Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Colm Donoghue
Would there be any meas in communicating with the schools to get them to
map themselves?

On 17 Dec 2016 12:35 a.m., "Rob Nickerson" 

> Hi Dave,
> I have the start/end numbers for Robert W's tool - these show that schools
> mapped as polygons increased from 62% to 75%.
> I also run a script that pulls back data from taginfo every day. The stats
> show periods when we appeared to go backwards - in reality this was because
> we were removing duplicates where schools had been mapped as both a way and
> a node. Quite amazingly Christian has done as much work post the project as
> the whole UK community did during the project. His tool enables the swift
> import of polygons (each one is checked manually) - perhaps showing that
> when you make it easy to bring in third party data you get more done! Here
> are the stats:
> XB_fi5ko2pM5Kc/edit#gid=1336142515
> p.s. Christian's tool is very much like MapRoulette but when you click edit
> it bring the geometry into the editor for you. All you need to do is
> confirm it and click save/upload. If you can get polygons, I'd suggest
> working with Christian to get a instance of his tool up and running. Use
> Robert W's tool as a progress tracker :-D
> p.p.s. Let me know if you want a script set up to get daily stats from
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi Dave,

I have the start/end numbers for Robert W's tool - these show that schools
mapped as polygons increased from 62% to 75%.

I also run a script that pulls back data from taginfo every day. The stats
show periods when we appeared to go backwards - in reality this was because
we were removing duplicates where schools had been mapped as both a way and
a node. Quite amazingly Christian has done as much work post the project as
the whole UK community did during the project. His tool enables the swift
import of polygons (each one is checked manually) - perhaps showing that
when you make it easy to bring in third party data you get more done! Here
are the stats:

p.s. Christian's tool is very much like MapRoulette but when you click edit
it bring the geometry into the editor for you. All you need to do is
confirm it and click save/upload. If you can get polygons, I'd suggest
working with Christian to get a instance of his tool up and running. Use
Robert W's tool as a progress tracker :-D

p.p.s. Let me know if you want a script set up to get daily stats from

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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Dave Corley

Thanks for that. I follow the gb mailing list too so watched your progress
with jealousy ;)

Those tools look great. I'm especially interested in the map roulette
aspect as I see it being very useful in terms of us consuming government
data,  in particular where there has been a lot of mapping done already
i.e. Schools, Fire stations, libraries etc etc.

Off the top of your head, do you know your start/end numbers and did any
tool account for a big jump in the numbers?


On 16 Dec 2016 18:11, "Rob Nickerson"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I just spotted you are discussing mapping schools. Here in the UK we ran a
> quarterly project on schools which was very successful in terms of the
> number of people involved and the tools developed.
> As a starting point, check out the wiki page:
> Some notes:
>- We collected gov data for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
>Ireland - all point data.
>- Few mappers for Northern Ireland so there remains a lot to do there.
>- Some great tools to track progress were developed including Robert W's
>progress tool [1] Harry W's edits tracker [2]. Both, I'm sure would be
>happy to help in Ireland too.
>- Martijn helped us set up a MapRoulette challenge. It was a bit late in
>the quarter so most people had already found their prefered way of
> working.
>- Christian L developed a great tool [3], just a bit too late for our
>project. This used polygon data from the OS OpenData series.
> Give me a shout if you have any questions.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
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[OSM-talk-ie] Schools: UK experience

2016-12-16 Thread Rob Nickerson

I just spotted you are discussing mapping schools. Here in the UK we ran a
quarterly project on schools which was very successful in terms of the
number of people involved and the tools developed.

As a starting point, check out the wiki page:

Some notes:

   - We collected gov data for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
   Ireland - all point data.
   - Few mappers for Northern Ireland so there remains a lot to do there.
   - Some great tools to track progress were developed including Robert W's
   progress tool [1] Harry W's edits tracker [2]. Both, I'm sure would be
   happy to help in Ireland too.
   - Martijn helped us set up a MapRoulette challenge. It was a bit late in
   the quarter so most people had already found their prefered way of working.
   - Christian L developed a great tool [3], just a bit too late for our
   project. This used polygon data from the OS OpenData series.

Give me a shout if you have any questions.

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