Re: [OSM-talk] Mali

2019-06-30 Per discussione Jean-Marc Liotier
On 2019-06-30 19:12, john whelan wrote:
> The first major concern is  "Working for a mapping project with Apple." 
the concern here is paid mappers and the quality of their work.

To be fair to the Apple-paid guys, one of them did a beautiful job with
waterways. I haven't looked at other contributions, but that one is very
good quality.

> The second is there are a fair number of imports of varying quality. 
Most schools I suspect are fairly accurate but it would be nice to tie
the node to a building or an area.

It would be nice but it requires survey, so it will not be done at any
useful rate, for lack of locals. We talked about the Mali schools before -
the UNICEF import is a sad dead-end.

> I think there is sufficient infrastructure in Africa three days for
local mappers.  Smartphones are becoming more common and so is an
Internet connection albeit driven by social media.

Even residential connexions are billed by volume and mobile data is a
scarce commodity - it remains a sufficient obstacle to filter out anyone
who is not highly motivated. Part of the draw of mapathons is the free
wi-fi that too many participants use for many other purposes beside some
> My impression is there would be an economic advantage, larger cities
already have street names.  Could someone do a PhD in the subject which
might well mean a bit more government.  My personal view is some things
are best done by governments.  Highways for example.

Of course the government has the street names - locked away in some dead
GIS. They'll publish them after they see that Openstreetmap has a more
complete set !

> Interestingly some of the changesets are tagged "untangling the
spaghetti" and I have sympathy with that mapper.

Thanks - at least someone reads my changeset comments...

talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Solar Panels Q3 Project taster

2019-06-30 Per discussione SK53
I have set up a very small project  to map
Solar panels in the Yorkshire colliery village of Rossington using the
Swiss OSM instance of Tasking Manager. There are still 4 LSOAs which
haven't been worked on yet: solar panel density is high & imagery good so
this is a 'target-rich environment'.

I plan to produce another similar task with around 50 LSOAs with a large
number (50 or more) of solar panels for tomorrow. I hope to provide a
reasonable spread across the country but all LSOAs will be urban. Also I'll
expand on a couple of points in the instructions regarding search strategy
& false positives.

Depending on how useful people find these as a way of directing their
mapping I hope to produce additional TM projects over the course of the

Happy mapping,

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mali

2019-06-30 Per discussione Pierre Béland via talk
John some answers about your concerns
We have our own difficulties in countries like Canada to recruit contributors. 
Not surpsingly, for  African communities with more difficult economic 
conditions, they have poor, unstable internet access and less time to 
Problems are multiple in countries like Mali. It is hard to train and maintain 
local communities. Following the school and health faicilities imports in 2014, 
the Mali community has tried to fix bad imports. But has you see there are 
still problems. The government cannot provide detailed data and the community 
organize various trips to collect more precise data. 

If the international community could work with the local community and not only 
organize mapathons discionnected from these communities with too often newbies 
and problems never corrected. Projects disconnected from the african 
communities add burden, inconsistent map, Spaghetti has one contributor 

How collectively can we corret that ? We need our partners that organize 
mapathons to revise their policies to bring in Quality.  Also, it would be 
interesting that software editors could catch more rapidly duplicates to 
correct them quickly.

- About Overlapping and duplicate buildings - Tools like Osmose report these. 
Looking for Mali, it seems that it has been cleaned.

- Large Areas tagged as buildingYou can use this query in JOSM (Overpass Query 
Panel). If you cover a large zone in one query, your query might be rejected.  
In this example, it will query building polygons that have a perimeter longer 
then 1,000 meters. Only a few were reported in Mali.

[out:xml][timeout:60];way[building](if: length()>1000.0)({{bbox}}); out meta;>; 
out meta;


Le dimanche 30 juin 2019 13 h 18 min 55 s UTC−4, john whelan 
 a écrit :  
talk mailing list
  I think the concerns are more to do with how do we clean it up.

The first major concern is  "Working for a mapping project with Apple."  the 
concern here is paid mappers and the quality of their work.
The second is there are a fair number of imports of varying quality.  Most 
schools I suspect are fairly accurate but it would be nice to tie the node to a 
building or an area.  Some hospitals are very definitely wrong the node is in 
the middle of nowhere and yes I have checked different imagery.  This really 
needs local knowledge to sort out.

