[Talk-es] OSM - Madrid - bicicleta (puentes y pasarelas)

2011-05-11 Per discussione Vaidila Kungys
Quiero saber si unos de ustedes de Madrid podrían colaborar para mejorar el
mapa de OSM en respecto a la bicicleta.

Queremos incluir *puentes/pasarelas que permiten las bicis (bicycle=allowed)
y las conecciones a las calles*. Todas cruzan la autovía de circunvalación
M30 que rodea la ciudad, aunque no conozco yo la area bien...

En el caso del tramo con río se ha soterrado por completo y es todo un área
peatonal y para bicis. Son un montón.


Ride the City (www.ridethecity.com)  Open Street Map
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] Madrid por bici - calles tranquilas y las pasarelas

2011-04-06 Per discussione Vaidila Kungys
Quisiera saber si hay un/unos voluntarios en Madrid interesados en colaborar
con nosotros para mejorar OSM para que las bicis tengan mejor conecciones en
el mapa. Nos anudaría a nosotros (http://es.ridethecity.com/madrid) y todos
los ciclistas de la Ciudad.

Que necesitamos hacer? 1) Agregar etiquetas de bicycle=designated a la lista
de calles tranquilas abajo (#1), (gracias a nuestros amigos de Espormadrid),
y 2) Agregar las pasarelas (#2 abajo, pero en lugar de Google Maps,
usaríamos el de Yahoo).

De Espormadrid.es:
1. Nosotros hemos elaborado un plano de calles tranquilas en el que además
de las rutas del ayuntamiento se incluyen calles fáciles, con poco tráfico y
pendiente moderada, señalando tramos con pendientes fuertes:
Estaría muy bien que incorporarais esta información a vuestro proyecto.

2. Falta en vuestro mapa muchas pasarelas para peatones y bicis que cruzan
por autopistas, sobre todo en el río y en la autopista M30 que rodea la
ciudad. En este enlace hay una foto aérea de 2010 de Madrid, más actual que
Google Maps, donde se pueden ver todas las pasarelas.
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] Carriles de bici - Murcia

2011-04-04 Per discussione Vaidila Kungys
Estoy trabajando con la Consejería de Obras Publicas de la Comunidad
Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y querremos importar los carriles/vias de
bicicleta de su sitio web (http://www.bicicarm.es/mapa_completo) a OSM.

Alguienes quieren ayudarnos? No tengo experiencia con esto.

Querremos hacer Ride the City (www.ridethecity.com) por esa comunidad (como
hicimos por Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Sevilla, y Zaragoza).

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-ca] Ride the City - Montreal

2010-10-06 Per discussione Vaidila Kungys
Attention Montreal Mappers and Bicycle Advocates (and Ottawa/Vancouver),
I'd like to let you know that we're working on Ride the City - Montreal.
Here's the test/temporary URL:
http://www.ridethecity.com/?region=montreal. We'd like to ask interested
bicyclists and mappers that while mapping, please keep in mind bicycle
connections to help us improve Ride the City - Montreal as well as other
cities we'll be working on soon (Ottawa and Vancouver)?

Useful corrections to OSM include:

   - adding or correcting street and track/cycleway names
   - adding bike facilities where needed/missing (
   - correcting highway types so we know which streets are quiet and bike
   friendly (e.g. residential vs. motorway, primary, etc:
   - specifying incline=* (e.g. incline=9% or incline=-9% where there are
   steep hills: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:incline)
   - ensuring nodes connect streets to cycleways in the right places (and
   that nodes don't exist where connections should not exist)
   - if bicycles are not allowed, correctly tagging highways and tracks with
   bicycle=no where bikes aren't allowed (especially where it's not obvious).

Thank you for all your work. Please pass this on and feel free to let us
know if you have any recommendations for Ride the City.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Talk-au Digest, Vol 39, Issue 18

2010-09-21 Per discussione Vaidila Kungys
Re: Tags for bike-friendly streets.

Thanks for your input. We're going to go with Richard's suggestion to
stick with the verifiable tags like maxspeed and traffic:hourly. We
would also support the use of the proposed shoulder tag
(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shoulder), but obviously that
hasn't been approved by the community so if you'd like to hold off on
applying it, that's fine.

