Apologies to those on the osm-uk mailing list who may be seeing this for a 
second time.

The OSM UK (https://osmuk.org/) articles of association stipulate that 2 
directors step down each year, and as we need a minimum of 5 directors to 
operate, we appoint at least 2 directors.

Are you interested?

I’m Gareth, and became a director at the OSM UK 2019 AGM, so here’s my 
information to prospective candidates.

You don’t need to have detailed knowledge of the history or workings of OSM, 
nor be a coding wizard or have previous director experience, and having any of 
these would not count against you.
You don’t even need to be a super high prolific contributor to OSM.

What you do need:
Legally able to hold a directorship in the UK.
Be (or become) an OSM UK member.
Commit to attending a monthly call with the other directors.
Be willing to take on some of the day to day running of the CIC. Actual 
activity is not daily, and is a few hours a month to as much as you fancy.

Hopefully you see value in there being a company being able to front for OSM in 
the UK and would like to support that. Newcomers, particularly companies, like 
to have a point of contact before approaching a group of volunteers.
You want to learn about the OSM ecosystem, from contributor groups to potential 
data consumers through to OSMF.
You’d like to help drive greater use, participation and engagement with OSM 

If you’re considering it, or are unsure and would like to discuss what it may 
entail in more detail, please contact us at 
bo...@osmuk.org<mailto:bo...@osmuk.org> by June 15th.

Thank you
Talk-GB mailing list

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