Re: [Talk-it] emergenza coronavirus

2020-02-25 Per discussione Lidrie
lunedì 24/02/2020 11:56:04 Cascafico Giovanni in 
 scrisse :

La situazione OSM numeri civici di Codogno [0] è male, [...]

Personalmente non saprei quali integrazioni possano essere al momento
utili per qs emergenza: mi pare ci siano anche troppa informazione in

Spero vivamente non si arrivi ad associare contagiati e numero civico: 
implicazioni per dato sensibile e privacy a parte, certi geni in giro 
troverebbero la strada spianata per la Gogna 3.0

(so che intendi altro, ma mi hai ricordato le stelle di Davide sulle porte dove 
abitavano ebrei dopo le leggi razziali di Mussolini e Hitler e la caccia agli 
untori durante la peste del 1630)


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[OSM-talk-fr] Osmose et FINESS [était: amenity=hospital et FINESS]

2020-02-25 Per discussione Vincent Bergeot

Le 25/02/2020 à 23:22, Yves P. a écrit :

PS: on pourrait se pencher sur la mise à jour d’Osmose (cf. messages sur les 

A partir des n° FINESS, il ne propose pour le moment que les pharmacies, 
laboratoires et quelques autres établissements.
Il manque au moins les CSAPA, CAARUD, maisons de santé et bien d'autres

oui Osmose ne propose que cela pour l'instant et cela a néanmoins 
demandé de creuser le monde finess et des abréviations.

le rapprochement en cours est celui ci

La base FINESS permettrait d'aller sans doute beaucoup plus loin.

Nous avons basé le rapprochement sur le code finess établissement niveau 
3, composé de 4 chiffres, ainsi les CSAPA sont 4604, 4604 regroupant 
également des CSST, CCAA, ACT, CAARUD, LHSS (soyons clair je ne 
comprends aucun de ces sigles, c'est juste le résultat du fichier finess 
!) et là ca y est je commence à me perdre :)

Donc oui pour avancer sur ce rapprochement mais la marche de 
compréhension du fichier FINESS est assez haute, plus github, plus les 
diverses perceptions des tags osm, ... donc toute bonne volonté bienvenue.

à plus

Vincent Bergeot

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Inserimento stalli riservati ai disabili con OsmAnd utilizzando Smartphone

2020-02-25 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Un po' fuori tema: se il parcheggio è già mappato, può osmand segnalarlo?
Se non ricordo male, non può. In tal caso hai valutato applicazioni come
osm contributor o vespucci?

Se devi fare sopralluoghi su elementi che sai esse mappati solo in piccola
parte (quindi non necessiti che la app ti segnali la loro presenza attuale
su OSM) ti consiglio geopaparazzi: è molto flessibile nella configurazione
e rapidissimo nei rilievi.

Il mar 25 feb 2020, 21:49 Paesi senza Barriere 
ha scritto:

> Ciao a tutti,
> quando aggiungo etichette:
> Tag   Value
> amenity (lo propone)parking_space (non lo propone)
> disabled (lo propone)   designated (lo propone)
> survey:date (non lo propone)   2020-02-25 (lo inserisco manualmente ok)
> Chi può inserire tra i vari Tag o Value suggeriti: parking_space e
> survey:date.
> Grazie
> Andrea
> --
> geom. Andrea Facchinelli
> Consigliere e referente "Paesi senza Barriere"
> AsTRID Onlus - Associazione Trentina per la Ricerca Integrata e la
> Disabilità Onlus
> sede legale: Via Padre Eusebio Chini, 9 - 38123 Trento
> TM: +39 339 4323016
> M:
> IBAN: IT 29 D 08304 01819 21349458 – Cassa Rurale di Trento
> Dona il tuo 5x1000 ad As.Tr.I.D. Onlus e ci aiuterai ad aiutare! - C.F.
> 96094340229
> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica sono di
> natura confidenziale; qualsiasi pubblicazione, utilizzo o diffusione anche
> parziale dello stesso non può essere effettuata senza autorizzazione.
> Qualora le informazioni fossero utilizzate senza espressa autorizzazione,
> sarà effettuata denuncia al competente Consiglio dell'Ordine per violazione
> dell'art. 28 del Codice Deontologico. La diffusione e la comunicazione da
> parte di soggetto diverso da destinatario è vietata dall'art. 616 e ss.
> c.p. ed al D.Lgs. n. 196/03. Se la presente e-mail fosse ricevuta per
> errore, siete pregati di distruggerla e informare il mittente
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione Ciaran
Hi Gerry and friends,Fundamentally the argument for OpenStreetMap as a most sustainable solution rests in the licence to re-use the spatial data. For example with #MapLesotho the main pre-occupation of the analysis (after 5 years of mapping everything) was to demonstrate the unsustainable, anti-urban and land hungry settlement pattern of humans – always expanding out as sprawl instead of designing their towns and cities.  The same principle applies to western countries of course, in that an open api allows environmental NGOs to their own research without costly licence arrangements, and have their own spatial and environmental critique of matters like urban sprawl. Therefore your argument would be that OSM is a leveler, especially where the map has been completed with landuses and buildings.  Sent from Mail for Windows 10 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Lester Caine

On 25/02/2020 23:39, Alan Mackie wrote:
Vector tiles that prefer either the browser's requested languages or 
something selectable would be ideal, but we aren't there yet technically 
for the main 'editors map'. When we are it might be worthwhile 
revisiting this discussion.

There are complaints about what language to use everywhere. Even such a 
fundamental part of the infrastructure as 'timezones' has an ongoing 
debate about just how to spell the ENGLISH name of some identifiers and 
there has been a growing push to simply drop the 'names' and use 
abstract references so close the discussion once and for all. The 
argument here HAS been a problem since day one, and I remember 
discussions on converting tagging to use ID numbers rather than names 
... what ever language they are written in. Just as with timezone 
identifiers, many of the text strings used can be 'translated' into any 
language one likes to DISPLAY them, and what has always been missing is 
a part of the API that simply allows one to select the language one 
would like to see ... and something which vector tiles could easily 
support ... but just as browsers still have problems with the simple 
stuff like returning a clients ACTUAL timezone (time offset as ALWAYS 
been the wrong information), the basic simple steps have never been 
defined in any standard?

That the current 'map' is missing names for many graphic objects is just 
a matter of who controls the style sheets. Personally I prefer the 
French tile sets over the main version and have to accept that road 
colours are wrong. None of that affects the flexibility that the raw 
data provides, although a nice 'United Kingdom' colour set on OSMAND is 
still on my own todo list, and the vector maps THAT produces have 
potential to solve many of the 'complaints' ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

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Re: [Talk-pe] Ediciones del usuario walter 666

2020-02-25 Per discussione Johnattan Rupire
Estoy de acuerdo con proceder con la denuncia. De hecho a través de su página 
de usuario lo denuncié hace un par de días pero no he tenido respuesta.

¿Qué podemos hacer?

El 25 de febrero de 2020 2:52:15 PM GMT-05:00, Omar Vega Ramos 
>Desde hace un tiempo he venido observando que el usuario walter 666 [0]
>ha estado realizando diferentes ediciones que pueden ser considerarse
>como vandalismo. 
>Entre algunas de sus ediciones he podido notar lo siguiente:
>- Alteración de una vía peatonal del parque de las aguas para unirla
>la vía del estadio nacional y la vía expresa. [1] En esta edición
>ponía como comentario del conjunto de cambios el texto "de nada".
>- Eliminar varias islotes del lago Titicaca, en este conjunto de
>pone de texto "es mi practica". [2]
>- Cambiar nombre de un colegio a "666" [3], luego en otra edición le
>pone de nombre "el peor colegio del mundo" [4], para luego en otra
>edición eliminar el colegio [5]
>- Cambiar la laguna Huacachina a linea costera [6]
>- Alteración de la vía panamericana [7]
>- De manera reiterada agregar lagos no existentes y cambiar etiquetas
>otros objetos a lagos no existentes. [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
>[15] [16] [17] [18]
>- Eliminar varias manzanas [19]
>- Agregar terrenos militares y edificios no existentes. [20] [21]
>La gran mayoría de los comentarios en sus conjuntos de cambios
>palabras que no tienen sentido en ningún idioma conocido (son textos
>como "c.ugug jhkyutcu,g uykggc", "dfbs", "ñoij", "nzdnzdn", "cgug,",
>"{ñp", "srykdlut", etcétera), razón por la cual se le ha consultado
>sobre el significado de estos textos, sin obtener respuesta [22].
>Al usuario se le comunicado sobre errores al editar el mapa[23] , se le
>ha invitado a unirse al canal de telegram para conversar con otros
>miembros de la comunidad. [24] y se le ha pedido no volver a agregar de
>manera recurrente lugares inexistentes.[25] A todos los comentarios el
>usuario ha hecho caso omiso y nunca ha respondido.
>Dado que algunos de estas ediciones son recurrentes y el usuario no
>tiene interés en conversar con la comunidad, considero necesario
>realizar una denuncia a este usuario.
>Omar Vega
>Talk-pe mailing list

Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi 
Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Community call with Allan Mustard (OSMF Board Chair)

2020-02-25 Per discussione Ervin Malicdem

I would be able to attend but only on the first half as I have another
meeting. If a recording would be possible, the better. Google Meet has a
recording functionality but I am not sure if this is the same with Hangouts

Ervin M.
*Schadow1 Expeditions* - A Filipino must not be a stranger to his own

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 11:06 PM Eugene Alvin Villar 

> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020, 9:08 PM maning sambale, 
> wrote:
>> Is this going to be recorded? I have an overlap and would love to hear
>> the community discussion.
> Hi Maning,
> I'm sorry to hear you can't make it. I'll see if I can do a recording. Or
> at least have someone volunteer to take some notes.
> ~Eugene
>> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mario Frasca

On 25/02/2020 19:22, Alan Mackie wrote:
The labels would probably need to be tied together into a relation to 
avoid this

sorry, I considered as if this was always already the case.

Gulf of Venice and Gulf of Trieste are both already relations.

I assumed this would be the case elsewhere too. it was my understanding 
that my suggestion would use the already present complexity, not add to 
it.  please prove me wrong in a couple of relevant cases.  then we can 
look at them.

On 25/02/2020 19:22, Alan Mackie wrote:
You also don't know if you're looking at multiple separately named 
regions or one large feature with multiple translations.

not sure I understand this one.  can you exemplify?

ah, you mean, I would see a label in a language I can't read, and I 
might not even recognize it as belonging to the same feature. but, I 
mean, we're speaking of the showcase, not of a properly localized map, 
so who cares?

on the other hand, designing and programming such a complication just 
for a showcase isn't maybe worth the effort.  so: I don't know.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Alan Mackie
> placing a localized version of the name tag in front of the
corresponding language area is still an option I support.  Red Sea would
> be a nice test-bed, just like the Ostsee.

The problem I see with this is that it violates the 'one feature one
element' principle. The labels would probably need to be tied together into
a relation to avoid this and that then starts to get very complicated very
quickly. You also don't know if you're looking at multiple separately named
regions or one large feature with multiple translations.

Adding a language name to the URL schema does not look so difficult to
> me, what's going to be difficult is paying the money needed to hold the
> data.

I think the cost implications mostly go away with vector tiles as you are
essentially "rendering" client side and the additional server side load is
(allegedly) minimal. Browser support and processing power on the consumer
side can then start to be an issue as it's not as trivial to display as a
simple image. From my limited viewpoint the greatest risk I see from vector
tiles is that the capacity for abuse skyrockets as the client side
customisability might lead some to think "this is like Mapbox but free" and
just pull from instead of using a proper service.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mario Frasca

On 25/02/2020 18:39, Alan Mackie wrote:
so long as there won't be an edit war over precedence. Languages 
separated by "/" or similar.

OSM in Morocco uses the `-` (dash) as separator.  (they have two and 
locally three national languages)

I'll try this for the Gulf of Venice and Trieste, and see where we 
land.  I will not re-edit if someone changes order nor removes content, 
but I might choose to comment on any subsequent changeset, possibly also 
alert the DWG.

regarding the seas where the `name` has disappeared altogether, I will 
not put English back: I will choose a couple of languages, and invite 
other native speakers of bordering countries to add their own, and to 
see for themselves if the name is becoming too space demanding in the 

I will do nothing for areas where they speak a language I can't even 
read (East Asia).


placing a localized version of the name tag in front of the 
corresponding language area is still an option I support.  Red Sea would 
be a nice test-bed, just like the Ostsee.

Adding a language name to the URL schema does not look so difficult to 
me, what's going to be difficult is paying the money needed to hold the 

anyhow, stop me if you think this plan is nonsensical.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggio riservato ai disabili - riservato ai Camper

2020-02-25 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta
Ciao Andrea,
la formula più semplice che mi viene in mente è:
amenity=parking (o parking_space)


Il mar 25 feb 2020, 22:03 Paesi senza Barriere 
ha scritto:

> Buona sera,
> come posso taggare un parcheggio riservato ai disabili ma solo per Camper
> e non autovetture?
> Grazie mille
> Andrea
> --
> geom. Andrea Facchinelli
> Consigliere e referente "Paesi senza Barriere"
> AsTRID Onlus - Associazione Trentina per la Ricerca Integrata e la
> Disabilità Onlus
> sede legale: Via Padre Eusebio Chini, 9 - 38123 Trento
> TM: +39 339 4323016
> M:
> IBAN: IT 29 D 08304 01819 21349458 – Cassa Rurale di Trento
> Dona il tuo 5x1000 ad As.Tr.I.D. Onlus e ci aiuterai ad aiutare! - C.F.
> 96094340229
> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica sono di
> natura confidenziale; qualsiasi pubblicazione, utilizzo o diffusione anche
> parziale dello stesso non può essere effettuata senza autorizzazione.
> Qualora le informazioni fossero utilizzate senza espressa autorizzazione,
> sarà effettuata denuncia al competente Consiglio dell'Ordine per violazione
> dell'art. 28 del Codice Deontologico. La diffusione e la comunicazione da
> parte di soggetto diverso da destinatario è vietata dall'art. 616 e ss.
> c.p. ed al D.Lgs. n. 196/03. Se la presente e-mail fosse ricevuta per
> errore, siete pregati di distruggerla e informare il mittente
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Alan Mackie
Names with one, two or three languages where there are a limited number of
neighbours/occupants seems logical so long as there won't be an edit war
over precedence. Languages separated by "/" or similar. More languages than
that seems too unwieldy which rules out its use even for some 'relatively
small' features.

