I have passed a long time searching, correcting town names, try to validate if 
Health units where located at the right place. This made me realize how many 
city names where still missing or inconsitently classified for Nominatim 
searches or Map rendering.

Except for the boundary relations for each levels of the Administrative 
structure of Haiti, I have not seen propositions about how to classify the 
different villages, towns and cities of Haiti. And looking at the map of Haïti, 
I have have seen a lot of inconsistencies. The towns corresponding to 
Administrative levels Department, Arrondissement and Commune where not seen 
properly on the map or could not be searched properly in Nominatim.  And some 
hamlets, peaks or simply names in haiti-tlm-50 corresponding to no housing 
where classified like important cities.

An other example is Search for Gros Morne. Search was indicating Gros Morne 
peak but not Arrondissement Gros Morrne.

I started to correct things in Nord-Ouest and Artibonite Departments and 
modified the various tags to see the effect on Map rendering. The Wiki page 
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti presents the Administrative levels of Haiti 
and estimated population of 2008.

From that, I propose the following guidelines :

Boundary Relations

To facilite Nominatim searches, I propose to modify the Boundary Relations by 
adding in the name tag a suffix that represents the administrative level (ie. 
Département, Arrondissement, Commune). If you make a Nominatim search, you will 
see the effect of this. Try (Arrondissement, Haiti) or (Gros Morne). You will 
also see thats it facilitate the search for people trying to see administrative 
level boundaries.

Artibonite Department boundary relation would show :
    <tag k='admin_level' v='4'/>
    <tag k='boundary' v='administrative'/>
    <tag k='name' v='Département Artibonite'/>
    <tag k='pcode:1' v='5'/>
    <tag k='type' v='boundary'/>

Dessalines Arrondissement boundary relation would show :
    <tag k='admin_level' v='5'/>
    <tag k='boundary' v='administrative'/>
    <tag k='name' v='Arrondissement Dessalines'/>
    <tag k='type' v='boundary'/>

Gonaïves Commune boundary relation would show :
    <tag k='admin_level' v='8'/>
    <tag k='boundary' v='administrative'/>
    <tag k='id_commune' v='511'/>
    <tag k='name' v='Gonaïves'/>
    <tag k='pcode:2' v='511'/>
    <tag k='source' v='US Census Bureau, boundary import, 16/01/2010'/>
    <tag k='type' v='boundary'/>

    <tag k='addr:country' v='HT' />
    <tag k='admin_level' v='8' />
    <tag k='alt_name:en' v='Gonaïves' />
    <tag k='is_in:Department' v='Artibonite' />
    <tag k='is_in:country' v='Haiti' />
    <tag k='name' v='Gonaives' />
    <tag k='name:fr' v='Les Gonaïves' />
    <tag k='name:ht' v='Gonayiv' />
    <tag k='population' v='263716'/>
    <tag k='pcode:2' v='511' />
    <tag k='place' v='city' />
    <tag k='source' v='http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Gona%C3%AFves' />

Town nodes
For towns representing the administrative levels 4. Département, 5. 
Arrondissement and 8. Commune, I propose to add systematically the Population 
tag indicating population size (The info is provided in 
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti for each Administrative level).

The Tags place=city (pop 100,000+) and place=town (10,000 - 100,000) should be 
reserved to cities corresponding to  Département, Arrondissement and Commune.

The Tag place=village should be reserved for Sections communales 
(Administrative level=10).
All other places should be classified place=hamlet.

When homonyms exist like Gros Morne, it seems that searches are more efficient 
in Nominatim when adding the tags addr:country=HT and is_in='The superior 
Administrative Level'. In this case, all the homonyms will be showed while 
searching for that name.

Polygons for Residential areas

These polygons when they are to important gives some confusion. I wonder if we 
should systematiqually avoid using them for hamlets (towns other than 
Département, Arrondissement, Commune or Section communale).

Pierre Beland
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