
il y a un appel à candidature pour faire partie du prochain comité scientifique de l'academic track du SotM Monde qui se déroulera à Florence 19-21 août.

Si vous voulez en savoir plus, ci dessous (attention c'est en anglais)

Dear colleagues,

Following the first four successful editions of the *Academic Track* at State of the Map 2018 in Milan [1], 2019 in Heidelberg [2] and the 2020 [3] and 2021 [4] virtual ones, this Track will be included again in the program of State of the Map 2022, to be held in Florence, Italy on August 19-21 with the possibility to also attend remotely [5]. The main purpose of the Academic Track is to bring together and foster interactions between the OpenStreetMap community at large (contributors, developers, users, etc.) and the academic/scientific community of researchers from all over the world.

A designated Scientific Committee will be responsible again for the organization of the Academic Track, co-chaired by Marco Minghini and Yair Grinberger (on behalf of the OSMF State of the Map Working Group). We hereby issue a call for applications, inviting all interested individuals to apply to join the Scientific Committee. This team will be in charge of:

 * writing and publishing the call for abstracts/papers for the
   Academic Track at State of the Map 2022
 * designing and managing the review process of the submitted
   abstracts, deciding which ones to accept for oral presentation or
   poster presentation
 * defining the Academic Track schedule at State of the Map 2022, by
   working in close contact with the SotM 2022 Programme Committee
 * planning and managing possible publication outputs, e.g. conference
   proceedings and/or or a Special Issue in a scientific journal

Thus, we invite applications for *researchers or academics* to be part of the Academic Track Scientific Committee. The Academic Track Scientific Committee will be led by Marco and Yair and will include additional people selected through this open call. The number of additional people is not defined a priori and will depend on the number and quality of applications received.

The call is open to everyone interested. The selection will be made by the OSMF State of the Map Working Group, based on the candidates' personal merit and with the main goal to create a diverse Committee in terms of gender, age, geographical provenance, and academic experience. We especially encourage applications from early-stage academics and researchers.Please note that a high effort and commitment is expected for all members of the Academic Track Scientific Committee, thus we encourage you to apply only if you think you will have enough time to dedicate.

In the absence of enough candidates and/or candidates who are meeting the expectations, the OSMF State of the Map Working Group reserves the right to nominate additional persons by invitation.

*Applications shall be made exclusively by sending an e-mail to the OSM science mailing list <> *(this requires registering for the list at <>), and filling the following template:

*Name and Surname*
/Please enter your name and surname./

/Please enter your (current) full affiliation./

*Academic experience, in particular on OpenStreetMap*
/Please enter a short description of your main academic interests and contributions, especially related to OpenStreetMap. A full list of OpenStreetMap-related publications (or a link to it) is appreciated. Also, please list your previous experience as a member of scientific or academic committees. Place the focus on OpenStreetMap, when relevant./

*Editorial experience*
/Please enter a short description of your editorial experience, e.g. as a Member of the Editorial Board of scientific journals, Guest-Editors of Special Issues, reviewer for scientific journals. Place the focus on OpenStreetMap, when relevant./

Only applications submitted according to this procedure and only self-nominations will be considered.

The deadline for applications is*February 27, 2021*.

Best regards,
Yair and Marco - on behalf of the OSMF State of the Map Working Group

[1]See the call for abstracts for 2018 ( and the program of the Academic Track on Sunday, 29 July, room S1.3 ( [2]See the call for abstracts for 2019 ( and the program of the Academic Track on Sunday, 22 September ( [3] See the call for abstracts for 2020 ( and the program of the Academic Track on Sunday, 5 July ( [4] See the call for abstracts for 2021 ( and the program of the Academic Track on Sunday, 11 July ( [5] See the conference announcement at

Vincent Bergeot
Talk-fr mailing list

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