At this stage deleting the 'plain' name tags from highly
international object is pure vandalism in my opinion. It will continue to
be vandalism at least as long as the 'default render' relies on having a
name=*. It is too much of a barrier to entry to rely on users having the
necessary query skills to surface invisible features, and there would be
duplicates as a result of it.

I see no benefit to changing the 'fallback language' to something else at
this stage, especially to a little used construct. Saying "*if* we all
taught 'X' language to kids; it would be a universal language" could be
said about literally any language whether you are promoting English,
Spanish, Lojban or Quenya. How hard these languages are to learn is highly
dependant on what languages you have already learned, but this is largely a
distraction. People inevitably choose to teach languages with a sizeable
history to them first, novel inventions second (or more likely fourth), if
at all.

Vector tiles that prefer either the browser's requested languages or
something selectable would be ideal, but we aren't there yet technically
for the main 'editors map'. When we are it might be worthwhile revisiting
this discussion.

On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 21:57, Mario Frasca  wrote:

> I'm afraid that the conclusion you summarize here is not at all reached.
> we have reached the conclusion on the pointless point: "we discuss in
> English".
> as for the values of the `name` tag:
> I prefer to see "Adriatic Sea" rather than nothing.
> I prefer "Mare Adriatico" to "Adriatic Sea".
> I definitely question the choice of the editor who wrote "Gulf of Trieste"
> for a piece of sea that borders with Italy (in an area where Friuls is a
> recognized language), and Slovenia.
> and I have suggested that the problem would vaporize if we added a
> language identifier to the tile request.
> I'm very much interested in reading reactions to this.
> MF
> On 25/02/2020 16:10, Tomek wrote:
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 21:52, stevea pisze:
> I believe I speak for many, most, or even all of us here (except Tomek) that 
> "this is a settled matter."
> SteveA
> Sprawa rozwiązana, każdy mówi w jakim języku chce, a znacznik “name” z
> obiektów międzynarodowych zostanie usunięty, z wyjątkiem mórz
> graniczących z państwami.
> Dziękuję za dyskusję
> La problemo estas solvita, ĉiu povas paroli en iu ajn lingvo; kaj la
> etikedo “name” el internaciaj objektoj estos forigita, escepte de maroj
> apudaj al landoj.
> Dankon por diskuto
> The problem is solved, everyone can speak in any language; and the tag
> “name” from international objects will be deleted, except of seas
> adjacent to the countries.
> Thank you for discussion
> ___
> talk mailing 
> listtalk@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.
>> Au moins 43 noeuds « entrée »
> :-( Napalm ?
C’est signe qu’il faut que je me couche (3 nœuds) 

> Un p'tit dernier pour ce soir : : CMP Espace Vienne (90208204)
Trop tard, je me roupille.


PS: on pourrait se pencher sur la mise à jour d’Osmose (cf. messages sur les 

A partir des n° FINESS, il ne propose pour le moment que les pharmacies, 
laboratoires et quelques autres établissements.
Il manque au moins les CSAPA, CAARUD, maisons de santé et bien d'autres
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.
> Vous noterez le bazard dans le coin du (88121922) où il y a maintenant 3 ou 4 
> amenity=hospital pour le même établissement :(

Il y a un grand polygone Centre hospitalier de la Milétrie (510578303 

Mais il contient le CH Henri Laborit. Il faudrait découper ce terrain en 2 et 
mettre les attributs de l’hôpital psy sur la partie de droite.
Et nettoyer les différents bâtiments :
Ne pas mettre amenity=hospital sur chacun, corriger le numéro FINESS 

 et pas type:FR:FINESS pour le Pavillon Janet 
D’ailleurs ce n° semble être celui de tout l’hôpital psy 

Il y a aussi les parties pédopsychiatrie, handicap (ESAT, MAS, FAM), addictions 
Plus toutes les antennes des CMP…

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.
>> Faut-il les distinguer par des « nodes » distincts ?
> Je dirais oui car les entrées semblent distinctes.
Elles sont sur la même façade, au nord côté périphérique. (G Street View 
On dirait même 3 bâtiments qui forme un H.

Au moins 43 noeuds « entrée »

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggi disabili riservati

2020-02-25 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta

On 25/02/20 15:54, Federico Cortese wrote:

Quindi questi parcheggi: e
gli altri vicini,
li mapparesti tutti con parking_space e non parking?

A questo punto andrebbe modificata la wiki perchè:
"Use amenity=parking_space to map a single parking space on a parking
lot. Mapping parking spaces is an addition, not a replacement, to
mapping a whole parking lot with amenity=parking."
Indica chiaramente che sarebbe da usare solo in aggiunta ad
amenity=parking, non in alternativa.

Secondo me questa indicazione funziona bene nel caso di ampi parcheggi, 
meno bene nel caso di pochi posti a lato strada. In questo caso a me 
sembrerebbe più chiaro, se si ha la possibilità di dettagliare, 
aggiungere i 3-4 posti contigui come parking_space senza necessariamente 
dover passare all'utilizzo di relazioni per unire i parking_space, che a 
me fa sempre un po' paura... :-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mario Frasca

I'm afraid that the conclusion you summarize here is not at all reached.

we have reached the conclusion on the pointless point: "we discuss in 

as for the values of the `name` tag:

I prefer to see "Adriatic Sea" rather than nothing.

I prefer "Mare Adriatico" to "Adriatic Sea".

I definitely question the choice of the editor who wrote "Gulf of 
Trieste" for a piece of sea that borders with Italy (in an area where 
Friuls is a recognized language), and Slovenia.

and I have suggested that the problem would vaporize if we added a 
language identifier to the tile request.

I'm very much interested in reading reactions to this.


On 25/02/2020 16:10, Tomek wrote:

W dniu 20-02-25 o 21:52, stevea pisze:

I believe I speak for many, most, or even all of us here (except Tomek) that "this 
is a settled matter."

Sprawa rozwiązana, każdy mówi w jakim języku chce, a znacznik “name” z
obiektów międzynarodowych zostanie usunięty, z wyjątkiem mórz
graniczących z państwami.
Dziękuję za dyskusję

La problemo estas solvita, ĉiu povas paroli en iu ajn lingvo; kaj la
etikedo “name” el internaciaj objektoj estos forigita, escepte de maroj
apudaj al landoj.
Dankon por diskuto

The problem is solved, everyone can speak in any language; and the tag
“name” from international objects will be deleted, except of seas
adjacent to the countries.
Thank you for discussion

talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Jo
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:33 PM Hartmut Holzgraefe  wrote:

> On 25.02.20 15:36, Tomek wrote:
>  > Everyone uses the same learning
>  > costs when using Esperanto, they do not have the privileged ones.
> I'd assume that the cost argument doesn't hold, it's going to be more
> easy for Europeans than for e.g. Chinese or Japanese. It starts with
> the letters used, which give people that have grown up with a a
> Latinbased language a first head start, and it continues with the
> vocabulary
> that is also favoring (west) European learners. (Can't say anything
> about the grammer, I'm not that deep into it, but I assume the same
> is true for that, too)

I actually learned Esperanto and am a great fan.
Learning English properly is notoriously hard for most of the world's
population. Native speakers always are at an advantage.
Europeans coming from Germanic and Scandinavian languages have a bigger
advantage for learning English.
All Europeans have an advantage if they wanted to learn Esperanto.

Esperanto is written like it is spoken and vice versa. Completely phonetic
by design.

The grammar has 20 rules and not a single exception. The grammar is
extremely easy, even when it takes some getting used to at first. But that
can be said about all languages.

Most people can learn the basics in a crash course of 24 hours. Fluency can
be achieved by people used to the Latin script in 3 months, for people
using other scripts this becomes 6 months and then their level would be
better than if they had learned English for 6+ years.

It would be nice if the whole world's population would decide to teach
Esperanto to their children as a second language. 20 years later everyone
would be able to communicate with anyone else, at the same level.

I also realise this is not going to happen anytime soon. The world is more
likely to switch to Chinese instead, than to do something that would make a
lot of sense.

Anyway, the reason I wanted to learn Esperanto is because I wanted to
figure out whether it's possible to express oneself in an 'artificially'
created language; and yes, it's possible. Sometimes with even more nuance
than in other languages.

Anyway, just my €0.2 After having learned Esperanto I have continued to
learn other languages. I wouldn't say it has failed. It's still present
after more than a hundred years. Let's hope the world population comes to
its senses, but I'm not holding my breath.

Having said all that, I don't think it would make sense to put Esperanto in
our name object for international features. Not before 30% of the world's
population decided to learn it first, anyway.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.

Yves Pratter

> Aussi : Chemin : Centre Médico-Psychologique Gay-Lussac (88125956)
N° FINESS : 860005644 

 c’est le CMP Laborit
> Ce bâtiment abrite 3 CMP, chacun associé à un secteur (Structure interne) : 
> Boncenne, Bonnafé, lautrec.
Entrée Boncenne :
Accueil infirmier : 05 16 52 61 09
Secrétariat : 05 16 52 61 03
Du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 19h

Entrée Lautrec :
Accueil infirmier : 05 16 52 61 09
Secrétariat : 05 16 52 61 06
Du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 19h

Entrée Bonnafé
Accueil infirmier : 05 16 52 61 09
Secrétariat : 05 16 52 61 06
Du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 19h

> Faut-il les distinguer par des « nodes » distincts ?
Je dirais oui car les entrées semblent distinctes.
Les n° du secrétariat, oui, de même que les « secteurs » (la psychiatrie est 
sectorisée en France)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Jacques Lavignotte

Le 25/02/2020 à 22:36, Yves P. a écrit :

3-Chemin : Maison de la Réhabilitation psycho-sociale (62765201)

amenity=*hospital* ???

C'est de l'hospitalisation complète (jeunes adultes)

GnuPg : 156520BBC8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.
« Quand est-ce qu'on mange ? » AD (c) (tm)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggi disabili riservati

2020-02-25 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta

Ciao Federico,

On 25/02/20 15:35, Federico Cortese wrote:

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020, 22:58 Alessandro Sarretta

A dire la verità non sono molto convinto dell'approccio usato. parking_space è usato 
appunto per mappare singoli posti auto, mentre mi pare voi abbiate usato amenity=parking 
per un singolo posto anche se di fianco c'erano altri posti auto "normali", 
forzando parking all'utilizzo per un solo posto, che è invece lo scopo specifico di 
parking_space. Non è che lo scopo principale di questo tagging sia rendere il posto 
visibile in mappa? Se si pensasse però a una rappresentazione specifica per le persone 
con disabilità (cosa a cui vorrei arrivare prima o poi), questo tipo di tagging non 
permetterebbe di distinguere tra parcheggi grandi con un posto per disabili al loro 
interno da singoli stalli per disabili...

Io ti ho portato la nostra ormai lontana esperienza per confrontarci,
senza nessuna pretesa che fosse la soluzione migliore, però se pensi
che l'abbiamo fatto per il rendering ci rimango male :)) ...del fatto
che a zoom ravvicinati si vedessero le P non ci interessava davvero.
Scusami se quanto scritto ti è apparso "accusatorio" o poco rispettoso, 
rileggendo in effetti mi accorgo di essermi espresso male, non era 
assolutamente mia intenzione.

Riprovo spiegando meglio quanto volevo dire: una delle motivazioni 
principali dell'inserimento dei singoli posti per disabili in OSM è la 
possibilità di avere degli strumenti che poi aiutino le persone che ne 
hanno bisogno a raggiungerli in modo preciso. Non essendo purtroppo 
attualmente renderizzato nella mappa di default, il tag 
amenity=parking_space risulta assai poco utile sia in fase di 
inserimento di nuovi posti auto (non è facile capire se il posto auto è 
già stato inserito o no, speciamente da smartphone) e nemmeno è 
possibile nelle app che conosco utilizzarli con le funzioni di routing. 
Per questo chiedevo se la scelta fosse ricaduta nel tag amenity=parking 
anche perché ciò avrebbe aiutato la visualizzazione del posto, cosa 
assolutamente non secondaria. Mi hai chiarito cmq che non è stata questa 
la motivazione.

