
Richard Fairhurst wrote:
Therefore distributing a Produced Work as public domain, with no attribution requirement, does _not_ fulfil your obligation to "include a notice... reasonably calculated to make any Person... aware". So you can't do it. The most permissive licence which may be used for a Produced Work is attribution-only [...]

Those still interested in this after nearly six weeks might want to compare Richard's above statement with Rufus Pollock's here:


("However, you are not required to impose any kind of licensing condition on the produced work (that's up to *You*) [...] So, for example, a rendered map from OSM could be incorporated into
wikipedia (or anywhere else for that matter) without any problem -- or
any need to even think about the ODbL -- as the ODbL does not impose
any restrictions on the Produced Work.")

I conclude that the situation is inconclusive.


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