Much of it is HOT, highways that are mapped to the edge of the task manager 
tile.  So one highway section gets mapped as track, another as unclassified, 
another as path, another as tertiary as different mappers put heir own 
interpretation of what the tag should be.
If some nice person could come up with an overpass that picked out large 
buildings in Africa that should pick out the villages tagged as buildings.
For paid mappers I think we need a code of conduct.
I think there is sufficient infrastructure in Africa three days for local 
mappers.  Smartphones are becoming more common and so is an Internet connection 
albeit driven by social media.
Can we build on this?  Schools need to communicate with parents and other 
schools.  This sort of implies a postal service which in turn implies names on 
streets and house numbers.
My impression is there would be an economic advantage, larger cities already 
have street names.  Could someone do a PhD in the subject which might well mean 
a bit more government.  My personal view is some things are best done by 
governments.  Highways for example.
By the way some mappers seem to be non HOT so if we can pick them out and 
support them a percentage may well be local.
Cheerio John
On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 11:24, Andrew Hain  wrote:

Is there any sign of mappers being part of an organised activity or of someone 
having encouraged them to contribute?
From: John Whelan 
Sent: 29 June 2019 23:49
Cc: Pierre Béland via HOT
Subject: [OSM-talk] Mali I've been going over Mali adding in missing villages 
and hamlets working in the southern and eastern part of Mali and cleaning up as 
I go.  Adding nodes to highways that cross but have no nodes, adding tags to 
untagged ways etc.  I even try to make sure each village has one highway at 
least leading to it. 

However as I work west I'm coming across areas that have lots of buildings and 
lots of errors.  I've zapped more than a few hundred duplicate buildings.  I 
confess I have not put a comment on every changeset especially when the mapper 
has less than 30 edits.  I'm seeing three buildings mapped on top of each other 
by the same mapper.  One is untagged and its not just once.  Interestingly some 
of the changesets are tagged "untangling the spaghetti" and I have sympathy 
with that mapper.

In particular I'm seeing whole villages marked as a single building=yes, 
villages with highways that don't meet in the middle.  

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Qwant Maps : l’alternative française à Google Maps est disponible en bêta

2019-06-30 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Est-ce à nous d'aider les Pages Jaunes à s'améliorer ? Bon je vois ce
n'est pas le sens de ton ticket et c'est tant mieux.

N'est-ce pas plutôt à nous d'améliorer OSM pour que les POI proviennent
d'OSM ?

Et sinon peut-être que Qwant peut refuser d'afficher un POI sur de la
voirie. Et éventuellement de passer en retour aux Pages Jaunes une liste
de POI refusés ?


Le 30/06/2019 à 11:20, Cédric Frayssinet - a écrit :

Je pense que les problèmes de géocodage sont nombreux ; de mon côté,
j'ai un restaurant qui est quasi sur la voie ferrée...

J'ai ouvert cette issue hier :


Le 30/06/2019 à 11:10, Christian Quest a écrit :

Le mix des bases n'est sûrement pas possible pour des questions de

La source est bien indiquée quand on sélectionne une des icônes
(comme les restaurants).

Vers chez moi, c'est un supermarché qui est placé au milieu de la rue
et pas à son adresse, clairement un problème de géocodage des données
Pages Jaunes.

Le sam. 29 juin 2019 à 13:41, Cédric Frayssinet>> a écrit :


Autant je suis très content de voir Qwant Maps progresser, autant
je suis désabusé par le partenariat avec Pages Jaunes.

Autour de chez moi, tous les restaurants sont bien renseignés.
Ils apparaissent bien avec Qwant Maps. Si je clique sur le nouvel
icône Restaurant de QwantMaps, certains disparaissent au profit
des résultats incomplets des Pages Jaunes. Un peu agaçant pour la
communauté, cela fait-il partie des erreurs qu'ils font avec la
communauté (pléinière du STOM2019 de T.Nitot...)
Un mix des bases serait le bienvenue...


Le 29/06/2019 à 12:48, Christian Quest a écrit :

Pour France Info, j'ai rajouté le commentaire suivant:

"niveau de qualité exceptionnel" pour Google Maps ?

Regardez à quoi ressemble la place de la Bastille sur Google
Maps et comparez à OpenStreetMap... les itinéraires ne tiennent
pas vraiment compte les changements récents (sens unique sur la
Rue de Lyon).

Dès qu'on fouille un peu, on trouve plein d'erreurs dans les
cartes Google... et pas que sur des changements récents !