Tornando ai tag sono d'accordo che parking serve per l'intero
parcheggio e parking_space per i singoli stalli. Se è sbagliato usare
parking per singoli stalli è sbagliato anche usare parking_space senza
inserirli all'interno di un parking che li contenga.
Riassumendo (secondo me):
- se devo mappare in modo semplice e sbrigativo un nodo o un'area
parcheggio uso amenity=parking e se vi sono parcheggi riservati a
disabili uso capacity:disabled=;
- se posso essere più preciso (perchè ho foto ad alta risoluzione o
rilievi dettagliati) aggiungo all'interno i singoli stalli per
disabili, con amenity=parking_space + disabled=designated +
Aggiungo un'altra tipologia di mappatura, cmq semplificata, che è quella 
che in parte ho applicato personalmente e ho promosso con l'associazione 
paratetraplegici del nordest: se l'obiettivo è esplicitamente la 
mappatura degli stalli riservati ai disabili, ancora prima che i 
parcheggi, posso mappare, in modo sbrigativo, un nodo con 
amenity=parking_space + disabled=designated. Poi qualcuno di più 
volenteroso potrà arricchire la mappatura modificando il nodo in un'area 
e aggiungendo (se esistente) il parcheggio più ampio che contiene lo 
stallo per disabili.

La distinzione tra parcheggi grandi con un posto per disabili e
singoli stalli è automatica: al massimo mi potrai dire che se mappo un
parcheggio grande non saprò dove esattamente è posizionato lo stallo
per disabili.


Questa osservazione non l'ho capita; con parking_space dove metteresti 
l'informazione sull'accesso riservato alle persone con disabilità?

Tra l'altro, disabled=designated indica chiaramente una condizione di accesso 
per cui in quel posto possono parcheggiare solamente persone con disabilità, 
mentre capacity:disabled=* non mi sembra includa alcuna indicazione del 
permesso o restrizione legale.

Mi spiego meglio, io mi riferivo solo a come indicare il numero degli
stalli. Sono d'accordo che sia utile aggiungere disabled=designated al
singolo stallo.

Ok, perfetto

Sarebbe comunque utile concordare su delle linee guida comuni e provare a 
suggerire una mappatura degli stalli per disabili in modo un po' più chiaro di 
come appare adesso nelle pagine wiki...

Certo sarebbe utilissimo, in linea col lavoro egregio che hai fatto
per marciapiedi e simili.
Vediamo se qualcun altro si appassiona all'argomento.

Secondo me le mappature utilizzate differiscono di poco e potrebbero 
essere riassunte in alcuni casi d'uso pratici, come abbiamo fatto in 
questo scambio di e-mail.

Vedo se prossimamente riesco ad abbozzare qualcosa.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.
> 3-Chemin : Maison de la Réhabilitation psycho-sociale (62765201)

amenity=hospital ???
healthcare=rehabilitation (cf. Réhabilitation psychosociale 
 sur wikipedia)
name=Maison de la Réhabilitation Psychosociale
operator=Centre Hospitalier Laborit

phone=+33 5 49 43 76 50


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.
> 1-Chemin : CREATIV (62770680)

alt_name=Centre de réhabilitation et d’activités thérapeutiques intersectoriel 
de la Vienne
operator=Centre Hospitalier Laborit
phone=+33 5 49 38 00 19
opening_hours=Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00

Avec la même adresse, on trouve le FINESS 860005735 
 mais la description ne correspond pas (CMP).
La base FINESS est-elle à jour ?
Sur leur page web, c’est un hôpital de jour (HJ)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione James
I do it whilst riding my bike now.


On Tue., Feb. 25, 2020, 3:49 p.m. Brad Neuhauser, 

> Maybe stretching, but what about Google driving cars around constantly to
> capture Street View images and road/POI data? Ideally, a lot of OSM data is
> gathered by people who are already in the area.
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 1:25 PM Philip Barnes 
> wrote:
>> OSM includes walking and cycling infrastructure thus promoting and
>> enabling  sustainable travel options.
>> Gmaps is primarily a road map.
>> Phil (trigpoint)
>> On Tuesday, 25 February 2020, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
>> > There are many reasons to use OSM over Google Maps but
>> > "environmentally friendly" seems to not be one of them.
>> >
>> > One may try some very indirect things, like that Google Maps
>> > is primarily a place to display ads, therefore pushing consumerism,
>> > therefore environmentally unfriendly but...
>> >
>> > Maybe "OSM data is reusable, Google maps data is proprietary and
>> > other need to recreate it wasting resources" can be argued to
>> > be environment-related.
>> >
>> > Maybe "OSM data can be used for various purposes, including
>> > environment protection" can be argued.
>> >
>> >
>> > Feb 25, 2020, 09:28 by
>> >
>> > >
>> > > Hi,
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > I will be giving a series of talks this year at An Event Apart (>
>>> ). The talk title is “World Wide Waste,” and
>> will examine the impact digital is having on the environment and proposes
>> ways digital can be more environmentally friendly. I’d like to propose
>> OpenStreetMap as a more environmentally friendly option than Google Maps.
>> Can anyone help me with good arguments?
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Best
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Gerry
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> ***
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Gerry McGovern +353 87 238 6136 >>
>>  @gerrymcgovern
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Sent from my Sailfish device
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Tomek
W dniu 20-02-25 o 21:52, stevea pisze:
> I believe I speak for many, most, or even all of us here (except Tomek) that 
> "this is a settled matter."
> SteveA
Sprawa rozwiązana, każdy mówi w jakim języku chce, a znacznik “name” z
obiektów międzynarodowych zostanie usunięty, z wyjątkiem mórz
graniczących z państwami.
Dziękuję za dyskusję

La problemo estas solvita, ĉiu povas paroli en iu ajn lingvo; kaj la
etikedo “name” el internaciaj objektoj estos forigita, escepte de maroj
apudaj al landoj.
Dankon por diskuto

The problem is solved, everyone can speak in any language; and the tag
“name” from international objects will be deleted, except of seas
adjacent to the countries.
Thank you for discussion

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggio riservato ai disabili - riservato ai Camper

2020-02-25 Per discussione Paesi senza Barriere
Buona sera,
come posso taggare un parcheggio riservato ai disabili ma solo per Camper e
non autovetture?

Grazie mille

geom. Andrea Facchinelli
Consigliere e referente "Paesi senza Barriere"
AsTRID Onlus - Associazione Trentina per la Ricerca Integrata e la
Disabilità Onlus
sede legale: Via Padre Eusebio Chini, 9 - 38123 Trento
TM: +39 339 4323016

IBAN: IT 29 D 08304 01819 21349458 – Cassa Rurale di Trento

Dona il tuo 5x1000 ad As.Tr.I.D. Onlus e ci aiuterai ad aiutare! - C.F.

Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica sono di
natura confidenziale; qualsiasi pubblicazione, utilizzo o diffusione anche
parziale dello stesso non può essere effettuata senza autorizzazione.
Qualora le informazioni fossero utilizzate senza espressa autorizzazione,
sarà effettuata denuncia al competente Consiglio dell'Ordine per violazione
dell'art. 28 del Codice Deontologico. La diffusione e la comunicazione da
parte di soggetto diverso da destinatario è vietata dall'art. 616 e ss.
c.p. ed al D.Lgs. n. 196/03. Se la presente e-mail fosse ricevuta per
errore, siete pregati di distruggerla e informare il mittente
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione stevea
I believe I speak for many, most, or even all of us here (except Tomek) that 
"this is a settled matter."

> On Feb 25, 2020, at 12:44 PM, Tomek  wrote:
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:57, Maarten Deen pisze:
>> You are forcing (or are trying to) me and a lot of others to learn 
>> Esperanto. That's just the same. More people speak English than Esperanto. 
>> Then what is the more logical choice? 
> Esperanto estas pli logika por internacia komunikado pro ĝia neŭtreco kaj 
> simpleco.
> Esperanto estas pli logika por internacia komunikado pro ĝia neŭtreco kaj 
> simpleco.
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:57, Maarten Deen pisze:
>> If you don't want to read english and you have no problem putting every mail 
>> into a translator, than why not do that? 
>> Just don't get mad if other people do not want to do that. You can't force 
>> other people to use a translator just because you choose not to write in 
>> English.
> Tiu ĉi rilato estu simetria: mi ne devigos al aliaj uzi Esperanton aŭ la 
> polan, aliaj ne devigos al mi uzi la anglan.
> This relationship should be symmetrical: I will not force others to use 
> Esperanto or Polish, others will not force me to use English.
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:46, Yves pisze:
>> This discussion is hopeless, and 90% off topic.
>> The only outcome of discussing languages here is that the status quo of 
>> using an English name for oceans remains. Given the amount of words spent 
>> off of this matter, this status quo is slowly reaching consensus, keep on!
> Mi akordas kun vi, ke la diskuto iĝas en malĝusta direkto, anstataŭ pri nomoj 
> de internaciaj objektoj, ni diskutas pri lingvo de la diskuto. Pardonu, kial 
> nomoj de oceanoj estu en la angla, sed ne en la pola?
> I agree with you that the discussion is going in the wrong direction, instead 
> of the names of international objects, we are discussing the language of the 
> discussion. Sorry, why should ocean names be in English but not in Polish?
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:46, Mario Frasca pisze:
>> automated translations?  they go through English, mostly, and they fail 
>> terribly when doing two passes.  some languages are still beyond the reach 
>> of most translation algorithms.  I would NOT rely on them.
> Mi eblas komunikadi kun vi uzante tradukilojn Google kaj Yandex.
> I can communicate with you using Google and Yandex translators.
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:59, Mateusz Konieczny pisze:
>> Are you serious?
>> "almost no one" is a weird claim,
>> given that over 2 000 000 000 people
>> managed.
>> Over 600 000 000 did this as a
>> foreign language.
>> (And it is not like pronunciation is
>> used on text-only mailing list!)
> Infanoj pasigas kelkajn jarojn por lerni (kun mizera sukceso) la anglan, tiun 
> tempon ili povus pasigi por lerni Esperanton kaj aliajn profitdonajn 
> povsciadojn. Mi lernis ĝin por naŭ jaroj, povas lerni anglan Vikipedion, 
> teĥnikajn artikolojn, sed ne povas paroli kaj aŭskulti filmojn en ĝi. Post 
> lerni Esperanton en unu jaro mi sentas min pli lerta en ĝi ol en la angla.
> Children spend a few years learning English (with disastrous success), this 
> time they could spend learning Esperanto and other profitable knowledge. I 
> have been learning it for nine years, can learn English Wikipedia, technical 
> articles, but cannot speak and listen to movies in it. After learning 
> Esperanto in one year, I feel more fluent in it than in English.
> W dniu 20-02-25 o 20:22, stevea pisze:
>> I suggest we begin to diminish the importance of this thread being hijacked 
>> by Tomek's topic by not responding to him (with our reasonable 
>> disagreements), as we have repeated our points so many times that seems to 
>> be the only thing left for us to do.  Perhaps that is the only reason Tomek 
>> persists:  simply to argue.  Enough already.  Without any oxygen in the 
>> room, the flame can no longer burn.  Perhaps we simply utter a brief phrase 
>> like "it's a settled matter" if the topic of Esperanto vs. English returns 
>> here.
> MI NE VOLAS KVERELI, mi nur volas interkonseton! Mi volas montri al vi ke 
> angla ne estas la plej bona lingvo por komunikado, estas maljusta.
> I DON'T WANT TO COME, I just want a deal! I want to show you that English is 
> not the best language for communication, it is unfair.
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves P.
> Salut Jacques,

> j'ai créé ces trois :

> 2-Chemin : Centre d’écoute, de consultations et d’activités thérapeutiques 
> (CECAT) de l'hôpital Henri Laborit (88122068)


contact:phone=+33 5 49 38 37 77
alt_name=Centre d’écoute, de consultations et d’activités thérapeutiques
operator=Centre hospitalier Laborit

On pourrait indiquer que c’est une structure pour adultes. Comment ?

Il faudrait aussi indiquer qu’il contient un CMP et un hôpital de jour par 2 
POI à l’intérieur.

> Je ne suis pas bien calé sur les numéros de FINESS des zopito et je me 
> demande :
> Ces trois structures ont-elles un numéro en propre ?
oui. cf base de donnée FINESS :

> Vous noterez le bazard dans le coin du (88121922) où il y a maintenant 3 ou 4 
> amenity=hospital pour le même établissement :(
Ce sont des services du même établissement.

Si ils sont tous sur le terrain de l’hôpital, je ne mettrais le tag 
amenity=hospital qu’une seule fois.
Je vais regarder le reste…

Certains pourraient avoir les tags :
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Inserimento stalli riservati ai disabili con OsmAnd utilizzando Smartphone

2020-02-25 Per discussione Paesi senza Barriere
Ciao a tutti,
quando aggiungo etichette:
Tag   Value
amenity (lo propone)parking_space (non lo propone)
disabled (lo propone)   designated (lo propone)
survey:date (non lo propone)   2020-02-25 (lo inserisco manualmente ok)

Chi può inserire tra i vari Tag o Value suggeriti: parking_space e

geom. Andrea Facchinelli
Consigliere e referente "Paesi senza Barriere"
AsTRID Onlus - Associazione Trentina per la Ricerca Integrata e la
Disabilità Onlus
sede legale: Via Padre Eusebio Chini, 9 - 38123 Trento
TM: +39 339 4323016

IBAN: IT 29 D 08304 01819 21349458 – Cassa Rurale di Trento

Dona il tuo 5x1000 ad As.Tr.I.D. Onlus e ci aiuterai ad aiutare! - C.F.

Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica sono di
natura confidenziale; qualsiasi pubblicazione, utilizzo o diffusione anche
parziale dello stesso non può essere effettuata senza autorizzazione.
Qualora le informazioni fossero utilizzate senza espressa autorizzazione,
sarà effettuata denuncia al competente Consiglio dell'Ordine per violazione
dell'art. 28 del Codice Deontologico. La diffusione e la comunicazione da
parte di soggetto diverso da destinatario è vietata dall'art. 616 e ss.
c.p. ed al D.Lgs. n. 196/03. Se la presente e-mail fosse ricevuta per
errore, siete pregati di distruggerla e informare il mittente
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione Kathleen Lu via talk
I would not say this is true. Google maps has routing for walking, cycling,
and public transit, and their public transit information is probably more
complete than OSM's.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 11:25 AM Philip Barnes  wrote:

> OSM includes walking and cycling infrastructure thus promoting and
> enabling  sustainable travel options.
> Gmaps is primarily a road map.
> Phil (trigpoint)
> On Tuesday, 25 February 2020, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
> > There are many reasons to use OSM over Google Maps but
> > "environmentally friendly" seems to not be one of them.
> >
> > One may try some very indirect things, like that Google Maps
> > is primarily a place to display ads, therefore pushing consumerism,
> > therefore environmentally unfriendly but...
> >
> > Maybe "OSM data is reusable, Google maps data is proprietary and
> > other need to recreate it wasting resources" can be argued to
> > be environment-related.
> >
> > Maybe "OSM data can be used for various purposes, including
> > environment protection" can be argued.
> >
> >
> > Feb 25, 2020, 09:28 by
> >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >
> > > I will be giving a series of talks this year at An Event Apart (>
>> ). The talk title is “World Wide Waste,” and
> will examine the impact digital is having on the environment and proposes
> ways digital can be more environmentally friendly. I’d like to propose
> OpenStreetMap as a more environmentally friendly option than Google Maps.
> Can anyone help me with good arguments?
> > >
> > >
> > > Best
> > >
> > >
> > > Gerry
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ***
> > >
> > >
> > > Gerry McGovern +353 87 238 6136 >>
>  @gerrymcgovern
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Sent from my Sailfish device
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione Brad Neuhauser
Maybe stretching, but what about Google driving cars around constantly to
capture Street View images and road/POI data? Ideally, a lot of OSM data is
gathered by people who are already in the area.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 1:25 PM Philip Barnes  wrote:

> OSM includes walking and cycling infrastructure thus promoting and
> enabling  sustainable travel options.
> Gmaps is primarily a road map.
> Phil (trigpoint)
> On Tuesday, 25 February 2020, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
> > There are many reasons to use OSM over Google Maps but
> > "environmentally friendly" seems to not be one of them.
> >
> > One may try some very indirect things, like that Google Maps
> > is primarily a place to display ads, therefore pushing consumerism,
> > therefore environmentally unfriendly but...
> >
> > Maybe "OSM data is reusable, Google maps data is proprietary and
> > other need to recreate it wasting resources" can be argued to
> > be environment-related.
> >
> > Maybe "OSM data can be used for various purposes, including
> > environment protection" can be argued.
> >
> >
> > Feb 25, 2020, 09:28 by
> >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >
> > > I will be giving a series of talks this year at An Event Apart (>
>> ). The talk title is “World Wide Waste,” and
> will examine the impact digital is having on the environment and proposes
> ways digital can be more environmentally friendly. I’d like to propose
> OpenStreetMap as a more environmentally friendly option than Google Maps.
> Can anyone help me with good arguments?
> > >
> > >
> > > Best
> > >
> > >
> > > Gerry
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ***
> > >
> > >
> > > Gerry McGovern +353 87 238 6136 >>
>  @gerrymcgovern
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Sent from my Sailfish device
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Tomek
W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:57, Maarten Deen pisze:
> You are forcing (or are trying to) me and a lot of others to learn
> Esperanto. That's just the same. More people speak English than
> Esperanto. Then what is the more logical choice?
Esperanto estas pli logika por internacia komunikado pro ĝia neŭtreco
kaj simpleco.
Esperanto estas pli logika por internacia komunikado pro ĝia neŭtreco
kaj simpleco.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:57, Maarten Deen pisze:
> If you don't want to read english and you have no problem putting
> every mail into a translator, than why not do that?
> Just don't get mad if other people do not want to do that. You can't
> force other people to use a translator just because you choose not to
> write in English. 
Tiu ĉi rilato estu simetria: mi ne devigos al aliaj uzi Esperanton aŭ la
polan, aliaj ne devigos al mi uzi la anglan.
This relationship should be symmetrical: I will not force others to use
Esperanto or Polish, others will not force me to use English.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:46, Yves pisze:
> This discussion is hopeless, and 90% off topic.
> The only outcome of discussing languages here is that the status quo
> of using an English name for oceans remains. Given the amount of words
> spent off of this matter, this status quo is slowly reaching
> consensus, keep on!
Mi akordas kun vi, ke la diskuto iĝas en malĝusta direkto, anstataŭ pri
nomoj de internaciaj objektoj, ni diskutas pri lingvo de la diskuto.
Pardonu, kial nomoj de oceanoj estu en la angla, sed ne en la pola?
I agree with you that the discussion is going in the wrong direction,
instead of the names of international objects, we are discussing the
language of the discussion. Sorry, why should ocean names be in English
but not in Polish?

W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:46, Mario Frasca pisze:
> automated translations?  they go through English, mostly, and they
> fail terribly when doing two passes.  some languages are still beyond
> the reach of most translation algorithms.  I would NOT rely on them.
Mi eblas komunikadi kun vi uzante tradukilojn Google kaj Yandex.
I can communicate with you using Google and Yandex translators.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:59, Mateusz Konieczny pisze:
> Are you serious?
> "almost no one" is a weird claim,
> given that over 2 000 000 000 people
> managed.
> Over 600 000 000 did this as a
> foreign language.
> (And it is not like pronunciation is
> used on text-only mailing list!)
Infanoj pasigas kelkajn jarojn por lerni (kun mizera sukceso) la anglan,
tiun tempon ili povus pasigi por lerni Esperanton kaj aliajn
profitdonajn povsciadojn. Mi lernis ĝin por naŭ jaroj, povas lerni
anglan Vikipedion, teĥnikajn artikolojn, sed ne povas paroli kaj
aŭskulti filmojn en ĝi. Post lerni Esperanton en unu jaro mi sentas min
pli lerta en ĝi ol en la angla.
Children spend a few years learning English (with disastrous success),
this time they could spend learning Esperanto and other profitable
knowledge. I have been learning it for nine years, can learn English
Wikipedia, technical articles, but cannot speak and listen to movies in
it. After learning Esperanto in one year, I feel more fluent in it than
in English.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 20:22, stevea pisze:
> I suggest we begin to diminish the importance of this thread being hijacked 
> by Tomek's topic by not responding to him (with our reasonable 
> disagreements), as we have repeated our points so many times that seems to be 
> the only thing left for us to do.  Perhaps that is the only reason Tomek 
> persists:  simply to argue.  Enough already.  Without any oxygen in the room, 
> the flame can no longer burn.  Perhaps we simply utter a brief phrase like 
> "it's a settled matter" if the topic of Esperanto vs. English returns here.
MI NE VOLAS KVERELI, mi nur volas interkonseton! Mi volas montri al vi
ke angla ne estas la plej bona lingvo por komunikado, estas maljusta.
I DON'T WANT TO COME, I just want a deal! I want to show you that
English is not the best language for communication, it is unfair.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mario Frasca

On 25/02/2020 14:46, stevea wrote:

Evidently there is more to say about this

my impression at the moment is that we have different expectations from 
"the" map, that's the tiles at and similar URLs.

is their purpose "showcasing the OSM database" ?

or is it "offering a one-fits-all" solution to having some minimal base 
for stuff like umap, or any site we develop, using leaflet for example.

if it's just showcasing, it's working fine.

but since it's being used, just to give an example, at, then no, it does not fit.

if OSM was receiving as much money as those billionaires running for the 
presidency of the USA, I would dare ask:

keep the current site displaying whatever value is stored in `name`, 
then add a URL schema to let the client request a specific language.  if 
objects have English in their `name`, who would care less, if we could 
request the tiles in the language we prefer? start with a couple of 
languages, like Spanish, French, and I do not dare to continue this 
imperialistic list.

would this be beyond reach for the Foundation?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Contrib'atelier Toulouse

2020-02-25 Per discussione orhygine
En du coup samedi prochain étant le dernier du mois, il y a une rencontre
ce samedi :)

Le mar. 25 févr. 2020 à 20:55, orhygine  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Les contributeurs de la région toulousaine se réunissent une fois par mois
> à la médiathèque Cabanis de Toulouse dans le cadre des contrib'atelier
> Framasoft. C'est l'occasion d'échanger entre contributeurs habituels et
> d'initier des nouveaux. Les rencontres ont lieu le dernier samedi de chaque
> mois de 14h à 18h.
> Je relaie ici l'information diffusée habituellement sur la mailing list
> locale pour ceux qui ne seraient pas inscrits.
> Tout le monde est bienvenu,
> Christophe aka orhygine
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Contrib'atelier Toulouse

2020-02-25 Per discussione orhygine

Les contributeurs de la région toulousaine se réunissent une fois par mois
à la médiathèque Cabanis de Toulouse dans le cadre des contrib'atelier
Framasoft. C'est l'occasion d'échanger entre contributeurs habituels et
d'initier des nouveaux. Les rencontres ont lieu le dernier samedi de chaque
mois de 14h à 18h.

Je relaie ici l'information diffusée habituellement sur la mailing list
locale pour ceux qui ne seraient pas inscrits.

Tout le monde est bienvenu,
Christophe aka orhygine
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] amenity=hospital et FINESS

2020-02-25 Per discussione Jacques Lavignotte


j'ai créé ces trois :

1-Chemin : CREATIV (62770680)

2-Chemin : Centre d’écoute, de consultations et d’activités 
thérapeutiques (CECAT) de l'hôpital Henri Laborit (88122068)

3-Chemin : Maison de la Réhabilitation psycho-sociale (62765201)

qui sont des services du Centre hospitalier spécialisé Henri Laborit de 

J'ai taggé amenity=hospital

Je ne suis pas bien calé sur les numéros de FINESS des zopito et je me 
demande :

Ces trois structures ont-elles un numéro en propre ? Celui de 
l'établissement hôpital Henri Laborit Chemin : (88121922)

Vous noterez le bazard dans le coin du (88121922) où il y a maintenant 3 
ou 4 amenity=hospital pour le même établissement :(

A vous lire,


GnuPg : 156520BBC8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.
« Quand est-ce qu'on mange ? » AD (c) (tm)

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-pe] Ediciones del usuario walter 666

2020-02-25 Per discussione Omar Vega Ramos

Desde hace un tiempo he venido observando que el usuario walter 666 [0]
ha estado realizando diferentes ediciones que pueden ser considerarse
como vandalismo. 

Entre algunas de sus ediciones he podido notar lo siguiente:

- Alteración de una vía peatonal del parque de las aguas para unirla con
la vía del estadio nacional y la vía expresa. [1] En esta edición además
ponía como comentario del conjunto de cambios el texto "de nada".
- Eliminar varias islotes del lago Titicaca, en este conjunto de cambios
pone de texto "es mi practica". [2]
- Cambiar nombre de un colegio a "666" [3], luego en otra edición le
pone de nombre "el peor colegio del mundo" [4], para luego en otra
edición eliminar el colegio [5]
- Cambiar la laguna Huacachina a linea costera [6]
- Alteración de la vía panamericana [7]
- De manera reiterada agregar lagos no existentes y cambiar etiquetas de
otros objetos a lagos no existentes. [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
[15] [16] [17] [18]
- Eliminar varias manzanas [19]
- Agregar terrenos militares y edificios no existentes. [20] [21]

La gran mayoría de los comentarios en sus conjuntos de cambios contienen
palabras que no tienen sentido en ningún idioma conocido (son textos
como "c.ugug jhkyutcu,g uykggc", "dfbs", "ñoij", "nzdnzdn", "cgug,",
"{ñp", "srykdlut", etcétera), razón por la cual se le ha consultado
sobre el significado de estos textos, sin obtener respuesta [22].

Al usuario se le comunicado sobre errores al editar el mapa[23] , se le
ha invitado a unirse al canal de telegram para conversar con otros
miembros de la comunidad. [24] y se le ha pedido no volver a agregar de
manera recurrente lugares inexistentes.[25] A todos los comentarios el
usuario ha hecho caso omiso y nunca ha respondido.

Dado que algunos de estas ediciones son recurrentes y el usuario no
tiene interés en conversar con la comunidad, considero necesario
realizar una denuncia a este usuario.



Omar Vega

Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione stevea
On Feb 25, 2020, at 11:43 AM, Mario Frasca  wrote:
> On 25/02/2020 14:22, stevea wrote:
>> as an emerging (emerged?) consensus we seem to be leaving the names of 
>> international objects in English
> I wish to express my disagreement.
> and I will give more examples, from, "the" map.
> Gulf of Venice; Gulf of Trieste; unlabelled Mare Adriatico; North Sea; 
> unlabelled Ostsee; unlabelled Canale di Otranto; Balearic Sea (you're kidding 
> me!); unlabelled Mediterranean; unlabelled Red Sea; unlabelled seas and 
> straits West of Japan; unlabelled Bering Strait;
> so while I do feel uncomfortable seeing English labels between Venezia, 
> Trst/Trieste and Istria, I am even more uncomfortable with the absence of 
> labels elsewhere.

OK, Mario.  Evidently there is more to say about this.  Let us continue.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mario Frasca

On 25/02/2020 14:22, stevea wrote:

as an emerging (emerged?) consensus we seem to be leaving the names of 
international objects in English

I wish to express my disagreement.

and I will give more examples, from, "the" map.

