As it turns out, the secret here is to select all the streams, then in
the object selection list, select only ways (by clicking the first
way, holding shift and clicking the last way, then clicking the
"select" button), so that no nodes are listed in the selection list.
By having only ways selected JOSM will only delete ways; nodes will
only get deleted if there are no more ways using them and if they have
no tags.


On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Adam Dunn <> wrote:
> I have encountered an issue when importing Canvec in areas where NHN
> has already been imported. It's not so much an error with the data as
> it is an error with my methods of importing. I'll just put this here
> in case anyone else is doing similar or has suggestions for better
> methods.
> What I've been doing so far: Since the areas I'm working in already
> have NHN nlflow (but not waterbody), and this data is identical to the
> streams in Canvec (the only exception I've seen is some large
> "streams" in Canvec being tagged "river" in NHN, which is probably
> more correct), I filter for water=stream in the Canvec layer, select
> all the streams and hit the delete button. Then I merge the Canvec
> layer into the OSM server layer.
> What I didn't foresee was that deleting the streams to avoid
> duplicates with the NHN data would also delete the nodes from
> lakes/ponds in Canvec where the stream intersected. So now the lake
> and the stream don't connect because the lake is missing a node. On
> convex lakes, the stream will appear to come up short without touching
> the lake (since a bay is missing). On concave lakes, the stream will
> cross the lake outline (since a peninsula is missing), but Validator
> won't mark this as a problem.
> Now I'm going back and reconnecting all the streams to lakes, using
> Canvec files from disk in another layer to verify location of the
> connection.
> So beware of this little issue. What techniques do other people use
> for importing Canvec on top of NHN flow data? Do you take a very
> manual approach, or do you have some filter/search/validator-fu that
> allows for quick imports while retaining data validity?
> Adam

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