Re: [Talk-es] hello, first message tried in this list

2020-01-25 Por tema Pepe Valverde de la Vera
Hay gente que no se entera o no se quiere enterar, coincido Diego contigo,

pd.: Supongo que su respuesta airada no se hará esperar. No se preocupe,
encajo bien. De todas formas aquí termino, no pienso gastar ni un minuto
más con usted.

He incluso se me ocurren palabras mas gruesas pero como decia mi abuelo
intentar que ciertas personas entiendan lo evidente a veces es perder
tiempo, dinero y categoria.

Hasta aqui con este asunto.


El sáb., 25 ene. 2020 9:34, Diego García  escribió:

> Esto ya es surrealista.
> ¿Usted a qué ha venido por aquí? ¿A mapear o a sacarnos de la ignorancia,
> como en el 1808? ¿Cuántos años lleva usted viviendo aquí como para
> discutirnos? ¿Conoce mínimamente la realidad de España, o sólo lo que
> encuentra por internet? Se está retratando usted solito. Se lo pido por
> favor: deje de hostigar a toda una comunidad nacional, le invito a irse por
> donde ha venido, déjenos en paz. Hay muchas cosas para editar en su propio
> terreno si le parece bien. O en el Congo Belga, o en Laponia. La wiki de
> OSM me han dicho que está muy bien en esta época del año.
> Disculpe la ocurrencia, no es mi estilo en público. Pero la paciencia
> tiene un límite muy fino, y usted se lo lleva saltando desde hace demasiado
> tiempo.
> Un saludo, a todos menos a uno,
> Diego
> pd.: Supongo que su respuesta airada no se hará esperar. No se preocupe,
> encajo bien. De todas formas aquí termino, no pienso gastar ni un minuto
> más con usted.
> El sáb., 25 ene. 2020 a las 6:05, Philippe Verdy ()
> escribió:
>> Another reading if you've missed that Aragonese law:
>> (Boletín Oficial de Aragón n°149, 2006-12-30, Gobierno de Aragón).
>> Decreto legislativo 2/2006 de 27 de diciembre del Gobierno de Aragón por
>> el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Comarcalización de Aragón
>> Le sam. 25 janv. 2020 à 03:01, Alejandro S.  a
 écrit :

> Dear Phillipe,
> I've been living in Zaragoza (Aragón, Spain) for 27 years. Please,
> don't tell I don't know what a Comarca is.
> I think Pepe has been pretty clear telling us the laws regarding this
> issue:
> *"Oficialmente, insisto, oficialmente la Ley de Bases de Regimen
> Local, es la que especifica la division territorial y administrativa de
> este país. Y es clara en su articulado en lo que a limites se refiere:
> Pais, Comunidad Autónoma y Ciudades Autónomas, Provincia, Municipio y
> Entidad Local Menor a municipio (las conocidas como Juntas Administativas
> Locales, Pedanias, Poblados, e incluso Parroquias o anteiglesias) el resto
> no son más que divisiones de gestión de diferentes organos generalmente
> para optimizar sus medios y servicios y no pueden estar en estos niveles
> pues legalmente no existen."*
> I'm not sure if we're just overthinking or feeding a troll.
> Best regards,
> Yonseca.

>> These evidences above (including the names of documents, their dates, and
>> assertable links that any one can see easily) were already made before, but
>> you did not care about reading them. Think twice before accusing someone of
>> "trolling".
>> So I supposed you just lived in Aragon *before* February 2006 and have
>> not seen what happened there after you left. Or you are not jut interested
>> yourself by this subject which others consider useful and are legitimate in
>> OSM (and if you still don't trust what was put in OSM, you can compare with
>> the published open data of these administrations).
>> An official comarcalization occured also in Galicia, but Catalunya was
>> the first to make it official at regional level.
>> The juntas of provinces have still not understood that, they contiunue to
>> use their own touristic comarcas, or may maintain them only as statistical
>> units for reasons of continuity over a period long enough to be able to
>> report analyze the evolutions. But provinces have no statistics intitutes.
>> Aragon has its own official statistics institute (IEAST, whose website is
>> for now the same as the Gobernatio).
>> The Spanish State government is also late on this in its ministerios and
>> othert state agencies (but the state government make that for other
>> planning purposes, not to rule what and how comarcas are regionally
>> organized, because it is not the competence of these adminsitrations, they
>> have no power to create or change them officially and give them a judicial
>> identity or any form of autonomy; only the Spanish parliament *may*
>> eventually do that, but it won't be consititutionally able to legiferate on
>> domains whose competence were transfered to the autonomous communities,
>> without negociating with their respective governments).
>> The question is not if those comarcas should exist or not. Of course they
>> should be there. It's only a problem for defining a tagging syste

Re: [Talk-es] hello, first message tried in this list

2020-01-25 Por tema Diego García
Esto ya es surrealista.