Gulf of Venice; Gulf of Trieste; unlabelled Mare Adriatico; North Sea; 
unlabelled Ostsee; unlabelled Canale di Otranto; Balearic Sea (you're 
kidding me!); unlabelled Mediterranean; unlabelled Red Sea; unlabelled 
seas and straits West of Japan; unlabelled Bering Strait;

so while I do feel uncomfortable seeing English labels between Venezia, 
Trst/Trieste and Istria, I am even more uncomfortable with the absence 
of labels elsewhere.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione Philip Barnes
OSM includes walking and cycling infrastructure thus promoting and enabling  
sustainable travel options.

Gmaps is primarily a road map.

Phil (trigpoint) 

On Tuesday, 25 February 2020, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
> There are many reasons to use OSM over Google Maps but
> "environmentally friendly" seems to not be one of them.
> One may try some very indirect things, like that Google Maps
> is primarily a place to display ads, therefore pushing consumerism,
> therefore environmentally unfriendly but...
> Maybe "OSM data is reusable, Google maps data is proprietary and
> other need to recreate it wasting resources" can be argued to
> be environment-related.
> Maybe "OSM data can be used for various purposes, including
> environment protection" can be argued.
> Feb 25, 2020, 09:28 by
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > I will be giving a series of talks this year at An Event Apart (> 
> >> ). The talk title is “World Wide Waste,” and 
> > will examine the impact digital is having on the environment and proposes 
> > ways digital can be more environmentally friendly. I’d like to propose 
> > OpenStreetMap as a more environmentally friendly option than Google Maps. 
> > Can anyone help me with good arguments?
> >
> >
> > Best
> >
> >
> > Gerry
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> > ***
> >
> >
> > Gerry McGovern +353 87 238 6136 >>   
> > @gerrymcgovern
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >

Sent from my Sailfish device
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione stevea
This discussion is tedious and exhausting.  We've paid out miles and miles of 
patient listening to Tomek's points, politely (and unanimously) disagreed with 
him, yet still, he persists in thrusting his polemic upon a communication 
channel intended to discuss open source mapping of a particular linguistic 
register (the OSM talk page, where "which language should / do we use?" is a 
completely settled question, not an open one).  I believe I speak for many of 
us when I say I no longer wish to entertain "linguistic imperialism" 

I suggest we begin to diminish the importance of this thread being hijacked by 
Tomek's topic by not responding to him (with our reasonable disagreements), as 
we have repeated our points so many times that seems to be the only thing left 
for us to do.  Perhaps that is the only reason Tomek persists:  simply to 
argue.  Enough already.  Without any oxygen in the room, the flame can no 
longer burn.  Perhaps we simply utter a brief phrase like "it's a settled 
matter" if the topic of Esperanto vs. English returns here.

Let's return to discussing mapping.  I agree:  as an emerging (emerged?) 
consensus we seem to be leaving the names of international objects in English, 
with any additional language welcome to be added as a name:xyz (language 
suffix) tag.  We can also use the int_name tag, which our wiki has documented 
for quite some time as "International does not (necessarily) mean English."  I 
remain (barely) in a listening mode to other suggestions, but they are 
disappearing from this conversation like the light in the sky after sunset.

"It is what it is."  (It's a settled matter).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny via talk

25 Feb 2020, 19:15 by

> W dniu 20-02-25 o 18:43, Mateusz Konieczny via talk pisze:
>> Yes, and for pragmatic reasons we use English.
>> We are not using Esperanto, because unlike
>> English nearly noone is capable of communicating in it.
> Almost no one can learn English as opposedto Esperanto, almost no one 
> can understand its illogicalpronunciation, multi-part verbs, its 
> vagueness.
Are you serious?

"almost no one" is a weird claim,
given that over 2 000 000 000 people

Over 600 000 000 did this as a
foreign language.

(And it is not like pronunciation is
used on text-only mailing list!)___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2020-02-25 19:15, Tomek wrote:

W dniu 20-02-25 o 18:43, Mateusz Konieczny via talk pisze:

PS: given the choice, I'd probably rather learn Klingon than
that might give me better chances to find someone I could talk to in

that language after all I assume, esp. in the tech/geek sector ...

 Viaj personaj elektoj ne interesiĝas min. Ĉu mi altrudas al aliaj
homoj lerni la polan? Ĉesu altrudi al mi lerni la anglan.
I'm not interested in your personal choices. Do I force other people
to learn Polish? Stop making me learn English.

You are forcing (or are trying to) me and a lot of others to learn 
Esperanto. That's just the same. More people speak English than 
Esperanto. Then what is the more logical choice?
If you don't want to read english and you have no problem putting every 
mail into a translator, than why not do that?
Just don't get mad if other people do not want to do that. You can't 
force other people to use a translator just because you choose not to 
write in English.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Yves
This discussion is hopeless, and 90% off topic.
The only outcome of discussing languages here is that the status quo of using 
an English name for oceans remains. Given the amount of words spent off of this 
matter, this status quo is slowly reaching consensus, keep on!
Yves ___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mario Frasca

right, looks like we keep focusing on the pointless point.

On 25/02/2020 09:36, Tomek wrote:
Esperanto is a better choice because it takes much less time to learn 
it than to learn English.

I doubt this.  you don't need Shakespeare or Chaucer for technical 
English communication.  just use a pidgin, easy enough. hardly any 
grammar.  you can even forget about articles.  poor native speakers, who 
have to cope with us!

On 25/02/2020 09:36, Tomek wrote:
I just want everyone on the international list to use a comfortable 

I *am* comfortable with English, thank you for your consideration and 
effort.  if you want to know, I am comfortable, in decreasing order, 
with Italian, Spanish, English, Dutch, French, German and possibly 
Portuguese, (Maarten: I'm counting Dutch and German as if it was two 
languages. :-P en dat grappig taaltje van jou, is het Limburgs?  zeer 
schattig hoor!)  But Esperanto? no, I can't read it, I tend to just skip 
to the end of the text.  Polish?  I made an attempt, it's by far the 
most difficult language I have ever met.

automated translations?  they go through English, mostly, and they fail 
terribly when doing two passes.  some languages are still beyond the 
reach of most translation algorithms.  I would NOT rely on them.

so if you are concerned about comfort, you have my personal preferences.

oh, right, sorry, I'm just one, not the community.

do we want to choose a language here?  imagine we do that, and we use 
the Schutze method for it?  do you think the outcome won't be English?  

On 25/02/2020 09:36, Tomek wrote:

This is the dictatorship of the majority.

call it as you prefer.  I guess this is how the democratic decision 
process works.  majority dictates.  unless you prefer oligarchies 
(minority dictates), or theocracies (priests dictate), or plutocracies 
(money dictates)…  right, you call OSM a plutocracy, since the people 
who finance it are deciding for the rest.  but, hey, they are paying, 
and we may use it gratis, and even make money with it.  I don't feel 
like complaining you know!


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-Talk-ZA] Help improve the map with MapRoulette challenges in South Africa

2020-02-25 Per discussione Andrew Wiseman via Talk-ZA
Hi everyone,

This is Andrew again from Apple. I wanted to let everyone know that we just 
updated the MapRoulette challenges related to road network issues in South 
Africa with new OSM data. 

You can find all of the challenges in this MapRoulette project: and they include things like 
overly sharp road angles, roads that cross but aren’t connected, roads that 
aren’t connected to anything, overlapping roads, turn restrictions, roads that 
are close but not connected to others, and other similar issues. I plan to work 
on some of them myself too.

If you haven’t used it before, MapRoulette lets you go through potential issues 
in OSM data one by one and either correct them or indicate they are not a 
problem. The challenges were created with our Atlas data analysis tool:

If you aren’t sure what challenge to try, sharp angles or crossing roads are 
probably the easiest but they should all be fairly straightforward.

And if you're interested in other countries, the full list is here:

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback. Thank you! 


Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 

> On Oct 24, 2019, at 10:24 AM, Andrew Wiseman via Talk-ZA 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> We recently refreshed the MapRoulette challenges with new data, and added a 
> few more. Here are new links to them. Let me know if you have any questions! 
> South Africa Floating Ways & Disconnected Roads: 
> South Africa Invalid Turn Restrictions: 
> South Africa Malformed Roundabouts: 
> South Africa Overlapping Lines: 
> South Africa Road Link Check: 
> South Africa Routing problems: 
> South Africa Road connectivity check: 
> South Africa Building-Road Intersections: 
> I also posted other challenges for other countries here: 
> Thanks!
> Andrew
> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 
>> On Sep 6, 2019, at 3:07 PM, Andrew Wiseman > > wrote:
>> Hello OSM South Africa,
>> This is Andrew again with Apple’s Maps team. We recently used our Atlas data 
>> analysis tool ( 
>> ) to look at a few types of potential 
>> issues related to roads and routing, such as roads that have overly sharp 
>> angles, roads that cross but don't connect, routing problems, turn 
>> restrictions, places where navigation is impossible due to missing 
>> connections or potentially incorrect one-way roads, and other similar issues.
>> I've posted the results of those checks on MapRoulette, a tool that lets you 
>> go through potential issues one by one and either correct them or indicate 
>> they are not a problem. I wanted to let you know they are available in case 
>> others wanted to try fixing some of them — I also plan to go through some of 
>> them myself.
>> In MapRoulette you can either pick a random task to fix or click on a 
>> specific one. If you want to do tasks around a certain location, such as 
>> somewhere you are familiar with, you can click on one from the map view, and 
>> then click Next task: Nearby when you finish it.
>> Crossing roads: 
>> Routing problems: 
>> Floating and disconnected roads: 
>> Road connectivity check: 
>> Invalid lanes: 
>> Invalid turn restriction: 

Re: [talk-ph] Help fix the road network in the Philippines with MapRoulette challenges

2020-02-25 Per discussione Andrew Wiseman via talk-ph
Hi everyone,

This is Andrew again from Apple. I wanted to let everyone know that we just 
updated the MapRoulette challenges related to road network issues in the 
Philippines with new OSM data. 

You can find all of the challenges in this MapRoulette project: 
 and they include things like 
overly sharp road angles, roads that cross but aren’t connected, roads that 
aren’t connected to anything, overlapping roads, turn restrictions, roads that 
are close but not connected to others, and other similar issues. I plan to work 
on some of them myself too.

If you haven’t used it before, MapRoulette lets you go through potential issues 
in OSM data one by one and either correct them or indicate they are not a 
problem. The challenges were created with our Atlas data analysis tool: .

If you aren’t sure what challenge to try, sharp angles or crossing roads are 
probably the easiest but they should all be fairly straightforward.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback. Thank you! 


Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Tomek
W dniu 20-02-25 o 18:43, Mateusz Konieczny via talk pisze:
> Yes, and for pragmatic reasons we use English.
> We are not using Esperanto, because unlike
> English nearly noone is capable of communicating in it.
> We are using English here primarily because
> OSM was started in England,
> and there was no good reason to change
> language of this mailing list.
OSM komenciĝis en Anglujo, sed iĝis la mapo de la tuta mondo. Preskaŭ
neniu povas finlerni la anglan lingvon kontraŭe al Esperanto, preskaŭ
neniu povas kompreni ĝian nelogikan elparolon, plurpartajn verbojn, ĝian
OSM started in England, but became the map of the entire world. Almost
no one can learn English as opposed to Esperanto, almost no one can
understand its illogical pronunciation, multi-part verbs, its vagueness.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 18:28, Hartmut Holzgraefe pisze:
> > EN Is there any major international list to discuss?
> > Why don't you go to the "Talk-GB" or "Talk-us" list to discuss in
> English?
> Because these are more for topics local to those countries. 
Do tiu ĉi listo ankaŭ estas loka listo por anglalingvanoj, ĉu ekzistas
internacia listo por pridiskuti OSM-rilatajn aferojn?
So this list is also a local list for English speakers, is there an
international list to discuss OSM related issues?

W dniu 20-02-25 o 18:28, Hartmut Holzgraefe pisze:
> It's just what has been proven to work "least bad". Does that give
> some an unfair advantage? For sure. But would raising the bar for
> everyone by demanding "You have to learn this language, that you
> almost for certain have not learned before, to even start to
> participate" be "less bad"? I'm far from convinced ... 
Ĝi funkcias senespere, infanoj lernas ĝin por kelkaj jaroj kaj ne povas
lerte ĝin uzi. Eblas samtempe uzi du lingvojn: primitivan anglan kaj
justan Esperanton, post kelkaj monatoj/jaroj homoj certe elektu la
It works out of desperation, kids learn it for a few years and can't use
it. It is possible to use two languages at once: primitive English and
just Esperanto, after a few months / years people should definitely
choose Esperanto.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 18:28, Hartmut Holzgraefe pisze:
> PS: given the choice, I'd probably rather learn Klingon than Esperanto,
> that might give me better chances to find someone I could talk to in
> that language after all I assume, esp. in the tech/geek sector ... 
Viaj personaj elektoj ne interesiĝas min. Ĉu mi altrudas al aliaj homoj
lerni la polan? Ĉesu altrudi al mi lerni la anglan.
I'm not interested in your personal choices. Do I force other people to
learn Polish? Stop making me learn English.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Andreas Vilén
There’s Incubus, from the 60’s with William Shatner in the main role. According 
to myth, that is what made Gene Roddenberry decide it would be a horrible 
desicion to make Star Trek in Esperanto.


Skickat från min iPhone

> 25 feb. 2020 kl. 18:06 skrev Tomek :

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] MapRoulette challenges for Denmark

2020-02-25 Per discussione Andrew Wiseman via Talk-dk
Hello everyone,

This is Andrew again from Apple. I wanted to let everyone know that we just 
updated the MapRoulette challenges related to road network issues in Denmark 
with new OSM data. 

