The third (and hopefully final) email from me today!

1) Thanks for the feedback on the tagging guidelines page. Lots of good things and ideas (especially expanding to include more than just England), for me to work on for the next iteration of this wiki page.

2) In regards to the idea for a Rights of Way wikiproject page:
- I have added a list of councils to the wiki page ( for England and there are some links to Def statements/maps - (c) warning: non free! - I am not sure at the moment how a specific rights of way wiki page would help (unlike other wiki projects how would we be able to check whether the map is 100% complete unless we can get Def statements from local councils - Open to suggestions on how to do this (would have to deal with the 3 pages - UK Local Councils, Tagging Guidelines, and the new wikiproject page). I suggest starting with a recommended a list of headings first before creating a new wiki page.


ps Help in regards to Scotland, NI and Wales would be much appreciated.
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