On Sat, 2012-09-08 at 11:15 +0100, Craig Wallace wrote:
> On 07/09/2012 21:03, Philip Barnes wrote:
> > A while ago I had a burst of ferry and Channel Tunnel routing, I had
> > successfully got routing through the Channel Tunnel working, although
> > some tracing needed to be done with the French Terminal, however it
> > worked in OSRM.
> >
> > I had tagged the lines through the tunnel as route=ferry, however these
> > tags have now been deleted in changeset
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/12858462 with the comment
> > "Channel Tunnel is not a ferry". The result being routing through the
> > tunnel no longer works.
> >
> > I accept the tunnel isn't a ferry, but I would have considered it a rail
> > ferry. Before I start an edit war, is there a better way to tag a rail
> > ferry, that works with routing, than the way I did it?
> >
> > Have not yet contacted the mapper.
> I assume you are referring to the Eurotunnel "Le Shuttle" motorail 
> service? And not any of the other train services which operate through 
> the tunnel (eg Eurostar).
> And I assume you are referring to routing by car (which seems to be all 
> that OSRM does).
> I'd agree that Le Shuttle is not a ferry, so should not be tagged as 
> route=ferry. It is a train route, so should be tagged as route=train. 
> Preferably with a route relation, not tagging all of the individual 
> ways, as there is a variety of different train routes through the 
> tunnel. Note there is already a route relation for Eurostar.
> In terms of routing by car, you also need some way of specifying that it 
> is a motorail service. I don't know if there is any standard tagging for 
> this, or if any other similar services are mapped (I know there aren't 
> any others left in the UK)?
> The obvious tagging would be something like route=train, 
> motor_vehicle=yes, bicycle=yes, foot=no etc. Or maybe a specific 
> "motorail" tag would be useful?
> Though this is probably not supported by an routing software (yet).
> Craig
Have found this page, which appears to be the answer,

route=train_shuttle appears to be the answer until routers understand
relations. It certainly works for the  Niebüll-Westerland example listed

I could not find any in Switzerland that are mapped to link the roads to
the rails.


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