
I’m relatively new to editing OSM but have recently been working on adding 
details to my local map in the borough of Camden. So far, I’ve mostly focused 
on adding buildings to roads that lack them, but I’ve been thinking of turning 
my attention to mapping Camden’s street trees. As it happens, the council 
publishes a pretty good dataset 
<https://opendata.camden.gov.uk/Environment/Trees-In-Camden/csqp-kdss>) of all 
street trees in the borough, with precise coordinates, the species of the tree, 
approximate height, etc.

The dataset is released under the OGL, so in theory I suspect it could be 
automatically imported into OSM in its entirety. Nevertheless, I was planning 
to approach this manually on a street-by-street basis and would only want to 
add a tree if I could confirm that it was still there and the rest of the 
information was broadly accurate. Ideally I would like to use the coordinates 
in the dataset, unless they turn out to be demonstrably wrong; and in terms of 
tagging, I’m planning to include species, leaf_type, leaf_cycle, and height 
wherever possible.

In summary, my questions are: is it going to be okay for me to rely on this 
dataset and use it to populate the proposed tags for these street trees? And 
what sorts of steps do I need to take in order to provide the required 
attribution as per the OGL? If anyone is familiar with or has used this dataset 
before I would appreciate any pointers or advice.

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