The time has come to hold the first OpenStreetMap Ireland AGM since we
formed the company. It will be held in Tog Hackerspace
Dublin, from 11 am to 3 pm, The event will be in two sections, starting off
with a short introduction to who are and a demonstration/tutorial for
anyone new to open source mapping. After that, there will be a selection of
five-minute lightning talks and general discussion up to the 1 pm break.
Anyone interested in giving a talk can email me, with your

Then around 2 pm we will hold the formal AGM and give a detailed report of
the work being done behind the scenes. Then we all step down as the board
that formed the company and hold a vote for the new board. This is an
opportunity for anyone interested in joining us to help with the
administrative/behind the scenes and help shape the future of how mapping
progresses in Ireland.

We also would like to set up a number of working groups which people can
also get involved in for e.g. around Island wide projects, such as having
every house mapped and system administration for back-end services.

We hope to see as many of you there as possible and help bring together all
the work we do as individuals into a greater whole.
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