OK guys, time to end this thread. Not sure if I am an official moderator on this particular list, but wading in.

We Brits are supposed to be ladies and gentlemen every one, so let's act like that on our own list. May I ask all concerned to take a read through https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Community_Code_of_Conduct_%28Draft%29

I'd like to emphasise a couple of things:

First, robust rational debate is fine but when being critical please bend over backwards to be constructive, "help not hinder" and think about personal impact. The impersonal medium of email can make things appear much harsher than perhaps we really mean.

Second, a broad observation in response to a matter I was contacted about off-line: we all have our personal projects that may not be so important to others but collectively have made OSM what is is over time. Please don't knock 'em. Ignore if you must, help if you can.

Cheers and Happy Mapping,

On 29/10/2013 12:37, Dave F. wrote:
The only person being rude is sk53 by attempting to hi-jack a thread with an irrelevant post on a completely different subject. His rudeness is only reinforced by his inaccurate comments which he is unwilling to justify.

It's disappointing that many people within OSM like sk53 are too weak to take criticism or so arrogant as to believe they are above it (There was one user who's arrogance led him to believe he was entitled to tell users to close down their twitter accounts!). My criticisms were explained, justified & on topic (to his post), not ad-hominem.

Dave F.

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