
The January edition of Pixel 2 People, the internal newsletter of the
National Remote Sensing Center, ISRO's center for remote sensing has some
interesting points about Bhuvan, a portal that it uses to "showcase"
India's remote sensing data. The edition can be found here -

It claims:
1. Services of Bhuvan has now been enhanced with the new facilities like
NRSC Open EO Data Archive (NOEDA) which facilitates the users to download
IRS Data
and Products coarser than 24 m with Metadata as per NSDI 2.0 and the
thematic Services facilitate the users to access, query and utilise all
these datasets as OGC web
2. Bhuvan services are OGC compliant such as WMS (Web Map Service), Web Map
Tile Service (WMTS), WFS (Web Feature Service) and KML towards
3. Bhuvan also enables users to share and overlay maps and feature data
through interoperability that implement the OGC WMS and WFS Interface and
KML encoding standards. For instance, the Andhra Pradesh Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan is using Bhuvan services to show school information.
4. On other hand, Linux user group has brought out the Andriod app to
access Bhuvan.

FYI, etc.
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