Here's the temporary URL for the Brisbane project, in case you want to
spread the word to get OSM bicyclists improving the data:

We're in the process of making some of these changes ourselves and
would welcome any and all assistance! Useful corrections would be:
- adding or correcting street and track/cycleway names
- adding bike facilities where needed/missing
- correcting highway types e.g. residential vs. primary, secondary, etc.
- specifying incline=* e.g. incline=9% or incline=-9% where there are
steep hills
- ensuring nodes connect highways to cycleways in the right places
(and that nodes don't exist where connections should not exist)
- correctly tagging highways and tracks with bicycle=no where bikes
aren't allowed (and where it's not obvious).

Our routing system does not refresh from OSM immediately. Initially
we'll refresh every few days and as it becomes more stable, we'll
probably refresh once a week.

Vaidila  Jordan

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM, talk-au-requ...@openstreetmap.org wrote:

 Send Talk-au mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Talk-au digest...

 Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Tags for bicycle friendly streets (Ride the City -
  Brisbane) (Emilie Laffray)
   2. Re: Tags for bicycle friendly streets (Ride the City -
  Brisbane) (Richard Fairhurst)
   3. Re: Tags for bicycle friendly streets (Ride the City -
  Brisbane) (Ben Kelley)


 Message: 1
 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:59:00 +0100
 From: Emilie Laffray emilie.laff...@gmail.com
 To: Lachlan Rogers lach...@rogers.name
 Cc: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [talk-au] Tags for bicycle friendly streets (Ride the
City -  Brisbane)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 On 20 September 2010 11:39, Lachlan Rogers lach...@rogers.name wrote:

  I've seen a few similar proposals come and go. Where did
  cyclerating=* come from - did you just invent it? It would be much
  better to combine forces with at least one existing proposal if
  The idea would be a good one in Canberra.  I'd be happy to use the
  cyclerating tag, but would also be interested in reading about some of
  other proposals.  Where can I find them?

 I would suggest talking about it internationally as one website
 www.geovelo.fr is already using some similar concepts through not tagging.
 am sure they would be happy to have a coherent proposal put into place.
 be aware that you will probably run into some discussion on tagging about
 the relativeness of that kind of tagging i.e. like the smoothness debate.
 It is likely to be a highly contentious proposal idea.

 Emilie Laffray
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 Message: 2
 Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 05:31:18 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.net
 To: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [talk-au] Tags for bicycle friendly streets (Ride the
City -  Brisbane)
 Message-ID: 1284985878337-5550245.p...@n2.nabble.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 Vaidila Kungys wrote:
  We would like to ask you to tag any street with the following ratings
  so that we have more information for better routing. These ratings
  should be based upon your preference and experience of the streets:

 Please please please please don't do this.

 OSM tags are meant to be impartial and verifiable. Subjective ratings don't
 work: a 1 for a hardened city commuter (hey, this street?lets me get to
 work faster, and there are no awkward cycle facilities to negotiate) might
 be a 5 for a novice cyclist.

 As an example, I'm an area ranger for the National Cycle Network over here
 in Oxfordshire (UK) and we maintain a lovely set of leisure routes. I'd
 definitely rate them as 1. But if you search any UK cycling forum (for
 example, yacf.co.uk

[talk-au] Tags for bicycle friendly streets (Ride the City - Brisbane)

2010-09-13 Per discussione Vaidila Kungys
Brisbane OSM bicyclists,
We're working on bringing Ride the City (www.ridethecity.com) to Brisbane.
We're doing this completely through OSM for Brisbane (for other cities in
we've used non-OSM data for routing). We'd love to get your help. Aside from
making sure that streets are connected to cycle paths, you can help by
adding tags to streets that are good or poor for cycling, whether or not
they have a cycle track or lane.

We would like to ask you to tag any street with the following ratings so
that we have more information for better routing. These ratings should be
based upon your preference and experience of the streets:

cyclerating = 1 (this means the street is very good for bicycling, it
probably has less traffic)
cyclerating = 2 (the street is good for cycling)
cyclerating = 3 (the street is an average street for cycling)
cyclerating = 4 (the street is poor for cycling, perhaps too busy or rough)
cyclerating = 5 (the street is dangerous for cyclists and should be avoided)

By the way, our geographic scope includes about a 40 km circle around
Brisbane, so feel free to tag streets well outside of Brisbane proper. Pass
it on.

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