Re: [Talk-ca] Canada Post offices

2020-03-29 Thread stevea
On Mar 29, 2020, at 4:13 PM, David E. Nelson via Talk-ca 
> Ah, that's much better.  Why did I not think to use the "save" feature on 
> Overpass-turbo?
> Thank you, Steve.  :)

You and the list are welcome.  Also, such links can be pasted into OSM wiki, 
really useful, especially as wiki can (and does) give a "live status update 
report" when / as one might click on such a link to see a snapshot of the 
current scope of the query and the work done so far on it.

"Rule #2" on OSM's wiki page:

Have fun!

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Canada Post offices

2020-03-29 Thread David E. Nelson via Talk-ca
Ah, that's much better.  Why did I not think to use the "save" feature on Overpass-turbo?Thank you, Steve.  :)- David E. Nelson Mar. 29, 2020 15:47, stevea  wrote:Maybe copy-paste from David's post works for you, maybe it doesn't.  Overpass Turbo -> email or talk-post text pasting is notoriously fraught with errors, so the simple technique of OT allowing for the creation of a link to a snippet of Overpass code is an easy thing to do.  When publishing (or exchanging via email) Overpass Turbo details that include code to run, I recommend sharing a link that you create:  click the Share button, copy the Permalink, share that in posts or email.  Doing this is far more robust / much less error prone than the copy-pasting of OT code text, especially as the OT code promulgates through mailers and layers of 'net traffic.

For example, here is the link for David's recent OT code:

It works.



Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Canada Post offices

2020-03-29 Thread stevea
Maybe copy-paste from David's post works for you, maybe it doesn't.  Overpass 
Turbo -> email or talk-post text pasting is notoriously fraught with errors, so 
the simple technique of OT allowing for the creation of a link to a snippet of 
Overpass code is an easy thing to do.  When publishing (or exchanging via 
email) Overpass Turbo details that include code to run, I recommend sharing a 
link that you create:  click the Share button, copy the Permalink, share that 
in posts or email.  Doing this is far more robust / much less error prone than 
the copy-pasting of OT code text, especially as the OT code promulgates through 
mailers and layers of 'net traffic.

For example, here is the link for David's recent OT code:

It works.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Canada Post offices

2020-03-29 Thread David Nelson via Talk-ca
You can also use a simple overpass query to find out which post offices are 
tagged with the name “Canada Post”.  Here’s what such a query looks like in QL:

// gather results
  // query part for: “amenity=post_office”
["name"="Canada Post"]
  (area:3600068841); // Ontario

// print results
out body;

out skel qt;

  [name="Canada Post"]
  (area:3600068841); // Ontario

- David E. Nelson

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: David E. Nelson via Talk-ca
Sent: March 28, 2020 17:36
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Canada Post offices

I have highlighted in the spreadsheets which post offices are tagged with their 
correct postal codes.  Those postal codes are now in bold type.
- David E. Nelson

On Mar. 28, 2020 15:39, john whelan  wrote:
It might be worthwhile highlighting those that do not have a postcode or are 
tagged name=Canada Post.

Useful locally as I hadn't checked the ones I know of had been mapped nor that 
their details were correct.  I did note one address was wrong, the post office 
had moved from one side of the street to the other a year or so ago.

Thanks John

On Sat, 28 Mar 2020 at 16:04, David E. Nelson via Talk-ca 
I have started a project with the objective of adding as many post offices as 
can be found in Canada to OpenStreetMap.

Canada Post's own database yields just over 6000 post offices within the 
country, and I have used the Overpass API to determine that just over 2000 of 
those, or only about one in every three such outlets, have already been added 
to OSM's database.

I would like to enlist the help of mappers across Canada to add as many more of 
the missing post offices as they can find.  To that end, I have produced these 
spreadsheets detailing which post offices have already been added to OSM and 
which have not.

Atlantic (A, B, C, E): 

Quebec (G, H, J):

Ontario (K, L, M, N, P):

Western and Northern (R, S, T, V, X, Y):

Each spreadsheet has a "master list" of post offices, and each of those entries 
has been colour-coded according to their disposition:

Green = Already added to OSM; node/way ID given, with dash before ID indicating 
a way, no dash indicating a node
Red = Not yet added to OSM
Yellow = Location listed on (although I am not sure data is licence-compatible with OSM) 

Blue = Added to OSM, but since moved to a new location or simply needs to have 
its address re-verified
Lilac = Postal code needs to be corrected—the correct postal code is in the 
spreadsheet; postal codes for Canada Post facilities *always* end with a zero
Violet = A letter has been sent to that post office asking for its precise 
geographical location

Each spreadsheet also has a second sheet titled "extraneous data", detailing 
which post offices found in the OSM data have been determined to have closed; 
which OSM post office data is redundant and needs to be merged, i.e., if a 
single post office location has both a way and a disconnected node describing 
it, in which case the tags from the node should be moved to the way; and which 
locations have been erroneously tagged as post offices.  Only locations branded 
as Canada Post where postage stamps can be purchased should have the 
"amenity=post_office" tag, while outlets branded as "FedEx", "UPS", or any 
other private courier should instead be tagged as "office=logistics".

