Re: [Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-03-28 Thread Svavar Kjarrval

Takk kærlega fyrir heimildina.

Er einhver möguleiki til að komast að aldri hverrar myndar þannig að
fólk geti sýnt aðgát þegar kemur að upplýsingum sem eru sérstaklega
líklegri til þess að vera úreldar eftir því sem tíminn líður?

Annað sem ég var að spá: Hefur Já verið að hugsa um að láta Já-bílinn
keyra aftur um allt landið eða einhver tiltekin svæði?

Með kveðju,
Svavar Kjarrval

On 21.2.2019 14:24, Matt Riggott wrote:
> Sæl öll,
> Ég skrifa á ensku svo allir sem nota OpenStreetMap geti lesið hann.
> I'm happy to announce that Já hf has given permission for OpenStreetMap 
> contributors to reference Já 360 street-level photographs when editing the 
> map.
> Just as an example, you could use the photo at the link below to survey which 
> companies are located in the building, the number of floors in the building, 
> and the street names shown on street signs. That sort of thing.
> This permission covers our street-level photographs but not the satellite 
> images nor the tiled web map. We would ask that if you do use the images when 
> editing OpenStreetMap, please add a "source=Já 360" tag to the changeset.
> Happy mapping!
> M.

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-02-21 Thread Matt Riggott
> On 21 Feb 2019, at 14:40, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson  wrote:
> Can you document this on the wiki under 


Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-02-21 Thread Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
Excellent news Matt!

A big thank you to Já for this, 360° photographs will be very useful, also for 
simple 3d mapping for buildings, allowing more areas than just my local 
neighborhood of Smárar to go 3D in color.

Can you document this on the wiki under 

Jói / Stalfur

21. febrúar 2019 kl. 14:25, skrifaði "Matt Riggott" :

> Sæl öll,
> Ég skrifa á ensku svo allir sem nota OpenStreetMap geti lesið hann.
> I'm happy to announce that Já hf has given permission for OpenStreetMap 
> contributors to reference
> Já 360 street-level photographs when editing the map.
> Just as an example, you could use the photo at the link below to survey which 
> companies are located
> in the building, the number of floors in the building, and the street names 
> shown on street signs.
> That sort of thing.
> This permission covers our street-level photographs but not the satellite 
> images nor the tiled web
> map. We would ask that if you do use the images when editing OpenStreetMap, 
> please add a "source=Já
> 360" tag to the changeset.
> Happy mapping!
> M.
> -- 
> Matt Riggott
> Programmer / Forritari
> ___
> Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

[Talk-is] Heimild til að nota ljósmyndir Já 360 / Permission to use Já 360 photographs

2019-02-21 Thread Matt Riggott
Sæl öll,

Ég skrifa á ensku svo allir sem nota OpenStreetMap geti lesið hann.

I'm happy to announce that Já hf has given permission for OpenStreetMap 
contributors to reference Já 360 street-level photographs when editing the map.

Just as an example, you could use the photo at the link below to survey which 
companies are located in the building, the number of floors in the building, 
and the street names shown on street signs. That sort of thing.

This permission covers our street-level photographs but not the satellite 
images nor the tiled web map. We would ask that if you do use the images when 
editing OpenStreetMap, please add a "source=Já 360" tag to the changeset.

Happy mapping!

Matt Riggott
Programmer / Forritari

Talk-is mailing list