[Talk-pe] Maritime border of Peru

2017-08-01 Per discussione jc86035

I have asked a question at
relating to the maritime boundary of Peru in OSM, which might actually
display the EEZ instead of actual territorial waters. It would be nice
to have additional input.


Talk-pe mailing list

[OSM-talk] Strange SVG export

2017-04-21 Per discussione jc86035
I tried exporting from this link
but for some reason the metro station names are rendered badly. This
doesn't happen at 1:2. Is there a reason for this?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Website map image export down?

2017-03-16 Per discussione jc86035
I've tried exporting maps from the Share tab on the website today, but
it keeps giving me a "Missing or invalid token" error. Is the export
function down, and is there another way to export arbitrary maps in the
default OSM style (preferably in SVG)?


talk mailing list

[Talk-transit] Public transport time information in OSM

2016-11-20 Per discussione jc86035
(Testing. Is this how a mailing list works?)

Would it be possible to do it using something similar to the opening
hours tagging schema (with key:times or key:schedule)?

>Dear Felix,
>> As far as I have understood, the discussion of having time
information in OSM has been going back and forth for years. And I'd also
be a supporter of having this model included in OSM.
>> But - another idea - what about storing public transport time
information separately, but also with an open license? OSM is not just
the core project, there are so many good solutions in the bigger OSM
family (See the routing engines, JOSM, export tool,  openaerialmap.org,
etc.. long list here). We could be a lot more flexible in a project
dedicated to store time information based on OSM stops (osm_id would be
the good identifier): I'm thinking about a (web) service, provide a
database instance, with an easy  REST API to store and query data,
probably some editors (web interface, JOSM plugin,...). We could query
OSM public transport stops (by osm id), put them into the database and
add/edit time information on it collaboratively, implement imports and
exports (GTFS)  and different schedule data models. Of course I'm
describing it very simply, but the basic idea is: Why fight to have it
inside the OSM data model, if we could create a decent service around it?
>I am also interested in making a public transport routing software for
my town, and need a place to store those time information (including
frequency-based metro routes and fixed time bus routes). I don't think
that OSM can store these data and may develop a web interface for
crowd-sourcing those in the future.

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