[OSM-fi] Looking for participants to test OSM-based audio street maps

2010-07-20 Thread Esther Loeliger

Dear all

Apologies for cross-posting. As part of my Master's project at Queen 
Mary, University of London, I'm looking for participants to take part in 
a game centred on wayfinding challenges in urban audio maps.

The game should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete and there 
will be a prize draw with a total of ten £10 Amazon vouchers (or the 
international equivalent) to be won.

To play the game, please download the installer from:


It should install without problems on Windows XP, Windows Vista and 
Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit). After you have installed and started 
TEAM, press Ctrl+Enter to play. For a screenshot and further 
information, see the project website, http://team.sourceforge.net.

The game has been designed with accessibility in mind, so blind and 
partially sighted participants are very much encouraged to take part.

I'd be delighted if you'd be happy to play the game. If you have any 
questions about the game or the research on which it is based, please 
don't hesitate to contact me.

With kind regards,

talk-fi mailing list

[OSM-fi] Openstreetmap kokoontuminen 24.7 Keravalla

2010-07-20 Thread Jettis
Forumilla on suunniteltu tapaamista Etelä-Suomen alueelle.
Tapaamispaikaksi ja ajankohdaksi on muodostunut Keravan Sampotunnelin
länsipään aukio 24.07 klo 17.30 eli tällä viikolla lauantaina, josta
mahdollisesti siirrytään muualle. Tarkoituksena olisi tutustua alueen
muihin kartoittajiin ja keskustella kartoituksesta yleensä.
Toivottavasti paikalle tulee enemmänkin väkeä. Lisätietoa löytyy

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