Re: [Talk-hr] Naselja u RH

2012-07-11 Thread Matija Nalis
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 04:13:31PM +0200, Janko Mihelić wrote:
> Dana 29. lipnja 2012. 13:33 Matija Nalis <
>> je napisao/la:
> > pa mogu ja, trebao bih slijedeci tjedan imati nesto slobodnog
> > vremena.
> > Ideja za realizaciju, pa komentirajte:
> >
> Čini se sjajno. Ja mogu pomoći kod točke 5.

evo radim na scripti, pa sam zapeo na DSZ tablici...

Kao prvo i manje bitno, pretpostavlajm da zelimo kolonu "ukupan broj
stanovnika" a ne "ukupno popisane osobe" (ili nesto trece)?

A kao drugo, imamo npr. "Grad Zagreb" sa 792875 stanovnika, a koji se
sastoji uz hrpu sela tipa Adamovec i sl. i od "Zagreb"a od 686568
stanovnika. Mislio sam tu uzeti samo ovo drugo sto je bas zagreb bez
suokolnih sela, jer cemo njih zasebno brojati (a i znacajno mi je
lakse za parsiranje da gledam samo sve max identano :). To OK?

> 5) rucno popraviti/dodati podatke iz 4, pa ponoviti sve od 1
> Ručno treba samo provjeriti mjesta koja ima u osm-u a nema u dzs-u, obrnuto
> ne možemo puno napraviti jer ne znamo gdje su mjesta koja nedostaju :)
> Višak mjesta možemo preimenovati u hamlet ili locality, ovisno o slučaju.
> I još nešto, moramo se dogovoriti što je city a što town. Trenutno
> lokal-patrioti svoja mjesta vole pretvoriti u city, makar nema osnove. U
> wikiju piše granica od 100.000, u što kod nas upadaju četiri najveća grada
> (OS, RI, ST, ZG). Ako se slažemo ostale možemo proglasiti town. 

meni zvuci ok. mislim da smo imali to jednom u proslosti vec
raspravu, a ovo bio zakljucak:

- city > 100k
- town < 100k a koji ima status grada (wiki pak kaze samo 10k-100k)
- village sve ostale <100k koje nemaju status grada (uh, to bih
  trebao izvuci tablicu sa  
  (wiki kaze pak samo 1k-10k)
- hamlet < 30 kuca (wiki kaze 100-200 ljudi)

ako imamo DZS data za taj grad, mogu dodati provjeru u scriptu da
vice ako nesto ne stima oko brojki...

Iako kaze da bi
trebali tu biti "For the largest urban settlement or settlements
within the territory, normally including the national, state and
provincial capitals. Defined by charter or official designation in
some territories and as a matter of judgement others. Should normally
have a population of at least 100,000 people and be larger than
nearby place=towns."

dakle mozda dodati (osim svega > 100k) i glavne gradove po
Zupanijama?  Ono tipa Sisacko-Moslovacka zupanija da ima Sisak za
city ili sl...

Dunno...  Ja cu dodati u scriptu da ispise warning samo gledano po
broju, pa mozemo kasnije vidjeti je li tu ima sto za fiksati ili

> Sela su
> točno odjeljena u xls-u pa za to ne trebamo izmišljati granicu.

Err, gdje su sela tocno odjeljena? mislis, sve sto je na najdubljem
nivou identacije je selo? To ne stima, jer je onda i "Zagreb" selo :)
Ili nesto drugo si vidio?

> Dana 29. lipnja 2012. 13:58 hbogner  je napisao/la:
> > treba biti ili ili
> >
> Našao sam source:population=* na slijedećoj stranici:


Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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Re: [Talk-hr] OSM Radionica na FESB-u Splitu na jesen u suradnji sa

2012-07-11 Thread goranracic1
Hvala na lijepoj (oba)vijesti, drago mi je da ce se i u Splitu konacno odrzati 
OSM radionica! Sve pohvale organizatorima na ovom koraku! Nastojat cu doci (kao 
sudionik) cim budu precizirani termini odrzavanja.

