[Talk-GB] Anyone interested in participating in a distributed Freemap?

2011-11-24 Thread Nick Whitelegg
Hello everyone,

Thought I'd email this as I have some thoughts as to how Freemap 
(free-map.org.uk; countryside-orientated mapping for UK users) could operate 
without excessive demands on a single server.

Basically, I'm wondering if anyone has unused server space/bandwidth allowances 
who might want to become part of a distributed Freemap. It is a not-for-profit 
project, so there would be no financial comeback, but just thought I'd ask in 
case anyone is interested in participating.

The plan I have is something like this. Freemap aims to provide the following 
* custom rendering of tiles for the whole of the UK, in a style geared towards 
highlighting features for walkers (rights of way, permissive paths etc) and 
distinguishing between physical properties of paths and legal access rights 
(showing both as two layers, i.e. ROW status as semi-transparent top layer)
* add annotations (interesting views, path blockages etc) via web or mobile 
* allow users to plan walks via web interface and then play walk routes in 
the mobile app
* a web service which provides POIs and OSM ways/polygons in a format optimised 
for rendering. Queries can be by Google tile or by bounding box in a range of 
projections. The underlying DB is the standard osm postgis DB so the data is 
not generated in OSM format but in a format which reflects the underlying DB 
structure. See for example 
* a web service to deliver SRTM or OS LandForm Panorama data, no need for any 
additional servers for this, I can handle this myself.
(The web services are currently used by Android and WebGL clients to render the 
data in 3D and to find nearby POIs)

The distributed architecture I would have in mind is:

* each server deals with a particular box within the UK
* the master server (my own) would deal with dispatching requests to the 
appropriate server depending on bbox

The requirements of the other servers would be:
* standard OSM postgis DB installed
* osmosis and osm2pgsql installed
* shell access for cron job updates
* postgres DB to store height data, as per the relevant OSM wiki page: 
consequently gdal needs to be present.

I would supply:

- Freemap source code, hopefully with some kind of installer
- script to set up the Freemap-specific DB tables
- cron scripts to fetch relevant data from Geofabrik on a regular basis (every 
2 weeks probably sufficient) and update the database.
- relevant NASA SRTM height files 

If you are participating, feel free to suggest changes to the default 
stylesheet (or even make them yourself!) and hack on the code.

Would anyone be interested?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Anyone interested in participating in a distributed Freemap?

2011-11-24 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 24 November 2011 14:00, Nick Whitelegg nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk wrote:
 The requirements of the other servers would be:
 * standard OSM postgis DB installed
 * osmosis and osm2pgsql installed
 * shell access for cron job updates
 * postgres DB to store height data, as per the relevant OSM wiki page:
 consequently gdal needs to be present.

In addition to that, how much disk space, processor grunt, memory and
bandwidth would one need to be useful?

Philip Stubbs

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Anyone interested in participating in a distributed Freemap?

2011-11-24 Thread Nick Whitelegg

Just something along the lines of my Bytemark VM would be probably enough, I 
think that's 512MB memory. Not sure about the other specs.

Obviously excessive memory demands are unreasonable for a not for profit 
project, the end-user will just have to live with what they get... unless 
they want to donate money of course.


-Philip Stubbs phi...@stuphi.co.uk wrote: -
To: Nick Whitelegg nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk
From: Philip Stubbs phi...@stuphi.co.uk
Date: 24/11/2011 03:01PM
Cc: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Anyone interested in participating in a distributed 

On 24 November 2011 14:00, Nick Whitelegg nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk wrote:
 The requirements of the other servers would be:
 * standard OSM postgis DB installed
 * osmosis and osm2pgsql installed
 * shell access for cron job updates
 * postgres DB to store height data, as per the relevant OSM wiki page:
 consequently gdal needs to be present.

In addition to that, how much disk space, processor grunt, memory and
bandwidth would one need to be useful?

Philip Stubbs

Talk-GB mailing list