Re: [Talk-is] road classification proposals

2017-04-27 Thread Svavar Kjarrval
The road classification system within the municipalities can be
confusing, especially when evaluating the "biggest routes around town",
"major connecting routes around town" and "minor connecting routes
around town". We each have different perspectives in that regard. Then
there are cases where a road could be classified differently depending
on its segments. One of the cases of confusion is where Reykjanesbraut
meets Fjarðarbraut in Hafnarfjörður[1]. For some reason, the segment
leading to Reykjavík is considered a trunk road but there it changes to
a primary roads and keeps that tag until it ends in Reykjanesbær (close
to the international airport). According to the OSM wiki page is:Map
Features, primary=trunk is only supposed to be used for route #1 (The
Ring Road) and other trunk roads (stofnvegir) are supposed to get the
highway=primary tag, despite the fact that they're referred to as trunk
roads. This curious distinction doesn't seem to have been observed in

In my view, I think we should aim to translate the classifications of
the authorities which maintain each road or at least have some clear
definitions. One of those *could be* that roads within urban areas
maintained by Vegagerðin should all be classified as primary roads. When
it comes to the roads the municipalities themselves take care of, I
would be surprised if any of the major municipalities haven't already
categorised all their roads according to some sort of system of
importance or function in order to comply with legal requirements. With
such a system, it should, in general terms, be fairly clear which value
to pick in each case.


- Svavar Kjarrval

On sun 23.apr 2017 12:58, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
> I have updated the wiki with a small addition - the information there
> was from 2011 so it is VERY outdated.
> Proposal 2 seems most like what we have been doing so far.
> On 23.4.2017 08:55, jay lialis wrote:
>> trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
>> primary - 2-digit roads/major city roads
>> secondary - 3-digit roads/minor city roads
>> tertiary - roads connecting villages, city roads with priority
>> unclassified - unpaved roads/roads connecting farms, factories etc
>> trunk - Highway 1/multiple-lane urban avenues
>> primary - S roads/major city roads
>> secondary - T roads/minor city roads
>> tertiary - paved H/L roads, roads connecting villages/city roads with
>> priority
>> unclassified - unpaved roads, roads connecting farms, factories etc
>> trunk - S roads
>> primary - T roads/major city roads
>> secondary - paved L-H roads/minor city roads
>> tertiary -  unpaved roads, roads connecting villages, city roads with
>> priority
>> unclassified - roads connecting farms, factories etc
>> ___
>> Talk-is mailing list
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] OSM Iceland road network data analysis

2017-04-27 Thread Svavar Kjarrval

One possible reason for the difference could be that Vegagerðin's file
only includes the road segments they deem themselves responsible for. If
the road itself continues and under the same name, it could affect the
results. Sometimes we don't have any information to indicate a name
change or we didn't have a reason to suspect a different name when
extending the wayline. Some unknowing users could also have extended the
road number assignment to other parts of the way, thinking that it was
omitted by accident. The possibilities are numerous.

However, there is some other data from Vegagerðin which could be used to
enhance the road system. It's located at . It's from a few years ago but I
could send a request for more recent data. If I remember correctly, the
licence wasn't clear or they didn't state one.