--Original Message--
From: A
Subject: [Talk-hr] OSM Radionica na FESB-u Splitu na jesen u suradnji sa
Sent: Jul 11, 2012 14:29

Pozdrav kartografi,

Evo u suradnji sa planiramo izvesti radionicu OSM-a u Splitu na 
FESB-u na jesen.

Molim vas koji bi htjeli voditi i predavati na radionici u 10. om 
mjesecu da u Doodle-u potvrde datume koji bi vam  najbolje odgovarali:

Pozdrav, Ana

Talk-hr mailing list

Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone

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[Talk-hr] Fw: [Announce] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

2012-07-11 Thread goranracic1

Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone

-Original Message-
From: Grant Slater 
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:10:51 
To: Talk Openstreetmap; OSM Dev 
List; ; 
Subject: [Announce] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

Dear All,

Summary: Please stop Imports, Automated Edits, Bulk edits & Bots until
the redaction process has ended.

The redaction bot has just started running. Until the redaction
process has been completed please suspend all imports and bulk edit
operations. Imports or bots which ignore this request may be subject
to an immediate temporary account block to ease up load on the API and
database servers.

Normal editing operations should be unaffected although I would
recommend saving often.

If you have any questions or a pressing need for such an edit please
contact the sysadmins in advance on IRC. See #osm-dev on OFTC via

on behalf of OpenStreetMap Sysadmins

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[Talk-hr] Fw: [Announce] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread goranracic1

Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone

-Original Message-
From: Richard Fairhurst 
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:14:15 
To: ; ; 

Subject: [Announce] Redaction underway

[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless 

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase 
starts and ends:
- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western 
Europe/Belarus begins
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Australia begins
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- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction 
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


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[Talk-hr] OSM Radionica na FESB-u Splitu na jesen u suradnji sa

2012-07-11 Thread A

Pozdrav kartografi,

Evo u suradnji sa planiramo izvesti radionicu OSM-a u Splitu na 
FESB-u na jesen.

Molim vas koji bi htjeli voditi i predavati na radionici u 10. om 
mjesecu da u Doodle-u potvrde datume koji bi vam  najbolje odgovarali:


Pozdrav, Ana

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Names of towns in Istria

2012-07-11 Thread Davor Plehati
Actually in Croatia there are a lot of locations which have bilingual
names, for example there are towns/villages in Baranja
region populated
by Hungarian minority, then there is Czech minority in and around
Končanica .
It seams to me that we have one rule for Istria and one for every other
region, which I think is wrong and inconsistent.

The best solution IMHO is to use the official name from geonames, for
example and define
tags as Bernhard wrote:

Best regards,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Janko Mihelić  wrote:

> Well, there has been a lot of discussion about this, and no real solution.
> Japanese are putting "their (english)" names, just so tourists could read
> their map (bad solution IMO). We could make a script that has a list of
> bilingual towns (or we could invent a tag, something like
> multilingual=hr;it), and that script would put "name:hr / name:it" into the
> "name" tag. But until then, I think this is the best solution.
> Janko
> 2012/6/19 Bernhard R. Fischer 
> > **
> >
> > On Monday 18 June 2012 14:02:23 Janko Mihelić wrote:
> >
> > > I'm not sure if you are right. Those towns have two official languages,
> >
> > > Croatian and Italian. Towns around Trieste also have two languages, and
> > are
> >
> > > named like that (I thought Trieste was also named like this). Those
> parts
> >
> > > of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy have a complicated history and I think
> we
> >
> > > have to have more discussion about this to get to the best solution.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Janko
> >
> >
> >
> > Yes, I am well aware of these language issues in Istria. We have
> > bi-lingual towns in Austria as well and they are tagged in the same way
> but
> > nevertheless I think that this is why there are tags like "name:hr=*",
> > "name:it=*", and so and.
> >
> >
> >
> > IMO the renderer should be responsible for generating the combined
> strings
> > and not the map editor.
> >
> >
> >
> > Bernhard
> >
> >
> >
> ___
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