You can find the challenges in this MapRoulette project: and they include things like 
overly sharp road angles, roads that cross but aren’t connected, roads that 
aren’t connected to anything, overlapping roads, turn restrictions, roads that 
are close but not connected to others, and other similar issues. I plan to work 
on some of them myself too.

If you haven’t used it before, MapRoulette lets you go through potential issues 
in OSM data one by one and either correct them or indicate they are not a 
problem. The challenges were created with our Atlas data analysis tool: .

If you aren’t sure what challenge to try, sharp angles or crossing roads are 
probably the easiest but they should all be fairly straightforward.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback. Thank you! 


Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 

> On Apr 12, 2019, at 10:07 AM, Andrew Wiseman via Talk-dk 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> It looks like those are finished, so I created a few more, which are mostly 
> related to routing or unconnected roads. Here they are if you want to take a 
> look. I have been working on them too.
> Connectivity check means roads that are near each other but not connected, 
> floating way is way (usually a road) that isn’t connected to anything else, 
> crossing ways are ways that cross but don't share a node or vertex, and 
> impossible routing and sink islands are places where you can’t route into or 
> out of, usually due to one ways, highway types or unconnected roads. (Some 
> may be pedestrian, which is ok.)
> * Denmark Connectivity Check: 
> * Denmark Floating Way Check: 
> * Denmark Crossing Ways: 
> * Denmark Impossible Routing and Sink Islands: 
> Let me know what you think!
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | 
>> On Dec 20, 2018, at 11:12 AM, Andrew Wiseman > > wrote:
>> Oops, I pasted the wrong links:
>>  is building-road 
>> intersections
>>  is sharp angles.
>> Sorry about that.
>> Andrew
>> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | 
>>> On Dec 19, 2018, at 1:21 PM, Andrew Wiseman >> > wrote:
>>> Hello OSM Denmark,
>>> This is Andrew from Apple’s Maps team. We’ve been working on the a few road 
>>> issues and buildings for some time 
>>> ( 
>>>  and 
>>> ) and recently used our 
>>> Atlas data analysis tool ( 
>>> ) to look for a few types of potential 
>>> issues, such as roads with sharp angles and buildings that intersect roads. 
>>> I posted the results of those checks on MapRoulette, a tool that lets you 
>>> go through potential issues one by one and either correct them or indicate 
>>> they are not a problem. I wanted to let you know they are available in case 
>>> others wanted to try fixing some of them — I also plan to go through some 
>>> of them myself. 
>>> In MapRoulette you can either pick a random task to fix or click on a 
>>> specific one. If you want to do tasks around a certain location, such as 
>>> somewhere you are familiar with, you can click “more options” then “load 
>>> tasks by proximity.” 
>>> The checks are:
>>> - Sharp angles (only 6 total): 
>>> - Building-road intersections: 
>>> Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Andrew
>>> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | 
>> ___
>> Talk-dk 

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny via talk

25 Feb 2020, 18:03 by

> W dniu 20-02-25 o 16:29, Maarten Deen pisze:
>> I don't  think so. 
>>  The common language on this list is English, as the common  language on 
>> talk-nl is Dutch and on talk-pl is Polish. Why don't I  go to talk-pl 
>> and complain I'm being oppressed because everyone is  not using a 
>> language I can understand. 
>>  It doesn't work that way. 
> EO Ĉu ekzistas ia ĉefa internacia listo por diskuti? Kial vi ne irasal la 
> listo “Talk-GB” aŭ “Talk-us” por diskuti en la angla?
>  > EN Is there any major international list to discuss?
Yes, and for pragmatic reasons we use English.

We are not using Esperanto, because unlike
English nearly noone is capable of communicating in it.

We are using English here primarily because
OSM was started in England,
and there was no good reason to change
language of this mailing list.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] zone de dépose d'hélicoptère saisonnière

2020-02-25 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

D'après le Wiki non : "that is preselected *for a helicopter* to land in
an emergency situation".

Même si le nom aurait pu être plus explicite.

Pour les avions, je pense qu'ils vont utiliser des aérodromes, à défaut
des pistes d'UML, des champs ou des routes larges et droites.

Mais les zones pré-désignées sont d'autres aéroports, y compris ceux non
normalement ouvert au trafic commercial (aéroports militaires).


Le 25/02/2020 à 17:57, Florian LAINEZ - a écrit :

Pour éviter toute confusion, ne devrait-on pas rajouter helicopter=yes ?

Le lun. 24 févr. 2020 à 10:16, Florimond Berthoux>> a
écrit :

J’ai cru cela, mais ça n’a pas vraiment de sens,
« that is preselected for a helicopter to land in an emergency
situation »
"emergency situation" ne fait pas référence à la situation de
l’hélicoptère, mais à la situation en générale
et précision plus loin :
« Emergency landing sites are pre-planned sites for medical or
other helicopters to land, quite different from helipads. They are
merely places that have a hard enough surface and are open enough
(no poles or wires) that a medical or police helicopter pilot can
safely land and take off from. »

Le lun. 24 févr. 2020 à 09:55, Jean-Claude Repetto>> a écrit :

Le 23/02/2020 à 20:26, Florimond Berthoux a écrit :
> Salut, visiblement :
> emergency=landing_site

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Tomek
W dniu 20-02-25 o 16:29, Maarten Deen pisze:
> I don't think so.
> The common language on this list is English, as the common language on
> talk-nl is Dutch and on talk-pl is Polish. Why don't I go to talk-pl
> and complain I'm being oppressed because everyone is not using a
> language I can understand.
> It doesn't work that way.
EO Ĉu ekzistas ia ĉefa internacia listo por diskuti? Kial vi ne iras al
la listo “Talk-GB” aŭ “Talk-us” por diskuti en la angla?
EN Is there any major international list to discuss? Why don't you go to
the "Talk-GB" or "Talk-us" list to discuss in English?

W dniu 20-02-25 o 16:29, Maarten Deen pisze:
> Can you back that statement up?
> And it does not work for me at this point. I already know English, so
> that time has been spent. I have to invest time learning Esperanto.
> And even more: Esperanto is very much an artificial language for me. I
> can watch movies in English and use that to hone my knowledge of the
> language. If there are movies in Esperanto (probably lip-synced which
> is horrible) I have to go out of my way to get them. 
EO Bedaŭrinde mankas filmoj en Esperanto, nur kursoj kaj libroj
ekzistas. Vi parolas pri homoj kiuj jam dediĉis multan tempon por ĝin
lerni aŭ pri denaskaj parolantoj, bonvolu pensi pri homoj kiuj ne scias
la anglan, por tiuj homoj EO estas la pli bona solvo.
EN Unfortunately there are no movies in Esperanto, only courses and
books exist. You talk about people who have spent a lot of time learning
it or native speakers, please think of people who do not know English,
for those people EO is the best solution.

W dniu 20-02-25 o 16:29, Maarten Deen pisze:
> Good, dus ich ken in mien eige taal kalle? Versteis tich mich dan nog
> altied? En wat als het get lastigere zinne weare?
> I'm certain it is not benificial at all if everyone starts using their
> mother language on this list. 
EO Vi probable uzas ian slangon, do tial aŭtomataj tradukiloj ne povas
traduki ĝin ĝuste. Uzo de naciaj lingvoj estas egala, sed ne oportuna,
la plej bona solvo estu uzi internacian lingvon (Esperanton aŭ
EN You probably use some kind of slang, so auto-translators can't
translate it correctly. The use of national languages is the same, but
not practical, the best solution is to use an international language
(Esperanto or Interlingue).

W dniu 20-02-25 o 16:26, Hartmut Holzgraefe pisze:
> In a former company I worked for we had a clear "The burden shall
> be on the writer, not the readers" principle. As the number of
> readers is usually much larger then the number of writers (typically
> one) of a message, that minimizes total effort and overhead (and
> this is not limited to language choice and translations alone).
> I would say this principle should apply here, to
EO Mi estas la leganto, do bonvolu skribi en mia lingvo (pola) aŭ en
internacia lingvo, kiun mi scias (Esperanto).
EN I am the reader, so please write in my language (Polish) or in an
international language I know (Esperanto).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] zone de dépose d'hélicoptère saisonnière

2020-02-25 Per discussione Florian LAINEZ
Pour éviter toute confusion, ne devrait-on pas rajouter helicopter=yes ?

Le lun. 24 févr. 2020 à 10:16, Florimond Berthoux <> a écrit :

> J’ai cru cela, mais ça n’a pas vraiment de sens,
> « that is preselected for a helicopter to land in an emergency situation »
> "emergency situation" ne fait pas référence à la situation de
> l’hélicoptère, mais à la situation en générale
> et précision plus loin :
> « Emergency landing sites are pre-planned sites for medical or other
> helicopters to land, quite different from helipads. They are merely places
> that have a hard enough surface and are open enough (no poles or wires)
> that a medical or police helicopter pilot can safely land and take off
> from. »
> Le lun. 24 févr. 2020 à 09:55, Jean-Claude Repetto  a
> écrit :
>> Le 23/02/2020 à 20:26, Florimond Berthoux a écrit :
>> > Salut, visiblement :
>> > emergency=landing_site
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Non, çà c'est une zone pour l'atterrissage d'urgence en pas de problème
>> dans l'avion ou l'hélico.
>> Jean-Claude
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Florimond Berthoux
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cat] dolmens de Catalunya

2020-02-25 Per discussione Joan Quintana
Ja he acabat la feina de la importació dels dòlmens i menhirs. Com acostuma
a passar, hi he dedicat bastant més temps del que tenia previst. Però
almenys la cosa ha acabat amb una pàgina web que em servirà per fer un
treball a classe. No m'he carregat cap informació, només he afegit nodes
nous, i he actualitzat informació (per exemple, tags de wikidata allà on no
existien). El que sí que he fet és eliminar uns quants nodes duplicats.

*Tot el codi al GitHub:
*La pàgina web que és una pràctica de visualització de dades:
*Enllaç a

Dins de la wiki de OSM he posat tots aquests enllaços a:
Però no sé si és el lloc més correcte.

Joan Q
Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Maarten Deen

On 2020-02-25 15:36, Tomek wrote:

 Since you don't want to put in the effort of putting the text in the
translator, maybe it's best to unsubscribe from this list?

I don't think so.
The common language on this list is English, as the common language on 
talk-nl is Dutch and on talk-pl is Polish. Why don't I go to talk-pl and 
complain I'm being oppressed because everyone is not using a language I 
can understand.

It doesn't work that way.

Esperanto is a better choice because it takes much less time to learn
it than to learn English.

Can you back that statement up?
And it does not work for me at this point. I already know English, so 
that time has been spent. I have to invest time learning Esperanto. And 
even more: Esperanto is very much an artificial language for me. I can 
watch movies in English and use that to hone my knowledge of the 
language. If there are movies in Esperanto (probably lip-synced which is 
horrible) I have to go out of my way to get them.

Interlingua is a better choice because it tries to be understood by
users of Romance languages.

That may well be, but the fact it never took on says something, doesn't 

why do other users of this list disrespect me?

I don't disrepect you, I'm just ignoring posts in a language I can not 

People, let's try not to focus on point '2' alone. and again Tomek,
please help us here, do choose a "top 3" language in your

 This is the dictatorship of the majority.

Good, dus ich ken in mien eige taal kalle? Versteis tich mich dan nog 
altied? En wat als het get lastigere zinne weare?

I'm certain it is not benificial at all if everyone starts using their 
mother language on this list.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Hartmut Holzgraefe

On 25.02.20 15:36, Tomek wrote:
> Everyone uses the same learning
> costs when using Esperanto, they do not have the privileged ones.

I'd assume that the cost argument doesn't hold, it's going to be more
easy for Europeans than for e.g. Chinese or Japanese. It starts with
the letters used, which give people that have grown up with a a 
Latinbased language a first head start, and it continues with the vocabulary

that is also favoring (west) European learners. (Can't say anything
about the grammer, I'm not that deep into it, but I assume the same
is true for that, too)

> Since you don't want to put in the effort of putting the text in the
> translator, maybe it's best to unsubscribe from this list?

I'm doing customer support for a world wide customer base on a daily
basis, and while automatic translators got quite a bit better over 
time,we try to encourage our customers to write to us in English. Auto 
translated texts give you a rough idea what the text is about, but

they may fail you completely when it comes to details, or common
phrases, totally failing to transport the actual message.

We use it as a last resort when someone refuses to write to us in
English, but it is a double edged sword.

Contractually we actually enforce the use of English, even when having
someone on the team having the same native language as the customer.

Translations are used on a "best effort" basis, but without guarantees.
Also when replying to auto-translated requests, our replies will have
lots of "if I understood you corretly ..." parts.

While it would be nice to have an universal language that doesn't
favor any nationality, like Latin used to be in the middle ages in
Europe, it's just not practical. For practical purposes it's either
English, or Chinese, with Spanish probably coming up as third.

And as others have already pointed out: when you look at the combined
numbers of people speaking a specific language as either first *or*
additional language, English probably wins (especially if you count
India in as English speaking country, to which some may object), and
as far as I can tell that number is growing the fastest, too.

So while I don't mind seeing someone who indeed doesn't understand
English trying to participate here in their native language, and
relying on automatic translations in that case as its the only
alternative, I don't get the point of someone who's clearly able
to communicate in English trying to make things harder for
everybody else by insisting on using their first language.
(Or did I get fooled by rather good auto translations here?)

