> From: Stewart C. Russell [mailto:scr...@gmail.com]
> Subject: [Talk-ca] Open Government Licence - Canada
> [I guess Bernie's original subject of ‘G8 leaders sign open data charter
> of principles’ might've made this important announcement sink without
> trace.]
> Bernie Connors wrote:
> >
> > Is there an official OSM opinion on the compatibility of the Open
> > Government Licence and OpenStreetMap?  Here is a link to the licence
> > on the data.gc.ca website –
> >
> > http://www.data.gc.ca/eng/open-government-licence-canada
> It would be very helpful if it were deemed acceptable. The somewhat damp
> few who made it out to the Toronto Mappy Hour last night discussed it,
> but couldn't come up with anything official.

The good: It's very similar to the OGL, which is compatible. This should 
minimize the analysis.

The bad: It's only somewhat similar, leading to yet another regional license to 

The ugly: They put terms specific to the federal government in the license and 
expect every city and province to modify the license. This is going to not work 

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