Hi all,

there's currently a problem with the irish boundaries preset and josm,
depending on your version of josm. The current version of the preset
has been tweaked to work better with recent josm versions, but that
change breaks josm-stable (9329) and earlyer. There doesn't seem to be
a way to write the preset file that works well with both versions of

So if you get a parsing error when you start josm, I suggest you fetch
a josm-latest build. Alternatively, you can undo the modification to
the preset file before starting josm: open the
cache/mirror...irishboundaries.xml file and search&replace
",multipolygon" with "". If you're on linuxor osx, you can do this by
running "sed -i ~/.josm/cache/*irishboundaries.xml s/,mutipolygon//".

Sorry for the inconvenience (I'm the one who fixed/broke the preset
for recent/old versions of josm). If you can't update your josm or
tweak your cached preset file, contact me here or on irc for more

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