-Svavar Kjarrval

On mán 19.des 2016 08:16, wrote:
> Komið þið sæl og blessuð.
> My Icelandic language skills are not good enough to write a letter so
> I’m writing my message in English.
> I did in the last time a road network analysis on OSM Iceland data.
> Here I checked with the road list from vegagerdin
> , if the roads and segments of roads are mapped correspondingly to the
> list.
> As mapping basis I took the information from the OSM Iceland Wiki.
> Unfortunately this wiki wasn’t actualised in the last years, probably
> because it’s an awful manual work. I don´t know if there exist a plug
> in to actualise the road list in the wiki with a set of
> Overpass-queries. The information there is included in OSM, but not
> extracted and processed to the wiki yet.
> In the road list from vegagerdin exist a new road network type "Sx".
> The Kjalvegur for example has this network type. I understand it as
> primary highland route, but left the mapped road as it was.
> I focused on the 1 to 3 digits road reference numbers, the four digit
> roads I only looked at, when I strolled over it. When I found
> information about the road, mostly in OSM I tried to fix it immediately.
> A few roads I found which I couldn’t identify in OSM. The road might
> exist with a different name and without the mapped reference number.
> As I can’t state a fixme statement on elements which I didn’t find, I
> list the roads here:
> 378 01  Skíðaskálavegur Hringvegur (1-d8), við Skíðaskála Hringvegur
> (1-d8)
> 413 03  Breiðholtsbraut ReykjanesbrautHafnarfjarðarvegur (40)
> 419 01  Höfðabakki  Reykjanesbraut  Nesbraut (49)
> 419 02  Höfðabakki  NesbrautHallsvegur (432)
> 470 01  Fjarðarbraut  Hafnarfjarðarvegur  Hafnarfjörður,
> Lækjargata
> 470 02  Fjarðarbraut  ÁstorgHafnarsvæði
> 470 02  Fjarðarbraut  Hafnarfjörður, Lækjargata Hafnarfjörður,
> Hvaleyrarbraut
> 628 01  Hjarðardalsvegur  Vestfjarðavegur (60-43) Hjarðardalur
> 713 01  Hvítserksvegur  Vatnsnesvegur (711-05)  711-05Hvítserkur,
> bílastæði
> 757 01  Villinganesvegur  Skagafjarðarvegur (752-03)Villinganes
> 830 02  Svalbarðseyrarvegur Hringvegur (1-q2)   Svalbarðseyri,
> Laugartún
> 845 02  Aðaldalsvegur Staðarbraut (854-01)Norðausturvegur (85-03)
> 846 01  Austurhlíðarvegur Hringvegur (1-q8)   Stóru-Laugar
> 859 01  Hafnarvegur Húsavík Norðausturvegur (85-05) Hafnarsvæði,
> endi gangbrautar
> 865 01  Gilsbakkavegur  Norðausturvegur (85-12)   Gilhagi 1
> 897 01  Svalbarðstunguvegur Norðausturvegur (85-24) Fjallalækjarsel
> 942 01  Steinsvaðsvegur Borgarfjarðarvegur (94-04)  Stóra-Steinsvað
> 942 02  Tjarnarlandsvegur Steinsvaðsvegur (942-01)Tjarnarland
> 948 01  Gilsárteigsvegur  Borgarfjarðarvegur (94-03)Gilsárteigur 1
> 949 01  Þrándarstaðavegur Borgarfjarðarvegur (94-01)Þrep
> 2284  01  Sólheimahjáleiguvegur Mýrdalsjökulsvegur (222-01)  
> Sólheimahjáleiga
> 2285  01  Ytri-Sólheimavegur  Mýrdalsjökulsvegur (222-01)
> Ytri-Sólheimar 3
> 2286  01  Ytri-Sólheimavegur 1  Mýrdalsjökulsvegur (222-02)  
> Ytri-Sólheimar 1
> 7079  01  Núpsdalstunguvegur  Arnarvatnsvegur (578-05)  Núpsdalstunga
> The following roads mapped in OSM I couldn´t find in the road list
> from vegagerdin or the mapped road don’t correspond with the
> information in the vegagerdin road list:
> 882 01  Leyningshólavegur Villingadalsvegur (8370-01)   Leyningshólar
> 915   Vesturárdalsvegur
> 2001  01
> There are lots of roads in the list, where I couldn’t find the places
> from the list, especially when the road leads to a farm or house.
> The list also gives the road length, where the length is measured over
> ground I guess. OSM has no elevation in the map so the measured road
> length is as the ground would be flat. The difference between these
> values should be under 10%. Unfortunately the difference on lots of
> the roads is much higher (up to 50%).
> One reason for this could be that the