Hi Brian,

Yes, I would especially second Jerry's good comments in the previous discussion thread he started about sticking to a "strict" definition of heath as being characterized by species of the Ericacea (http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/natural-heath-td5888994.html). This is also a quite common definition for heath on topographic maps in other countries, e.g. here in the Netherlands where I live.


Op 8-2-2017 om 11:49 schreef Brian Prangle:
Hi everyone

Looks like a challenge. We have discussed this before and there were lots of very thoughtful and knowledgeable opinions, but no decisions on any actions. I kind of got the consensus that many were uncomfortable with the spread of heathland landuse data but we never decided to do anything about it. It would be great in my opinion if we moved on as a community and actually decided to act on our discussions.



On 8 February 2017 at 10:37, Marco Boeringa <ma...@boeringa.demon.nl <mailto:ma...@boeringa.demon.nl>> wrote:

    Hi David,

    I know the opinions about the need to create multipolygons are as
    diverse as there are political opinions. It was just one example
    where these features cause issues. My main question is simply if
    there are any plans or ideas by the British community of how to
    deal with these features, or if there is any consensus whether
    they are desired or not. If not, would the community oppose
    someone else removing them?


    On 07/02/17 19:19, Marco Boeringa wrote:
    > Lastly, the lack of proper multipolygon creation, means that
    other types
    > of renderers and styles than Carto, and GIS's like QGIS and
    ArcGIS, that
    > do not stack features based on size but need multipolygons to
    deal with
    > polygon-within-polygon problems, have many older detailed features
    > covered up by these new ones, as the original data may be hidden
    > the newly added ones.

    That' a problem with the renderers.  Multipolygons are difficult for
    both (human) editors and (machine) renderers, so only be used where
    strictly necessary.

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