In a former company I worked for we had a clear "The burden shall
be on the writer, not the readers" principle. As the number of
readers is usually much larger then the number of writers (typically
one) of a message, that minimizes total effort and overhead (and
this is not limited to language choice and translations alone).
I would say this principle should apply here, too.

PS: While I like the general idea of choosing a common language
like Esperanto, I know that it will fail the same way as "we
should all use an open source word processor". People will still
send you .doc or .docx ... it is a fight you can't win ...


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bizarrerie OSMand+ (Deux-Sèvres)

2020-02-25 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Il y a aussi des bizarreries sur les caches de tuiles OSM qui ne
cessent d'alterner des tuiles d'ancien rendus et les nouveaux sans
raison. Les caches ne fonctionnent pas correctement et ne gèrent pas
correctement les versions.
Les caches de tuiles contiennent des dates de mises à jour mais en
fait ce sont des dates de dernier rechargement du cache depuis un
serveur un ou autre. Il y a un "Etag" dans les métadonnées mais cet
ETag ne sert à rien ici car il ne sert qu'à détecter un changement
(savoir si une tuile est indentique ou pas à une autre mais sans
savoir si laquelle des deux est réellement la plus ancienne, puisque
les dates de mise à jour ne riment strictement à rien).
Une métadonnée essentielle à ajouter aux tuiles serait d'y inclure
simplement le numéro de dernier changeset chargé dans la base de
données OSM esclave sur le serveur qui en a fait le rendu, et
l'intégrer au "ETag" de façon à le rendre totalement comparable
(relation "<=" et non seulement "=") et revoir la logique des dates de
mises à jour.

Ceci rétablirait rapidement la cohérence des caches, dont le
comportement maintenant est devenu très instable et aléatoire
(d'autant plus que les serveurs de rendu sont visiblement surchargés
et sont de plus en plus lents à afficher les tuiles manquantes, avec
des délais pour certaines tuiles pouvant atteindre plusieurs
minutes... avant que le serveur detuile finisse par retourner une
copie de l'ancienne tuile, mais avec une nouvelle date de mise à jour,
au lieu de seulement une nouvelle date d'expiration). Le manque de
cohérence entre les caches peut aussi être lui-même à l'origine de la
surcharge des serveurs de rendu.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Community call with Allan Mustard (OSMF Board Chair)

2020-02-25 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020, 9:08 PM maning sambale, 

> Is this going to be recorded? I have an overlap and would love to hear the
> community discussion.

Hi Maning,

I'm sorry to hear you can't make it. I'll see if I can do a recording. Or
at least have someone volunteer to take some notes.


talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggi disabili riservati

2020-02-25 Per discussione Alessandro Oggioni
Ciao a tutti approfitto per la discussione per chiedere allora come ci si deve 
comportare per tutti quei luoghi dove si parcheggiano macchine lungo le strade 
e adiacenti ai marciapiedi consentiti ma senza linee che li delimitano.
Nelle città come Milano parallelamente a tutte le strade.

siano anche in questo caso amenity=parking?



> On 25 Feb 2020, at 15:54, Federico Cortese  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 3:44 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
>  wrote:
>>> On 25. Feb 2020, at 15:38, Federico Cortese  wrote:
>>> - se posso essere più preciso (perchè ho foto ad alta risoluzione o
>>> rilievi dettagliati) aggiungo all'interno i singoli stalli per
>>> disabili, con amenity=parking_space + disabled=designated +
>>> capacity=.
>> io penso parking_space sarebbe anche il tag più adatto per singoli stalli 
>> disabili (per esempio lungo la strada). amenity=parking lo userei 
>> soprattutto quando ci sono spazi appositamente per parcheggiare (più di una 
>> fila parallela lungo la strada)
> Quindi questi parcheggi: e
> gli altri vicini,
> li mapparesti tutti con parking_space e non parking?
> A questo punto andrebbe modificata la wiki perchè:
> "Use amenity=parking_space to map a single parking space on a parking
> lot. Mapping parking spaces is an addition, not a replacement, to
> mapping a whole parking lot with amenity=parking."
> Indica chiaramente che sarebbe da usare solo in aggiunta ad
> amenity=parking, non in alternativa.
> Ciao,
> Federico
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggi disabili riservati

2020-02-25 Per discussione Federico Cortese
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 3:44 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
> > On 25. Feb 2020, at 15:38, Federico Cortese  wrote:
> >
> > - se posso essere più preciso (perchè ho foto ad alta risoluzione o
> > rilievi dettagliati) aggiungo all'interno i singoli stalli per
> > disabili, con amenity=parking_space + disabled=designated +
> > capacity=.
> io penso parking_space sarebbe anche il tag più adatto per singoli stalli 
> disabili (per esempio lungo la strada). amenity=parking lo userei soprattutto 
> quando ci sono spazi appositamente per parcheggiare (più di una fila 
> parallela lungo la strada)

Quindi questi parcheggi: e
gli altri vicini,
li mapparesti tutti con parking_space e non parking?

A questo punto andrebbe modificata la wiki perchè:
"Use amenity=parking_space to map a single parking space on a parking
lot. Mapping parking spaces is an addition, not a replacement, to
mapping a whole parking lot with amenity=parking."
Indica chiaramente che sarebbe da usare solo in aggiunta ad
amenity=parking, non in alternativa.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggi disabili riservati

2020-02-25 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 25. Feb 2020, at 15:38, Federico Cortese  wrote:
> - se posso essere più preciso (perchè ho foto ad alta risoluzione o
> rilievi dettagliati) aggiungo all'interno i singoli stalli per
> disabili, con amenity=parking_space + disabled=designated +
> capacity=.

io penso parking_space sarebbe anche il tag più adatto per singoli stalli 
disabili (per esempio lungo la strada). amenity=parking lo userei soprattutto 
quando ci sono spazi appositamente per parcheggiare (più di una fila parallela 
lungo la strada)

Ciao Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-02-25 Per discussione Tomek
W dniu 20-02-24 o 02:05, Mario Frasca pisze:
> se proprio insisti a non voler scrivere in Inglese, usa il Francese o
> il Tedesco, cioè un'altra lingua internazionale riconosciuta
> dall'Unione Europea, Unione di cui fa parte anche la Polonia, o
> adattati a che ciascuno ti risponda nella lingua che preferisce,
> facendo di tutto ciò una conversazione fra sordi. 
Why am I forced to use difficult languages of other nations, why can't I
use the easy language of Esperanto? Everyone uses the same learning
costs when using Esperanto, they do not have the privileged ones.

W dniu 20-02-24 o 11:17, Maarten Deen pisze:
> I can not agree more with this message. I am not even trying to read
> the Polish and Esperanto mails. Yes, I am to lazy to put them in a
> translator because I think it is absolutely unnecessary. I am also not
> posting in Dutch because that will pose the same burden on others and
> I don't think that is the best action to do. 
Since you don't want to put in the effort of putting the text in the
translator, maybe it's best to unsubscribe from this list?

W dniu 20-02-24 o 12:21, Martin Koppenhoefer pisze:
> there has been mention of utility. From statistical research it would seem 
> that English is the language which has most people able to understand it 
> (shortly before Chinese, but with significantly more usage as a second 
> language). From a practical point of view, there are good arguments to fall 
> back to English. This could change in the future, but it would be a long way.
> Despite the global statistics, it could well be that regionally, other 
> languages would be more useful or “natural” than English, even if that 
> language isn’t the mother tongue of the majority of residents in the 
> neighboring countries (e.g. Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Mandarin, Russian 
> ...) 
Using the criterion of practicality:
Esperanto is a better choice because it takes much less time to learn it
than to learn English.
Interlingua is a better choice because it tries to be understood by
users of Romance languages.

W dniu 20-02-24 o 14:37, Mario Frasca pisze:
> As far as I can understand, Tomek is making two points, one about the
> use of the `name` tag for objects where the English language hardly
> applies (seas surrounded by language areas which do not include
> English, or only marginally so), and one about the communication
> language in this list.  This second point has attracted most
> attention, and has made it hard to keep a constructive discussion
> about the first. 
And here lies the problem, do I force others to use Polish or Esperanto
in the discussion? NO! I just want everyone on the international list to
use a comfortable language and try to understand others through
translators. I try to be kind when writing in English, why do other
users of this list disrespect me?

W dniu 20-02-24 o 14:37, Mario Frasca pisze:
> People, let's try not to focus on point '2' alone. and again Tomek,
> please help us here, do choose a "top 3" language in your communications. 
This is the dictatorship of the majority.

W dniu 20-02-24 o 12:53, Joseph Eisenberg pisze:
> It would be reasonable to stop using the name= tag for oceans,
> continents and international seas, if we can develop a tag which would
> specify which of the `name:=` tags should be treated as
> the primary ones. This would make it more feasible to design a
> rendering for the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean, and other seas
> surrounding by a large number of language areas.
This tag has already been developed. Countries are marked as relations
with the tag "default_language", the program would then have to download
the tag "name:LANGUAGE" from the sea and display it on the coast. The
problem is that the seas are marked on the map as points.

W dniu 20-02-24 o 12:53, Joseph Eisenberg pisze:
> For the oceans and continents there may not be much use in a name tag,
> since these labels only make sense on a global map. A map designer or
> user can pick the language in that case.
This is my goal, what do I need to do to make changes to OSM legally?

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tagging per parcheggi disabili riservati

2020-02-25 Per discussione Federico Cortese
On Mon, Feb 24, 2020, 22:58 Alessandro Sarretta
> A dire la verità non sono molto convinto dell'approccio usato. parking_space 
> è usato appunto per mappare singoli posti auto, mentre mi pare voi abbiate 
> usato amenity=parking per un singolo posto anche se di fianco c'erano altri 
> posti auto "normali", forzando parking all'utilizzo per un solo posto, che è 
> invece lo scopo specifico di parking_space. Non è che lo scopo principale di 
> questo tagging sia rendere il posto visibile in mappa? Se si pensasse però a 
> una rappresentazione specifica per le persone con disabilità (cosa a cui 
> vorrei arrivare prima o poi), questo tipo di tagging non permetterebbe di 
> distinguere tra parcheggi grandi con un posto per disabili al loro interno da 
> singoli stalli per disabili...

Io ti ho portato la nostra ormai lontana esperienza per confrontarci,
senza nessuna pretesa che fosse la soluzione migliore, però se pensi
che l'abbiamo fatto per il rendering ci rimango male :)) ...del fatto
che a zoom ravvicinati si vedessero le P non ci interessava davvero.
Tornando ai tag sono d'accordo che parking serve per l'intero
parcheggio e parking_space per i singoli stalli. Se è sbagliato usare
parking per singoli stalli è sbagliato anche usare parking_space senza
inserirli all'interno di un parking che li contenga.
Riassumendo (secondo me):
- se devo mappare in modo semplice e sbrigativo un nodo o un'area
parcheggio uso amenity=parking e se vi sono parcheggi riservati a
disabili uso capacity:disabled=;
- se posso essere più preciso (perchè ho foto ad alta risoluzione o
rilievi dettagliati) aggiungo all'interno i singoli stalli per
disabili, con amenity=parking_space + disabled=designated +
La distinzione tra parcheggi grandi con un posto per disabili e
singoli stalli è automatica: al massimo mi potrai dire che se mappo un
parcheggio grande non saprò dove esattamente è posizionato lo stallo
per disabili.

> Questa osservazione non l'ho capita; con parking_space dove metteresti 
> l'informazione sull'accesso riservato alle persone con disabilità?
> Tra l'altro, disabled=designated indica chiaramente una condizione di accesso 
> per cui in quel posto possono parcheggiare solamente persone con disabilità, 
> mentre capacity:disabled=* non mi sembra includa alcuna indicazione del 
> permesso o restrizione legale.

Mi spiego meglio, io mi riferivo solo a come indicare il numero degli
stalli. Sono d'accordo che sia utile aggiungere disabled=designated al
singolo stallo.

> Sì, noi i parcheggi riservati non li abbiamo inseriti, ma mi pare
> corretto usare access=private.
> Non li avete inseriti o non li avete differenziati come privati?

Considera che il lavoro su Lecce non è stato completato, ma in quella
prima fase evitammo proprio di inserire i cosiddetti "parcheggi ad
personam", ritenendo che non fossero di utilità generale. Non escludo
che si possano aggiungere per altri scopi, con access=private.

> Anche noi eravamo restii ad inserire quei codici, poi non abbiamo
> inserito nemmeno i parcheggi. Volendoli mappare io avrei optato per un
> tag ref, ma nella pagina che citi lo esclude chiaramente a favore di
> name: mi sembra strano, ma vediamo cosa ne pensano gli altri.
> Su questo non ho un'opinione precisa e, appunto, cercavo di interpretare 
> quanto scritto nella pagina wiki.
> Sarebbe comunque utile concordare su delle linee guida comuni e provare a 
> suggerire una mappatura degli stalli per disabili in modo un po' più chiaro 
> di come appare adesso nelle pagine wiki...

Certo sarebbe utilissimo, in linea col lavoro egregio che hai fatto
per marciapiedi e simili.
Vediamo se qualcun altro si appassiona all'argomento.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny via talk
There are many reasons to use OSM over Google Maps but
"environmentally friendly" seems to not be one of them.

One may try some very indirect things, like that Google Maps
is primarily a place to display ads, therefore pushing consumerism,
therefore environmentally unfriendly but...

Maybe "OSM data is reusable, Google maps data is proprietary and
other need to recreate it wasting resources" can be argued to
be environment-related.

Maybe "OSM data can be used for various purposes, including
environment protection" can be argued.

