
"but your habit of not commenting on most of your changesets did contribute to people's suspicion. I really would urge you to make some sort of comment, even if brief, and maybe repetitive where you are doing similar things."

Yes, this was part of my confusion. I saw at least three accounts with apparently similar behaviour: very active mappers, lots of changesets, but virtually no changeset comments. It appeared to be related, or maybe even three accounts of the same user...

Of course, this was all only circumstantial evidence, but I have also advised Dyserth to add changeset comments to make review and recognition of legit edits at least a bit more easy.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 20:38:19 +0000
From: ael <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Large swaths of "heath" in Wales?
Message-ID: <20170213203819.xh5xxw2qnvhvle7a@shelf.conquest>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 03:07:38PM -0700, Dyserth wrote:
With regards to deleting the areas mapped by Sam888 all over Wales I frankly
did not want to block out or delete these areas as I felt it would have
meant modifying the map data too extensively, been very time consuming, and
This is very unfortunate. I am surprised to hear that you did not
receive any private messages.

As I said in an earlier email, the only mapper whose contributions were
problematical in my area was Sam88, and I contacted him/her *and* had a
polite reply.

It seems that you were just caught as a side effect after you had also
tried to clean up, but again you should have had a message at the very

After you have suffered this unwarranted criticism, I am hesitant to say
this, but your habit of not commenting on most of your changesets did
contribute to people's suspicion. I really would urge you to make some
sort of comment, even if brief, and maybe repetitive where you are doing
similar things.



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