Thanks to Donal we have some splendid presets in JOSM. I am interested in
adding new types of boundaries, some for OSM and some perhaps better suited
to All can be used with umap or leafet or maperitive. In most
cases the line features of townlands, streets, canals etc are already there
I am merely adding relations.

As an example civil parishes are tagged as
name= xxx

I have added some Roman Catholic Parishes as
name= xxx

as tagging protocols have developed maybe I should have used
denomination=Roman Catholic

When adding historic Anglican parishes in the Diocese of Meath 1885. I have
started to use

perhaps I should remove the historic reference and add historic=yes

Hopefully this will lead to discussion and resolution on Saturday but I
welcome suggestions from those unable to attend.

I am also unsure if historic and current city wards which have Councillors
elected are administrative or electoral boundaries?

By the way am I flying in the face of reason and custom in naming a
historic parish as "Trim Parish 1875" should I just use "Trim"? Like
"Rathvilly" that is mapped as a townland, as a civil parish, as a Roman
Catholic Parish, as a Barony, an ED, and a registrars District. How does a
punter best search for just one of them on OSM?

I look forward to your opinions and to meeting some of you on Saturday,
let's wring as much shared benefit as we can from getting together.
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