I would also like to see a harmonized tagging schema for Canada Post outlets, 
consisting as follows:

addr:housenumber (Use ground survey or local knowledge wherever and whenever 
addr:postcode (Use from spreadsheets)
addr:street (Use ground survey or local knowledge wherever and whenever 
brand=Canada Post
brand:wikipedia=en:Canada Post
name (Use from spreadsheets)
operator (Either "Canada Post", for an outlet run directly by Canada Post, or 
for an independently-run franchise, the name of the business that the postal 
outlet can be found in)
phone (Optional)

I would prefer that no two or more post office locations share a postal code.  
If this is not the case, only the outlet listed in the above spreadsheets 
should get tagged with "addr:postcode", while the others not use the 
"addr:postcode" tag at all.  As well, no two post office locations within the 
same province or territory should be permitted to have

Re: [Talk-ca] Iles de Boucherville

2020-03-29 Thread Pierre Béland via Talk-ca
Martin, je viens de faire quelques corrections à l'Île-Sainte-Marguerite, mais 
elles ne seront peu-être pas dans fichier geofabrik de ce soir.
J'ai constaté que des polygones se croisaient et que cela peut parfois causer 
des soucis de rendu ou autre.  Je me suis assuré que le polygone bois ne coupe 
pas contour de l'Île.  En ce qui a trait aux relations de limite admin et parc, 
j'ai ajouté un point à chaque endroit ou ces polygones croisaient les contours 
de l'Île.


Le dimanche 29 mars 2020 12 h 05 min 58 s UTC−4, Martin Chalifoux 
 a écrit :  
 Super. Le snapshot geofabrik apparait vers 20h. Je pourrai tester le tout tard 
ce-soir ou demain matin. Je te laisse savoir ce que ca donne. 

On Mar 29, 2020, at 11:58, Pierre Béland  wrote:
Bonjour Martin
J'ai complété les modifications et nous avons maintenant des relations plus 
faciles à gérer. A surveiller si ce contributeur répète de telles actions.  

En ce qui a trait aux noms, je les ai laissées uniquement pour les lacs 
Saint-Louis et Saint-Pierre. A noter que le nom du fleuve est défini sur le 
linéaire.  Je ne crois pas que Haut et Bas-Saint-Laurent soient mentionnés dans 
la toponymie.

La relation 1775822 allant du Pont Samuel-de-Champlain à Sorel contient 123 
membres, ce qui sera plus facile à gérer. J'y ai transféré les modifications 
récentes à l'archipel des Îles de Boucherville.
Vérifie maintenant si les marais sont bien tracés dans l'Archipel des Îles de 

À surveiller ...

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Iles de Boucherville

2020-03-29 Thread Martin Chalifoux via Talk-ca
Super. Le snapshot geofabrik apparait vers 20h. Je pourrai tester le tout tard 
ce-soir ou demain matin. Je te laisse savoir ce que ca donne. 

> On Mar 29, 2020, at 11:58, Pierre Béland  wrote:
> Bonjour Martin
> J'ai complété les modifications et nous avons maintenant des relations plus 
> faciles à gérer. A surveiller si ce contributeur répète de telles actions.  
> En ce qui a trait aux noms, je les ai laissées uniquement pour les lacs 
> Saint-Louis et Saint-Pierre. A noter que le nom du fleuve est défini sur le 
> linéaire.  Je ne crois pas que Haut et Bas-Saint-Laurent soient mentionnés 
> dans la toponymie.
> La relation 1775822 allant du Pont Samuel-de-Champlain à Sorel contient 123 
> membres, ce qui sera plus facile à gérer. J'y ai transféré les modifications 
> récentes à l'archipel des Îles de Boucherville.
> Vérifie maintenant si les marais sont bien tracés dans l'Archipel des Îles de 
> Boucherville.
> À surveiller ...
> Pierre 

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #505 2020-03-17-2020-03-23

2020-03-29 Thread weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 505,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of a lot of 
things happening in the openstreetmap world:


Did you know that you can also submit messages for the weeklyOSM? Just log in 
to with your OSM account. Read more about 
how to write a post here: 

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