a few more people

Also the local ATV/Snowmobile crowd have produced maps in the past. If I
can get a couple of these people interested we will get a whole load of

My target for next summer is to be able to drop a local trails map at the
staging posts for ATV/Snowmobiles, with a map on one side and OSM blub on
the other. Many people travel quite some distance to go off roading, it's
quite possible that they'll get hooked on the idea and go off and map
their own town possibly even Fort McMurray.

Just remember, real achievements take time
(aka. Mungewell)

PS. On the topic of Mapping parties.

Saturday August 23rd - Crowsnest Pass and Area.
Looking to complete the mapping of Blairmore and hopefully fill in some of
Coleman/surrounding areas.

Met at Stone's Throw Cafe from 9.00am

If people want to make a weekend of it, I can provide accomodation in
Blairmore and perhaps we can head down to Waterton (or somewhere) on the

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] SOTM 2008: The State of The (Canada) Map

2008-07-09 Thread James Ewen
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 1:47 AM, SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> James you sound super sarcastic and skeptical, do you really want to
> run something like this?

Sorry, just being realistic and pragmatic...

I'm thinking about seeing if we can get some of 10 users in Edmonton
interested in a mapping party. We might be able to get a little bit
more of the city done over the course of a weekend. Given another 20
weekends or so we might get the majority of the city completed.

However, organizing a mapping party in areas without any local users
sounds like an exercise in futility to me. I'm not a salesman, nor
promotions specialist. I find it easier to simply go do the job rather
than poke and prod people into action, hence the mapping you see done
scattered about Northern Alberta with my user name attached to it. My
hope is that if people see a little bit of scattered mapping done in
their area that this would prompt them into action, and get them
interested in OSM.

Steve, if you have the magic touch that can make people jump out of
the woodwork, and get OSM activity going where there's nothing, have
at Alberta. There are a few people in Edmonton, a few more in Calgary,
a guy down in the Crowsnest Pass, and that's about it.

I'm doing what I can as I can, but it's going to take a long time for
me to hit every road in Alberta.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Canada data source

2008-07-09 Thread Sam Vekemans

Hi James and group,
Sorry about that... just got a little carried away there for a moment (didn't 
think before i hit send, sorry)


Basically, its a garmin map, which is probably better than Topo Canada you buy. 
... yet, its free so there is no guarantees, until there is a full map of 
Canada available using only OSM info. .. this basemap is ideal to use.

In time, with enough help from many hands, we will be able to make this super 
awesome OSM totally detailed.

Thanks Corey for the clarification on this.  My plan is to update the wiki 
project site in the next couple weeks... so its super clear for everyone.  ... 
go wiki!  We all can update it too :)


Sam Vekemans's Facebook profile  (message me spam free and it's quickest this 

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails Foundation - Tour De GPS
706 Yates Street
P.O. Box 8247
Victoria, BC
V8W 3R9

Direct: 250 588 9041
+001 250 588 9041


> Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 20:29:40 -0600
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Canada data source
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Sam Vekemans
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I asume every one has downloaded and is using the free ibycus topo map
> > of Canada.
> You would be assuming wrong. Is there anywhere that describes what
> Ibycus is, and what it would give you if you were to download the
> executable file? What can you use it for?
> > All roads and road names are in there and came from the canadian gov.
> > data set. Lakes are in there too, check mapcenter2.cgpsmapper.com
> > every so often as more people are making and sharing maps
> > What we can do is use that as a base.
> Can you describe how to use whatever Ibycus is as a base?
> > Moterbike riders do long distance tours, by now, any ADVrider should
> > be using his map. these guys will go the distance, i dont think it
> > will be long before more users start popping up.
> None of the ATV guys I know, nor 4X4 club members know about whatever Ibycus 
> is.
> I created an account on mapcenter.cgpsmapper.com hoping to find out
> more, and that has about as much information as Ibycus... nothing
> there to let a new user have any clue what is going on. Whatever it
> does, it's not going to work with my Garmin GPS II+.
> > Any thoughts on mapguru.com OSM integration?
> mapguru.com takes me to an SGSI page, where I can purchase Alberta for 
> $3000...
> >(lots of tracks have been
> > posted, since its wiki, others can lable it, but this site (as i can
> > see) does not stamp the tracks as roads/trails.
> > Using google earth  in a window net to firefox explore is good enough
> > to trace with :)
> What's a window net? Google Earth map copyrights are held by various
> companies, and can not be used to create OSM maps.
> Perhaps a little more information would help some of us understand
> what it is that you are attempting to relate. I've tried following the
> last few posts you have made to no avail. Can you back up and fill in
> the blanks?
> James
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] SOTM 2008: The State of The (Canada) Map

2008-07-09 Thread SteveC
James you sound super sarcastic and skeptical, do you really want to  
run something like this?

On 8 Jul 2008, at 20:44, James Ewen wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Richard Weait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> When is your party?  I have some GPSes for loan to other OSMers in
>> Canada.  That goes for other Canadian mappers as well.  Let me know  
>> and
>> we'll work something out.
> I haven't planned any yet, but it sounds like all I need to do is
> create a web page template and then simply change the name of the
> city/town/village/highway/road network, and post that to the wiki...
> On the how-to page though, there are a few things that seem to be a
> bit of a problem that I might need help figuring out...
>*  When Once you have a rough venue ('London' or 'Berlin') and a
> couple of people, then put up a wiki page with all the details and
> confirming the date. The rest is easy. On the day, unless you get a
> lot of newbies, it will all just happen.
> I have lots of venues, but where do I come up with the couple people?
>* Where The simplest venue is a pub, preferably with free WIFI.
> You may find though that you can get a local company, arts centre,
> library or hall to provide free space for the weekend.
> I don't know all the local "pubs"... Most small locales in Alberta
> don't have internet access let alone free wifi...
>* Who The next thing is to get some people signed up. It's a good
> idea to contact two or three local mappers in advance and find out
> what dates would suit them. If possible, get them committed before you
> make a general announcement.
> When there are no local mappers, who do you contact?
> The problem is that these mapping parties are designed for areas with
> OSM mappers in the area. We might be able to swing a mapping party in
> Edmonton. There are 10 OSM members within 20 km of my location, which
> covers all the users in Edmonton (a metro area of 1 million people).
> We could possibly garner enough interest to map out a neighborhood.
> This leaves the other 95% of the province as an empty page.
> Again I will ask, is there a provision for finding OSM users in a
> specific geographical area?
>> I like Alberta.  Let me know when you are planning and perhaps I can
>> bring the GPSes personally.  Air Canada isn't going to send me for  
>> free,
>> but if I can combine a business trip with some fun mapping; why  
>> wouldn't
>> I?
> Yup, having someone else foot the bill is certainly a good way to
> defer the costs involved. I make use of my work trips around the
> province as an opportunity to gather GPS tracks. You can tell where I
> go to work by looking for GPS tracks uploaded by VE6SRV...
>>> I'm also not sure how you keep the OSM project a secret from these
>>> people that you get to map out an area for you. It sure seems like  
>>> you
>>> would be spreading the word, and bringing more people into the OSM
>>> community through these activities.
>> Why would we keep it a secret?  Who's doing that?  It seems silly  
>> to try
>> to keep OSM secret when you are showing people the osm site, the  
>> wiki,
>> sample maps, the svn ...
> Read this thread... I'm trying to say that we need more OSM members to
> be able to make local interest mapping happen, let alone mapping
> parties.
> James
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> Talk-ca@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/talk-ca



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