Le sam. 29 juin 2019 à 12:38, Yves P.>> a écrit :

Et aussi l'article de France Info :

Nouveau monde. On a testé Qwant Maps, le nouveau service
cartographique de Qwant.

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Dégooglisé !  - Sociétaire
Enercoop ,
l'énergie militante

Sur Mastodon :

Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre 

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Dégooglisé !  - Sociétaire
Enercoop ,
l'énergie militante

Sur Mastodon :

Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre 

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] La fine della mappa come la conosciamo, dalla news di Mapillary, condivido.

2019-06-30 Per discussione liste DOT girarsi AT posteo DOT eu
Condivido un blog, appena letto proveniente dalla news di Mapillary, mi
è arrivata giovedì, ma l'ho letta solo oggi con l'auto di un traduttore
automatico, mi sembra un'interessante riflessione di Chris Beddow
(solutions engineer), la condivido.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mali

2019-06-30 Per discussione john whelan
I think the concerns are more to do with how do we clean it up.

The first major concern is  "Working for a mapping project with Apple."
the concern here is paid mappers and the quality of their work.

The second is there are a fair number of imports of varying quality.  Most
schools I suspect are fairly accurate but it would be nice to tie the node
to a building or an area.  Some hospitals are very definitely wrong the
node is in the middle of nowhere and yes I have checked different imagery.
This really needs local knowledge to sort out.

Much of it is HOT, highways that are mapped to the edge of the task manager
tile.  So one highway section gets mapped as track, another as
unclassified, another as path, another as tertiary as different mappers put
heir own interpretation of what the tag should be.

If some nice person could come up with an overpass that picked out large
buildings in Africa that should pick out the villages tagged as buildings.

For paid mappers I think we need a code of conduct.

I think there is sufficient infrastructure in Africa three days for local
mappers.  Smartphones are becoming more common and so is an Internet
connection albeit driven by social media.

Can we build on this?  Schools need to communicate with parents and other
schools.  This sort of implies a postal service which in turn implies names
on streets and house numbers.

My impression is there would be an economic advantage, larger cities
already have street names.  Could someone do a PhD in the subject which
might well mean a bit more government.  My personal view is some things are
best done by governments.  Highways for example.

By the way some mappers seem to be non HOT so if we can pick them out and
support them a percentage may well be local.

Cheerio John

On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 11:24, Andrew Hain 

> Is there any sign of mappers being part of an organised activity or of
> someone having encouraged them to contribute?
> --
> Andrew
> --
> *From:* John Whelan 
> *Sent:* 29 June 2019 23:49
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Pierre Béland via HOT
> *Subject:* [OSM-talk] Mali
> I've been going over Mali adding in missing villages and hamlets working
> in the southern and eastern part of Mali and cleaning up as I go.  Adding
> nodes to highways that cross but have no nodes, adding tags to untagged
> ways etc.  I even try to make sure each village has one highway at least
> leading to it.
> However as I work west I'm coming across areas that have lots of buildings
> and lots of errors.  I've zapped more than a few hundred duplicate
> buildings.  I confess I have not put a comment on every changeset
> especially when the mapper has less than 30 edits.  I'm seeing three
> buildings mapped on top of each other by the same mapper.  One is untagged
> and its not just once.  Interestingly some of the changesets are tagged
> "untangling the spaghetti" and I have sympathy with that mapper.
> In particular I'm seeing whole villages marked as a single building=yes,
> villages with highways that don't meet in the middle.  Villages connected
> by tracks which doesn't match up with the African Highway wiki page.
> Most errors are mapped by mappers with not that much experience.  The
> buildings in some ways are a nuisance as they both seem to be mapped from
> different imagery so often have been mapped crossing highways etc but the
> other problem is they fill the map so much so other features are difficult
> to spot like highways that don't quite meet.
> Are there any local Mali mappers around to chat with to see if we can get
> something organised?  In particular we need the highway classification
> sorting out.  The African highway wiki is fine as far as it goes but
> something connecting a village to a highway comes out as unclassified
> especially if there are square roofs in the village.  In order to
> differentiate the highways that these connect to that connect a number of
> villages probably should be tertiary and the ones that connect towns and
> major villages probably something else.
> However I'd be much more comfortable with some local mappers making these
> calls.
> I'm not sure quite what to do.  It needs a more organized approach.  An
> Apple mapper has been in demoting highway=tertiary to unclassified and yes
> we did have a conversation however I'm fairly certain they are working
> remotely from imagery.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks John
> --
> Sent from Postbox 
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mali

2019-06-30 Per discussione Andrew Hain
Is there any sign of mappers being part of an organised activity or of someone 
having encouraged them to contribute?


