[Talk-ht] Taguer les espaces agricoles comme jardins familiaux / Tagging farmlands as allotments

2012-03-29 Thread Séverin MENARD
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai noté une présence très importante du tag landuse =allotments (qui
donne un rendu de surface marron) sur les espaces agricoles autour de
Saint-Marc, qui ne correspondent sans doute pas à la réalité. Peut-être un
problème de compréhension lié au fait que la page des map features n'avait
pas de version française pour landuse=allotment. Par conséquent, je l'ai
créée :


Il s'agit donc d'un type d'occupation agricole spécifique qui peut-être
n'existe pas en Haiti.

La plupart des terrains agricoles cultivés correspondent en fait à ce tag :
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:landuse%3Dfarm sauf s'il s'agit
de pâturages 
ou de vergers 

Il faudrait donc vérifier les zones tagués avec landuse=allotment (exemple
autour de 
et corriger les tags si nécessaire.


Tradiksyon Google an Kreyol

Bonjou tout moun,

Mwen remake prezans yon trè siyifikatif nan landuse = Alokasyon pou Kou pou
etikèt (kibay yon rann sifas mawon) sou zòn agrikòl alantou St Mak, ki
prezimableman koresponn ak reyalite. Petèt yon pwoblèm nan konprann ki gen
rapò ak lefèt ke kat karakteristik paj la pa t 'gen vèsyon franse pou
Allotment landuse =. Se poutèt sa, mwen te kreye:


Se poutèt sa yon kalite espesifik okipasyon agrikòl petèt pa egziste an

Pifò agrikòl peyi kiltive an reyalite koresponn ak sa a tag:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:landuse%3Dfarm  eksepte nan ka a
oswa jaden rezen (landuse=orchard).

Se poutèt sa li ta dwe tcheke zòn ki atenn ak pòsyon landuse=allotment
(egzanp alantou
ak kòrèk si Tags sa nesesè.


Google translation in English

Hi all,

I noticed a very significant presence of landuse = tag allotments (which
gives a brownsurface rendering) on agricultural areas around St. Marc, which
 presumably not correspond to reality. Maybe a problem of understanding related
to the fact that the map featurespage had no French version for landuse =
allotment. Therefore, I created:


It is therefore a type of agricultural occupation specific perhaps does not
exist in Haiti.

Most agricultural land cultivated in fact correspond to this tag:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:landuse%3Dfarm except in the case
) or orchards (landuse=orchard  ).

Ttherefore the areas tagged with landuse=allotment (eg around
 ) should be checked and corrected if necessary.

Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Taguer les espaces agricoles comme jardins familiaux / Tagging farmlands as allotments

2012-03-29 Thread Jaakko Helleranta.com
Desole pour ecrire seulment en anglais. Le internet ne fonctionne pas 
maintenant (par-ce'que le pluit=the rain). Tu peux utiliser le 
http://translate.google.com (quand le net fonctionne).

Hmm. Interesting. I spotted this (allotments) tag used, today, too. I marked 
that together with a few others with FIXME=[my comments] tag(s) as I felt that 
it would be better to fix these locally ang get the new mappers to then also 
learn (and discuss possible local conventions for) eg.
- what's the difference between allotment, farmland, farmyard, garden, park, 
meadow, etc
- name=* tag should not be used for describing objects (see at least name=arbre 
on a number of "natural=tree"s and "natural=wood"s
- that building=yes tag should not be tagged on eg. vehicules ;)

Now, having tagged the above + some more with FIXME tags made me think if we 
should rather use some bug system like OpenStreetBugs or MapDust? .. Adding 
FIXME tags just for tagging errors (as not part of original mapper's mapping) 
just creates an additional (unnecessary?) version in the object. A few rounds 
of these may cause the history view to load slowly (and in worst case not at 



Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Mobile: +509-37-26 91 54, Skype/GoogleTalk: jhelleranta

-Original Message-
From: Brian Wolford 
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 21:38:16 
To: Séverin MENARD
Cc: OSM-Talk-Haiti
Subject: Re: [Talk-ht] Taguer les espaces agricoles comme jardins familiaux
 / Tagging farmlands as allotments

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