¿Usted a qué ha venido por aquí? ¿A mapear o a sacarnos de la ignorancia,
como en el 1808? ¿Cuántos años lleva usted viviendo aquí como para
discutirnos? ¿Conoce mínimamente la realidad de España, o sólo lo que
encuentra por internet? Se está retratando usted solito. Se lo pido por
favor: deje de hostigar a toda una comunidad nacional, le invito a irse por
donde ha venido, déjenos en paz. Hay muchas cosas para editar en su propio
terreno si le parece bien. O en el Congo Belga, o en Laponia. La wiki de
OSM me han dicho que está muy bien en esta época del año.

Disculpe la ocurrencia, no es mi estilo en público. Pero la paciencia tiene
un límite muy fino, y usted se lo lleva saltando desde hace demasiado

Un saludo, a todos menos a uno,


pd.: Supongo que su respuesta airada no se hará esperar. No se preocupe,
encajo bien. De todas formas aquí termino, no pienso gastar ni un minuto
más con usted.

El sáb., 25 ene. 2020 a las 6:05, Philippe Verdy ()

> Another reading if you've missed that Aragonese law:
> (Boletín Oficial de Aragón n°149, 2006-12-30, Gobierno de Aragón).
> Decreto legislativo 2/2006 de 27 de diciembre del Gobierno de Aragón por
> el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Comarcalización de Aragón
> Le sam. 25 janv. 2020 à 03:01, Alejandro S.  a écrit :
 Dear Phillipe,

 I've been living in Zaragoza (Aragón, Spain) for 27 years. Please,
 don't tell I don't know what a Comarca is.

 I think Pepe has been pretty clear telling us the laws regarding this

 *"Oficialmente, insisto, oficialmente la Ley de Bases de Regimen Local,
 es la que especifica la division territorial y administrativa de este país.
 Y es clara en su articulado en lo que a limites se refiere: Pais, Comunidad
 Autónoma y Ciudades Autónomas, Provincia, Municipio y Entidad Local Menor a
 municipio (las conocidas como Juntas Administativas Locales, Pedanias,
 Poblados, e incluso Parroquias o anteiglesias) el resto no son más que
 divisiones de gestión de diferentes organos generalmente para optimizar sus
 medios y servicios y no pueden estar en estos niveles pues legalmente no

 I'm not sure if we're just overthinking or feeding a troll.

 Best regards,

> These evidences above (including the names of documents, their dates, and
> assertable links that any one can see easily) were already made before, but
> you did not care about reading them. Think twice before accusing someone of
> "trolling".
> So I supposed you just lived in Aragon *before* February 2006 and have not
> seen what happened there after you left. Or you are not jut interested
> yourself by this subject which others consider useful and are legitimate in
> OSM (and if you still don't trust what was put in OSM, you can compare with
> the published open data of these administrations).
> An official comarcalization occured also in Galicia, but Catalunya was the
> first to make it official at regional level.
> The juntas of provinces have still not understood that, they contiunue to
> use their own touristic comarcas, or may maintain them only as statistical
> units for reasons of continuity over a period long enough to be able to
> report analyze the evolutions. But provinces have no statistics intitutes.
> Aragon has its own official statistics institute (IEAST, whose website is
> for now the same as the Gobernatio).
> The Spanish State government is also late on this in its ministerios and
> othert state agencies (but the state government make that for other
> planning purposes, not to rule what and how comarcas are regionally
> organized, because it is not the competence of these adminsitrations, they
> have no power to create or change them officially and give them a judicial
> identity or any form of autonomy; only the Spanish parliament *may*
> eventually do that, but it won't be consititutionally able to legiferate on
> domains whose competence were transfered to the autonomous communities,
> without negociating with their respective governments).
> The question is not if those comarcas should exist or not. Of course they
> should be there. It's only a problem for defining a tagging system, and
> using it coherently (something that is incoherent today, but there's no
> alternative documentation: someone must do the hard job of first sorting
> things to avoid incoherences, then apply the tags, that this list may
> discuss, but has to document somewhere without just placing an informal
> link to the Spanish Wikipedia article where nothing is coherent or well
> defined as the topic is clearly still not understood by most Spaniards that
> have contributed to it; the situation is even worse in Wikimedia Commons
> with lot of incohrent and undated "maps" and that was then transfered as is
> from C