From: John Whelan 
Sent: 29 June 2019 23:49
Cc: Pierre Béland via HOT
Subject: [OSM-talk] Mali

I've been going over Mali adding in missing villages and hamlets working in the 
southern and eastern part of Mali and cleaning up as I go.  Adding nodes to 
highways that cross but have no nodes, adding tags to untagged ways etc.  I 
even try to make sure each village has one highway at least leading to it.

However as I work west I'm coming across areas that have lots of buildings and 
lots of errors.  I've zapped more than a few hundred duplicate buildings.  I 
confess I have not put a comment on every changeset especially when the mapper 
has less than 30 edits.  I'm seeing three buildings mapped on top of each other 
by the same mapper.  One is untagged and its not just once.  Interestingly some 
of the changesets are tagged "untangling the spaghetti" and I have sympathy 
with that mapper.

In particular I'm seeing whole villages marked as a single building=yes, 
villages with highways that don't meet in the middle.  Villages connected by 
tracks which doesn't match up with the African Highway wiki page.

Most errors are mapped by mappers with not that much experience.  The buildings 
in some ways are a nuisance as they both seem to be mapped from different 
imagery so often have been mapped crossing highways etc but the other problem 
is they fill the map so much so other features are difficult to spot like 
highways that don't quite meet.

Are there any local Mali mappers around to chat with to see if we can get 
something organised?  In particular we need the highway classification sorting 
out.  The African highway wiki is fine as far as it goes but something 
connecting a village to a highway comes out as unclassified especially if there 
are square roofs in the village.  In order to differentiate the highways that 
these connect to that connect a number of villages probably should be tertiary 
and the ones that connect towns and major villages probably something else.

However I'd be much more comfortable with some local mappers making these calls.

I'm not sure quite what to do.  It needs a more organized approach.  An Apple 
mapper has been in demoting highway=tertiary to unclassified and yes we did 
have a conversation however I'm fairly certain they are working remotely from 


Thanks John

Sent from Postbox
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Flame su old_name

2019-06-30 Per discussione Andreas Lattmann
Deriva dall'occitano sbaglio? quindi name:*=*

Il 29 giugno 2019 22:32:14 CEST, Ivo Reano  ha scritto:
>è anche vero che c'è il problema che il nome ufficiale attuale è un
>> altro, e quindi "name:it" dovrebbe essere "Sauze d'Oulx" (anche se
>non è
>> in lingua italiana essendo nome ufficiale si può dire che il
>"name:it" è
>> quello no?)...
>In casi come questi è ovvio che si usa il nome ufficiale. Sopratutto
>riferendosi ad unità amministrative.
>Pensa un po se invece di "Torino" mettessi sulla mappa "Türin" perchè è
>modo in cui ci si riferisce normalmente in tutto il Piemonte (ed anche
>francese e  pure in inglese!)

I❤️ Software Libero.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 農水省の筆ポリゴンのインポート許可がおりました

2019-06-30 Per discussione Satoshi IIDA

> 岩崎さん

* .osm形式にする(GDALでできる)
* attributeの変換をする(ogr2osmでできると思うけど、他に方法があるなら)

* 500m or 1kmメッシュなどでデータ分割(Tasking Managerの1作業単位として)
* 既存データとの重複度合いについて、QGISやpostgisを使ってエラー率の算出(優先箇所と作業困難さの指標算出)

> 浅野さん

> Tomさん、ikiyaさん
> 位置精度やデータ作成手順について
> この筆境界は、衛星写真等を手作業でトレースしただけの農水省オリジナルデータと考えてよりしいでしょうか。


> 担当について

レクチャー会などを開催して、いろいろなかたに参加いただけるようにできたらとは思います :)

2019年6月29日(土) 12:58 ikiya :

