Some time ago I tried to establish the areas/perimeters for nine versions
of Dublin City from 1780 to 1985.Have recently found some results but am
unsure if they are acres/hectares/sq kms and for the perimeters. etc.
I list them below and would ask if one of you could please solve this for
me and remind me how to do it in JOSM or QGIS. I am still at the early
stages of QGIS 3.14.

Date      Relation              Area                    Perimeter?

1780      6725196             19.120                21.719
1838      6725400             25.737                25.016
1849      6099274             24.983                24.691
1900      5720101             54.663                71.699
1930      5638979             131.396              124.907
1941      6726372             132.115              124.907
1942      6726471             152.840              168.425
1953      6741826             198.223              173.407
1985      1109531             198.356              123.333?
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