Well as we are on the subject of people being mentors.

I have just done my first bit of mapping today. After I finished work
I went to KFC for dinner (can't be bothered to cook) then all of a
sudden I felt like doing some driving around. So I went around the
trading estate and as it is a weekend its easy to drive about with out
looking too suspicious. I have just got home and uploaded my gps log
and I have added a few ways, added a few businesses. Could someone
have a quick look and tell me if I am half way there.

I did not get road names etc as I was driving. But I can do that another day.

Most of my edits are here,

The gps track around the supermarket is the track around the car park.
Could someone with much more skill and knowledge add the roundabout
in. I have put a tag there to show where I mean. So far my only other
attempt at a roundabout is a bit crap.[1][2]

I also added a road here, I work at the petrol station so took a drive
through the village the other night.

If all goes well then I will move on to add some of the roads in my own village,

I can draw in proper drawing applications such as Illastrator but I
have tools that allow me to draw a circle then add the lines for road
in. It will take a wile for me to get used to Potlatch 1.1

Anyone here use the Android G1 for gps tracking? Is there a good way
to hold it if you are walking? (I want to get the best reception

Jack Stringer
[2] was tempted to put these tracks and roundabouts in but I think I
need to go back and get more GPS data.

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