> ikiyaです。
> 利用できるデータの検討を前向きに進めることに賛成します。
> うちの周辺を見ましたがしっかりポリゴンありました:)
> 土地柄、果樹園と畑の区別はしたいなーとか思いました。
> 平地の8割?ぐらいは農地なので大切な地図要素です。
> 質問にあった農地の書き方は、まとめるのではなく、筆単位で描くに賛成します。
> <質問>
> ここで言っている「筆ポリゴン」についての質問です。
> 農水省の説明に「衛星画像等をもとに筆ごとの形状に沿って作成した農地の区画情報です。」とありますが、
> この筆境界は、衛星写真等を手作業でトレースしただけの農水省オリジナルデータと考えてよりしいでしょうか。
> この境界形状を写真トレースだけで描ける(判別できる)のか疑問でした。
> 土地台帳等のデータを参照して写真トレースしてるような感想です。
> (この辺どこかに説明があって私が理解不足でしたらすみません)
> 感想意見ですが、
> 現状、国内OSMにはその地域毎に地図が描かれた経過(位置基準の違い)によって
> 地図上の位置バランスがBing骨格、yahoo alps骨格、GSI骨格 etcとなっています。
> 内容は農地データですが、国内統一された品質であり、位置精度も一定なので
> OSMの品質向上のリファレンスともなり有用だと思います。
> 一方、インポートにあたっては、その地域の地図骨格との整合は必要と考えます。
> 農地インポートに付随して道路や建物、他の土地利用との位置的な整合が生じると思います。
> 整合について都市部では軽微ですが、こちらのような農地割合が多い田舎では
> 作業ボリュームはかなり大きいところも出てくるでしょう。
> ※全国的にはGSI(地理院地図タイル)ベースで日頃書かれているようなエリアでは整合は容易と思いますが)
> 地域における整合を考えると、インポート作業にあたっては、
> 地域事情に近い方が挙手する
> 「この地区は私がインポート(整合含む)します」
> という地区ごとのインポート挙手制がよいと考えます。
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Satoshi IIDA 
> *To:* OpenStreetMap Japanese talk 
> *Date:* 2019/6/28, Fri 14:27
> *Subject:* [OSM-ja] 農水省の筆ポリゴンのインポート許可がおりました
> いいだです。
> 先日、農水省から公開された日本の農地に関するポリゴンなのですが、
> 担当のかたより、OpenStreetMapへのインポートを行っても問題ない旨の許可がおりました。
> (出所明示および、規約の内容についてユーザに伝達する方法について、OSM wikiへの記載でOK)
> データの分量として非常に大容量のものになりますし、
> もしインポートを行うにしても課題は山積みだと思いますが、少しずつ検討を進めたいと思っています。
> また、作業に関しては、7月に公開される予定のID付きデータで作業して欲しい、という要望をいただいていますので、
> どちらにしてもすぐに作業の実施はできません。
> ひとまず、OSM wikiにページをつくりました。(すみません、まだ英語のみです。。。)
> また、チームで作業をするにあたって、やることリストなどを整理するために、
> OSMFJのGithubでProjectを作成してもらいました。
> (念の為ですが、このプロジェクトはOSMFJが組織として実施するものではありません。
> 管理&連絡ツールとしてリポジトリ空間を使わせてもらっています)
> これから、具体的な作業体制などを固めてゆく必要があります。
> そこでいくつか質問させてください。
> * 一緒に作業をしてみたいかたを募集します!
> データの変換や事前作業、タグの検討、作業手順の確立、などが必要になってきます。
> Githubやオンラインミーティングなどを通じて、データの処理や手順について、一緒にデータをさわってみませんか?
> (月1回くらい、オンラインかオフラインで集まって作業する日を作ろうと思っています)
> * 農地の描き方について
> この筆データですが、もしインポートをする場合、農地1筆ごとに1つのポリゴンが形成されています。
> 農地の描き方としては2つの流派があると認識していて、1つ1つの区画毎に描くか、
> あるいは複数の農地区画をまとめて1つのポリゴンにするか、があると思っています。
> 個人的には、どちらにも理があると思っています。みなさん、どちら派ですか?
> 特に日本全土で統一する必要性もないと思いますので、
> 既に区画をまとめた農地データが存在する地域については
> そのまま残しておくほうがよいだろうな、とも感じています。
> スクリーンショットですが、こんなかんじのデータになっています。
> --
> Satoshi IIDA
> mail:
> twitter: @nyampire
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Qwant Maps : l’alternative française à Google Maps est disponible en bêta

2019-06-30 Per discussione Cédric Frayssinet

Je pense que les problèmes de géocodage sont nombreux ; de mon côté,
j'ai un restaurant qui est quasi sur la voie ferrée...

