Re: [Talk-GB] RFC-3 Mechanical edit: UK Shop Names

2014-12-19 Thread Jo Walsh
My take is that Matthijs' heroic stand is a gesture of sacrifice of a small 
portion of his sanity for the greater good of OSM

However, i will totally admit to secretly preparing a kind of endographic study 
of the social work of the DWG which i'm going to knock some academics out of 
the sky with. 

We all have our coping strategies

On December 18, 2014 6:14:40 PM GMT, Phil Endecott 
>Brian Prangle wrote:
>> Matthij's proposal as it now stands is not controversial and 
>> is merely a typo cleanup. I'm amazed at his patience.
>My assumption is that Matthijs is preparing an academic paper about
>OSM in which he will reveal the number of hours work required per
>byte of non-controversial database change, with some extrapolations
>about the ultimate consequences for the project.  I can't imagine
>anyone would go through this otherwise.
>Talk-GB mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
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[Talk-GB] Post-Christmas Midlands OSM Meet-up

2014-12-19 Thread SK 53 (via Doodle)
Hi there,

SK 53 ( invites you to participate in the Doodle
poll "Post-Christmas Midlands OSM Meet-up".

SK 53 says:
Idea is to meet somewhere accessible to both E&W Midland OSMers in the
week after Xmas. The meeting would be in the day time, with the idea
of initially surveying some rights of way (or just their
designations), adjourning to a pub for a drink and/or lunch. Possible
areas mentioned are: Foxton (Leics), near Burton (perhaps Barton, or
Abbots Bromley), Muston (Leics). Final location will really depend on
interest & maximising convenience for participants.
start time is 10:30, but 11:00 may suit better.
  Any other
suggestions etc, reply to talk-gb.
  Note I'm a newbie at setting
up a Doodle poll, so apologies if this is all askew!

Participate now

What is Doodle? Doodle is a web service that helps SK 53 to find a
suitable date for meeting with a group of people. Learn more about how
Doodle works.


You have received this e-mail because "SK 53" has invited you to
participate in the Doodle poll "Post-Christmas Midlands OSM Meet-up."

Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich
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Re: [Talk-GB] No more voting on mechanical edits

2014-12-19 Thread Rovastar

I idea that "lets not fix things as it might be better to resurvey by hand"
for rejecting it is not any part of DWG policy or standards. You should stop
pretending like it is.

It seems like you want to appease the people those they think there area is
mapped and need prompting to do any mapping. Notes answer is a cop out
answer. It fixes nothing of things that can actually be fixed.
We all know that a resurvey every few months of an average high street, etc
is likely going to show changes.
If these people want something to do and cannot think for themselves then I
can write a bot that will place a note say "Please resurvey" every if
nothing has changed in retail area greater then x in y months.

Also the "it seems to me like it is pointless" is no reason again for DWG to
reject this.
There are many things I could think are pointless that I do not map and I am
sure vice versa . 
If someone wants to map waste paper bins, benches, car park lanes, disabled
access, grass verges on traffic islands, etc you should not stop nor
discourage them.
If someone want to *fix* waste paper bins, benches, car park lanes, disabled
access, grass verges on traffic islands, etc you should not stop nor
discourage them.

Also the reason "lets not do the mech edit because not all the info of that
type is in the database" is *not* reason for DWG to reject it.
Let's me explain how this helps. If say the mapping as shop name is in
taginfo 33% A, 33% B, 33% C then what do we name it. Each of us on a whim
name it as we want or maybe have a more consistent name.
What is more useful? dozens of names or just 1 or 2?
We all know it is the same shop. I would be happy, and I imagine most be,
would be to get an indication of how best to map it.
Style and constancy is something we as a community should at least consider.
Rather than reject outright. 
There seem to be too much hippie commune attitude of free love and free
tagging here. It might work in small communities but when you have bigger
projects like this is now we need more co-ordination.
We do x in my patch, y in my patch, z in my patch. Again really how does
that help anyone? People only care about there only little bit of the map.
You travel 20 miles away and all the standards can be so different?

I was actually hoping you were going to give ideas of how the mechanical
edit could go ahead when you had suggestions alas not.

In the spirit of freedom of information what mechanical edit would you are
DWG in general actually approve? What have you approved?

I know a fair bit about the data now and understand the station issues, etc. 

For people I know know computers I am surprised how little you want to use
them to fix data issues.

I have said before about data issues. Post processing is needed in many
things but *first* if possible you should fix the data. That is all, as you
know, we are trying to do here. 
(I often in situations you were talking I imagine it was not possible to fix
the data here it is.)

I can quote examples til the cows come home about the bad data in the
database. Data that is came across it in you local patch you would fix
without question.

The real issue is some vocal people here don't want anyone editing in their
area - at all. Period. They are so self indulgent they think that the
project is not a community project at all it is *theirs*. Low and behold any
sort of community consensus about how the rest of the world/country does
things. They will just do it their way and ignore everyone else. They seem
jealous of others actually mapping stuff.

