Sorry for the short notice but...

Tomorrow (Tuesday) night we'll be at the Blue Posts for a (probably quite 
small) casual social pub meet-up

It's this pub on Newman Street:
Take care not to go to a different Blue Posts pub!

When you get there... check upstairs! This is small pub, but it does have a 
very sneakily hidden staircase leading to more seating upstairs. We'll aim to 
get a table somewhere, so might well end up upstairs. We'll also aim to get 
organised with an OpenStreetMap sign and / or an orange OSM Surveyors Jacket / 
Polo shirts. My mobile number in case you can't find us: O7979815O13

From here we usually end up moving on at about 8 / 8:30 pm to node 
787474861 before returning to the pub after burritos.

You can sign up on lanyrd here:
By signing up there, you make the event look more popular (Note: A lot of 
people don't bother signing up. We expect between 5 and 15 people. It is 
popular, honest)

Hope to see you tomorrow!

As always...
London events listed here:
And you should follow


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