On 2013-03-18 10:39, � wrote :

I keep you inform: we have a next appointment with SPW (Service public de Wallonie) on Friday. We will discuss with the "top manager" (le directeur de la géomatique) about applying an open licence on some data published on the brand new "geoportail" (http://geoportail.wallonie.be). eMerzh, Benoit Coumont and I will be present there.

Last October, we met them for a first time. We were planning to discuss opening some orthophoto and a address' database for beginning during 2013.

I was also thinking about something: the Natura 2000 sites are, in Wallonia, designated by decrees. Those are in public domain (are they?). A map of the Natura 2000 areas are joined to the decree (see an example here : http://environnement.wallonie.be/legis/consnat/natura001.htm, annexe 2)

Should we not consider those data are in public domain ?
Good news.
My opinion is that we should ask at least /the same as in France/ (special permission to OSM). That is, full use of the base map and PICC restricted to mapping OSM only (no other uses, especially commercial). Generally, other maps (overlays) should be available too, but the SPW may put restrictions on some of them.
Including the publication on the WMS server ?
1) which?
there are several servers and the latest seems to be http://geoportail.wallonie.be indeed
But it would be nice if the others were available too.
2) but how?
I see that all the Flemish servers implement WMS and TMS access in various EPSGs, principally 4326 and 31370. geoportail is an ArgGIS API server and it mostly implements only ArcGIS export in 31370 for most of the maps.
Only a few maps are served in WMS and only in EPSG 3170.
ArcGIS export is much like WMS, but just a little bit incompatible, as the just a little bit pregnant girl. As JOSM requires WMS 4326, the second request is to turn on WMS and 4326 in the servers. 3) I once reported that a SPW server claims to support 4326 but that it doesn't (a bug blocking clients).
No reply.
People inquired about the legality of using the server.
No reply.
Lately, a friend about displaying SPW maps in public.
No reply.
A third request would be a minimum support.
As we are sort of organized, a question would normally be asked once and the answer posted here.
Can't we integrate those data into OSM'database, with specific tags ? Having a link to the [fiche descriptive] here : http://biodiversite.wallonie.be/fr/rechercher-un-site-interessant-ou-protege.html?IDC=2828&TYPE_N2000=site_n2000 ?

Searching on the wiki, I read that something has already the same idea on a meeting on 12th September (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/Activities/2012-09-12-namur)

Les données Natura 2000 (Région wallonne) sont déjà libres et réutilisables. Les PICverts seraient potentiellement libérables, voir avec F.L..
What do you think ?
Hoping this will Inspire you ;-)

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