Feb 25, 2020, 09:28 by

> Hi,
> I will be giving a series of talks this year at An Event Apart (> 
>> ). The talk title is “World Wide Waste,” and will 
> examine the impact digital is having on the environment and proposes ways 
> digital can be more environmentally friendly. I’d like to propose 
> OpenStreetMap as a more environmentally friendly option than Google Maps. Can 
> anyone help me with good arguments?
> Best
> Gerry
> ***
> Gerry McGovern +353 87 238 6136 >>   
> @gerrymcgovern

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Community call with Allan Mustard (OSMF Board Chair)

2020-02-25 Per discussione maning sambale
Is this going to be recorded? I have an overlap and would love to hear the
community discussion.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 15:29 Eugene Alvin Villar  wrote:

> Hello all,
> The community call with the OSMF Chairperson Allan Mustard will push
> through this Wednesday at 8:00pm Philippine Time (12:00 UTC).
> Please join us on Google Hangouts:
> For the call, I would recommend turning off video and just use audio in
> order to make better use of Internet bandwidth (given our dismal Internet
> access in the country).
> Here's a little bit of background of our guest.
> Allan P. Mustard is a retired United States career diplomat and was
> previously the United States Ambassador to Turkmenistan from 2014 until his
> retirement in 2019. Aside from his official duties representing the United
> States government in the former Soviet country, he spent his free time
> mapping the capital of Ashgabat in OSM making the city one of the
> best-mapped places in Central Asia in any mapping service. Before he was
> appointed an ambassador, he worked as a Foreign Service Officer under the
> U.S. Department of Agriculture and had been posted in various places
> worldwide such as Istanbul, Vienna, Moscow, Mexico City, and New Delhi.
> Aside from English, Allan also speaks German and Russian, the latter of
> which he learned as an undergrad at the University of Washington.
> More info:
> Regards,
> Eugene
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 1:41 AM Eugene Alvin Villar 
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Allan Mustard, the new chairperson of the Board of Directors of the
>> OpenStreetMap Foundation, would like to have a one-hour call with the OSM
>> community in the Philippines. Allan has been reaching out to various OSM
>> local communities all over the world. For instance, he did a call with the
>> OSM Indian community last January 29:
>> Basically, Allan would like to learn more about our community in the
>> Philippines, the mapping and work that we do, the opportunities and
>> challenges that we face while we contribute to and promote OSM, and to seek
>> input on what the OSM Foundation can do to support local communities.
>> If you are interested to join the call (which will be done remotely and
>> online probably via Google Hangouts), please do indicate your availability
>> on this poll:
>> Regards,
>> Eugene
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
Maning Sambale (mobile)
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] JOSM version 15927 traduction du changelog

2020-02-25 Per discussione Jacques Lavignotte via Talk-fr

Le 25/02/2020 à 12:39, leni a écrit :

vérifiez que c'est bien cette version qui est installée sur votre micro.

C'est packagé chez Debian.

Done !


GnuPg : 156520BBC8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.
« Quand est-ce qu'on mange ? » AD (c) (tm)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Microgrants call for committee

2020-02-25 Per discussione Joost Schouppe

We have a few candidates already, but we could use some more!

Note that we've been getting some reactions of the sort: "I can't be on the
Committee, because I want to apply myself", or my friend wants to apply. It
is awesome that you would want to avoid conflict of interest at all costs.
But we're a small community, and we do need you for this project. So if you
feel like a conflict of interest might arise, just say so up front and
we'll keep it in mind. You'd be expected not to participate in discussions
regarding any projects you are closely related to, and would not be allowed
to vote on them.
If your ethics prevent you from running - maybe someone less ethical will
take your place instead :)

All the best,

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 12:05 PM Joost Schouppe 

> Hi,
> The Microgrants project is ready for launch! When we first received the
> Pineapple fund donation, the money was quickly earmarked as to be given
> back to the community. Now that's finally happening, after a recent Board
> decision [1] (plenty of background behind that link!). Any volunteer who
> thinks they can make an impact with a small grant will soon be able to
> apply.
> But first we need the help of a few volunteers to manage the project. What
> do we expect of you?
> 1) Running the call for projects
> 2) Making a selection of about ten projects
> 3) Following up with the selected projects
> Anyone can apply to be on the selection committee, and the Board will then
> make a selection. We are looking for people who know how the OSM community
> works, who have experience with making an impact for OSM - but also people
> with practical experience running these kinds of projects.
> The policy document [2] offers a guideline to what the Board wants to see
> happen with this project, but it leaves a lot of leeway for the committee
> to implement as they see fit. For example, the committee is expected to
> work out their own rules of order. During the entire process, you will be
> able to rely on Dorothea for administrative assistance.
> The most impactful job of the Microgrants Committee will be the selection
> itself. The decision is expected to be based on deep community
> consultation. The Board did keep a veto right over the selected
> applications.
> The committee is also expected to guide the projects to fruition. However,
> it is encouraged for the committee to extend the group with more
> volunteers, so as to lighten the workload and diversify points of view. For
> example, it would be really helpful to have volunteers who speak the
> language or are culturally close to the selected projects.
> When the projects are finished and have reported on their experience, the
> Committee is almost done. A final task will be to make recommendations to
> the Board for the next phase of the Microgrants project - we've only just
> begun!
> Send your application to join the Microgrants Committee to
> by March 8th.
> All relevant information will be accessible through the OSMF wiki at
> 1.
> 2:
> All the best,
> Joost
> for the OSMF Board
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] JOSM version 15927 traduction du changelog

2020-02-25 Per discussione leni


L'équipe de JOSM a mis en place la version stable de février.
Une version corrective 15927 a été publiée - vérifiez que c'est bien 
cette version qui est installée sur votre micro.

La traduction du Changelog correspondant est à cette adresse 
(le lien vers l’original anglais est en haut à droite de la page)

Les remarques éventuelles sur cette traduction sont les bienvenues.

Bonnes contributions


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: key denomination=roman_catholic

2020-02-25 Per discussione Fra Mauro
Stando a
spesso per "chiesa cattolica di rito ortodosso" si intende quella che più 
propriamente si definisce "Chiesa cattolica di rito bizantino".
Sulle chiese non cattoliche non sono informato 

Il 25 Febbraio 2020 10:32:17 CET, Luigi Toscano  ha 
>Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:
>> Am Mo., 24. Feb. 2020 um 14:10 Uhr schrieb Simone Saviolo
>> Il giorno lun 24 feb 2020 alle ore 12:58 Martin Koppenhoefer
>>>> ha
>> Am Mo., 24. Feb. 2020 um 10:42 Uhr schrieb Simone Saviolo
>> In Italia le Chiese cattoliche operano principalmente su
>tre riti:
>> romano, ambrosiano e orientale. In più ci sono altri riti
>> a piccole comunità. 
>> infatti, ci sono altre "denomination" cattoliche (per esempio
>> russian_orthodox / orthodox, greek_othodox,
>> Gli ortodossi non sono cattolici. Forse intendevi dire "altre
>> denominazioni cristiane". 
>> no, intendevo proprio dire altri cattolici. Loro dicono di loro che
>> cattolici (i papa credo dice di no, ma questo è un altro discorso).
>È vero, ma qui andiamo rapidamente fuori tema, e dipende
>dall'etimologia del
>termine. In ogni caso, semplificando, nel contesto di OSM "catholic"
>vuol dire
>le chiese in comunione con il papa di Roma.
>La pagina wiki su denomination è abbastanza chiara nella divisione in
>Tra quelli citati da Martin ci sono denominazioni non cattoliche, e
>visto la
>discussione, secondo me è meglio evitare di toccare troppo quei valori
>se non
>si è troppo sicuri.
>Talk-it mailing list

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: key denomination=roman_catholic

2020-02-25 Per discussione Luigi Toscano
Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:
> Am Mo., 24. Feb. 2020 um 14:10 Uhr schrieb Simone Saviolo
> Il giorno lun 24 feb 2020 alle ore 12:58 Martin Koppenhoefer
>>> ha scritto:
> Am Mo., 24. Feb. 2020 um 10:42 Uhr schrieb Simone Saviolo
> In Italia le Chiese cattoliche operano principalmente su tre riti:
> romano, ambrosiano e orientale. In più ci sono altri riti limitati
> a piccole comunità. 
> infatti, ci sono altre "denomination" cattoliche (per esempio
> russian_orthodox / orthodox, greek_othodox, armenian_catholic,...):
> Gli ortodossi non sono cattolici. Forse intendevi dire "altre
> denominazioni cristiane". 
> no, intendevo proprio dire altri cattolici. Loro dicono di loro che sono
> cattolici (i papa credo dice di no, ma questo è un altro discorso).

È vero, ma qui andiamo rapidamente fuori tema, e dipende dall'etimologia del
termine. In ogni caso, semplificando, nel contesto di OSM "catholic" vuol dire
le chiese in comunione con il papa di Roma.
La pagina wiki su denomination è abbastanza chiara nella divisione in gruppi:

Tra quelli citati da Martin ci sono denominazioni non cattoliche, e visto la
discussione, secondo me è meglio evitare di toccare troppo quei valori se non
si è troppo sicuri.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 3/1 京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第18回 網野町

2020-02-25 Per discussione yasunari yamashita

今週末の 3/1 に

イベント詳細と参加申し込みは connpass にて

2020年2月2日(日) 1:51 yasunari yamashita :
> 山下です。
> 皆さんこんにちわ。
> 3月のの京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティは、
> 再び丹後を訪れて浦島太郎の帰ってきたまち網野町。
> イベント詳細と参加申し込みは connpass にて
> 皆様の参加をお待ちしています!!
> --
> 山下康成@京都府向日市

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: key denomination=roman_catholic

2020-02-25 Per discussione Luigi Toscano
Fra Mauro ha scritto:
> Se capisco bene dalla wiki, questa :
> che è 
> della
> ReligioneCristiana cattolica di rito greco-melchita, sarebbe:
> denomination=greek_catholic
> Corretto?

Sì, esatto. La chiesa cattolica greco-melchita, generalizzando, fa parte della
famiglia dei greco-cattolici (rito bizantino).

C'è da dire che la pagina su description del wiki riporta alcune varianti più
specifiche in alcuni casi (vedi ukrainian_greek_catholic), ma non è il caso
per i melkiti, quindi il generico (ma meno generico :) greek_catholic va bene:
(solo sezione "Churches and rites in union with the Catholic Church").


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] Digital environmentalism

2020-02-25 Per discussione Gerry McGovern

I will be giving a series of talks this year at An Event Apart
( The talk title is "World Wide Waste," and will
examine the impact digital is having on the environment and proposes ways
digital can be more environmentally friendly. I'd like to propose
OpenStreetMap as a more environmentally friendly option than Google Maps.
Can anyone help me with good arguments? 






Gerry McGovern +353 87 238 6136


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] emergenza coronavirus

2020-02-25 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
per quel che ho visto oggi, dataset numeri civici provincia di Lodi

49k nodi di cui:
8k civico "0" senza subalterni
7k civico "0" con subalterni (praticamente tutti i nodi con subalterno
non hanno numero)

Il giorno mar 25 feb 2020 alle ore 00:27 Cascafico Giovanni
 ha scritto:
> Nel dataset ci sono sicuramente. mi pare di averne processati.
> Domani controllo e risolvo anche il addr:postcode
> Il lun 24 feb 2020, 19:00 Damjan Gerl  ha scritto:
>> Mi sembra anche strano che non ci sia nessun numero con lettera a/b/c... Non 
>> ci sono veramente oppure mancano?
>> Damjan
>> Francesco Ansanelli je 24.2.2020 ob 18:53 napisal:
>> Ciao
>> Il lun 24 feb 2020, 15:58 Cascafico Giovanni  ha 
>> scritto:
>>> Qui [1] trovate l'audit (revisione condivisa) per i numeri civici di
>>> Codogno. I dati sono dal portale opendata Lombardia, dataset provincia
>>> di Lodi. Non ho ancora redatto la wiki per l'import (con la relativa
>>> procedura, link, definizione di licenze). In ogni caso può essere
>>> utile per una valutazione collettiva deilla qualità.
>> La qualità sembra buona, ma andrebbero prima estratti ed unificati i nomi 
>> delle strade, es.
>> "Via C.G. Bignami" <> "Via Bignami" (su OSM)
>> Se no ci troviamo dei civici non associati e nomi non in linea con le 
>> direttive Istat.
>> Francesco
>>> [1]
>>> Il giorno lun 24 feb 2020 alle ore 12:46 mbranco2 
>>> ha scritto:
>>> >
>>> > Migliorare la mappatura di quelle zone è comunque di utilità generale, 
>>> > male non fa..
>>> >
>>> > Il giorno lun 24 feb 2020 alle ore 12:08 Martin Koppenhoefer 
>>> >  ha scritto:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> sent from a phone
>>> >>
>>> >> > On 24. Feb 2020, at 11:57, Cascafico Giovanni  
>>> >> > wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Personalmente non saprei quali integrazioni possano essere al momento
>>> >> > utili per qs emergenza
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> infatti, da fuori lo vedo impossibile in mancanza di informazioni 
>>> >> attuali di aiutare con la mappatura. Un scopo potrebbe essere di 
>>> >> migliorare la mappa “generica” (edifici) in vista di un’attenzione 
>>> >> mediatica cresciuta, per dare supporto ai giornalisti, ma temo, 
>>> >> purtroppo, che per gli abitanti di questi posti non sarà di grande aiuto 
>>> >> concreto...
>>> >>
>>> >> Ciao Martin
>>> >> ___
>>> >> Talk-it mailing list
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > Talk-it mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Talk-it mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list

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