[OSM-talk] W3C - OGC Joint Online Workshop on Web Maps - September 21st - October 2nd 2020

2020-05-08 Per discussione Rushforth, Peter (NRCAN/RNCAN) via talk

I apologize for emailing you directly, possibly duplicating communications that 
you may have already received.

I would like to draw your attention to the recently re-opened call for 
positions or presentations for a joint W3C - OGC online workshop on 
standardizing maps for the Web, to be held during 
the weeks of Sept 21st through October 2nd 2020.

In light of current circumstances, we've redesigned the structure of the 
workshop to optimize for remote, global participation. Instead of a few days of 
tightly scheduled sessions, we are planning to distribute the video-conference 
presentations over two weeks, in late September 2020, with written discussion 
to continue through October, so that everyone has a chance to catch up & 
comment on the discussion topics.

The goal of the workshop series is to start a conversation between web map 
creators, geospatial experts, and web standards editors and web browser 
developers, about how standardization can improve web mapping, for creators and 
for end users.

While the range of topics that can be addressed by participants is very broad, 
we are requesting presentations that specifically relate their content to the 
central topic of Web map standardization, such as accessibility, 
internationalization, discovery, privacy, security, extensibility etc.

We also want to continue with the original plan to have "hack" sessions, where 
community members can welcome new contributors to their open-source projects. 
The full details are still being worked out, and feedback or suggestions are 

The deadline for proposals is June 30th, so that we have plenty of time to 
arrange a full agenda before September.  It would also be helpful, if you are 
interested, if you could fill in the registration 
form sooner rather than later, so 
that we know who is interested, and what you're interested in.

Please, share the news about the workshop within your organizations and 
communities, and with anyone else you think would be interested in improving 
maps on the web.

Please feel free to contact me directly, or to email the program 
 with any questions you may have.

Warm regards,


Peter Rushforth

Co-Chair, Program Committee

W3C - OGC Joint Online Workshop on Web Maps

Technology Advisor

Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation

Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada

 / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique

Centre canadien de cartographie et d'observation de la Terre

Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

 / Tél: 613-759-7915

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] W3C Maps on the Web workshop

2020-01-28 Per discussione Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan)
Dear Open Street Map community,

I apologize if you are seeing this email for a second time. I sent it 
originally to the talk-ca list, and I was advised that this list might be more 

My name is Peter Rushforth, and I'm with the Canada Centre for Mapping and 
Earth Observation, at Natural Resources Canada (a Canadian government 
department).  We are planning a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) workshop on 
maps in the Web platform (specifically HTML), together with the W3C and the 
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).  The workshop will be collocated with the OGC 
Technical Committee meeting, June 15-17 2020 in Montreal, Quebec.

I am sending this email to see if Open Street Map (especially the Web client 
development teams) might be interested in being invited to participate (by 
presenting a short position paper, in person) in this workshop on the concept 
of better integrating mapping into the Web platform standards, and if so, how 
does Open Street Map see this.  Even if you believe that the Web platform 
standards are already good enough for mapping, it might be worthwhile staking 
that out as a position. If you are interested, though, we would certainly 
welcome OSM to also be part of the program committee.

The objective of the workshop will be to start the conversation between the 
geospatial (and geospatial standards) and Web platform communities, about how 
Web standards could better serve the needs of Web mapping and most especially 
users of Web maps and the Web in general.

Some topics of potential interest include:

  *   a native map viewer, similar to that provided for video content
  *   standards for how such a map widget might integrate with map services and 
  *   accessibility of browser maps
  *   privacy of user location information
  *   security of browser-based maps
  *   Integration / relationship of maps and location with other browser APIs, 
e.g. geo-video, geolocation API, forms, SVG
  *   crawling, indexing and searching map information
  *   standardized browser elements and APIs
  *   CSS styling of maps and map features
  *   Map feature creation / input forms
  *   federated map services with linking - aka the Web

Mostly the agenda will be driven by position papers, and what organizations 
like yours want to discuss.  If OSM is interested in sending one or two people 
to present a position, please reply directly to me, and I will ensure that you 
/ they are invited.


Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
peter.rushfo...@canada.ca / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d'observation de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
peter.rushfo...@canada.ca / Tél: 613-759-7915

talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] W3C Maps on the Web workshop

2020-01-28 Per discussione Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan)
Dear Open Street Map community,

I apologize if this email gets duplicated. I sent it once without joining the 
list.  Please ignore a second version if it gets released.

My name is Peter Rushforth, and I'm with the Canada Centre for Mapping and 
Earth Observation, at Natural Resources Canada (a Canadian government 
department).  We are planning a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) workshop on 
maps in the Web platform (specifically HTML), together with the W3C and the 
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).  The workshop will be collocated with the OGC 
Technical Committee meeting, June 15-17 2020 in Montreal, Quebec.

I am sending this email to see if Open Street Map (especially the Web client 
development teams) might be interested in being invited to participate (by 
presenting a short position paper, in person) in this workshop on the concept 
of better integrating mapping into the Web platform standards, and if so, how 
does Open Street Map see this.  Even if you believe that the Web platform 
standards are already good enough for mapping, it might be worthwhile staking 
that out as a position. If you are interested, though, we would certainly 
welcome OSM to also be part of the program committee.

The objective of the workshop will be to start the conversation between the 
geospatial (and geospatial standards) and Web platform communities, about how 
Web standards could better serve the needs of Web mapping and most especially 
users of Web maps and the Web in general.

Some topics of potential interest include:

  *   a native map viewer, similar to that provided for video content
  *   standards for how such a map widget might integrate with map services and 
  *   accessibility of browser maps
  *   privacy of user location information
  *   security of browser-based maps
  *   Integration / relationship of maps and location with other browser APIs, 
e.g. geo-video, geolocation API, forms, SVG
  *   crawling, indexing and searching map information
  *   standardized browser elements and APIs
  *   CSS styling of maps and map features
  *   Map feature creation / input forms
  *   federated map services with linking - aka the Web

Mostly the agenda will be driven by position papers, and what organizations 
like yours want to discuss.  If OSM is interested in sending one or two people 
to present a position, please reply directly to me, and I will ensure that you 
/ they are invited.


Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
peter.rushfo...@canada.ca / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d'observation de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
peter.rushfo...@canada.ca / Tél: 613-759-7915

Talk-ca mailing list