Hi All,

I discussed starting a Waylen camera lending program for OpenStreetCam in
Canada with Martijn Van Excel (OSM US) yesterday. the program would be
similar to what they are doing in the US
<http://www.openstreetmap.us/2018/05/camera-lending-program/> :
 I was part of the Beta testing of the OSC Waylens,  and the system is far
superior to using a phone app or action camera like the Garmin Virb to
collect street level photo for OSM. Here is part of my trip to James Bay:
<http://openstreetcam.org/details/1264157/0/track-info> The camera
automatically uploads on wifi, I uploaded over 60 Gigs in about 8 hrs.

We are trying to gauge interest in Canada, Who would be interested in
borrowing Waylen for 3 months or so? Do you like driving? Drive for work?
Live in an area unmapped in OSC?

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John Marshall
OSM user Rps333
Talk-ca mailing list

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