Oh as for "OSM dinosaurs" I see equally derogatory name-calling remarks all
the time from the same OSMers, lets take "wikifiddlers", "armchair mappers",
etc. Hell there is even that official looking graphic that some of you have
adopted on your userpages.

And you can do plenty from behind a computer keyboard, shops included. All
you need a little skill and work.

We can also talk about all this over the next pint. :-)



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Re: [Talk-GB] No more voting on mechanical edits

2014-12-19 Thread Matthijs Melissen
On 19 December 2014 at 12:10, SomeoneElse  wrote:
> I suggested that any plan for changes to the shop names and
> values that we have now would also need to address how new users decide
> which ones to use.
> For iD, names are suggested via
> , and
> is the "canonical list of known good ones".  I suggested to Matthijs that
> some sort of localisation might make sense there, since shop names do vary
> (and thinking further about it shop functions do too - an Australian
> Woolworths is very different to what a UK Woolworths was).  He was aware of
> name-suggestion-index but didn't seem to be aware of the canonical list.

I am in fact aware of the canonical list. Dan has already taken up
adding part of my changes: I'd be
happy to help him. I don't think we necessarily need to coordinate the
mechanical edit and the correction of name-suggestion-index, though.

As the rest of your e-mail mainly consists of points that have been
addressed before, I'm not sure if it's useful to respond to them
again. If there is any particular issue you would like my response to,
please let me know.

-- Matthijs

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] No more voting on mechanical edits

2014-12-19 Thread SomeoneElse

On 18/12/2014 18:59, Rovastar wrote:

Well please share the thoughts about what suggestions you have.

The big problem is not really whether a particular shop has an 
apostrophe in the name or not, but the fact that we don't have anything 
like all of said shops mapped.  I suggested that any plan for changes to 
the shop names and values that we have now would also need to address 
how new users decide which ones to use.

For iD, names are suggested via , and 
is the "canonical list of known good ones".  I suggested to Matthijs 
that some sort of localisation might make sense there, since shop names 
do vary  (and thinking further about it shop functions do too - an 
Australian Woolworths is very different to what a UK Woolworths was).  
He was aware of name-suggestion-index but didn't seem to be aware of the 
canonical list.

Speaking entirely personally, I don't think that Matthijs suggesting 
that we add e.g. a missing apostrophe to a shop brand that is 
well-established as having one** is necessarily "wrong", it's just 
"almost entirely pointless" if we have so few of that shop brand mapped 
that the data isn't really useful.  Postprocessing data from large 
databases to make sense of it is something that you _always have to 
do_*.  It's not just OSM; any large dataset has this problem.   Try 
extracting data for railway stations as an example (seriously - try it - 
don't just write an email about it - actually try it, look at the 
exceptions and see what you get).  Is that preserved railway station a 
"station"?  What about the miniature railway in a park?  What actual 
features did $customer want when they were looking for a "station" 
anyway?  When OSM's data is more complete it might make more sense to 
say "right, now lets look at those exceptions" - but that has to be done 
on a case by case basis, you can't just assume that X is Y, because 
you've seen an X locally and have never been to the area where Y is.  
Having 10 people ticking a box on a wiki doesn't address that problem, a 
proper discusion does.

Following on from that, removing "wrong" data from OSM globally does 
cause one problem - it makes it much harder to see which areas have been 
inexpertly mapped.  If someone's got the spelling or a shop tag woefully 
wrong, what about their other edits?  That wrong tag might be the 
"canary in the coal mine" that indicates other problems that need a 
proper survey to investigate and fix.  Another similar issues is missing 
bridges over rivers and streams - adding a generic bridge might "fix" 
the problem on the QA site, but it takes away the pointer to an area 
that needs a survey (is there really a bridge, or a culvert under the 
road?).  That's why (despite the teeth-sucking on the #osm-gb list 
whenever it happens) I think that Matthijs' adding of OSM notes for 
these "miscategorised" shops is an excellent idea, though I wish that 
each note contained a link to the item in question.

What we seem to be forgetting in this discussion is that we're all 
supposed to be on the same side here, something that the name-calling 
(e.g. referring to someone as an "OSM dinosaur") and cheap 
points-scoring doesn't help with.  Many people in OSM regularly help 
other people with their pet projects.  For example, I've mapped more 
bits of Derwent Aqueduct infrastructure than any sane person could show 
a reasonable interest in (sorry Paul if you're reading) and I've also 
tried to help Matthijs get community acceptance for what he's trying to 
achieve here.  We have to work together, but in the case of mapping 
shops (the 90% that we don't know about yet), the main thing that you 
have to do is to _actually go out and map the shops_.  You can't do it 
from behind a computer keyboard.



* I've worked on statistical data extraction and combination from 
mechanical and digital systems on and off since the mid-1980s.

** Some brands do seem to use entirely consistent branding, some do not 
and some are in a process of change (as discussed at length on the 
previous thread).

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