Hello naveen and Community,

Aruna writing from official account. Thank you for your response and we are 
happy to hear that this import will be helpful to you for showing use case of 
the Open Geodata to the Government.

Definitely 6k+ is a good coverage of hospitals and we are sure by this import 
we can see a good raise of numbers in the hospital coverage in India.

For your information we have cross posted the same in the import 
and planning to start the import process by small sections and the status of 
the same will be updated in the OSM wiki and github simentainously. 

Please find the below links to view the data of the batch 1 in small sections:





While importing we will make sure :

*         Each of the facility node will be added on the building feature or 
add a building feature if missing any.

*         Adjust and improve the locations of the health facilities before 

*         There will be no duplicates or overlapping of same feature.



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