On Thu, 20 Aug 2009, Ed Loach wrote:

> David asked:
>> This Cambs CC press release suggests a minor mod to the map is
>> needed.
>> Is anyone near? It's probably not worth me travelling specially
>> to
>> Huntingdon, but if anyone could cover it, that would be good.
> I'm not, but I think the junction they describe is probably this
> one:
> http://osm.org/go/eu69EOEXH--
> in case it helps

Yes, that is the junction.  I drive past it once a week or so.  The main 
changes are traffic lights controlling the junction and the addition of a 
traffic island in the A141 with a pelican(ish) crossing

I will be in Huntingdon on Saturday and could check the crossing type. 
Does it require any further surveying beyond that?


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