J'ai ouvert cette issue hier :


Le 30/06/2019 à 11:10, Christian Quest a écrit :
> Le mix des bases n'est sûrement pas possible pour des questions de
> licence.
> La source est bien indiquée quand on sélectionne une des icônes (comme
> les restaurants).
> Vers chez moi, c'est un supermarché qui est placé au milieu de la rue
> et pas à son adresse, clairement un problème de géocodage des données
> Pages Jaunes.
> Le sam. 29 juin 2019 à 13:41, Cédric Frayssinet  > a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Autant je suis très content de voir Qwant Maps progresser, autant
> je suis désabusé par le partenariat avec Pages Jaunes.
> Autour de chez moi, tous les restaurants sont bien renseignés. Ils
> apparaissent bien avec Qwant Maps. Si je clique sur le nouvel
> icône Restaurant de QwantMaps, certains disparaissent au profit
> des résultats incomplets des Pages Jaunes. Un peu agaçant pour la
> communauté, cela fait-il partie des erreurs qu'ils font avec la
> communauté (pléinière du STOM2019 de T.Nitot...)
> Un mix des bases serait le bienvenue...
> Cédric
> Le 29/06/2019 à 12:48, Christian Quest a écrit :
>> Pour France Info, j'ai rajouté le commentaire suivant:
>> "niveau de qualité exceptionnel" pour Google Maps ?
>> Regardez à quoi ressemble la place de la Bastille sur Google Maps
>> et comparez à OpenStreetMap... les itinéraires ne tiennent pas
>> vraiment compte les changements récents (sens unique sur la Rue
>> de Lyon).
>> Dès qu'on fouille un peu, on trouve plein d'erreurs dans les
>> cartes Google... et pas que sur des changements récents !
>> Le sam. 29 juin 2019 à 12:38, Yves P. > > a écrit :
>> Et aussi l'article de France Info : 
>> Nouveau monde. On a testé Qwant Maps, le nouveau service
>> cartographique de Qwant.
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> -- 
>> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
>> ___
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> -- 
> Dégooglisé !  - Sociétaire
> Enercoop ,
> l'énergie militante
> Sur Mastodon :
> Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre 
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> Talk-fr mailing list
> -- 
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
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Dégooglisé !  - Sociétaire Enercoop
, l'énergie militante

Sur Mastodon : 

Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Qwant Maps : l’alternative française à Google Maps est disponible en bêta

2019-06-30 Per discussione Christian Quest
Le mix des bases n'est sûrement pas possible pour des questions de licence.

La source est bien indiquée quand on sélectionne une des icônes (comme les

Vers chez moi, c'est un supermarché qui est placé au milieu de la rue et
pas à son adresse, clairement un problème de géocodage des données Pages

Le sam. 29 juin 2019 à 13:41, Cédric Frayssinet  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Autant je suis très content de voir Qwant Maps progresser, autant je suis
> désabusé par le partenariat avec Pages Jaunes.
> Autour de chez moi, tous les restaurants sont bien renseignés. Ils
> apparaissent bien avec Qwant Maps. Si je clique sur le nouvel icône
> Restaurant de QwantMaps, certains disparaissent au profit des résultats
> incomplets des Pages Jaunes. Un peu agaçant pour la communauté, cela
> fait-il partie des erreurs qu'ils font avec la communauté (pléinière du
> STOM2019 de T.Nitot...)
> Un mix des bases serait le bienvenue...
> Cédric
> Le 29/06/2019 à 12:48, Christian Quest a écrit :
> Pour France Info, j'ai rajouté le commentaire suivant:
> "niveau de qualité exceptionnel" pour Google Maps ?
> Regardez à quoi ressemble la place de la Bastille sur Google Maps et
> comparez à OpenStreetMap... les itinéraires ne tiennent pas vraiment compte
> les changements récents (sens unique sur la Rue de Lyon).
> Dès qu'on fouille un peu, on trouve plein d'erreurs dans les cartes
> Google... et pas que sur des changements récents !
> Le sam. 29 juin 2019 à 12:38, Yves P.  a écrit :
>> Et aussi l'article de France Info :
>> Nouveau monde. On a testé Qwant Maps, le nouveau service cartographique
>> de Qwant.
>>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> --
> Dégooglisé !  - Sociétaire Enercoop
> , l'énergie
> militante
> Sur Mastodon :
> [image: Promouvoir et soutenir le logiciel libre] 
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list